
TEX 二井原

TEX 二井原




《 重要表現&句動詞 100人組手 ⑤ 》


To (   ) hours makes you healthy.
  ① get up 
  ② keep early 
  ③ make good 
  ④ raise regular 

▸ keep early hours
・keep good hours
・keep regular hours
・maintain an early bedtime and wake-up routine
・adhere to a schedule of going to bed and waking up early
・follow a regimen of early sleeping and rising
keep : くずれないように掴んでおく
 ✰ keep off:Aに近寄らない (keep away from)
 ✰ keep up:維持する (maintain)
 ✰ keep down:行圧する・鎮める (put down・suppress)
 ✰ keep up with:Aに遅れずについていく (keep pace with)
正解 ② 
To keep early hours makes you healthy.
To maintain early hours contributes to your overall health.
Keeping good hours promotes your well-being.
Adhering to a schedule of early sleeping and rising enhances your health.
Following regular hours of sleep and wakefulness supports your physical well-being.
Ensuring you go to bed and wake up early fosters good health.


In developing countries as well as industrialized ones, the environment has been (   ) pollution.
  ① obliged to 
  ② subject to 
  ③ due to 
  ④ reduced to 

▸ be subject to A
be reduced to A は「Aに変えられる,Aになる」
to の持つ〔到達点〕へのエネルギーは
『屈服』の to
 ✰ give way to A:Aに屈する,道を譲る
 ✰ give in to A:Aに屈する,負ける
 ✰ yield to A:Aに屈する
 ✰ surrender to A: Aに降伏する
 ✰ submit to A:Aに屈する
 ✰ fall victim to A:Aの犠牲になる
 ✰ fall prey to A:Aの犠牲になる
 ✰ be subject to A:Aに支配される
正解 ② 
In developing countries as well as industrialized ones, the environment has been subject to pollution.
Pollution has affected the environment in both developing and industrialized countries.
Pollution has impacted the environment in developing nations as well as in industrialized ones.
The environment in both developing and industrialized countries has been influenced by pollution.
Pollution has had consequences for the environment in developing countries, just as it has in industrialized ones.
The environment has been subjected to pollution in both developing and industrialized countries.


How long will this cold weather (   ) ?
  ① go wrong 
  ② go on 
  ③ run out 
  ④ effect 

▸ go on
  ①「続く」(=continue, last)
  ②「(時が)過ぎる」(=go by, pass)
この goは〔前進〕から〔継続〕の意を表す。
go:基点から離れる → 継続する → 至る → 消え去る
go on: 
  ① 続く,続ける (=continue)
  ② (時が)過ぎる (=go by・pass)
go off:
  ① 立ち去る (=leave)
  ② 発射される,爆発する (=blow off)
go out:
  ① 外へ出る 
  ② (火・電灯などが)消える (=go off)
go (a)round:
  ① 歩き回る (=go about)
  ② Aの回りを回る
go after:
  追いかける (=chase・pursue)
go over:
  ① 渡る 
  ② 詳しく調べる 
  ③ 復習する (=review)
go through:
  ① 通り抜ける 
  ② 経験する (=experience・undergo)
  ③ Aを成し遂げる(with A) (=accomplish・achieve)
go with:
  Aと調和する (=match・fit)
  《自動詞》は go together
go under:
go in for:
  ① Aに参加する(=join・take part in)
  ② 試験を受ける
正解 ② 
How long will this cold weather continue ?
How much longer will this cold weather persist?
Until when will this cold weather last?
When will this cold spell come to an end?
For how much longer will we endure this cold weather?
How many more days will this cold weather continue?


We succeeded (   ) breaking the door open after trying for half an hour.
  ① on 
  ② for 
  ③ in 
  ④ to 

▸ succeed in A「Aに成功する」
 ✰ achieve success in A
 ✰ attain success in A
 ✰ accomplish A successfully
 ✰ excel in A
 ✰ prosper in A
 ⇔ fail in A「Aに失敗する」〔範囲・限定〕
 ✰ be unsuccessful in A
 ✰ not succeed in A
 ✰ fall short in A
 ✰ come up short in A
 ✰ not achieve A
succeed to A「Aを相続する」も重要。
ex.) The eldest son succeeded to all the property.
正解 ③ 
We succeeded in breaking the door open after trying for half an hour.
After attempting for thirty minutes, we managed to successfully force open the door.
We succeeded in breaking open the door after half an hour of trying.
We were able to break down the door after making attempts for thirty minutes.
After a half-hour effort, we finally succeeded in forcing the door open.
We successfully broke open the door after a thirty-minute endeavor.


