
TEX 二井原

TEX 二井原




《 重要表現&句動詞 100人組手 ⑧ 》


It’s difficult to (  ) children up in a large family.
  ① bring 
  ② have 
  ③ put 
  ④ take 

▸ bring up A「Aを育てる」(=bring A up)
bring:持ってくる →(事態を)もたらす
 ✰ bring about:引き起こす (=cause)
 ✰ bring to:正気づかせる (bring to oneself)
 ✰ bring up:育てる (=raise・rear)
 ✰ bring back:
       ①返す (=return)
       ②思い出させる (=carry back)
bring:外から中心へ ~ を持ってくる
 ✰ A come about「Aが起こる」(=happen)
 ✰ bring about A「Aを引き起こす」

 ✰ A come into being[existence]「Aが現れる」
 ✰ bring A into being「Aを生み出す」

 ✰ A come out「Aが明らかになる・Aが出版される」
 ✰ bring out A「Aを明らかにする・Aを出版する」

 ✰ A come to light「Aが明るみに出る」
 ✰ bring A to light「Aを明るみに出す」

 ✰ A come to an end「Aが終わる」
 ✰ bring A to an end「Aを終わらせる」(=put an end to A)

 ✰ A come to (do)「Aが ~ するようになる」
 ✰ bring A to (do)「Aが ~ する気にさせる」
 ✰ bring oneself to (do)「 ~ する気になる」

 ✰ A come home to B「AがB〈人〉に痛感される」
 ✰ bring A home to B「AをB〈人〉に痛感させる」

 ✰ A grow up「Aが育つ」
 ✰ bring up A「Aを育てる」(=raise, rear)
正解 ① 
It’s difficult to bring children up in a large family.
Raising children in a large family is challenging.
It's tough to raise kids in a big family.
Bringing up children in a large family poses difficulties.
In a large family, raising children proves to be hard.
The task of raising children becomes arduous in a large family setting.


The thief ran away at the (  ) of a policeman.
  ① seeing 
  ② scenery 
  ③ sight 
  ④ screen 

▸ at the sight of A「Aを見ると」  
 Seeing a policeman, the thief ran away.
正解 ③ 
The thief ran away at the sight of a policeman.
Upon seeing a policeman, the thief fled.
The thief made a swift escape upon spotting a policeman.
At the mere sight of a policeman, the thief took off.
Seeing a policeman, the thief quickly ran away.
The thief dashed away as soon as he saw a policeman.


TV has (   ) us of our enjoyment of conversation at dinner at home.
  ① enabled 
  ② given 
  ③ lost  
  ④ robbed  

▸ rob A of B「AからBを奪う」Aには通例〈人〉が来る。
steal は Aに〈モノ〉が来る。
◆ 除去動詞 A of B:
 ✰ clear A of B
 ✰ cure A of B
 ✰ heal A of B
 ✰ deprive A of B
 ✰ rob A of B
 ✰ rid A of B
 ✰ relieve A of B
 ✰ strip A of B
正解 ④ 
TV has robbed us of our enjoyment of conversation at dinner at home.
Television has deprived us of the pleasure of conversing during dinner at home.
Our enjoyment of dinner conversations at home has been stolen by TV.
TV has stripped away the joy of conversing over dinner at home.
The presence of television has taken away our ability to enjoy conversation during dinner at home.
We've lost the pleasure of dinner conversation at home due to TV.


Though he is fairly well off he is frugal; he (   ) his father in that respect.
  ① takes after 
  ② takes down 
  ③ takes over 
  ④ takes upon

▸ take after A「Aに似ている」(=resemble A)  
血縁関係がある場合は take after を用いる。
・bear a resemblance to A
・be like A
・be similar to A
・have traits similar to A
・take on the traits of A
◆『継承』の after
✰ name O C after A:AにちなんでOをCと名づける
✰ call O C after A::AにちなんでOをCと呼ぶ
✰ take after A: Aに似ている
take は元来
 ✰ take responsibility for A:Aの責任を取る
 ✰ take pains to do:…しようと骨を折る
 ✰ take the trouble to do:わざわざ…する
 ✰ take part in A:Aに参加する
 ✰ take after:Aに似ている
 ✰ take A in charge:
   A(の管理・責任)を引き受ける(=take charge of A)
take : 掴む → 連れて行く,態度を取る,考えを取り入れる
 ✰ take over:引き継ぐ (=succeed to)
 ✰ take to:Aが好きになる・Aにふける
 ✰ take after:似ている (=resemble)
 ✰ take away:
      ②取り除く (=remove)
 ✰ take off:
      ②脱ぐ・取り出す (=remove)
 ✰ take out:
 ✰ take on:
      ②引き受ける (=assume)
 ✰ take up:
      ②(時間・場所などを)とる (=occupy)
 ✰ take in:
      ①受け入れる (=accept)
      ②理解する (understand)
      ③だます (=deceive・cheat)
正解 ① 
Though he is fairly well off he is frugal; he takes after his father in that respect.
Despite being fairly wealthy, he is thrifty, resembling his father in that aspect.
Even though he's quite affluent, he's economical like his father.
Although he has a comfortable income, he shares his father's frugal tendencies.
He's moderately wealthy but shares his father's thriftiness.
Despite his financial stability, he's frugal, taking after his father.


