英検2級 大学受験 英単語フロージョン ②

TEX 二井原

TEX 二井原




・2級 :約3,800~5,100語(高卒程度)
・1級 :約10,000~15,000語(大卒程度)



★《英検2級》=《高校英語》= 約5000語レベル 





●《active vocabulary》: 能動語彙

●《passive vocabulary》: 受動語彙


《 脳内 Flow 》が爆発的に生じます。

《 英単語 FLOWSION 》

21. borrow:

借りる:lend, take a loan, obtain temporarily
The company decided to borrow funds to finance the expansion project.

★ <Synonymous Alternatives>:
The company opted to secure funds through borrowing for the expansion project.
To fund the expansion project, the company made the decision to borrow.
Borrowing funds was the chosen method for financing the company's expansion project.
The decision to borrow funds was made to support the financing of the expansion project.

★ <Rephrased Structure>:
Financing the expansion project was deemed achievable through borrowing funds.
The company arrived at the decision to use borrowed funds for the financing of the expansion project.
The company resolved to obtain funds through borrowing to fuel the expansion project.
A decision was made to borrow funds as the means of financing the company's expansion project.

★ <Variation in Intensity>:
The company made a strategic decision to actively seek funds through borrowing for the expansion project.
Borrowing funds was a deliberate and calculated choice for financing the ambitious expansion project.
The decision to borrow funds was driven by a strong commitment to financing the expansive expansion project.
The company decided to proactively pursue borrowed funds with a heightened focus on financing the extensive expansion project.

★ <Focus on Financial Strategy>:
As part of the financial strategy, the company opted to borrow funds for the expansion project.
The company strategically chose to borrow funds as part of its financial approach to the expansion project.
Incorporating borrowing into the financial plan, the company aimed to fund the expansion project.
Borrowing funds was a deliberate financial move made by the company to facilitate the expansion project.

● borrow: to take or obtain something with the intention of returning it

・borrow a tool: 道具を借りる
・borrow ideas: アイデアを借りる
・borrow time: 時間を稼ぐ
・borrow a concept: 概念を借りる
・borrow from a friend: 友達から借りる

22. break:

壊す:damage, shatter, destroy
It's important to follow safety guidelines to avoid breakage.

★ <Synonymous Alternatives>:
Adhering to safety guidelines is crucial to prevent breakage.
To prevent breakage, it's essential to observe safety guidelines.
Following safety guidelines is key to avoiding the occurrence of breakage.
Prevention of breakage relies on the adherence to safety guidelines.

★ <Rephrased Structure>:
To steer clear of breakage, it's crucial to adhere to safety guidelines.
Safety guidelines should be followed to minimize the risk of breakage.
The avoidance of breakage is contingent on the observance of safety guidelines.
Adherence to safety guidelines is a necessary step to sidestep breakage.

★ <Variation in Intensity>:
Vigilantly following safety guidelines is paramount to completely avoid breakage.
The strict observance of safety guidelines is imperative to prevent any breakage.
The avoidance of breakage requires a meticulous and unwavering commitment to following safety guidelines.
To entirely eliminate the risk of breakage, it's essential to rigorously adhere to safety guidelines.

★ <Focus on Prevention>:
The primary goal is to proactively prevent breakage by following safety guidelines.
Following safety guidelines serves as a proactive measure to prevent breakage.
The emphasis is on using safety guidelines as a preventive measure to avoid breakage.
Prevention is achieved through the conscientious adherence to safety guidelines, reducing the likelihood of breakage.

● break: to cause damage or separation by force

・break a glass: グラスを割る
・break a promise: 約束を破る
・break the news: ニュースを伝える
・break a record: 記録を破る
・break a habit: 習慣を断つ

23. calculate:

計算する:compute, figure out, estimate
It's important to calculate the cost before starting a construction project.

★ <Synonymous Alternatives>:
Adhering to safety guidelines is crucial to prevent breakage.
To prevent breakage, it's essential to observe safety guidelines.
Following safety guidelines is key to avoiding the occurrence of breakage.
Prevention of breakage relies on the adherence to safety guidelines.

★ <Rephrased Structure>:
To steer clear of breakage, it's crucial to adhere to safety guidelines.
Safety guidelines should be followed to minimize the risk of breakage.
The avoidance of breakage is contingent on the observance of safety guidelines.
Adherence to safety guidelines is a necessary step to sidestep breakage.

