
TEX 二井原

TEX 二井原




《 重要表現&句動詞 100人組手 ⑨ 》


His remarks on the subject are much to the ( ).
  ① center 
  ② end 
  ③ mark 
  ④ point 

▸ to the point「要領を得て」〔到達地点〕
 His remarks on the subject are right on the mark.
 His remarks on the subject are persuasive.
正解 ④ 
His remarks on the subject are much to the point.
His comments regarding the topic are very relevant.
He has made very pertinent remarks on the subject.
His observations about the matter are quite apt.
The points he raised about the subject are very much on target.
His remarks concerning the topic are highly pertinent.


Applicants are requested to apply in ( ).
  ① person 
  ② hand 
  ③ himself 
  ④ themselves

▸ in person「(代理人ではなく)直接本人が」〔行為の限定〕
正解 ① 
Applicants are requested to apply in person.
We ask that applicants submit their applications personally.
Applicants are encouraged to come in person to submit their applications.
We require applicants to present themselves in person for application.
It is requested that applicants appear in person to apply.
We prefer applicants to apply in person rather than online.


It rained three days ( ).
  ① to no end 
  ② no end 
  ③ on end 
  ④ in end 

▸ on end「引き続いて」
 (=without a break)
 ✰ go on doing:~し続ける
 ✰ keep on doing:~し続ける
 ✰ carry on doing:~し続ける
 ✰ go on with A:Aを続ける
 ✰ from now on:今後はずっと
 ✰ hold on:
   ① 続ける
   ② 電話を切らずに待つ (=hang on)
正解 ③ 
It rained three days on end.
It rained continuously for three days.
Rain persisted for three consecutive days.
There was non-stop rain for three days.
Three days passed with continuous rain.
Rainfall persisted for three days straight.


My father is supposed to pick me ( ) at five.
  ① at 
  ② up 
  ③ on 
  ④ in

▸ pick up「車で迎えに行く」
正解 ② 
My father is supposed to pick me up at five.
My father is scheduled to collect me at five.
I am expecting my father to arrive and pick me up at five.
It is planned for my father to fetch me at five.
I anticipate my father coming to get me at five.
My father is expected to arrive and take me home at five.


The conditions ( ) the laborers in the country work are very bad.
  ① of which  
  ② under which
  ③ to which  
  ④ with which

▸ under the condition「状態にある」
 ✰ under construction:建設中で
 ✰ under control:支配下に
 ✰ under way:進行中で
 ✰ under repair:修理中で
 ✰ under discussion:審議中で
 ✰ under pressure:圧力を受けて
 ✰ under the influence of A:Aの影響を受けて
 ✰ under the circumstances:この状況では
正解 ② 
The conditions under which the laborers in the country work are very bad.
The working conditions for laborers in the country are extremely poor.
The circumstances in which country laborers work are dire.
The conditions endured by country laborers are very unfavorable.
Working conditions for rural laborers are exceptionally bad.
Laborers in the country work under very harsh conditions.


They don’t have anything ( ) common at all.
  ① to  
  ② on 
  ③ in 
  ④ over

▸ have A in common「Aを共通に持つ」
in は〔状態〕を表す。言い換えると,
 They have nothing in common whatever.
正解 ③ 
They don’t have anything in common at all.
They share absolutely no common ground.
There is no similarity whatsoever between them.
They have absolutely nothing in common.
There are no commonalities between them in any way.
They lack any common traits or interests.


It seems that there is no Japanese word ( ) it.
  ① for 
  ② to 
  ③ with 
  ④ about

▸ there is no A for B
〔代用・代理〕を示す for 。
cf.) substitute A for B
  speak for 人
正解 ① 
It seems that there is no Japanese word for it.
It appears there is no equivalent word for it in Japanese.
There doesn't seem to be a Japanese term for it.
It looks like there isn't a Japanese word that corresponds to it.
It appears that there's no Japanese lexical item to describe it.
There seems to be no direct translation of it into Japanese.


