英文法5分ドリル【準動詞】形容詞的用法 ②

TEX 二井原

TEX 二井原





《句》は S V を含まない意味のカタマリで、
《名詞句》 : S/O/C/前置詞の目的語
《形容詞句》: 名詞を修飾/C
《副詞句》 : 名詞以外を修飾して常にM


Ⅰ)《名詞句》 :〈不定詞〉〈動名詞〉
Ⅲ)《副詞句》 :〈不定詞〉〈分詞構文〉

Ⅰ)《名詞句》 :〈to do〉〈doing〉
Ⅱ)《形容詞句》:〈to do〉〈doing/done〉
Ⅲ)《副詞句》 :〈to do〉〈doing/done〉


Did you know Nebraska is a state whose name comes from an India word (    ) “river in the flatness”?
  ① means
  ② the meaning of
  ③ meaning
  ④ in meant

文意から空所以下が直前名詞 an India word の修飾と考えられる。
 an India word which means … 
 ➪ an India word meaning …
「ネブラスカ州の名前はインデアンの言葉 “river in the flatness” に由来するのを知ってましたか」
Did you know Nebraska is a state whose name comes from an India word meaning “river in the flatness”?
Did you know Nebraska is a state whose name is derived from an Indian term signifying "river in the flatness"?
Nebraska, a state, gets its name from an Indian word that translates to "river in the flatness."
Were you aware that Nebraska's name originates from an indigenous word meaning "river in the flatness"?

He seems (    ) a very popular actor when he was young.
  ① to be
  ② to have been
  ③ he was
  ④ he has been

現在時制 seems と過去時制 was に注目。
完了不定詞<to have done>を用いて
 It seems that he was a very popular actor when he was young.
語法的に次の形は取れないために③ he wasは失格。
 誤:He seems that SV
◆ 完了不定詞<to have done>
☆ <同時>
 It seems that he is ill.
 =He seems to be ill.
☆ <seemsより前>
 It seems that he was ill.
 =He seems to have been ill.
☆ <同時>
 It seemed that he was ill.
 =He seemed to be ill.   
☆ <seemedより前>
 It seemed that he had been ill.
 =He seemed to have been ill.
He seems to have beena very popular actor when he was young.
He appears to have enjoyed considerable popularity as an actor during his youth.
It seems he was quite a celebrated actor in his younger days.
During his youth, it seems he was a highly popular actor.

問題文のように現在時制と完了不定詞〈to have done〉
ここではwhen he was から「過去」を表す。
次の文では for two weeks から to have been を
述語動詞 seems と同時の「現在完了」と解する。
 Mary seems to have been sick for two weeks.
 =It seems that Mary has been sick for two weeks.
 It seems that he has finished his work.
 =He seems to have finished his work.
 It is likely that he will win the scholarship.
 =He is likely to win the scholarship.

We looked everywhere but the thief was nowhere (    ).
  ① having seen
  ② seeing
  ③ to be seen
  ④ to see

Not a soul was to be seen on the street.
=Not a soul was visible on the street.
解釈の際<be to不定詞>を用法分類する
<be+to do>
「これから ~ する状態にある」
『be to不定詞構文』
  She is to get married in June.
  You are to start as soon as possible.
  No one was to be seen in the street.
  *be to be done の形で用いる
  If you are to see him, you will have to wait.
  *if S be to do」で用いる
  She was never to see him again.
We looked everywhere but the thief was nowhere to be seen.
Despite searching everywhere, the thief remained elusive and couldn't be spotted.
We scoured every possible place, yet the thief managed to evade sight completely.
Our search efforts were exhaustive, but the thief remained unseen.

The two main roads from Osaka to Kobe are open, but the Hanshin Expressway remains (    ).
  ① to close
  ② close
  ③ closing
  ④ closed

SVC 構造の C に分詞を入れる問題 は,
V をbe 動詞に置き換えて態を確認する。
✰ S V C (=分詞)
✰ S V O C (=分詞)  
The two main roads from Osaka to Kobe are open, but the Hanshin Expressway remains closed.
While the main roads from Osaka to Kobe are accessible, the Hanshin Expressway remains shut.
The Hanshin Expressway, unlike the two primary routes from Osaka to Kobe, remains inaccessible.
Though the main roads connecting Osaka to Kobe are open, the Hanshin Expressway stays closed.

⒜ S V C
come, stand, sit, lie
 Young girls sat surrounding him.
 He sat surrounded by young girls.
⒝ S V C(分詞)
be, seem, look, keep, remain, feel
 The baby kept crying all night.
 They looked satisfied with the result.
⒞ S V doing「~しに行く」
go shopping, go swimming, go skating, go skiing, go fishing
 We went swimming at Lake Biwa last Saturday.

