
TEX 二井原

TEX 二井原




《 重要表現&句動詞 100人組手 ⑤ 》


 Every child, (   ) of his intellectual capacity, can pick up at least one language.
  ① whatever 
  ② irrelevant 
  ③ regardless 
  ④ indifferent 

▸ regardless of A「Aにかかわりなく」
 ・irrespective of A
 ・notwithstanding A
 ・without regard to A
cf.) as regards A「Aに関しては」
 ・in[with] regard to A
 ・about A, concerning A
 ・in[with] relation to A
 ・with respect to A
 ・as to A
正解 ③ 
Every child, regardless of his intellectual capacity, can pick up at least one language.
No matter a child's intellectual capacity, they can learn at least one language.
Children of all intellectual capacities can acquire at least one language.
Intellectual capacity notwithstanding, every child can learn at least one language.
Regardless of a child's intellectual capacity, they can acquire at least one language.
Every child has the ability to learn at least one language, regardless of their intellectual capacity.


We all regard Thomas Edison (   ) a great inventor.
  ① for 
  ② as 
  ③ to 
  ④ with 

◆『認識動詞A as B』: A=Bと思う
✰ regard A as B
✰ look (up)on A as B
✰ think of A as B        
✰ see A as B
✰ view A as B
✰ describe A as B
✰ refer to A as B
✰ speak of A as B
正解 ② 
We all regard Thomas Edison as a great inventor.
We all consider Thomas Edison a great inventor.
Thomas Edison is universally respected as a great inventor.
Thomas Edison is widely acknowledged as a great inventor by all of us.
We all hold Thomas Edison in high esteem as a great inventor.
Thomas Edison is unanimously regarded as a great inventor by us all.


It is (   ) to me to tell her the sad news.
  ① once 
  ② up 
  ③ near 
  ④ now 

▸ be up to A  
 ② I don’t know what he is up to.
 ③ Was this book up to your expectation ?
up to A は,
up to now「今までのところ」
 Up to now, I have experienced danger twice.
正解 ② 
It is up to me to tell her the sad news.
I am responsible for delivering the sad news to her.
The task of informing her about the sad news falls on me.
I have the duty to convey the sad news to her.
Telling her the sad news is my responsibility.
I bear the obligation of informing her about the sad news.


Young children are completely (   ) their mothers for their physical needs and for their early education and training.
  ① depending on 
  ② dependent on 
  ③ independent of 
  ④ relied on 

▸ be dependent (up)on A
cf.) “It’s on me.”
 ✰ depend on A:Aに頼る,Aしだいだ
 ✰ rely on A:Aに頼る,Aをあてにする
 ✰ count on A: Aに頼る,Aをあてにする
 ✰ rest on A:Aに頼る,Aに基づく
 ✰ fall back on A:(いざという時) Aに頼る
 ✰ live on A:A (食物・金) に頼って生きる
 ✰ feed on A:(動物が) Aを食べて生きる
正解 ② 
Young children are completely dependent on their mothers for their physical needs and for their early education and training.
Young children rely entirely on their mothers for their physical needs and early education and training.
For their physical needs and early education and training, young children are entirely dependent on their mothers.
Mothers are the sole providers for young children's physical needs and early education and training.
Young children's physical needs and early education and training are solely fulfilled by their mothers.
The complete dependency of young children for their physical needs and early education and training lies with their mothers.


The problem is as (   ) as settled.
  ① well 
  ② good 
  ③ much 
  ④ likely 

▸ as good as …「…も同然」(=almost)
(be) as good as one’s word「約束を守る」
He is as good as his word.
He never fails to keep his promise.
He is a man of his word.
He is sure to keep his word.
He keeps his word without fail.
He always follows through on his promises.
正解 ② 
The problem is as good as settled.
The problem is virtually resolved.
The problem is practically solved.
The problem is effectively settled.
The problem is essentially resolved.
The problem is nearly settled.


I hope, at any rate, that you are going to (   ) your residence in London.
  ① take off 
  ② make off 
  ③ live up 
  ④ keep up

▸ keep up A「Aを維持する」
 ・keep A up
 ・maintain A
 ・uphold A
「起き上がる 」と「活動 状態」になるのが自然の流れ。
✰ keep up A:Aを維持する
✰ get up:起きる
✰ wake up (A):《自》目覚める《他》Aを目覚めさせる
✰ sit up (late):(遅くまで)起きている =stay up (late)
✰ cheer up (A):《自》元気を出す《他》Aを励ます
✰ hurry up :急ぐ
✰ turn up A:Aの音を上げる ⇔ turn down
正解 ④ 
I hope, at any rate, that you are going to keep up your residence in London.
Regardless, I hope you'll maintain your residence in London.
In any case, I hope you'll continue living in London.
I hope, at least, that you'll uphold your residence in London.
Regardless of anything else, I hope you'll maintain your residence in London.
In any event, I hope you'll continue residing in London.