I think you're spoiling him by buying him every present he (   ).
  ① asks for 
  ② pays for 
  ③ makes for 
  ④ gets for 

▸ ask for A「Aを求める」〔願望・欲求〕
 ✰ call for A
 ✰ long for A
 ✰ hope for A
 ✰ wish for A
これらの for は原義〔方向〕→〔対象の包括〕。
正解 ① 
I think you’re spoiling him by buying him every present he asks for.
I believe you're indulging him by granting every request he makes.
I think you're pampering him by fulfilling every wish he has.
I believe you're spoiling him by giving in to all his demands.
You're encouraging his entitlement by buying him everything he asks for.
I think you're fostering a sense of entitlement by granting his every wish.


Whatever you say about me, say it to my face, not behind my (   ).
  ① hand 
  ② heart 
  ③ back 
  ④ head 

▸ behind A’s back
 ✰ when A is not present
 ✰ in A's absence
 ✰ behind A's absence
 ⇔ to A’s face  
back の指す部位は‘背中+腰’。
・on one’s back「あお向けに」
・on one’s stomach「うつぶせに」
正解 ③ 
Whatever you say about me, say it to my face, not behind my back.
If you have anything to say about me, say it to my face, not behind my back.
Whatever you want to say about me, say it directly to me, not behind my back.
If there's anything you need to say about me, please say it to me in person, not behind my back.
Don't talk about me behind my back; if you have something to say, say it to me.
Please address any concerns or remarks you have about me to my face, not behind my back.


It would be good for you to send your baggage (   ) to avoid any inconvenience.
  ① far advanced 
  ② in advance 
  ③ with advantage 
  ④ at advantage 

▸ in advance
 ahead of time
 prior to
 in anticipation
 ✰ in advance:前もって
 ✰ in vain:空しく,無駄に
 ✰ in person:(代理ではなく) 本人で
 ✰ in turn:順番に
 ✰ in succession:連続して
 ✰ in public:公共で,人前で(=publicly)
 ✰ in private:私的に(=privately)
 ✰ in secret:ひそかに(=secretly)
正解 ② 
It would be good for you to send your baggage in advance to avoid any inconvenience.
It would be advisable for you to send your luggage in advance to avoid any inconvenience.
Sending your baggage ahead of time would help prevent any inconvenience.
To avoid any hassle, it's recommended that you send your baggage in advance.
It's a good idea to send your luggage ahead of time to minimize any inconvenience.
To ensure a smooth experience, consider sending your baggage in advance.


The success of the Protestant Reformation was (   ) in great part to the political conflict between the German princes and the Pope.
  ① added 
  ② resulted 
  ③ engaged 
  ④ due 

▸ (be) due to A「Aが原因である」
be due to do「…する予定である」
This train is due to arrive in ten minutes.
  ✰ for
  ✰ because
  ✰ as
  ✰ since
  ✰ now( that)
  ✰ that is why
  ✰ because of
  ✰ on account of
  ✰ due to
  ✰ owing to (~のために) 
  ✰ as a result of (~の結果として)
  ✰ for that reason (その理由により)
  ✰ therefore
  ✰ so
  ✰ hence
  ✰ thus
  ✰ accordingly
  ✰ consequently
  ✰ as a resuly
  ✰ as a consequence
  ✰ in consequence
◆[動詞]原因 V 結果
  ✰ A cause B
  ✰ A bring about B
  ✰ A lead to B
  ✰ A result in B
  ✰ A give rise to B
  ✰ A call forth
◆ 結果 V 原因
  ✰ A result from B
  ✰ A contribute to B
  ✰ A be attributed to B
  ✰ A arise from B
  ✰ A is due to B
  ✰ A is owing to B
正解 ④ 
The success of the Protestant Reformation was due in great part to the political conflict between the German princes and the Pope.
The success of the Protestant Reformation was greatly influenced by the political conflict between the German princes and the Pope.
The Protestant Reformation's success was significantly shaped by the political dispute between the German princes and the Pope.
Political conflict between the German princes and the Pope played a major role in the success of the Protestant Reformation.
The Protestant Reformation's triumph was largely attributable to the political confrontation between the German princes and the Pope.
The political conflict between the German princes and the Pope was a key factor in the success of the Protestant Reformation.