How did the railway accident at Tokyo Station (   ) ?
  ① come round 
  ② come over 
  ③ come on 
  ④ come about   

▸ come about「起こる」(=take place, happen)
→ 事態・出来事が「起こる,生じる」
◆ come : 出現する → 事態が生じる
 ✰ come out:
     ① 出て来る,(花が)咲く 
     ② 出版される (=be published)
 ✰ come by:
     ① 通過する (=pass)
     ② 入手する(=obtain・get)
 ✰ come into:
     ① Aの中へ入る 
     ② 相続する(=inherit)
 ✰ come off:
     ① 外れる 
     ② 成功する (=succeed)
 ✰ come about:
     起こる (=happen・occur・take place)
 ✰ come across:
     ① 見つける (=find)
     ② 出くわす (=encounter)
 ✰ come to:
     意識を取り戻す (=come to oneself)
 ✰ come up to:
     ① Aの方へ近づく
     ② (基準・要望)に合う (=meet)
 ✰ come up with:
     ① Aを思いつく
     ② 申し出る (=hit on・propose)
 ✰ come down with:
     (風邪などに)かかる (=catch)
 ✰ come in for:
     ① Aに役立つ 
     ② Aを受ける
正解 ④ 
How did the railway accident at Tokyo Station come about ?
What were the circumstances leading to the railway accident at Tokyo Station?
How did the railway accident at Tokyo Station happen?
What caused the railway accident at Tokyo Station?
What led to the railway accident at Tokyo Station?
How was the railway accident at Tokyo Station brought about?


She is rather (  ) at tennis.
  ① short 
  ② poor 
  ③ low 
  ④ small   

▸ be poor at A「Aが下手だ」(=be bad at A)
例えばat 7 o’clock「7時に」(=7時00分00秒で) や
〔目盛りの一点〕at 100℃「摂氏100度」
例えば,at best「せいぜい」。
正解 ② 
She is rather poor at tennis.
She lacks proficiency in tennis.
Tennis isn't her strong suit.
She's not very skilled at tennis.
She's not particularly good at tennis.
Her tennis skills are lacking.


He (   ) the difficulty he would possibly encounter. 
  ① feared  
  ② lessened 
  ③ overcame
  ④ made light of 

▸ make light of A「Aを軽視する」
(=make little of A, underrated)
 ✰ make much of A:
   ① Aを重んじる
   ② (not+) Aを理解できない
 ✰ make little of A:
   ① Aを軽視する
   ② Aを少ししか理解できない
 ✰ make nothing of A:
   ① Aを何とも思わない
   ② Aを全く理解できない
 ✰ think much of A:
   Aを重んじる (think highly of A)
 ✰ think little of A:
   ① Aを軽視する
   ② Aを何とも思わない
 ✰ think nothing of A:
   ① Aを軽視する
   ② Aを何とも思わない
 ✰ see much of A:
   Aによく会う (see a lot of)
 ✰ see little of A:
 ✰ see nothing of A:
正解 ④ 
He underrated the difficulty he would possibly encounter.
He underestimated the potential difficulty he would face.
He didn't fully grasp the challenges he might encounter.
He didn't realize how difficult it would be.
He didn't appreciate the magnitude of the difficulty ahead.
He downplayed the difficulty he might face.


The class was cancelled (  ) the teacher's illness.
  ① on behalf of 
  ② by means of 
  ③ according to 
  ④ owing to 

▸ owing to A
・because of A
・on account of A
・thanks to A)
to は〔到達点〕から対象への〔帰属〕
動詞表現 owe A to B「AはBのおかげだ」
の to も同様。
 He owes his success only to good luck.
正解 ④ 
The class was cancelled owing to the teacher’s illness.
The class was called off because the teacher was ill.
Due to the teacher's illness, the class had to be cancelled.
The teacher's sickness resulted in the cancellation of the class.
The class couldn't proceed because the teacher was unwell.
The teacher's absence due to illness led to the class being cancelled.