★ <Variation in Intensity>:
Vigilantly following safety guidelines is paramount to completely avoid breakage.
The strict observance of safety guidelines is imperative to prevent any breakage.
The avoidance of breakage requires a meticulous and unwavering commitment to following safety guidelines.
To entirely eliminate the risk of breakage, it's essential to rigorously adhere to safety guidelines.

★ <Focus on Preventio>:
The primary goal is to proactively prevent breakage by following safety guidelines.
Following safety guidelines serves as a proactive measure to prevent breakage.
The emphasis is on using safety guidelines as a preventive measure to avoid breakage.
Prevention is achieved through the conscientious adherence to safety guidelines, reducing the likelihood of breakage.

● calculate: to determine through mathematical or logical methods

・calculate expenses: 費用を計算する
・calculate profit: 利益を計算する
・calculate the area: 面積を計算する
・calculate interest: 利子を計算する
・calculate the odds: オッズを計算する

24. cancel:

取り消す:call off, annul, revoke
The meeting was canceled at the last minute due to unforeseen circumstances.

★ <Synonymous Alternatives>:
Due to unexpected events, the meeting was canceled at the last minute.
Unforeseen circumstances led to the last-minute cancellation of the meeting.
The meeting had to be canceled unexpectedly at the last minute due to unforeseen events.
Unexpected developments resulted in the last-minute cancellation of the meeting.

★ <Rephrased Structure>:
The meeting's cancellation at the last minute was a result of unforeseen circumstances.
Unforeseen events emerged, prompting the last-minute cancellation of the meeting.
Last-minute cancellation occurred due to circumstances that were unforeseen.
Unanticipated developments led to the meeting being canceled at the last minute.

★ <Variation in Intensity>:
The meeting had to be abruptly canceled at the last minute due to unforeseen and significant circumstances.
The last-minute cancellation was a direct consequence of sudden and unforeseen events.
Unforeseen and impactful circumstances led to the sudden cancellation of the meeting at the last minute.
The cancellation, occurring at the last minute, was a result of unforeseen and consequential events.

★ <Focus on Timing>:
Due to unforeseen circumstances, the meeting was canceled unexpectedly right before it was scheduled to take place.
The last-minute cancellation was a direct result of unforeseen circumstances arising just before the meeting.
The meeting's cancellation occurred at the very last minute due to unforeseen developments.
Unforeseen circumstances prompted the cancellation of the meeting, occurring abruptly just before its scheduled time.

● cancel: to annul or call off an event, reservation, or agreement

・cancel a reservation: 予約を取り消す
・cancel a contract: 契約を破棄する
・cancel a meeting: 会議を中止する
・cancel plans: 予定を取り消す
・cancel a subscription: 定期購読をキャンセルする

25. celebrate:

祝う:commemorate, rejoice, honor
The team gathered to celebrate the successful completion of the project.

★ <Synonymous Alternatives>:
The team came together to rejoice in the successful completion of the project.
Celebrating the successful conclusion of the project, the team assembled.
The team convened to mark the accomplishment of the project's successful completion.
Gathering together, the team commemorated the successful completion of the project.

★ <Rephrased Structure>:
The team gathered to mark the project's completion with success.
Coming together, the team celebrated the project's successful conclusion.
To acknowledge the success of completing the project, the team convened.
The team assembled to recognize and celebrate the successful wrap-up of the project.

★ <Variation in Intensity>:
The team enthusiastically came together to jubilantly celebrate the highly successful completion of the project.
Celebrating with great enthusiasm, the team marked the exceptionally successful conclusion of the project.
The team's gathering was marked by high spirits as they celebrated the resounding success of completing the project.
With great excitement and joy, the team gathered to commemorate the outstanding success of the project's completion.

★ <Focus on Achievement>:
The team gathered to reflect on and celebrate the notable achievement of successfully completing the project.
The meeting was dedicated to recognizing and celebrating the remarkable accomplishment of project completion.
The team assembled to acknowledge the significant achievement represented by the successful completion of the project.
Gathering together, the team took a moment to celebrate the project's completion as a noteworthy accomplishment.