I agree with the ban in principle but ( ) practice it will be extremely difficult.
  ① in 
  ② on 
  ③ by 
  ④ with

▸ in practice「実際には」
 I think the idea of the ban is a good one but making it a reality will be very difficult.
◆ 議論・話題の『範囲限定』
 ✰ in a sense:ある意味では
 ✰ in a way:ある意味では
 ✰ in A’s opinion:Aの意見では=A’s view
 ✰ in theory:理論上は
 ✰ in practice:実際には
 ✰ in principle:原則的には
 ✰ in reality:事実上は
 ✰ in effect:事実上は
 ✰ in fact:① 実際に ② (ところが)実際は《逆接》
正解 ① 
I agree with the ban in principle but in practice it will be extremely difficult.
I support the ban in theory, but implementing it will be very challenging.
In principle, I am in favor of the ban, but its practical application will be highly problematic.
I concur with the ban in principle, although its practical enforcement will be exceedingly difficult.
While I agree with the ban conceptually, its practical execution will pose significant challenges.
I endorse the ban as a concept, but its real-world implementation will be extremely tough.


I believe that you ( ) the fact.
  ① are fully acquainted with 
  ② are fully known to 
  ③ fully acquainted with 
  ④ have fully been known with 

▸ be acquainted with A「Aをよく知っている」
〔関連〕を示す with の用法。書き換えると,
 I believe that you know the facts fully[well].
 I believe that you fully understand the facts.
 I believe that the facts are familiar to you.
 I believe that you are familiar with the facts.
正解 ① 
I believe that you are fully acquainted with the fact.
I trust that you are completely aware of the fact.
I am confident that you are fully informed about the fact.
I assume that you are thoroughly familiar with the fact.
I have faith that you are entirely knowledgeable about the fact.
I am of the opinion that you are fully cognizant of the fact.


These issues should be discussed ( ) a global basis.
  ① by 
  ② on 
  ③ for 
  ④ with 

▸ on A basis「Aに基づいて」
〔根拠〕on の用法。書き換えると,
 These issues need to be discussed on a global scale.
 ✰ on a weekly basis:週次の基準で
 ✰ on a monthly basis:月次の基準で
 ✰ on an annual basis:年次の基準で
 ✰ on a daily basis:日次の基準で
 ✰ on a quarterly basis:四半期ごとの基準で
 ✰ be based on scientific data:科学的データに基づいて
 ✰ on market demand:市場需要に基づいて
 ✰ based on employee performance:従業員の業績に基づいて
 ✰ be based on scientific data:科学的データに基づいて
 ✰ devised based on market demand:市場需要に基づいて

正解 ②  
These issues should be discussed on a global basis.
These matters need to be addressed globally.
Global discussion is necessary for these issues.
These topics require global deliberation.
The scope of these issues demands global discussion.
These concerns should be examined from a global perspective.



His remarks on the subject are much to the point.
His comments regarding the topic are very relevant.
He has made very pertinent remarks on the subject.
His observations about the matter are quite apt.
The points he raised about the subject are very much on target.
His remarks concerning the topic are highly pertinent.


Applicants are requested to apply in person.
We ask that applicants submit their applications personally.
Applicants are encouraged to come in person to submit their applications.
We require applicants to present themselves in person for application.
It is requested that applicants appear in person to apply.
We prefer applicants to apply in person rather than online.


It rained three days on end.
It rained continuously for three days.
Rain persisted for three consecutive days.
There was non-stop rain for three days.
Three days passed with continuous rain.
Rainfall persisted for three days straight.


It rained three days on end.
It rained continuously for three days.
Rain persisted for three consecutive days.
There was non-stop rain for three days.
Three days passed with continuous rain.
Rainfall persisted for three days straight.


The conditions under which the laborers in the country work are very bad.
The working conditions for laborers in the country are extremely poor.
The circumstances in which country laborers work are dire.
The conditions endured by country laborers are very unfavorable.
Working conditions for rural laborers are exceptionally bad.
Laborers in the country work under very harsh conditions.


They don’t have anything in common at all.
They share absolutely no common ground.
There is no similarity whatsoever between them.
They have absolutely nothing in common.
There are no commonalities between them in any way.
They lack any common traits or interests.


It seems that there is no Japanese word for it.
It appears there is no equivalent word for it in Japanese.
There doesn't seem to be a Japanese term for it.
It looks like there isn't a Japanese word that corresponds to it.
It appears that there's no Japanese lexical item to describe it.
There seems to be no direct translation of it into Japanese.