He went to France to (   ) his speaking skills.
  ① brush up
  ② create 
  ③ beautify 
  ④ investigate 

▸ brush up A:
   ⒜「モノをすっかり綺麗に仕上げる」(=finish A)
   ⒝「知識・技術を磨き直す,やり直す」(=improve A)
ここでの up は
 ✰ grow up:成人する,成長する
 ✰ bring up:A:Aを育てる
 ✰ hang up::電話を切る ⇔ hang on, hold on
 ✰ break up::解散する
 ✰ give up::やめる,譲る
 ✰ shut up::黙る
 ✰ clear up::晴れる
 ✰ make up:one’s mind:決心する
 ✰ end up:A:結局Aになる
正解 ① 
He went to France to improve his speaking skills.
He traveled to France with the aim of enhancing his speaking abilities.
His purpose for going to France was to work on his speaking skills.
The reason for his trip to France was to develop his speaking proficiency.
He visited France in order to polish his speaking skills.
His trip to France was motivated by the desire to improve his speaking skills.


Three days is very little time to (  ) all the sights of London.
  ① look 
  ② meet 
  ③ do 
  ④ stare 

▸ do the sights of A「Aを見物する」
 (=see the sights of A)
the sights「名所」は常に複数形。
◆do : (目的を持って)行動する → (目的を)果たす → 処理する
do up:
    ① 結ぶ,締める (=fasten)
    ② 修繕する (=mend)
    ③ 着飾る
do with:処理する (=deal with)
do over:
    ① 繰り返す (=repeat)
    ② (部屋などを)綺麗にする
do for:Aの代わりになる
do away with:廃止する (=abolish)
正解 ③ 
「ロンドンの名所を全て見物するには, 3日間では非常に少ない」
Three days is very little time to do all the sights of London.
It's challenging to see all of London's attractions in just three days.
Three days isn't enough to explore all the sights London has to offer.
Trying to visit all of London's landmarks in three days is quite difficult.
Three days doesn't allow for a thorough exploration of London's sights.
It's insufficient to experience all of London's sights in just three days.



Farmers are always at the mercy of the weather.
Farmers are perpetually vulnerable to the unpredictability of weather conditions.
Farmers are forever reliant on the unpredictability of the weather.
Farmers are consistently dependent on the weather's mercy.
Farmers are eternally at the mercy of the weather's fluctuations.
Farmers are constantly subject to the whims of the weather.


She took her guests into the kitchen to show off her new washing machine.
She ushered her guests into the kitchen to exhibit her new washing machine.
She guided her guests into the kitchen to display her new washing machine.
She led her guests into the kitchen to showcase her new washing machine.
She escorted her guests into the kitchen to demonstrate her new washing machine.
She directed her guests into the kitchen to present her new washing machine.


Yesterday I had an old friend of mine call on me in my absence.
Yesterday, an old acquaintance visited me in my absence.
Yesterday, an old friend called on me while I was away.
Yesterday, an old buddy stopped by in my absence.
Yesterday, an old pal came to see me while I wasn't home.
Yesterday, an old comrade paid me a visit while I was out.


It’s a time you started to work.
It’s about time you commenced working.
It’s high time you initiated your work.
It’s past time you started working.
It’s time for you to begin your work.
It’s time for you to embark on your work.


Because his parents had died when he was young, his uncle brought him up.
Due to the early demise of his parents, his uncle raised him.
Owing to the untimely death of his parents, his uncle took care of him.
Because his parents passed away prematurely, his uncle brought him up.
As a result of his parents' early passing, his uncle raised him.
With his parents passing away at a young age, his uncle took on the responsibility of raising him.


He is always punctual for appointments and never forgives me for being even a minute late.
He always arrives punctually for appointments and never overlooks my tardiness, even by a minute.
He is consistently on time for appointments and never fails to notice my slight tardiness.
He is invariably punctual for appointments and never fails to acknowledge my slight lateness.
He consistently shows up on time for appointments and never overlooks my slight delay.
He unfailingly arrives promptly for appointments and never overlooks my slight tardiness.
He reliably shows up punctually for appointments and never overlooks my slight lateness.


Because of the recession, many small companies had to lay off a large number of their workers.
As a consequence of the economic downturn, numerous small businesses had to dismiss a significant portion of their workforce.
Because of the economic recession, many small enterprises had to let go of a considerable number of their employees.
Due to the economic downturn, several small companies had to release a large portion of their staff.
Owing to the recession, numerous small firms had to downsize by laying off a significant number of their workers.
As a result of the economic downturn, many small businesses had to downsize, leading to the dismissal of a large portion of their employees.
Because of the economic recession, several small enterprises had to reduce their workforce by laying off a substantial number of employees.