● celebrate: to observe or commemorate a special event with joy

・celebrate a birthday: 誕生日を祝う
・celebrate a victory: 勝利を祝う
・celebrate achievements: 成果を祝う
・celebrate a milestone: 重要な出来事を祝う
・celebrate cultural diversity: 文化の多様性を祝う

26. challenge:

課題、挑戦:difficulty, obstacle, test
Facing adversity can be viewed as an opportunity for personal growth and challenge.

★ <Synonymous Alternatives>:
Confronting challenges can be seen as a chance for personal development and growth.
Viewing adversity as an opportunity presents the prospect for personal growth and challenge.
Adversity can be regarded as a platform for personal growth and overcoming challenges.
Embracing adversity offers the opportunity for personal development and facing challenges.

★ <Rephrased Structure>:
The encounter with adversity provides a chance for both personal growth and tackling challenges.
Adversity, when viewed positively, becomes an opportunity for personal development and challenge.
Seeing adversity in a positive light allows for personal growth and the embrace of challenges.
The experience of adversity can be reframed as an opportunity for personal growth and meeting challenges.

★ <Variation in Intensity>:
Navigating through adversity presents a profound opportunity for substantial personal growth and challenging oneself.
The transformative potential of facing adversity is immense, offering not only personal growth but also formidable challenges.
Viewing adversity as an opportunity brings forth a powerful catalyst for significant personal growth and formidable challenges.
The potential for personal growth and challenge in the face of adversity is deep and impactful.

★ <Focus on Positivity>:
The positive perspective on facing adversity lies in recognizing it as an opportunity for personal growth and embracing challenges.
Adopting a positive outlook, adversity can serve as a doorway to personal growth and challenging oneself.
A positive mindset frames adversity as a doorway to both personal growth and the embrace of challenges.
The optimistic view sees adversity as a stepping stone for personal growth and as an arena for facing challenges.

● challenge: a difficulty or test that requires effort and skill to overcome

・accept a challenge: 挑戦を受け入れる
・overcome challenges: 課題を乗り越える
・pose a challenge: 課題を提起する
・meet the challenge: 課題に対処する
・challenge oneself: 自分自身に挑戦する

27. change:

変える:alter, modify, transform
The company implemented changes to improve its efficiency.

★ <Synonymous Alternatives>:
Changes were put into effect by the company to enhance its efficiency.
The company initiated modifications to boost its operational efficiency.
Implementing changes, the company aimed to improve its overall efficiency.
Changes were enacted with the goal of increasing the company's efficiency.

★ <Rephrased Structure>:
The company carried out alterations with the objective of enhancing its efficiency.
Operational efficiency was the target as the company executed changes.
In an effort to enhance efficiency, the company introduced modifications.
The company undertook changes with the intention of improving its overall efficiency.

★ <Variation in Intensity>:
The company undertook significant changes to markedly improve its efficiency.
Implementing sweeping modifications, the company aimed at a substantial enhancement in efficiency.
The changes implemented were substantial, signifying a strong commitment to efficiency improvement.
Efforts to improve efficiency were intensified through the implementation of comprehensive changes.

★ <Focus on Effectiveness>:
The company strategically implemented changes to optimize its operational effectiveness.
Changes were strategically introduced to enhance the company's overall operational efficiency.
The focus on effectiveness was evident as the company implemented changes to improve efficiency.
Improving effectiveness was the core objective behind the company's implementation of operational changes.

● change: to make or become different; to undergo transformation

・change a plan: 計画を変更する
・change habits: 習慣を変える
・change direction: 方向を変える
・change perspective: 視点を変える
・embrace change: 変化を受け入れる

28. choose:

選ぶ:select, pick, decide on
Consumers are encouraged to choose sustainable and eco-friendly products.

★ <Synonymous Alternatives>:
Consumers are urged to opt for products that are both sustainable and environmentally friendly.
The recommendation is for consumers to select products that are eco-friendly and sustainable.
Choosing products that are sustainable and environmentally conscious is encouraged for consumers.
Consumers are advised to prefer products that align with sustainability and environmental friendliness.

★ <Rephrased Structure>:
Encouragement is given to consumers to make choices in favor of products that are both sustainable and eco-friendly.
Consumers are recommended to make selections that prioritize sustainability and environmental friendliness.
The encouragement for consumers extends towards selecting products that are both eco-friendly and sustainable.
A suggestion is made to consumers to prioritize the choice of products that are sustainable and environmentally friendly.

