
TEX 二井原

TEX 二井原




《 重要表現&句動詞 100人組手 ⑩ 》


The contract will (    ) to an end next week.
  ① run 
  ② go 
  ③ come 
  ④ get 

▸ come to an end「終わる」
put[make] an end to A「Aを終わらせる」
 We must put an end to this kind of quarrel.
正解 ③ 
The contract will come to an end next week.
The contract is scheduled to expire next week.
Next week marks the termination of the contract.
The contract is due to conclude next week.
Next week will see the end of the contract.
The contract's end date is next week.


The war broke (   ) when I was in England.
  ① off 
  ② out 
  ③ away 
  ④ up  

▸ break out「起こる」
break out は主語がマイナスイメージで
・break into A「Aをし始める」(=break out doing)
・break in「横から口を挟む」
 We interrupt this program to bring you breaking news.
正解 ② 
The war broke out when I was in England.
The war erupted during my time in England.
The war started while I was in England.
I was in England when the war began.
The war commenced during my stay in England.
England was where I was when the war broke out.


Please (    ) an eye on my bag while I go and buy my ticket.
  ① watch 
  ② look 
  ③ get 
  ④ keep

▸ keep an eye on A「Aを見張る」
✰ keep a secret「秘密を守る」 
  ⇔ break a secret「秘密を破る」
✰ keep one’s word「秘密を守る」 
  ⇔ break one’s word「約束を破る」
✰ keep silent「黙る」
  ⇔ break silence「沈黙を破る」
正解 ④ 
Please keep an eye on my bag while I go and buy my ticket.
While I go purchase my ticket, please watch my bag.
Keep watch over my bag as I go to buy my ticket.
I'll be buying my ticket; could you keep an eye on my bag?
Please monitor my bag while I'm away purchasing my ticket.
While I'm at the ticket counter, could you watch my bag, please?


Tom has been putting (    ) weight lately, and his jeans are getting tight.
  ① in
  ② out 
  ③ on
  ④ up

▸ put on weight「太る」(=gain weight)
反意は lose weight。
正解 ③ 
Tom has been putting on weight lately, and his jeans are getting tight.
Lately, Tom has been gaining weight, and his jeans are getting snug.
Tom has recently been gaining weight, and now his jeans are too tight.
Tom's been packing on the pounds, and his jeans are starting to feel tight.
Tom's weight has been increasing recently, and his jeans are becoming tight.
Tom has been getting heavier lately, causing his jeans to become tight.


He is now very old. His age is beginning to (    ) him.
  ① fall on
  ② rely on 
  ③ tell on   
  ④ turn on   

▸ tell on A「Aにこたえる,影響する」 〔影響〕の on。
on の基本義は〔接触〕
 ✰ act on A:① に作用する ② Aに基づいて行動する
 ✰ work on A:①Aに影響を与える ②Aに取り組む
 ✰ tell on A:Aに影響する,こたえる
 ✰ have influence on A:Aに影響,効果を与える
 ✰ have effect on A:Aに影響,効果を与える
 ✰ make an impression on A:Aに印象を与える
正解 ③ 
He is now very old. His age is beginning to tell on him.
He's reached an advanced age, and it's starting to show.
His old age is beginning to affect him noticeably.
He's now quite elderly, and it's starting to take its toll.
His age is catching up with him; it's becoming evident.
His advanced age is starting to manifest in his health.


He is well (    ) of being hated by us all.
  ① known 
  ② care 
  ③ taken 
  ④ aware 

▸ be aware of A「Aに気づいている」 〔意識・気持ち〕
of の原義は対象からの〔分離〕
正解 ④ 
He is well aware of being hated by us all.
He knows full well that we all hate him.
He is conscious of the fact that we all despise him.
He is fully aware that we all hold animosity towards him.
He is cognizant of the fact that we all harbor hatred towards him.
He understands completely that we all dislike him intensely.


Don’t (   ) my name from the mailing list.
  ① leave out 
  ② transfer 
  ③ omit 
  ④ put     

▸ leave out A「Aを省く」(=omit A) 〔消失〕の out 。
out の基本義は〔出現〕
 ✰ put out:Aを消す
 ✰ go out:明かりが消える
 ✰ be out:消えている
 ✰ turn out:Aを消す
 ✰ run out:無くなる
 ✰ die out:絶滅する
◆ leave:① 場所 ② 活動 ③ モノ ④ 人・事 から離れる
 ✰ leave out:省く(=omit)
 ✰ leave off:
   ① やめる(=stop)
   ② 雨が止む(=let up)
 ✰ leave behind:
   ① 置き忘れる
   ② 後に残す
正解 ③ 
Don’t omit my name from the mailing list.
Please ensure that my name remains on the mailing list.
Make sure not to leave my name off the mailing list.
Do not exclude my name from the mailing list.
Ensure that my name is included on the mailing list.
Please do not remove my name from the mailing list.