The fees listed after each course description (    ) directly to the instructor at the first meeting.
  ① are to be paid
  ② are to pay
  ③ is being paid
  ④ is paying

《be to不定詞構文》〔義務〕
<be to 不定詞>の受動形は《be to be done》となる。
<be to不定詞>の用法で共通して言えるのは
The fees listed after each course description are to be paid directly to the instructor at the first meeting.
Payment for the listed course fees is to be made directly to the instructor during the initial meeting.
At the first meeting, students are expected to directly pay the fees mentioned for each course to the instructor.
These fees, as described for each course, are to be handed over to the instructor during the first meeting.

The explorers had been lost in the desert for days and the lights of the village made them feel (    ) and happy.
  ① to relieve
  ② relieve
  ③ relieved
  ④ relieving

the lights of the village(S) made(V) them(O) feel ( ) and happy.(C)
SVOC の C に分詞を入れる問題は
ここは, they feel[are]relieved
✰ O C = 能動関係 ➪ doing    
✰ O C = 受動関係 ➪ done
SVOC の C に分詞を入れる問題では
O が「する」のか「される」のかのみを考える
The explorers had been lost in the desert for days and the lights of the village made them feel relievedand happy.
The sight of village lights brought relief and happiness to the explorers who had been lost in the desert for days.
After days of being lost in the desert, the sight of village lights brought immense relief and joy to the explorers.
The explorers, lost for days in the desert, felt a wave of relief and happiness upon spotting the village lights.

There are six letters (   ) today.
  ① for being written
  ② to be written
  ③ to write with
  ④ to write on

《There are ~ 》の構造なので
letters を意味 上の主語にした
six letters to be written
"I '"
six letters to write
There is[are]+名詞のこういった文では
不定詞は to do と to be done の形どちらも可。
There are six letters to be written today.
There are six letters that need to be written today.
Today requires the writing of six letters.
A total of six letters must be written before the day ends.

I was so (    ) I fell asleep before the film ended.
  ① bored
  ② boring
  ③ bore
  ④ boreded

 Don't bore people with your problems.
 Oh, sorry. I'm boring you with my story, aren't I?
 a boring lecture
 (人を退屈させる講義 → 退屈な授業)
ここでは《so … that ~ 》構文の that の省略。
I was so bored I fell asleep before the film ended.
I was so uninterested that I fell asleep before the film concluded.
My boredom reached a point where I dozed off before the movie ended.
I found the film so dull that I fell asleep before it finished.

The news of the destruction of the Soviet Union was (    ) us.
  ① very surprised at
  ② much surprised to
  ③ very surprising to
  ④ much surprising at

〈人〉is surprised at〈原因〉
〈原因〉is surprising to〈人〉
 Her beauty surprised them all.
 I was surprised at learning the truth.
〔〈人〉+ (be) done+前置詞 〕の前置詞は
✰ 〔驚き〕surprised/astonished   ➪ at
✰ 〔満足〕satisfied /pleased    ➪ with
✰ 〔関心〕concerned/preoccupied  ➪ with
✰ 〔関心〕interested/absorbed    ➪ in
The news of the destruction of the Soviet Union was very surprising to us.
The news of the Soviet Union's dissolution came as a tremendous surprise to us.
The sudden collapse of the Soviet Union was incredibly shocking to us.
We were greatly taken aback by the news of the Soviet Union's disintegration.

You cannot make (    ) if they don’t want to.
 ① people learn
 ② people to learn
 ③ people learning
 ④ that people learn

make O do 「Oに(強制的に)~ させる」(=force O to do)
✰ C=(to) do〔不定詞〕
  ➪「Oが ~ する」《能動関係》
✰ C=doing 〔現在分詞〕
  ➪「Oが ~ している」《能動関係》
✰ C=done 〔過去分詞〕
  ➪「Oが ~ される / されている」《受動関係》
    または例外的に「Oが ~ してしまった」〈完了〉
You cannot make people learn if they don’t want to.
Learning cannot be forced upon individuals who lack the desire to learn.
People cannot be compelled to learn if they lack the willingness to do so.
If individuals don't have the inclination to learn, you cannot force them to do so.


「ネブラスカ州の名前はインデアンの言葉 “river in the flatness” に由来するのを知ってましたか」

Did you know Nebraska is a state whose name comes from an India word meaning “river in the flatness”?
Did you know Nebraska is a state whose name is derived from an Indian term signifying "river in the flatness"?
Nebraska, a state, gets its name from an Indian word that translates to "river in the flatness."
Were you aware that Nebraska's name originates from an indigenous word meaning "river in the flatness"?