Those people in front of the door, please (   ) for others.
  ① make a way 
  ② make the way 
  ③ make way 
  ④ make ways 

▸ make way for A
 ✰ get out of someone’s way
 ✰ clear a path for A
 ✰ give way to A
 ✰ make space for A
 ✰ yield to A
 ✰ accommodate A
ある状態を作り出す感じが make の語義。 
cf.) make room for A「Aに席を譲る」
正解 ③ 
Those people in front of the door, please make way for others.
Those individuals blocking the door, please step aside to allow others to pass.
People obstructing the door, please make room for others to pass.
Those standing in front of the door, please move aside for others.
Those blocking the doorway, please clear a path for others.
Please allow space for others to pass by moving away from the door.


The wise son makes his father proud (   ) him.
  ① under 
  ② in 
  ③ of 
  ④ as 

▸ be proud of A
 ✰ take pride in A
 ✰ pride oneself on A
 ✰ boast of[about] A
 ✰ be proud of A
 ✰ be ashamed of A
 ✰ feel embarrassed about A
 ✰ feel ashamed about A
 ✰ regard A with embarrassment
 ✰ be mortified by A
正解 ③ 
The wise son makes his father proud of him.
The wise son brings pride to his father through his actions.
Through his actions, the wise son earns the pride of his father.
The wise son's behavior brings pride to his father.
His father takes pride in the wise son because of his actions.
The wise son's conduct fills his father with pride.



To keep early hours makes you healthy.
To maintain early hours contributes to your overall health.
Keeping good hours promotes your well-being.
Adhering to a schedule of early sleeping and rising enhances your health.
Following regular hours of sleep and wakefulness supports your physical well-being.
Ensuring you go to bed and wake up early fosters good health.


In developing countries as well as industrialized ones, the environment has been subject to pollution.
Pollution has affected the environment in both developing and industrialized countries.
Pollution has impacted the environment in developing nations as well as in industrialized ones.
The environment in both developing and industrialized countries has been influenced by pollution.
Pollution has had consequences for the environment in developing countries, just as it has in industrialized ones.
The environment has been subjected to pollution in both developing and industrialized countries.


How long will this cold weather continue ?
How much longer will this cold weather persist?
Until when will this cold weather last?
When will this cold spell come to an end?
For how much longer will we endure this cold weather?
How many more days will this cold weather continue?


We succeeded in breaking the door open after trying for half an hour.
After attempting for thirty minutes, we managed to successfully force open the door.
We succeeded in breaking open the door after half an hour of trying.
We were able to break down the door after making attempts for thirty minutes.
After a half-hour effort, we finally succeeded in forcing the door open.
We successfully broke open the door after a thirty-minute endeavor.

I think you’re spoiling him by buying him every present he asks for.
I believe you're indulging him by granting every request he makes.
I think you're pampering him by fulfilling every wish he has.
I believe you're spoiling him by giving in to all his demands.
You're encouraging his entitlement by buying him everything he asks for.
I think you're fostering a sense of entitlement by granting his every wish.


Whatever you say about me, say it to my face, not behind my back.
If you have anything to say about me, say it to my face, not behind my back.
Whatever you want to say about me, say it directly to me, not behind my back.
If there's anything you need to say about me, please say it to me in person, not behind my back.
Don't talk about me behind my back; if you have something to say, say it to me.
Please address any concerns or remarks you have about me to my face, not behind my back.


It would be good for you to send your baggage in advance to avoid any inconvenience.
It would be advisable for you to send your luggage in advance to avoid any inconvenience.
Sending your baggage ahead of time would help prevent any inconvenience.
To avoid any hassle, it's recommended that you send your baggage in advance.
It's a good idea to send your luggage ahead of time to minimize any inconvenience.
To ensure a smooth experience, consider sending your baggage in advance.


The success of the Protestant Reformation was due in great part to the political conflict between the German princes and the Pope.
The success of the Protestant Reformation was greatly influenced by the political conflict between the German princes and the Pope.
The Protestant Reformation's success was significantly shaped by the political dispute between the German princes and the Pope.
Political conflict between the German princes and the Pope played a major role in the success of the Protestant Reformation.
The Protestant Reformation's triumph was largely attributable to the political confrontation between the German princes and the Pope.
The political conflict between the German princes and the Pope was a key factor in the success of the Protestant Reformation.