If you get too excited in an argument, you’re likely to lose sight of the main point.
If you become too impassioned during an argument, you're likely to lose focus on the main issue.
If you become too emotional during an argument, you're likely to lose track of the main point.
If you get too worked up during an argument, you're likely to lose sight of the main issue.
If you get too agitated during an argument, you're likely to lose sight of the main point.
If you become too heated during an argument, you're likely to lose focus on the main issue.
If you get too emotional during an argument, you're likely to lose sight of the primary objective.


I cannot understand why they are such good friends: they have little in common.
I'm perplexed as to why they are such close friends despite having little in common.
I'm puzzled by their close friendship despite their lack of common interests.
I'm baffled by their strong bond despite their differences.
I'm confused about why they're such good friends given their lack of shared interests.
I'm bewildered by their close relationship despite their dissimilarities.
I'm puzzled as to why they're such good friends given their lack of similarities.


True happiness consists in desiring little.
Genuine happiness stems from wanting very little.
True happiness arises from desiring very little.
Real happiness comes from having minimal desires.
Authentic happiness is found in desiring very little.
Genuine happiness is achieved by wanting very little.
True happiness is attained by desiring very little.




This train is bound for Osaka.
This building is designed for people in wheelchairs.
Are you for or against my plan?
We worked for our living.
You can buy the paperback for about five dollars.
She looks young for her age.
London is famous for its fog.
She stayed there for three days.




1. I come from Canada.
2. Plastic is made from petroleum.
3. He is quite different from what he looks.




Our city is 30 kilometers north of Tokyo.
They were deprived of their political rights.
This house is made of wood.
While sleeping, he died of heart attack.
This book is of great use to those who want to know a lot about Japan.
Do you believe in the existence of God?
We were all impressed by her love of her children.
There is no hope ofus winning this game.

私たちの町は東京の北30 kmにあります。(分離)



He drove me to the station.
I usually go to and from the office by bus.
This is the key to Room 202. 
They were moved to tears.
To our joy, our son returned safe.
I was caught in a shower and wet to the skin.

喜ばしいことに、私たちの息子は無事に帰ってきた。(to one’s+感情を表す名詞)



He brought an umbrella with him.
She cut meat with a knife.
The leaves turned yellow with the coming of autumn.
He sat there with his legs crossed.
I have nothing to do with the matter.
The poor child was shivering with cold.




My brother is lying under the table.
Our school building is under construction.
You are under arrest.

1. 弟はテーブルの下に横たわっています。(離れた下)
2. 私たちの校舎は建築中です。(行為の過程)
3. あなたを逮捕します。(支配)



The plane flew over the island.
We had a chat over a cup of coffee.

1. その飛行機はその島の上空を飛んだ。(離れた上)
2. 私たちはコーヒーを飲みながらおしゃべりをした。(従事)



There is a waterfall below this bridge.
The sun sank below the horizon.

1 この橋の下流に滝がある。(地理的な下)
2 太陽は地平線の下に沈んだ。(基準線より下)



The top of Mt. Fuji was seen above the clouds.
Jack lives in the room above us.
She is above telling a lie.

1. 富士山の頂上は雲の上に見えた。(離れた上)
2 ジャックは私たちの上の部屋に住んでいます。(離れた上)
3 彼女は決して嘘をつない。(超越)



This train will go through a long tunnel.
Those stores are open through the night.
I don't really think I'll get through the exam this summer.
He failed the business through laziness.

1 この列車は長いトンネルを通るでしょう。(貫通)
2 あれらの店は夜通し開いています。(全過程)
3 あれらの店は夜通し開いています。(全過程)
4 彼は怠慢さのためにその仕事に失敗した。(理由)



My house is just beyond that river.
His idea is beyond my comprehension.
This job is beyond me.

1 私の家はちょうどあの川を越えたところにある。(位置)
2 彼の考えは私の理解を超えている。(範囲外)
3 この仕事は私にはできない。(範囲外)



Go straight along this street.
Let’s proceed along the lines I suggested.

1 この通りに沿ってまっすぐ行きなさい。(空間的)
2 私が示した方針に従って進みましょう。(比喩的)



We saw a dog swim across the river.
My house is just across the street.

1 私たちは犬がその川を泳いで渡るのを見た。(平面的なものを横切って)
2 私の家はちょうどその通りの向かいがわにあります。(平面的なものの向こう)


among / between

This sport is popular among young people.
This train runs between Tokyo and Hakata.

1 このスポーツは若者たちに人気があります。(3者以上)
2 この列車は東京と博多の間を走ります。(2者間)



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