★ <Variation in Intensity>:
Consumers are actively encouraged to make a conscious and impactful choice by selecting sustainable and eco-friendly products.
The encouragement for consumers is heightened, emphasizing the importance of actively choosing sustainable and eco-friendly products.
Making a meaningful difference is stressed as consumers are urged to actively choose products that are both sustainable and eco-friendly.
The call to action for consumers is intensified, emphasizing the significant impact of choosing sustainable and eco-friendly products.

★ <Focus on Responsible Choices>:
Consumers are encouraged to make responsible choices by selecting products that are sustainable and eco-friendly.
The emphasis is on responsible consumer choices, with a focus on products that are both sustainable and environmentally friendly.
Making informed and responsible choices is highlighted as consumers are encouraged to choose sustainable and eco-friendly products.
The encouragement for consumers is framed within the context of promoting responsible and mindful choices, particularly in favor of sustainable and eco-friendly products.

● choose: to make a selection from multiple options; to decide on

・choose a career: キャリアを選ぶ
・choose a destination: 目的地を選ぶ
・choose a path: 道を選ぶ
・choose a leader: リーダーを選ぶ
・choose wisely: 賢明に選ぶ

29. claim:

主張する:assert, declare, state
The company was quick to claim responsibility for the product recall.

★ <Synonymous Alternatives>:
The company promptly acknowledged responsibility for the product recall.
Claiming responsibility for the product recall was a swift action by the company.
The company acted promptly in accepting responsibility for the product recall.
Quick acknowledgment of responsibility for the product recall was made by the company.

★ <Rephrased Structure>:
Swiftly claiming responsibility for the product recall, the company took immediate action.
The company acted promptly to take responsibility for the recall of the product.
Taking quick action, the company assumed responsibility for the product recall.
Immediate responsibility for the product recall was claimed by the company.

★ <Variation in Intensity>:
The company demonstrated a sense of urgency in claiming responsibility for the product recall.
The prompt claim of responsibility for the product recall reflected a strong commitment by the company.
Taking swift action, the company showcased a heightened sense of responsibility for the product recall.
The company's quick claim of responsibility underscored a proactive and committed approach to addressing the product recall.

★ <Focus on Accountability>:
The company, without delay, asserted accountability for the product recall.
A rapid acknowledgment of responsibility emphasized the company's commitment to accountability for the product recall.
The company promptly acknowledged responsibility, highlighting a commitment to being accountable for the product recall.
The focus on accountability was evident as the company quickly claimed responsibility for the product recall.

● claim: to assert the truth or right to something; to declare as one's own

・claim ownership: 所有権を主張する
・claim victory: 勝利を主張する
・claim compensation: 賠償を請求する
・claim damages: 損害を主張する
・claim authorship: 著作権を主張する

30. clarify:

明らかにする:explain, elucidate, make clear
Please clarify any uncertainties or questions you may have about the instructions.

★ <Synonymous Alternatives>:
Kindly seek clarification on any uncertainties or questions regarding the instructions.
Feel free to ask for clarification on any uncertainties or questions about the instructions.
If you have any doubts or questions about the instructions, please seek clarification.
Do not hesitate to request clarification if you have any uncertainties or questions about the instructions.

★ <Rephrased Structure>:
Clarify any uncertainties or questions you may harbor concerning the instructions.
If there are uncertainties or questions about the instructions, take a moment to seek clarification.
Feel at liberty to seek clarification on any uncertainties or questions you may have regarding the instructions.
Take the opportunity to seek clarification on any uncertainties or questions about the instructions.

★ <Variation in Intensity>:
Ensure you thoroughly understand the instructions by seeking clarification on any uncertainties or questions.
It is of utmost importance to seek clarification if there are any uncertainties or questions about the instructions.
Prioritize seeking clarification to resolve any uncertainties or questions you may have about the instructions.
Make it a priority to seek clarification on any uncertainties or questions regarding the instructions.

★ <Focus on Open Communication>:
We encourage open communication, so please share any uncertainties or questions you may have about the instructions for clarification.
Open a line of communication by clarifying any uncertainties or questions you may have about the instructions.
Promote effective communication by seeking clarification on any uncertainties or questions about the instructions.
Establish a clear understanding through open communication; feel free to clarify any uncertainties or questions about the instructions.