The train was delayed (    ) the heavy rain.
  ① on account of 
  ② by means of 
  ③ for the sake of 
  ④ caused by 

▸ on account of A
・because of A
・owing to A
・due to A
③ for the sake of A
・on behalf of A
・for the benefit of A
・in the interest of A
・with A in mind
・in consideration of A
・with A as the goal
正解 ① 
The train was delayed on account of the heavy rain.
The heavy rain caused a delay in the train schedule.
Due to the heavy rain, the train experienced delays.
The train was late because of the heavy rainfall.
Heavy rain resulted in delays for the train.
The train's delay was attributed to the heavy rainfall.


It was unnecessary to (   ) your sister in front of everybody. She seemed so embarrassed.
  ① amuse 
  ② fool 
  ③ make fun of 
  ④ entertain

▸ make fun of A「Aを馬鹿にする,からかう」
(=ridicule A, make fool of A)
〔関連〕の of はmakeと愛称が良く,多くの成句を持つ。
make A of B:BからAを創る → BをAにする
make fun[sport] of A:Aを笑いものにする
make a fool of A:Aを馬鹿にする
make a fool of oneself:馬鹿なことをする
make use of A:Aを利用する
make the most of A:Aを最大限に利用する
make much of A:Aを重視する
make the best of A:
✰ A is made up of B:
    A(全体)はB(部分)で構成されている (=A consist of B)
正解 ③ 
It was unnecessary to ridicule your sister in front of everybody. She seemed so embarrassed.
There was no need to mock your sister in front of everyone; she appeared very embarrassed.
Ridiculing your sister in front of everyone was uncalled for; she seemed extremely embarrassed.
It wasn't necessary to embarrass your sister in front of everyone; she looked very uncomfortable.
There was no reason to make fun of your sister in front of everyone; she appeared quite embarrassed.
It was needless to humiliate your sister in front of everyone; she seemed very embarrassed.


They (   ) again yesterday, so they’re not speaking today.
 ① had words 
 ② had a chat 
 ③ had a discussion 
 ④ had a speech    

▸ have a words with A
(=have a quarrel with A)
◆『have+a 名詞』=〈動作動詞〉
 ✰ have a look:見る(=look)
 ✰ have a try:やってみる(=try)
 ✰ have a chat:雑談する(=chat)
 ✰ have a talk:話をする(=talk)
 ✰ have a rest:休息する(=rest)
 ✰ have a sleep:眠る(=sleep)
 ✰ have a bath:入浴する(=bath)
 ✰ have a drink:飲む(=drink)
 ✰ have a walk:散歩する(=walk)
 ✰ have a good command of A:
 ✰ have a discussion about A:
正解 ① 
They had a quarrel again yesterday, so they’re not speaking today.
They had another argument yesterday, so they're giving each other the silent treatment today.
Yesterday, they had a disagreement again, which is why they're not speaking to each other today.
Due to their argument yesterday, they're not on speaking terms today.
Their quarrel yesterday has resulted in them not speaking today.
Because of their disagreement yesterday, they're currently not communicating.



The contract will come to an end next week.
The contract is scheduled to expire next week.
Next week marks the termination of the contract.
The contract is due to conclude next week.
Next week will see the end of the contract.
The contract's end date is next week.


The war broke out when I was in England.
The war erupted during my time in England.
The war started while I was in England.
I was in England when the war began.
The war commenced during my stay in England.
England was where I was when the war broke out.


Please keep an eye on my bag while I go and buy my ticket.
While I go purchase my ticket, please watch my bag.
Keep watch over my bag as I go to buy my ticket.
I'll be buying my ticket; could you keep an eye on my bag?
Please monitor my bag while I'm away purchasing my ticket.
While I'm at the ticket counter, could you watch my bag, please?


Tom has been putting on weight lately, and his jeans are getting tight.
Lately, Tom has been gaining weight, and his jeans are getting snug.
Tom has recently been gaining weight, and now his jeans are too tight.
Tom's been packing on the pounds, and his jeans are starting to feel tight.
Tom's weight has been increasing recently, and his jeans are becoming tight.
Tom has been getting heavier lately, causing his jeans to become tight.


He is now very old. His age is beginning to tell on him.
He's reached an advanced age, and it's starting to show.
His old age is beginning to affect him noticeably.
He's now quite elderly, and it's starting to take its toll.
His age is catching up with him; it's becoming evident.
His advanced age is starting to manifest in his health.


He is well aware of being hated by us all.
He knows full well that we all hate him.
He is conscious of the fact that we all despise him.
He is fully aware that we all hold animosity towards him.
He is cognizant of the fact that we all harbor hatred towards him.
He understands completely that we all dislike him intensely.