He seems to have beena very popular actor when he was young.
He appears to have enjoyed considerable popularity as an actor during his youth.
It seems he was quite a celebrated actor in his younger days.
During his youth, it seems he was a highly popular actor.


We looked everywhere but the thief was nowhere to be seen.
Despite searching everywhere, the thief remained elusive and couldn't be spotted.
We scoured every possible place, yet the thief managed to evade sight completely.
Our search efforts were exhaustive, but the thief remained unseen.


The two main roads from Osaka to Kobe are open, but the Hanshin Expressway remains closed.
While the main roads from Osaka to Kobe are accessible, the Hanshin Expressway remains shut.
The Hanshin Expressway, unlike the two primary routes from Osaka to Kobe, remains inaccessible.
Though the main roads connecting Osaka to Kobe are open, the Hanshin Expressway stays closed.


The fees listed after each course description are to be paid directly to the instructor at the first meeting.
Payment for the listed course fees is to be made directly to the instructor during the initial meeting.
At the first meeting, students are expected to directly pay the fees mentioned for each course to the instructor.
These fees, as described for each course, are to be handed over to the instructor during the first meeting.


The explorers had been lost in the desert for days and the lights of the village made them feel relievedand happy.
The sight of village lights brought relief and happiness to the explorers who had been lost in the desert for days.
After days of being lost in the desert, the sight of village lights brought immense relief and joy to the explorers.
The explorers, lost for days in the desert, felt a wave of relief and happiness upon spotting the village lights.


There are six letters to be written today.
There are six letters that need to be written today.
Today requires the writing of six letters.
A total of six letters must be written before the day ends.


I was so bored I fell asleep before the film ended.
I was so uninterested that I fell asleep before the film concluded.
My boredom reached a point where I dozed off before the movie ended.
I found the film so dull that I fell asleep before it finished.


The news of the destruction of the Soviet Union was very surprising to us.
The news of the Soviet Union's dissolution came as a tremendous surprise to us.
The sudden collapse of the Soviet Union was incredibly shocking to us.
We were greatly taken aback by the news of the Soviet Union's disintegration.


You cannot make people learn if they don’t want to.
Learning cannot be forced upon individuals who lack the desire to learn.
People cannot be compelled to learn if they lack the willingness to do so.
If individuals don't have the inclination to learn, you cannot force them to do so.


(to do …) = (名詞句) or (形容詞句) or (副詞句)

✰ 名詞用法   ➪  S/O/Cとして機能する
✰ 形容詞用法  ➪  前の名詞を修飾
✰ 副詞用法   ➪   上記以外の全て

1 . 名詞用法
S/O/Cになる (前置詞の目的語は不可)
(1) To know oneself is difficult.
(2) It is necessary to have a good sleep.
(3) All I can do is to sing for you.
(4) I decided to go on to college.

疑問詞+to do・whether+to do
(1) What to do is an important question.
(2) How to begin is more difficult than where to stop.
(3) Please tell me which bus to take.
(4) I don't know whether to trust him or not.

2 .形容詞用法
名 ← to do
(1) I have no friends to help me.
(2) He lent me a book to read.
(3) We need a house to live in.

3 .副詞用法
❶ 目的
(1) We eat to live, not live to eat.
(2) He studied hard in order to pass the examination.
(3) He hurried to the station so as to catch the last train.
 *〔目的〕を明示する時には,in order to, so as to
❷ (感情の)原因・理由
 ★直前に < 感情 > を示す語が出現
(1) I am sorry to hear that you were hurt in the accident.
(2) I am very glad to see you.
❸ (判断の)根拠
 ★直前に < 判断 > を表す表現が出現
(1) You must be crazy to go out in this stormy weather.
(2) What a fool I am to have missed the chance !
  ★判断を表す語には助動詞のmust, cannotがある。
❹ 限定・程度
(1) This book is difficult to read.
(2) This book is too difficult to read.
  = It is difficult to read this book.
   ▸ この本は難しすぎて読めない
(3) You are old enough to see its meaning.
  =You are so old as to see its meaning
  ▸ わかってもいい年頃だ。
(4) She was so kind as to help me.
 =She was kind enough to help me.
  ▸ 親切にも私を助けてくれた。
❺ 結果
(1) He awoke to find the house on fire.
(2) The boy grew up to be a fine gentleman.
(3) My grandmother lived to be ninety years old.
(4) He tried only to fail.
(5) He went over to India, never to return.
 ☆ awake to ~ :目を覚ますと~
 ☆ wake up to ~:目を覚ますと~
 ☆ grow up to ~: 成長して~
 ☆ live to be ~:~になるまで生きる
 ☆ … only to ~:…したが結局…
 ☆ … never to ~:…して二度と~
❻ 条件 〔仮定法〕
(1) To hear him speak English, you would take him for an American.
(2) It would be wiser to leave it unsaid.
❼ 独立不定詞
(1) To tell the truth, she died three days ago.
(2) To make matters worse, her child became sick.
(3) You are, so to speak, a fish out of water.
(4) To begin with, beat two eggs in a bowl.

