
TEX 二井原

TEX 二井原



【 a new / of / examination / might / a closer / it / fact / have / revealed 】.

条件として主部にA closer examination of it を
If you had examined of it に相当する表現として用いる。
a closer examination「より精密な検査」
A closer examination of it might have revealed a new fact.
A more thorough investigation might have revealed a new piece of information.
If it had been examined more closely, a new fact could have been discovered.

How 【 I had / the opportunity / have a talk / to / I / wish / had 】with her!

I wishの強調表現。
❑ I wish he were alive ! の強調表現として次のようなものがある。
✰ If only he were alive !
✰ How I wish he were alive !
✰ Would (that) he were alive !
★ 直説法で書き換えると I’m sorry he is dead now.
★ if onlyは単なる条件を表す場合には直説法(普通の動詞表現)を従える.
   If only he arrives in time.
How I wish I had had the opportunity to have a talk with her!
I deeply regret not having had the chance to talk with her.
I wish I could have had a conversation with her at some point.

An 【 that / like / Englishman / not / it / pronounce / would 】.

条件として主語に An English man を If he were an English man
An Englishman would not pronounce it like that.
It would be pronounced differently by an Englishman.
The pronunciation would vary if it were an Englishman.

【 for / it / his wife / were / not 】, he could not be what he is now.

「~がないならば」は If it were not for を使いたいが if が無い。
次の規則を適用し were it not for とする。
✰ if S were   ➪   were S …
✰ if S had done ➪   had S done
✰ if S should do ➪   should S V
Were it not for his wife, he could not be what he is now.
His current status owes much to his wife; without her, he wouldn't be where he is.
Without the presence of his wife, his current situation would be different.

But 【 not / been / your help / my book / would / for / have / brought 】 to light.

「公にされる,出版される」be brought to light(=be published)
◇ <仮定法過去>『~がなければ』
  ✰ If it were not for your help, I would not succeed.
  ✰Were it not for your help, I would not succeed.
  ✰ Without your help, I would not succeed.
  ✰ But for your help, I would not succeed.
◇ <仮定法過去完了>『~がなかったならば』
  ✰ If it had not been for your help, I would not have succeeded.
  ✰ Had it not been for your help, I would not have succeeded.
  ✰ Without your help, I would not have succeeded.
  ✰ But for your help, I would not have succeeded.
But for your help, my book would not have been brought to light.
If it weren't for your assistance, my book would still be unpublished.
The publication of my book depended on your help; otherwise, it would not have been brought to light.

What would happen 【alternative fuel / be found / could / if / to / no / petroleum】?

「石油に代わる燃料」alternative fuel to petroleum
What would happen if no alternative fuel to petroleum could be found ?
If a substitute for petroleum couldn't be found, what consequences would follow?
What if there were no alternative fuel to replace petroleum?

If you 【my advice / in / taken / you / such trouble / had / would / be】 now.

<if節:仮定法過去完了/ 帰結節:仮定法過去>
「アドバイスを聞く」の「聞く」は take (=follow) を用いる
cf.) give advice
「助言をする」〈人〉is in trouble.
If you had taken my advice, you would not be in such trouble now.
Following my advice could have prevented you from being in trouble now.
You wouldn't be facing trouble now if you had taken my advice.

No one 【he were / some extent / could remain / a coward / alive / to / if / not】 .

one「一般の人」は he で受けている。
No one が与えられているので if 節は後ろに置く。
仮定法の if 節中に出現する be 動詞は人称に関係なく普通 were を用いる。
to some extent「ある程度」
a coward「卑怯者」
No one could remain alive if he were not a coward to some extent.
Survival would be impossible without a certain degree of cowardice.
To some extent, everyone needs a level of cowardice to remain alive.

I 【earlier / if / have come / I had wanted / could / to】.

if I wanted to.( come earlier )
正解:I could have come earlier if I had wanted to.
 If it should rain tomorrow, the athletic meeting would be put off.
 ★ put off:~を延期する
 What would happen if we were to lose the secret of making fire?
 If Britain had not been invaded, its people would be speaking quite a different language today.
 ★ if 節と主文の時制が異なる
 It is a matter for regret that he should have died so young.
 ★ a matter for regret:残念なこと
 It is high time that you learned to behave yourself.
 You should be old enough to behave yourself.
 ★ learn to do:~ するようになる 
 ★ behave oneself:行儀よくする

If you 【 had / would / you / your parents / not / to / listened / be 】 in trouble now.

<if節:仮定法過去完了/ 帰結節:仮定法過去>
If you had listened to your parents, you would not be in trouble now.
Heeding your parents' advice could have spared you from the current trouble.
Your current predicament could have been avoided if you had listened to your parents.

【 do / father / he / heard / what / would / your / if 】 that?

What would your father do if he heard that?
How do you think your father would react if he heard about it?
If he were to learn about it, what actions would your father take?


A closer examination of it might have revealed a new fact.
A more thorough investigation might have revealed a new piece of information.
If it had been examined more closely, a new fact could have been discovered.

How I wish I had had the opportunity to have a talk with her!
I deeply regret not having had the chance to talk with her.
I wish I could have had a conversation with her at some point.

An Englishman would not pronounce it like that.
It would be pronounced differently by an Englishman.
The pronunciation would vary if it were an Englishman.

Were it not for his wife, he could not be what he is now.
His current status owes much to his wife; without her, he wouldn't be where he is.
Without the presence of his wife, his current situation would be different.

But for your help, my book would not have been brought to light.
If it weren't for your assistance, my book would still be unpublished.
The publication of my book depended on your help; otherwise, it would not have been brought to light.

What would happen if no alternative fuel to petroleum could be found ?
If a substitute for petroleum couldn't be found, what consequences would follow?
What if there were no alternative fuel to replace petroleum?

If you had taken my advice, you would not be in such trouble now.
Following my advice could have prevented you from being in trouble now.
You wouldn't be facing trouble now if you had taken my advice.

No one could remain alive if he were not a coward to some extent.
Survival would be impossible without a certain degree of cowardice.
To some extent, everyone needs a level of cowardice to remain alive.

If you had listened to your parents, you would not be in trouble now.
Heeding your parents' advice could have spared you from the current trouble.
Your current predicament could have been avoided if you had listened to your parents.

What would your father do if he heard that?
How do you think your father would react if he heard about it?
If he were to learn about it, what actions would your father take?




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TEX 二井原(英語講師)

英語パーソナルジム HIET(ヒート)/ High Intensity English Training

★英検1級所持の代表自ら個別指導★ 難関大合格 ★ 英検合格 3~1級合格 ★ TOEIC 900 突破 ★ たった一人の生徒さんに完璧に合わせたプログラム

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