● clarify: to make clear or understandable; to remove confusion or ambiguity

・clarify instructions: 指示を明確にする
・clarify a point: ポイントを明らかにする
・clarify a statement: 発言を明確にする
・clarify the meaning: 意味を明確にする
・clarify doubts: 疑念を解消する

31. collect:

集める:gather, accumulate, assemble
The museum aims to collect and preserve artifacts for future generations.

★ <Synonymous Alternatives>:
Kindly seek clarification on any uncertainties or questions regarding the instructions.
Feel free to ask for clarification on any uncertainties or questions about the instructions.
If you have any doubts or questions about the instructions, please seek clarification.
Do not hesitate to request clarification if you have any uncertainties or questions about the instructions.

★ <Rephrased Structure>:
Clarify any uncertainties or questions you may harbor concerning the instructions.
If there are uncertainties or questions about the instructions, take a moment to seek clarification.
Feel at liberty to seek clarification on any uncertainties or questions you may have regarding the instructions.
Take the opportunity to seek clarification on any uncertainties or questions about the instructions.

★ <Variation in Intensity>:
Ensure you thoroughly understand the instructions by seeking clarification on any uncertainties or questions.
It is of utmost importance to seek clarification if there are any uncertainties or questions about the instructions.
Prioritize seeking clarification to resolve any uncertainties or questions you may have about the instructions.
Make it a priority to seek clarification on any uncertainties or questions regarding the instructions.

★ <Focus on Open Communication>:
We encourage open communication, so please share any uncertainties or questions you may have about the instructions for clarification.
Open a line of communication by clarifying any uncertainties or questions you may have about the instructions.
Promote effective communication by seeking clarification on any uncertainties or questions about the instructions.
Establish a clear understanding through open communication; feel free to clarify any uncertainties or questions about the instructions.

● collect: to bring or gather together into one place; to accumulate

・collect data: データを収集する
・collect information: 情報を集める
・collect memories: 思い出を集める
・collect evidence: 証拠を収集する
・collect funds: 資金を集める

32. combine:

組み合わせる:merge, mix, unite
The company plans to combine traditional methods with modern technology.

★ <Synonymous Alternatives>:
The company intends to integrate conventional approaches with contemporary technology.
Plans are in place for the company to amalgamate traditional methods and state-of-the-art technology.
The company is strategizing to blend time-honored methods with cutting-edge technology.
Integrating traditional methods with modern technology is part of the company's strategic plan.

★ <Rephrased Structure>:
Incorporating modern technology into traditional methods is part of the company's strategic planning.
The company is strategically merging traditional methods with the latest technological advancements.
Strategic planning involves combining time-tested methods with the latest in technology for the company.
The company's plan includes the integration of modern technology with conventional methods.

★ <Variation in Intensity>:
The company is actively pursuing the integration of traditional methods and modern technology for enhanced effectiveness.
Pursuing a robust approach, the company is set to intertwine traditional methods and cutting-edge technology.
The company is dedicating significant effort to seamlessly blend traditional methods with the latest technological innovations.
A focused effort is underway to seamlessly integrate traditional methods with the most advanced modern technology.

★ <Focus on Innovation>:
The company's plan reflects a commitment to innovation by combining traditional methods with modern technology.
A key aspect of the company's strategy is innovatively merging traditional methods with state-of-the-art technology.
Innovation is at the forefront as the company plans to combine traditional methods with cutting-edge technology.
Emphasizing innovation, the company is strategically integrating traditional methods with the latest advancements in technology.

● combine: to bring or mix different elements together

・combine efforts: 努力を結合する
・combine ingredients: 材料を組み合わせる
・combine strengths: 強みを結びつける
・combine forces: 力を合わせる
・combine skills: スキルを組み合わせる

33. compare:

比較する:contrast, evaluate, analyze
The research paper aimed to compare the effects of different treatments.

★ <Synonymous Alternatives>:
The company intends to integrate conventional approaches with contemporary technology.
Plans are in place for the company to amalgamate traditional methods and state-of-the-art technology.
The company is strategizing to blend time-honored methods with cutting-edge technology.
Integrating traditional methods with modern technology is part of the company's strategic plan.