Those people in front of the door, please make way for others.
Those individuals blocking the door, please step aside to allow others to pass.
People obstructing the door, please make room for others to pass.
Those standing in front of the door, please move aside for others.
Those blocking the doorway, please clear a path for others.
Please allow space for others to pass by moving away from the door.


The wise son makes his father proud of him.
The wise son brings pride to his father through his actions.
Through his actions, the wise son earns the pride of his father.
The wise son's behavior brings pride to his father.
His father takes pride in the wise son because of his actions.
The wise son's conduct fills his father with pride.




This train is bound for Osaka.
This building is designed for people in wheelchairs.
Are you for or against my plan?
We worked for our living.
You can buy the paperback for about five dollars.
She looks young for her age.
London is famous for its fog.
She stayed there for three days.




1. I come from Canada.
2. Plastic is made from petroleum.
3. He is quite different from what he looks.




Our city is 30 kilometers north of Tokyo.
They were deprived of their political rights.
This house is made of wood.
While sleeping, he died of heart attack.
This book is of great use to those who want to know a lot about Japan.
Do you believe in the existence of God?
We were all impressed by her love of her children.
There is no hope ofus winning this game.

私たちの町は東京の北30 kmにあります。(分離)



He drove me to the station.
I usually go to and from the office by bus.
This is the key to Room 202. 
They were moved to tears.
To our joy, our son returned safe.
I was caught in a shower and wet to the skin.

喜ばしいことに、私たちの息子は無事に帰ってきた。(to one’s+感情を表す名詞)



He brought an umbrella with him.
She cut meat with a knife.
The leaves turned yellow with the coming of autumn.
He sat there with his legs crossed.
I have nothing to do with the matter.
The poor child was shivering with cold.




My brother is lying under the table.
Our school building is under construction.
You are under arrest.

1. 弟はテーブルの下に横たわっています。(離れた下)
2. 私たちの校舎は建築中です。(行為の過程)
3. あなたを逮捕します。(支配)



The plane flew over the island.
We had a chat over a cup of coffee.

1. その飛行機はその島の上空を飛んだ。(離れた上)
2. 私たちはコーヒーを飲みながらおしゃべりをした。(従事)



There is a waterfall below this bridge.
The sun sank below the horizon.

1 この橋の下流に滝がある。(地理的な下)
2 太陽は地平線の下に沈んだ。(基準線より下)



The top of Mt. Fuji was seen above the clouds.
Jack lives in the room above us.
She is above telling a lie.

1. 富士山の頂上は雲の上に見えた。(離れた上)
2 ジャックは私たちの上の部屋に住んでいます。(離れた上)
3 彼女は決して嘘をつない。(超越)



This train will go through a long tunnel.
Those stores are open through the night.
I don't really think I'll get through the exam this summer.
He failed the business through laziness.

1 この列車は長いトンネルを通るでしょう。(貫通)
2 あれらの店は夜通し開いています。(全過程)
3 あれらの店は夜通し開いています。(全過程)
4 彼は怠慢さのためにその仕事に失敗した。(理由)



My house is just beyond that river.
His idea is beyond my comprehension.
This job is beyond me.

1 私の家はちょうどあの川を越えたところにある。(位置)
2 彼の考えは私の理解を超えている。(範囲外)
3 この仕事は私にはできない。(範囲外)



Go straight along this street.
Let’s proceed along the lines I suggested.

1 この通りに沿ってまっすぐ行きなさい。(空間的)
2 私が示した方針に従って進みましょう。(比喩的)



We saw a dog swim across the river.
My house is just across the street.

1 私たちは犬がその川を泳いで渡るのを見た。(平面的なものを横切って)
2 私の家はちょうどその通りの向かいがわにあります。(平面的なものの向こう)


among / between

This sport is popular among young people.
This train runs between Tokyo and Hakata.

1 このスポーツは若者たちに人気があります。(3者以上)
2 この列車は東京と博多の間を走ります。(2者間)




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TEX 二井原

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英語パーソナルジム HIET(ヒート)/ High Intensity English Training

★英検1級所持の代表自ら個別指導★ 難関大合格 ★ 英検合格 3~1級合格 ★ TOEIC 900 突破 ★ たった一人の生徒さんに完璧に合わせたプログラム

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TEX 二井原プロへの仕事の相談・依頼