Don’t omit my name from the mailing list.
Please ensure that my name remains on the mailing list.
Make sure not to leave my name off the mailing list.
Do not exclude my name from the mailing list.
Ensure that my name is included on the mailing list.
Please do not remove my name from the mailing list.


The train was delayed on account of the heavy rain.
The heavy rain caused a delay in the train schedule.
Due to the heavy rain, the train experienced delays.
The train was late because of the heavy rainfall.
Heavy rain resulted in delays for the train.
The train's delay was attributed to the heavy rainfall.


It was unnecessary to ridicule your sister in front of everybody. She seemed so embarrassed.
There was no need to mock your sister in front of everyone; she appeared very embarrassed.
Ridiculing your sister in front of everyone was uncalled for; she seemed extremely embarrassed.
It wasn't necessary to embarrass your sister in front of everyone; she looked very uncomfortable.
There was no reason to make fun of your sister in front of everyone; she appeared quite embarrassed.
It was needless to humiliate your sister in front of everyone; she seemed very embarrassed.


They had a quarrel again yesterday, so they’re not speaking today.
They had another argument yesterday, so they're giving each other the silent treatment today.
Yesterday, they had a disagreement again, which is why they're not speaking to each other today.
Due to their argument yesterday, they're not on speaking terms today.
Their quarrel yesterday has resulted in them not speaking today.
Because of their disagreement yesterday, they're currently not communicating.




This train is bound for Osaka.
This building is designed for people in wheelchairs.
Are you for or against my plan?
We worked for our living.
You can buy the paperback for about five dollars.
She looks young for her age.
London is famous for its fog.
She stayed there for three days.




1. I come from Canada.
2. Plastic is made from petroleum.
3. He is quite different from what he looks.




Our city is 30 kilometers north of Tokyo.
They were deprived of their political rights.
This house is made of wood.
While sleeping, he died of heart attack.
This book is of great use to those who want to know a lot about Japan.
Do you believe in the existence of God?
We were all impressed by her love of her children.
There is no hope ofus winning this game.

私たちの町は東京の北30 kmにあります。(分離)



He drove me to the station.
I usually go to and from the office by bus.
This is the key to Room 202. 
They were moved to tears.
To our joy, our son returned safe.
I was caught in a shower and wet to the skin.

喜ばしいことに、私たちの息子は無事に帰ってきた。(to one’s+感情を表す名詞)



He brought an umbrella with him.
She cut meat with a knife.
The leaves turned yellow with the coming of autumn.
He sat there with his legs crossed.
I have nothing to do with the matter.
The poor child was shivering with cold.




My brother is lying under the table.
Our school building is under construction.
You are under arrest.

1. 弟はテーブルの下に横たわっています。(離れた下)
2. 私たちの校舎は建築中です。(行為の過程)
3. あなたを逮捕します。(支配)



The plane flew over the island.
We had a chat over a cup of coffee.

1. その飛行機はその島の上空を飛んだ。(離れた上)
2. 私たちはコーヒーを飲みながらおしゃべりをした。(従事)



There is a waterfall below this bridge.
The sun sank below the horizon.

1 この橋の下流に滝がある。(地理的な下)
2 太陽は地平線の下に沈んだ。(基準線より下)



The top of Mt. Fuji was seen above the clouds.
Jack lives in the room above us.
She is above telling a lie.

1. 富士山の頂上は雲の上に見えた。(離れた上)
2 ジャックは私たちの上の部屋に住んでいます。(離れた上)
3 彼女は決して嘘をつない。(超越)



This train will go through a long tunnel.
Those stores are open through the night.
I don't really think I'll get through the exam this summer.
He failed the business through laziness.

1 この列車は長いトンネルを通るでしょう。(貫通)
2 あれらの店は夜通し開いています。(全過程)
3 あれらの店は夜通し開いています。(全過程)
4 彼は怠慢さのためにその仕事に失敗した。(理由)



My house is just beyond that river.
His idea is beyond my comprehension.
This job is beyond me.

1 私の家はちょうどあの川を越えたところにある。(位置)
2 彼の考えは私の理解を超えている。(範囲外)
3 この仕事は私にはできない。(範囲外)



Go straight along this street.
Let’s proceed along the lines I suggested.

1 この通りに沿ってまっすぐ行きなさい。(空間的)
2 私が示した方針に従って進みましょう。(比喩的)



We saw a dog swim across the river.
My house is just across the street.

1 私たちは犬がその川を泳いで渡るのを見た。(平面的なものを横切って)
2 私の家はちょうどその通りの向かいがわにあります。(平面的なものの向こう)


among / between

This sport is popular among young people.
This train runs between Tokyo and Hakata.

1 このスポーツは若者たちに人気があります。(3者以上)
2 この列車は東京と博多の間を走ります。(2者間)



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