★ <Rephrased Structure>:
Incorporating modern technology into traditional methods is part of the company's strategic planning.
The company is strategically merging traditional methods with the latest technological advancements.
Strategic planning involves combining time-tested methods with the latest in technology for the company.
The company's plan includes the integration of modern technology with conventional methods.

★ <Variation in Intensity>:
The company is actively pursuing the integration of traditional methods and modern technology for enhanced effectiveness.
Pursuing a robust approach, the company is set to intertwine traditional methods and cutting-edge technology.
The company is dedicating significant effort to seamlessly blend traditional methods with the latest technological innovations.
A focused effort is underway to seamlessly integrate traditional methods with the most advanced modern technology.

★ <Focus on Innovation>:
The company's plan reflects a commitment to innovation by combining traditional methods with modern technology.
A key aspect of the company's strategy is innovatively merging traditional methods with state-of-the-art technology.
Innovation is at the forefront as the company plans to combine traditional methods with cutting-edge technology.
Emphasizing innovation, the company is strategically integrating traditional methods with the latest advancements in technology.

● compare: to examine the similarities and differences between two or more things

・compare prices: 価格を比較する
・compare data: データを比較する
・compare performances: パフォーマンスを比較する
・compare results: 結果を比較する
・compare options: オプションを比較する

34. complete:

完成する:finish, conclude, fulfill
It's crucial to follow the instructions carefully to complete the experiment accurately.

★ <Synonymous Alternatives>:
Following the instructions meticulously is essential for achieving accurate results in the experiment.
It is vital to adhere closely to the instructions to ensure the precise completion of the experiment.
Careful adherence to instructions is critical for the accurate execution of the experiment.
Completing the experiment accurately relies on closely following the provided instructions.

★ <Rephrased Structure>:
To achieve accuracy in the experiment, it is crucial to carefully follow the instructions.
The precise completion of the experiment hinges on the careful following of instructions.
Accuracy in completing the experiment is dependent on the thorough following of instructions.
Careful adherence to instructions is key to achieving accuracy in the completion of the experiment.

★ <Variation in Intensity>:
Achieving accuracy is of utmost importance, emphasizing the need to meticulously follow the instructions in the experiment.
The intensity of accuracy demands a thorough and meticulous adherence to the provided instructions in the experiment.
The emphasis on achieving precise results requires a high level of attention to detail in following the instructions for the experiment.
The experiment's success is contingent upon a rigorous and meticulous following of the provided instructions to ensure accuracy.

★ <Focus on Procedure>:
Successfully completing the experiment requires a careful and precise adherence to the procedural instructions.
The procedural accuracy of the experiment is contingent upon a careful and thorough following of the instructions.
A key component of achieving accuracy in the experiment is following the procedural instructions with care.
The accurate completion of the experiment is linked to the meticulous following of procedural instructions.

● complete: to finish or bring to a conclusion

・complete a project: プロジェクトを完了する
・complete a task: タスクを完了する
・complete a form: フォームを記入する
・complete a course: コースを修了する
・complete the process: プロセスを完結させる

35. concentrate:

集中する:focus, center, direct attention
To improve productivity, it's essential to concentrate on one task at a time.

★ <Synonymous Alternatives>:
Enhancing productivity requires focusing exclusively on one task at a time.
To boost productivity, it is crucial to dedicate full attention to a single task.
Concentrating on one task at a time is essential for increasing overall productivity.
Improving productivity necessitates the exclusive concentration on individual tasks.

★ <Rephrased Structure>:
The key to productivity improvement lies in concentrating solely on one task at a time.
Productivity can be enhanced by dedicating undivided attention to each task individually.
Focusing on a single task at a time is imperative for productivity improvement.
The essential strategy for improving productivity is to concentrate on one task exclusively.

★ <Variation in Intensity>:
Maximizing productivity demands a heightened focus on individual tasks, one at a time.
A heightened level of concentration on one task at a time is crucial for optimizing productivity.
The intensity of concentration on individual tasks is a fundamental factor in maximizing productivity.
Achieving peak productivity involves an intense focus on one task at a time.

★ <Focus on Effectiveness>:
Concentrating on one task at a time is an effective approach for improving overall productivity.
The effectiveness of productivity improvement is closely tied to the focused attention on individual tasks.
To be effective in productivity enhancement, concentrate exclusively on one task at a time.
Effectively managing tasks involves concentrating on each one individually, leading to improved productivity.

