英文法5分ドリル《 ゴールデン動詞フレーズ 》⑨

TEX 二井原

TEX 二井原



《 ゴールデン動詞フレーズ 100人組手 》⑧

⑴ I (   ) I had studied English harder while young.
  ① want      
  ② wish      
  ③ hope      
  ④ long

that 節の thatが省略。
① want はthat節をとれない。
④ longは「Aを望む」の場合
<long to A>
<long for A>
③ hope that 節実現可能なことを望むときに用いる。
② wish that節は実現不可能なことをと言うときに用い,
that 節内の動詞表現は仮定法過去(過去完了)の形になる。
(a) that 節が取れる
(b) SVO to do の語法が取れる
 ✰ want (a) × (b) 〇
 ✰ hope (a) × (b) 〇
 ✰ think (a) 〇 (b) ×
 ✰ expect (a) 〇 (b) 〇
 ✰ tell   (a) ×  (b) 〇
 ✰ say   (a) 〇 (b) ×
She wants him to succeed.
She wants that he succeeds.
He expects them to arrive late.
He expects that they will arrive late.
She told me to call her later.
She told me she would call later.
He said that he was tired.
⑴ 正解 ②
I wish I had studied English harder while young.
I regret not having studied English more diligently in my youth.
If only I had put more effort into studying English when I was younger.
I desire to have dedicated more time to learning English during my youth.
I lament not focusing more on English during my younger years.
It would have been better if I had applied myself more to learning English earlier in life.
I feel a sense of longing to have studied English more effectively during my youth.

⑵ I hope (   ) pass the entrance examination.
  ① Jane to    
  ② for Jane    
  ③ Jane    
  ④ for Jane to

hope は主語の願望が自分で「~することを望む」場合,
hope to do の形で用いる。
hope for (他の人) to do
⑵ 正解 ④
I hope for Jane to pass the entrance examination.
My wish is for Jane to succeed in the entrance examination.
I am hopeful that Jane will pass the entrance examination.
I anticipate Jane's success in the entrance examination.
I am optimistic about Jane's chances of passing the entrance examination.
I look forward to Jane's successful completion of the entrance examination.
I am rooting for Jane to do well in the entrance examination.

⑶ This printer wants (   ).
   ① repaired   
   ② to repair    
   ③ repairing  
   ④ repairable

want は後に動名詞を従えた場合に
S want doing「Sは~される必要がある」
 This printer want repair.
⑶ 正解 ③
This printer wants repairing.
This printer needs to be repaired.
This printer requires maintenance.
Repairing this printer is necessary.
This printer is in need of repair.
This printer is seeking attention for repair.
There is a demand for repairing this printer.

⑷ She (   ) me that she had been to America.
   ① spoke    
   ② talked    
   ③ said    
   ④ told

tell, sayは基本的に他動詞。
speak, talkは自動詞。
ここではまずspoke, talked は that節をとれないので消去。
③はsay+to+人の形をとるのでsaid meとは言えないので不可。
④ toldのみ SV+人+that節 の語法をとる。
なお,ここでは時制の一致から tha t節が
⑷ 正解 ④
She told me that she had been to America.
 ✰ tell + O + O
 ✰ tell + O + to do
 ✰ tell + O + that-節(wh-節)
 ✰ say + O(話した内容)
 ✰ say, ”....”
 ✰ say that S V
 ✰ speak to ... /with ...
 ✰ speak +言語/言葉/意見
 ✰ talk to ... /with ...
 ✰ talk O into doing(話をして~してもらう)
 ✰ talk O out of doing(話をして~するのをやめさせる)
He told his friend a secret.
She told him to leave.
They told us that they were coming.
She said "hello".
He said, "I am busy."
She said that she was happy.
He spoke to the manager.
She speaks English fluently.
They talked with their teacher.
She talked him into going to the party.
He talked her out of quitting her job.
⑷ 正解 ④
She told me that she had been to America.
She informed me of her visit to America.
She conveyed to me that she had traveled to America.
She disclosed to me that she had been in America.
She shared with me her experience of being in America.
She revealed to me that she had visited America.
She narrated to me her trip to America.

⑸ The farmers (   ) upon him as their leader.
   ① saw      
   ② talked      
   ③ treated      
   ④ looked

認識を表す動詞は〈V+A as B〉の語法で
She considered him as a friend.
He treated the stray cat as his own pet.
They view the project as a great opportunity.
She described the painting as a masterpiece.
He regarded the situation as serious.
They recognized her as a talented singer.
She acknowledged the child as her own.
He identified the suspect as the robber.
They classified the plant as a perennial.
She categorized the book as a science fiction novel.
⑸ 正解 ④
The farmers looked upon him as their leader.
The farmers regarded him as their leader.
The farmers saw him as their leader.
He was considered the leader by the farmers.
The farmers viewed him as their guiding figure.
He was acknowledged as the leader by the farmers.
The farmers held him in esteem as their leader.