I agree with the ban in principle but in practice it will be extremely difficult.
I support the ban in theory, but implementing it will be very challenging.
In principle, I am in favor of the ban, but its practical application will be highly problematic.
I concur with the ban in principle, although its practical enforcement will be exceedingly difficult.
While I agree with the ban conceptually, its practical execution will pose significant challenges.
I endorse the ban as a concept, but its real-world implementation will be extremely tough.


I believe that you are fully acquainted with the fact.
I trust that you are completely aware of the fact.
I am confident that you are fully informed about the fact.
I assume that you are thoroughly familiar with the fact.
I have faith that you are entirely knowledgeable about the fact.
I am of the opinion that you are fully cognizant of the fact.


These issues should be discussed on a global basis.
These matters need to be addressed globally.
Global discussion is necessary for these issues.
These topics require global deliberation.
The scope of these issues demands global discussion.
These concerns should be examined from a global perspective.




This train is bound for Osaka.
This building is designed for people in wheelchairs.
Are you for or against my plan?
We worked for our living.
You can buy the paperback for about five dollars.
She looks young for her age.
London is famous for its fog.
She stayed there for three days.




1. I come from Canada.
2. Plastic is made from petroleum.
3. He is quite different from what he looks.




Our city is 30 kilometers north of Tokyo.
They were deprived of their political rights.
This house is made of wood.
While sleeping, he died of heart attack.
This book is of great use to those who want to know a lot about Japan.
Do you believe in the existence of God?
We were all impressed by her love of her children.
There is no hope ofus winning this game.

私たちの町は東京の北30 kmにあります。(分離)



He drove me to the station.
I usually go to and from the office by bus.
This is the key to Room 202. 
They were moved to tears.
To our joy, our son returned safe.
I was caught in a shower and wet to the skin.

喜ばしいことに、私たちの息子は無事に帰ってきた。(to one’s+感情を表す名詞)



He brought an umbrella with him.
She cut meat with a knife.
The leaves turned yellow with the coming of autumn.
He sat there with his legs crossed.
I have nothing to do with the matter.
The poor child was shivering with cold.




My brother is lying under the table.
Our school building is under construction.
You are under arrest.

1. 弟はテーブルの下に横たわっています。(離れた下)
2. 私たちの校舎は建築中です。(行為の過程)
3. あなたを逮捕します。(支配)



The plane flew over the island.
We had a chat over a cup of coffee.

1. その飛行機はその島の上空を飛んだ。(離れた上)
2. 私たちはコーヒーを飲みながらおしゃべりをした。(従事)



There is a waterfall below this bridge.
The sun sank below the horizon.

1 この橋の下流に滝がある。(地理的な下)
2 太陽は地平線の下に沈んだ。(基準線より下)



The top of Mt. Fuji was seen above the clouds.
Jack lives in the room above us.
She is above telling a lie.

1. 富士山の頂上は雲の上に見えた。(離れた上)
2 ジャックは私たちの上の部屋に住んでいます。(離れた上)
3 彼女は決して嘘をつない。(超越)



This train will go through a long tunnel.
Those stores are open through the night.
I don't really think I'll get through the exam this summer.
He failed the business through laziness.

1 この列車は長いトンネルを通るでしょう。(貫通)
2 あれらの店は夜通し開いています。(全過程)
3 あれらの店は夜通し開いています。(全過程)
4 彼は怠慢さのためにその仕事に失敗した。(理由)



My house is just beyond that river.
His idea is beyond my comprehension.
This job is beyond me.

1 私の家はちょうどあの川を越えたところにある。(位置)
2 彼の考えは私の理解を超えている。(範囲外)
3 この仕事は私にはできない。(範囲外)



Go straight along this street.
Let’s proceed along the lines I suggested.

1 この通りに沿ってまっすぐ行きなさい。(空間的)
2 私が示した方針に従って進みましょう。(比喩的)



We saw a dog swim across the river.
My house is just across the street.

1 私たちは犬がその川を泳いで渡るのを見た。(平面的なものを横切って)
2 私の家はちょうどその通りの向かいがわにあります。(平面的なものの向こう)


among / between

This sport is popular among young people.
This train runs between Tokyo and Hakata.

1 このスポーツは若者たちに人気があります。(3者以上)
2 この列車は東京と博多の間を走ります。(2者間)



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