● concentrate: to focus attention or effort on a particular task or activity

・concentrate on work: 仕事に集中する
・concentrate on studies: 勉強に集中する
・concentrate energy: エネルギーを集中させる
・concentrate efforts: 努力を集中させる
・concentrate on the goal: 目標に集中する

36. confirm:

確認する:verify, validate, affirm
Please confirm your attendance by replying to the invitation email.

★ <Synonymous Alternatives>:
Kindly respond to the invitation email to confirm your attendance.
Confirm your attendance by replying to the invitation email, please.
To confirm your attendance, reply to the invitation email at your earliest convenience.
Please acknowledge your attendance by responding to the invitation email.

★ <Rephrased Structure>:
Take a moment to confirm your attendance by responding to the invitation email.
Confirming your attendance can be done by replying to the invitation email.
Kindly let us know if you will attend by responding to the invitation email.
Indicate your attendance by responding directly to the invitation email.

★ <Variation in Intensity>:
It is imperative to confirm your attendance promptly by replying to the invitation email.
Your swift response to the invitation email is crucial for confirming your attendance.
Promptly confirming your attendance is highly appreciated; kindly reply to the invitation email.
Your timely confirmation, by responding to the invitation email, is of great importance.

★ <Focus on Courtesy>:
In consideration of the organizers, please reply to the invitation email to confirm your attendance.
As a courtesy, respond to the invitation email to confirm your attendance.
To ensure proper event planning, we kindly ask you to confirm your attendance by replying to the invitation email.
Confirming your attendance by replying to the invitation email is appreciated as a courteous gesture.

● confirm: to establish the truth or correctness of something; to verify

・confirm a reservation: 予約を確認する
・confirm a decision: 決定を確認する
・confirm identity: 身元を確認する
・confirm receipt: 受領を確認する
・confirm details: 詳細を確認する

37. connect:

つながる:link, join, associate
The professor explained how the historical events connect to the current situation.

★ <Synonymous Alternatives>:
The professor elucidated the link between historical events and the current situation.
Explaining the correlation, the professor detailed how historical events are connected to the present situation.
The professor clarified the connection between historical events and the current state of affairs.
In the explanation, the professor highlighted how historical events relate to the current situation.

★ <Rephrased Structure>:
Connecting historical events to the current situation was the focus of the professor's explanation.
The professor provided an explanation on how historical events are relevant to the current situation.
The explanation revolved around demonstrating the relevance of historical events to the current situation.
How historical events intertwine with the current situation was detailed in the professor's explanation.

★ <Variation in Intensity>:
The professor delved deeply into the intricate connections between historical events and the current situation.
Providing a thorough analysis, the professor explained in detail how historical events intricately connect to the current situation.
The explanation was comprehensive, offering a nuanced understanding of how historical events directly relate to the current situation.
The professor's explanation provided a nuanced and comprehensive understanding of the intricate connections between historical events and the current situation.

★ <Focus on Relevance>:
The professor emphasized the relevance of historical events by explaining how they connect to the current situation.
Highlighting the relevance, the professor explained how historical events are pertinent to the current situation.
The professor's focus was on demonstrating the ongoing relevance of historical events to the present situation.
The explanation underscored the continued relevance of historical events by connecting them to the current situation.

● connect: to link or bring together; to establish a relationship or association

・connect devices: デバイスをつなぐ
・connect ideas: アイデアを結ぶ
・connect with people: 人々とつながる
・connect the dots: 点を結ぶ
・connect to the internet: インターネットに接続する

38. consider:

考慮する:contemplate, ponder, weigh
Before making a decision, it's crucial to consider all possible outcomes.

★ <Synonymous Alternatives>:
It is essential to carefully evaluate all potential outcomes before reaching a decision.
Consideration of all potential results is crucial before making any decision.
Prior to making a decision, it is crucial to assess all possible consequences.
Giving due consideration to all possible outcomes is crucial before arriving at a decision.

★ <Rephrased Structure>:
Crucial to the decision-making process is a thorough consideration of all possible outcomes.
Before deciding, it is crucial to thoroughly ponder all conceivable results.
Carefully examining all potential consequences is a crucial step before making a decision.
The importance of considering all possible outcomes cannot be overstated before making a decision.