I (   ) by my son.
  ① am looked after  
  ② am looked up for 
  ③ am looked up above 
  ④ am looking for 

▸ look after A「Aの世話をする」
 take care of A
 attend to A
see/look/watch は「気遣い」の意がある。
 ✰ look after A:Aの世話をする
 ✰ ask after A:A:Aは元気かとたずねる
 ✰ inquire after A:A:Aは元気かとたずねる

◆look: (対象に)視線を送る → (顔・意識を) 向ける
look after:Aの世話をする (=take care of)
look (a)round:
    ① 見回す (look about)
    ② 振り向く (=turn around)
look for探す (=search)
look into:
    ① Aの中を覗く 
    ② 調査する (=investigate)
look over:
    ① Aの中にざっと目を通す 
    ② 下調べする (=inspect)
look through:
    ① Aを通して見る 
    ② (書類などに)目を通す,調べる
look to:
    ① Aに注意する (=see to)
    ② 当てにする (=count)
look (up)on
    ① 傍観する 
    ② Aとみなす (=think of・regard)
look up to:
    尊敬する (=respect)
    ⇔ look down on・despise
look down to:軽蔑する (=despise・scorn)
look forward to:Aを楽しみに待つ (=anticipate)
look back on:Aを回想する (=think back to・recollect)
正解 ① 
I am looked after by my son.
My son takes care of me.
I am cared for by my son.
My son looks after me.
I am under the care of my son.
My son is responsible for my care.


Sometimes rich people (   ) other people who do not have much money.
  ① look down on 
  ② look forward to 
  ③ see through 
  ④ see to 

・look down (up)on A
・despise A
・scorn A
・disdain A
・contemn A
・look with scorn upon A
・hold A in contempt
・look up to A
・respect A
・admire A
・hold A in high regard
・esteem A
・reverence A
正解 ① 
Sometimes rich people look down on other people who do not have much money.
Occasionally, wealthy individuals scorn those with less money.
Sometimes rich individuals disdain those lacking wealth.
Wealthy people sometimes hold a negative opinion of those with limited financial means.
Occasionally, affluent individuals look down upon those who are less financially fortunate.
Sometimes rich people have a contemptuous attitude towards those who are not wealthy.


John will specialize (   ) Applied Physics next year.
  ① at 
  ② in 
  ③ on 
  ④ with 

▸ specialize in A「Aを専攻する,Aを専門にする」
 ・major in A
 ・dedicate oneself to A
 ・pursue A as a specialty
正解 ② 
John will specialize in Applied Physics next year.
John's area of focus next year will be Applied Physics.
Applied Physics will be John's specialization next year.
John's field of study next year will be Applied Physics.
Next year, John will concentrate on Applied Physics.
John's academic focus next year will be in Applied Physics.


We (   ) an inn at the foot of the mountain.
  ① put out 
  ② put together 
  ③ put up at 
  ④ put forward 

▸ put up at A「A(場所)に泊まる」
 ・stay A
 ・stay at A
 ・lodge at A
 ・accommodate at A
 ・spend the night at A
◆ put : 置く→ (思考を口から出して)置く → 表す・言う
put on:① 着る・身につける ② 化粧などをする・装う
           (⇔ take A off)
put off: ① (電灯などを)消す (=turn off)
            ② 延期する (=postpone)
put down:
    ① 下に置く 
    ② 書き留める (=write down)
    ③ 鎮める (=suppress)
put out:(火・電灯などを)消す (=extinguish)
put away: ① 片付ける ② 蓄える (=put aside・save)
put through:(仕事を)うまくやり遂げる
put forward:(案・意見などを)出す (=put forth・offer)
put together:組み立てる・まとめる
put up with:我慢する (=stand・bear・endure・tolerate)
正解 ③ 
We put up at an inn at the foot of the mountain.
We stayed at an inn located at the base of the mountain.
We lodged at an inn situated at the foot of the mountain.
We accommodated ourselves at an inn positioned at the foot of the mountain.
We spent the night at an inn found at the base of the mountain.
We stayed overnight at an inn situated at the foot of the mountain.



Every child, regardless of his intellectual capacity, can pick up at least one language.
No matter a child's intellectual capacity, they can learn at least one language.
Children of all intellectual capacities can acquire at least one language.
Intellectual capacity notwithstanding, every child can learn at least one language.
Regardless of a child's intellectual capacity, they can acquire at least one language.
Every child has the ability to learn at least one language, regardless of their intellectual capacity.


We all regard Thomas Edison as a great inventor.
We all consider Thomas Edison a great inventor.
Thomas Edison is universally respected as a great inventor.
Thomas Edison is widely acknowledged as a great inventor by all of us.
We all hold Thomas Edison in high esteem as a great inventor.
Thomas Edison is unanimously regarded as a great inventor by us all.


It is up to me to tell her the sad news.
I am responsible for delivering the sad news to her.
The task of informing her about the sad news falls on me.
I have the duty to convey the sad news to her.
Telling her the sad news is my responsibility.
I bear the obligation of informing her about the sad news.


Young children are completely dependent on their mothers for their physical needs and for their early education and training.
Young children rely entirely on their mothers for their physical needs and early education and training.
For their physical needs and early education and training, young children are entirely dependent on their mothers.
Mothers are the sole providers for young children's physical needs and early education and training.
Young children's physical needs and early education and training are solely fulfilled by their mothers.
The complete dependency of young children for their physical needs and early education and training lies with their mothers.