⑹ He (   ) himself as a company president.
   ① speaks    
   ② describes    
   ③ refers    
   ④ calls

speak, referは自動詞なので①③を消去。
その場合S call O Cの語法となり,
⑹ 正解 ②
He describes himself as a company president.
He characterizes himself as a company president.
He identifies himself as a company president.
He presents himself as a company president.
He portrays himself as a company president.
He labels himself as a company president.
He defines himself as a company president.

⑺ Please remind (   ) the meeting for tomorrow.
   ① her of     
   ② her to     
   ③ to her     
   ④ of her

<remind A of B> の語法をとりAには〈人〉がくる。
⑺ 正解 ①
Please remind her of the meeting for tomorrow.
Kindly jog her memory about the meeting scheduled for tomorrow.
Can you ensure she remembers the meeting for tomorrow?
I'd appreciate it if you could prompt her about tomorrow's meeting.
Would you mind giving her a heads-up about the meeting tomorrow?
It would be helpful if you could remind her about the meeting planned for tomorrow.
Could you kindly alert her to the meeting scheduled for tomorrow?

⑻ He (   ) illegal action.
   ① accused   
   ② was accused of   
   ③ accused of    
   ④ was accused

accuse A of B「AをBで攻める」
〈V A of B〉の受動形は
<A be done of B> なので②が正解。
⑻ 正解 ②
He was accused of illegal action.
Allegations were made against him for engaging in illegal activities.
He faced accusations of committing unlawful deeds.
Charges were brought against him for his involvement in illegal actions.
He was blamed for engaging in illegal behavior.
Accusations of illegal conduct were directed at him.
He was indicted for his involvement in illegal activities.

⑼ She was firmly convinced (   ).
   ① of his guilt     
   ② of his guilty    
   ③ that he was guilt 
   ④ his guilt

<convince A of B> の受動態
くA is convinced of B>
of が落ちている④は不可。
convince は that節をとる。
be動詞のあとに guilt という名詞がきて,
ここでは guilty「罪を犯した」
of の後に guilty という形容詞がきている②もダメ。
名詞 guilt が of の後にくる①が正解。
⑼ 正解 ③
She was firmly convinced of his guilt.
She held a strong belief in his guilt.
Her conviction regarding his guilt was unwavering.
She was firmly persuaded of his culpability.
She had a steadfast belief in his wrongdoing.
Her certainty about his guilt was resolute.
She harbored no doubt regarding his culpability.



I wish I had studied English harder while young.
I regret not having studied English more diligently in my youth.
If only I had put more effort into studying English when I was younger.
I desire to have dedicated more time to learning English during my youth.
I lament not focusing more on English during my younger years.
It would have been better if I had applied myself more to learning English earlier in life.
I feel a sense of longing to have studied English more effectively during my youth.


I hope for Jane to pass the entrance examination.
My wish is for Jane to succeed in the entrance examination.
I am hopeful that Jane will pass the entrance examination.
I anticipate Jane's success in the entrance examination.
I am optimistic about Jane's chances of passing the entrance examination.
I look forward to Jane's successful completion of the entrance examination.
I am rooting for Jane to do well in the entrance examination.


This printer wants repairing.
This printer needs to be repaired.
This printer requires maintenance.
Repairing this printer is necessary.
This printer is in need of repair.
This printer is seeking attention for repair.
There is a demand for repairing this printer.


She told me that she had been to America.
She informed me of her visit to America.
She conveyed to me that she had traveled to America.
She disclosed to me that she had been in America.
She shared with me her experience of being in America.
She revealed to me that she had visited America.
She narrated to me her trip to America.


The farmers looked upon him as their leader.
The farmers regarded him as their leader.
The farmers saw him as their leader.
He was considered the leader by the farmers.
The farmers viewed him as their guiding figure.
He was acknowledged as the leader by the farmers.
The farmers held him in esteem as their leader.


He describes himself as a company president.
He characterizes himself as a company president.
He identifies himself as a company president.
He presents himself as a company president.
He portrays himself as a company president.
He labels himself as a company president.
He defines himself as a company president.


Please remind her of the meeting for tomorrow.
Kindly jog her memory about the meeting scheduled for tomorrow.
Can you ensure she remembers the meeting for tomorrow?
I'd appreciate it if you could prompt her about tomorrow's meeting.
Would you mind giving her a heads-up about the meeting tomorrow?
It would be helpful if you could remind her about the meeting planned for tomorrow.
Could you kindly alert her to the meeting scheduled for tomorrow?


He was accused of illegal action.
Allegations were made against him for engaging in illegal activities.
He faced accusations of committing unlawful deeds.
Charges were brought against him for his involvement in illegal actions.
He was blamed for engaging in illegal behavior.
Accusations of illegal conduct were directed at him.
He was indicted for his involvement in illegal activities.


She was firmly convinced of his guilt.
She held a strong belief in his guilt.
Her conviction regarding his guilt was unwavering.
She was firmly persuaded of his culpability.
She had a steadfast belief in his wrongdoing.
Her certainty about his guilt was resolute.
She harbored no doubt regarding his culpability.

◆ 著作権は本記事作成者に帰属します。


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