☆ to say nothing of ~:~は言うまでもなく
☆ not to mention ~:~は言うまでもなく
☆ not to speak of ~:~は言うまでもなく
☆ strange to say:奇妙なことに
☆ to be sure:確かに
☆ to make a long story short:かいつまんで言うと
☆ to be brief:手短かに言え

< be to 構文 >

(1) John and I are to meet at the station at six.
  ➪ John and I are going to meet at the station at six.
(2) If you are to succeed, you must work harder.
  ➪ If you want to succeed, you must work harder.
(3) You are not to smoke in this room.
  ➪ You must not smoke in this room.
  ➪ You should not smoke in this room.
(4) He was never to see his mother again.
  ➪ He was destined never to see his mother again.
(5) The camera was not to be found.
  ➪ The camera couldn't be found.

4 . 〈to have done〉完了不定詞
❑ 不定詞 <to do> ➪ Vと同じ時制を表す
❑ 完了不定詞 <to have done> ➪ Vより1つ前の時制表す

(1) He seems to be ill.
  = It seems that he is ill.
(2) He seems to have been ill.
  = It seems that he was [has been] ill.
(3) He seemed to be ill.
  = It seemed that he was ill.
(4) He seemed to have been ill.
  = It seemed that he had been ill.
  = He is said to have been rich when he was young.
  = It is said that he was rich when he was young.
(5) She was said to have been the most beautiful lady in the town.
  = They said that she had been the most beautiful lady in the town.

◇ 意味上の主語
⑴ 意味上の主語が一般の人 ➪ 表さない
⑵ It is 形 for A to do ➪ A
⑶ It is 形 of〈人〉to do ➪ 〈人〉
⑷ S V O to do ➪ O 
⑸ S V to do ➪ S
⑹ S V O 形容詞用法のto do ➪ 直前の名詞(O)

(1) It is important to learn English.
(2) It is important for Taro to learn English. 
(3) It is kind of you to show me around the town.
(4) My mother told me to eat more vegetables.
 =My mother told me that I should eat more vegetables.  
(5) I have decided to major on economics in college.
⑹ She is not a person to deceive to others.

◇ 不定詞のみを目的語にとる動詞

◇ S V O to do (一般的な第5文型動詞)
✰ O C=能動関係 ➪ <V + O + to do>
✰ O C=受動関係 ➪  <V + O + to be done>
〔願 望〕like, want, desire
〔要 求〕ask, request, require
〔許 可〕 allow (許す), permit (許す)
〔強 制〕compel (強いる), force (強いる), oblige (義務づける)
〔命 令〕order (命令する), tell
〔勧 告〕 persuade (説得する), urge (駆り立てる), advise (忠告する)
〔認 識〕 think, consider, believe
〔期 待〕 expect
〔原 因〕 cause, lead
〔可 能〕 enable


doing 形で名詞のハタラキ(S,O,C,前置詞の目的語)をする
(1) Reading in bed is not good for the eyes.
(2) It is fun watching birds in the woods.
(3) My hobby is listening to music.
(4) I like eating oranges, but dislike peeling them.
(5) The doctor insisted on operating on the patient.

1 動名詞の意味上の主語
(a) He insisted on paying the money.
(a’) He insisted on my paying the money.
 =He insisted that I should pay the money.
(b) Would you mind opening the door?
(b’) Would you mind my opening the door?

2 <to+doing>
☆ look forward to doing(〜することを楽しみに待つ)
☆ be used to doing(〜するのに慣れている)
☆ be accustomed to doing(〜するのに慣れている)
☆ What do you say to doing ...?(〜するのはどうですか)
☆ with a view to doing(〜する目的で)
☆ when it comes to doing(〜するということになると)
☆ come near to doing(危うく〜しそうになる)

3. 慣用表現
cannot help doing (= cannot but do)
 I cannot but admire his courage.
 =I cannot help admiring his courage.
How about doing …?
 How about going for a walk?
 =What do you say (to) going for a walk?
There is no doing (= It is impossible to ...)
 We cannot say whether he will come.
 =There is no saying whether he will come.
worth doing
 This book is worth reading twice.
 =It is worth while to read this book twice.
It goes without saying that S V
 「言うまでもなく」(= Needless to say)
 It is needless to say that honesty is the best policy.
 =It goes without saying that honesty is the best policy.
on doing (= as soon as S V)
 As soon as I heard the news, I rushed to the scene.
 =On hearing the news, I rushed to the scene.
Be careful in doing
 Be careful when you cross the street.
 =Be careful in crossing the street.
feel like doing (= feel inclined to do)
 I don't feel like attending the party.
have trouble[difficulty / a hard time](in) doing
 I had a lot of trouble (in) persuading him to go.