★ <Variation in Intensity>:
Thoroughly and comprehensively considering all possible outcomes is of utmost importance before making a decision.
The level of importance attached to considering all potential outcomes is significant before reaching a decision.
It is imperative to conduct a detailed assessment of all potential outcomes before making any decision.
The decision-making process demands a heightened emphasis on considering all possible outcomes comprehensively.

★ <Focus on Thoughtfulness>:
Making a thoughtful decision requires a careful consideration of all possible outcomes.
The emphasis is on thoughtfulness in decision-making, with a thorough consideration of all potential results.
Deliberate decision-making involves considering all possible outcomes in a thoughtful manner.
Thoughtful consideration of all potential outcomes is a crucial aspect of the decision-making process.

● consider: to think about carefully; to take into account

・consider options: オプションを考慮する
・consider feedback: フィードバックを考慮する
・consider alternatives: 代替案を考慮する
・consider the consequences: 結果を考慮する
・consider a proposal: 提案を考慮する

39. construct:

建設する:build, create, assemble
The company aims to construct environmentally sustainable buildings.

★ <Synonymous Alternatives>:
The company's goal is to build buildings that are environmentally sustainable.
Constructing environmentally sustainable buildings is the objective of the company.
The company is committed to creating buildings that adhere to environmental sustainability.
Building environmentally sustainable structures is the aim of the company.

★ <Rephrased Structure>:
The construction of buildings with a focus on environmental sustainability is the company's aim.
The company aims to create buildings that are sustainable from an environmental perspective.
Environmental sustainability in building construction is the primary goal of the company.
Creating structures with environmental sustainability is the company's primary objective.

★ <Variation in Intensity>:
The company is dedicated to the construction of buildings that actively promote environmental sustainability.
A strong commitment is in place to construct buildings that exemplify high standards of environmental sustainability.
The company's dedication to environmentally sustainable construction is underscored by a high level of commitment.
A heightened emphasis on constructing environmentally sustainable buildings is a priority for the company.

★ <Focus on Innovation>:
The company is at the forefront of innovation, aiming to construct environmentally sustainable buildings.
A focus on innovative construction methods is evident as the company aims for environmental sustainability in its buildings.
The aim to construct environmentally sustainable buildings is aligned with the company's innovative approach to construction.
Innovation in building construction methods is a key aspect of the company's goal to create environmentally sustainable buildings.

● construct: to build or create by assembling parts or elements

・construct a building: 建物を建設する
・construct a bridge: 橋を建設する
・construct a theory: 理論を構築する
・construct an argument: 議論を組み立てる
・construct a model: モデルを組み立てる

40. contain:

含む:include, hold, comprise
The box is designed to contain fragile items securely during shipping.

★ <Synonymous Alternatives>:
The design of the box ensures the secure containment of fragile items during shipping.
The box is specifically crafted to securely hold fragile items throughout the shipping process.
Designed with a focus on security, the box is meant to contain fragile items during shipping.
Secure containment of fragile items is a key feature in the design of the box for shipping.

★ <Rephrased Structure>:
The box has been designed to provide secure containment for fragile items during the shipping process.
The design of the box is aimed at securely holding fragile items throughout the duration of shipping.
Secure containment of fragile items is the intended purpose behind the design of the box for shipping.
The box's design is centered around securely containing fragile items during the shipping journey.

★ <Variation in Intensity>:
The design of the box prioritizes a high level of security for containing fragile items during the shipping process.
Emphasizing a strong commitment to security, the box is designed to securely hold fragile items during shipping.
The design places a heightened emphasis on ensuring the utmost security in containing fragile items during shipping.
A focus on providing maximum security underscores the design of the box for securely shipping fragile items.

★ <Focus on Protection>:
The primary objective of the box's design is to offer secure protection for fragile items during shipping.
With a focus on protection, the box is designed to securely contain fragile items throughout the shipping journey.
Protection is a key aspect of the box's design, ensuring the secure containment of fragile items during shipping.
The design of the box is geared towards offering robust protection for fragile items during the shipping process.

● contain: to hold or include within; to have as a component or part

・contain ingredients: 成分を含む
・contain a message: メッセージを含む
・contain a solution: 解決策を含む
・contain a virus: ウイルスを含む
・contain relevant information: 関連情報を含む



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