The problem is as good as settled.
The problem is virtually resolved.
The problem is practically solved.
The problem is effectively settled.
The problem is essentially resolved.
The problem is nearly settled.


I hope, at any rate, that you are going to keep up your residence in London.
Regardless, I hope you'll maintain your residence in London.
In any case, I hope you'll continue living in London.
I hope, at least, that you'll uphold your residence in London.
Regardless of anything else, I hope you'll maintain your residence in London.
In any event, I hope you'll continue residing in London.


I am looked after by my son.
My son takes care of me.
I am cared for by my son.
My son looks after me.
I am under the care of my son.
My son is responsible for my care.


Sometimes rich people look down on other people who do not have much money.
Occasionally, wealthy individuals scorn those with less money.
Sometimes rich individuals disdain those lacking wealth.
Wealthy people sometimes hold a negative opinion of those with limited financial means.
Occasionally, affluent individuals look down upon those who are less financially fortunate.
Sometimes rich people have a contemptuous attitude towards those who are not wealthy.


John will specialize in Applied Physics next year.
John's area of focus next year will be Applied Physics.
Applied Physics will be John's specialization next year.
John's field of study next year will be Applied Physics.
Next year, John will concentrate on Applied Physics.
John's academic focus next year will be in Applied Physics.


We put up at an inn at the foot of the mountain.
We stayed at an inn located at the base of the mountain.
We lodged at an inn situated at the foot of the mountain.
We accommodated ourselves at an inn positioned at the foot of the mountain.
We spent the night at an inn found at the base of the mountain.
We stayed overnight at an inn situated at the foot of the mountain.




This train is bound for Osaka.
This building is designed for people in wheelchairs.
Are you for or against my plan?
We worked for our living.
You can buy the paperback for about five dollars.
She looks young for her age.
London is famous for its fog.
She stayed there for three days.




1. I come from Canada.
2. Plastic is made from petroleum.
3. He is quite different from what he looks.




Our city is 30 kilometers north of Tokyo.
They were deprived of their political rights.
This house is made of wood.
While sleeping, he died of heart attack.
This book is of great use to those who want to know a lot about Japan.
Do you believe in the existence of God?
We were all impressed by her love of her children.
There is no hope ofus winning this game.

私たちの町は東京の北30 kmにあります。(分離)



He drove me to the station.
I usually go to and from the office by bus.
This is the key to Room 202. 
They were moved to tears.
To our joy, our son returned safe.
I was caught in a shower and wet to the skin.

喜ばしいことに、私たちの息子は無事に帰ってきた。(to one’s+感情を表す名詞)



He brought an umbrella with him.
She cut meat with a knife.
The leaves turned yellow with the coming of autumn.
He sat there with his legs crossed.
I have nothing to do with the matter.
The poor child was shivering with cold.




My brother is lying under the table.
Our school building is under construction.
You are under arrest.

1. 弟はテーブルの下に横たわっています。(離れた下)
2. 私たちの校舎は建築中です。(行為の過程)
3. あなたを逮捕します。(支配)



The plane flew over the island.
We had a chat over a cup of coffee.

1. その飛行機はその島の上空を飛んだ。(離れた上)
2. 私たちはコーヒーを飲みながらおしゃべりをした。(従事)



There is a waterfall below this bridge.
The sun sank below the horizon.

1 この橋の下流に滝がある。(地理的な下)
2 太陽は地平線の下に沈んだ。(基準線より下)



The top of Mt. Fuji was seen above the clouds.
Jack lives in the room above us.
She is above telling a lie.

1. 富士山の頂上は雲の上に見えた。(離れた上)
2 ジャックは私たちの上の部屋に住んでいます。(離れた上)
3 彼女は決して嘘をつない。(超越)



This train will go through a long tunnel.
Those stores are open through the night.
I don't really think I'll get through the exam this summer.
He failed the business through laziness.

1 この列車は長いトンネルを通るでしょう。(貫通)
2 あれらの店は夜通し開いています。(全過程)
3 あれらの店は夜通し開いています。(全過程)
4 彼は怠慢さのためにその仕事に失敗した。(理由)



My house is just beyond that river.
His idea is beyond my comprehension.
This job is beyond me.

1 私の家はちょうどあの川を越えたところにある。(位置)
2 彼の考えは私の理解を超えている。(範囲外)
3 この仕事は私にはできない。(範囲外)



Go straight along this street.
Let’s proceed along the lines I suggested.

1 この通りに沿ってまっすぐ行きなさい。(空間的)
2 私が示した方針に従って進みましょう。(比喩的)



We saw a dog swim across the river.
My house is just across the street.

1 私たちは犬がその川を泳いで渡るのを見た。(平面的なものを横切って)
2 私の家はちょうどその通りの向かいがわにあります。(平面的なものの向こう)


among / between

This sport is popular among young people.
This train runs between Tokyo and Hakata.

1 このスポーツは若者たちに人気があります。(3者以上)
2 この列車は東京と博多の間を走ります。(2者間)




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