4 〈SV to do〉&〈SV doing〉
◆ 動名詞のみを目的語にとる動詞
・give up(〜するのをやめる)
・put off(〜するのを延期する)
◆ 不定詞のみを目的語にとる動詞

◆ doing; 動名詞 VS 分詞
(1) 〈動名詞〉
  名詞として機能 「〜すること」
(2) 〈現在分詞〉
(3) 〈分詞構文〉 副詞として機能
 「時・理由・条件・譲歩・付帯状況」 を表す

(1) Looking after children requires patience.
(2) The man driving the car was drunk.
(3) Seeing me, the dog wagged his tail.

◆ 文頭の Doing …
 ① <Doing … V > :(Doing ...)=主語
 ② <Doing … S V> :(Doing ... )=M (副詞)

① 〈動名詞〉
 Reading small print injures the eyes.
② 〈分詞構文〉
 Reading the letters from her, he turned pale.


〈 doing/done の形態で形容詞のはたらき 〉 = 〈 名詞修飾/C 〉
 ✰ doing  ➪ ① 能動  ② 進行
 ✰ done  ➪ ③ 受動  ④ 完了(自動詞でまれ)
① the club belonging to him
 =which belongs to ...
② the man standing over there
 =who is standing ...
③ the language spoken in this country
 =which is spoken ...
④ the leaves fallen on the ground
 =which have fallen ...

◆ S V+分詞
⑴ S V+分詞「〜しながら」
come, stand, sit, lie
Young girls sat surrounding him.
He sat surrounded by young girls.

⑵ S V C
be, seem, look, keep, remain, feel
The baby kept crying all night.
They looked satisfied with the result.

⑶ S V doing「〜しに行く」
go shopping, go swimming, go skating, go skiing, go fishing
We went swimming at Lake Biwa last Saturday.

◆ 分詞形容詞:
 ▸ 純然たる〈形容詞]〉として機能
感情・心理 V「(人)に〜させる」〈他動詞〉
 doing  ➪  人をさせる
 done   ➪  自分がする
The result pleased him.
 * The result is pleasing. 〔能動〕 (人を) 喜ばせる
 * He is pleased. 〔受動〕 喜ばされた → 喜んだ
◆ 分詞形容詞を作る動詞:〈人〉を目的語にとる〈他動詞〉
✰「驚かせる」 ➪ surprise, alarm, amaze, astonish
✰「喜ばせる」 ➪ amuse, please, delight
✰「がっかりさせる」 ➪ disappoint, discourage, depress
✰「恐れさせる」 ➪ frighten, terrify
✰「満足させる」 ➪ satisfy
✰「激励する」 ➪ encourage
✰「悩ませる」 ➪ bother, annoy, irritate
✰「魅惑する」 ➪ charm, fascinate
✰「退屈させる」 ➪ bore, tire
✰「ほっとさせる」 ➪ relieve
✰「傷つける」 ➪ injure, wound

◆ make 「O にC させる」〈強制〉「O をC にする」
 S make O =do/done
◆ have 「O をC させる/C してもらう/C される」〈中立〉
 S have O =do/done
◆ let 「O にC させてやる」〈許可〉
 S let O do
◆ get 「O をC させる/C してもらう/C される」〈have とほぼ同義〉
 S get O =to do/done
◆ S V(知覚動詞)O C
 S see, hear, find, feel O=do/doing/done
◆ S V(keep/leave)O C「O をC に保つ/そのままにしておく」
 S keep, leave O=doing/done
◆ S V(want)O C 「O をC して欲しい」
 S want O =done




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TEX 二井原(英語講師)

英語パーソナルジム HIET(ヒート)/ High Intensity English Training

★英検1級所持の代表自ら個別指導★ 難関大合格 ★ 英検合格 3~1級合格 ★ TOEIC 900 突破 ★ たった一人の生徒さんに完璧に合わせたプログラム

TEX 二井原プロは神戸新聞社が厳正なる審査をした登録専門家です







TEX 二井原プロへの仕事の相談・依頼
