
TEX 二井原

TEX 二井原



Would you have taken the job if you (    ) how terrible the conditions were?
 ① knew
 ② had known
 ③ have known
 ④ were known

〈仮定法過去完了〉 の基本形。  
how (形)/(副) S V「どれほど…か」〔程度〕  
✰ 直 接 法 = ある事柄が事実である
✰ 仮 定 法 = ある事柄が事実と矛盾する

Would you have taken the job if you had know how terrible the conditions were?
Alternative 1:
If you had been aware of how dreadful the conditions were, would you still have accepted the job?
Alternative 2:
Had you known about the terrible conditions, would you have chosen to take the job?

“Was Jack at the party?”
“I don’t think so. If he had been, I (     ) him.”
  ① had seen
  ② saw
  ③ would have seen
  ④ would see


“Was Jack at the party?”
“I don’t think so. If he had been, I would have seen him.”
Alternative 1:
"Did Jack attend the party?" "I doubt it. If he had, I believe I would have noticed him."
Alternative 2:
"Was Jack present at the party?" "I'm inclined to think not. If he had been there, I'm pretty sure I would have spotted him."

If silver (   ) scarcer than gold, it will no doubt have a greater value.
  ① became
  ② will become
  ③ becomes
  ④ had become

仮定法でないことを主節の will から判断できるかを問う問題。
a greater valueの後ろはthan goldを補って考える。
“仮定法”とは動詞の形の話で if との本質的繋がりはない
If silver becomes scarcer than gold, it will no doubt have a greater value.
Alternative 1:
Should silver become rarer than gold, its value is likely to increase.
Alternative 2:
Were silver to become scarcer than gold, undoubtedly its value would rise.

If I (    ) home a little earlier, I would not have been caught in a shower.
  ① left
  ② have left
  ③ leave
  ④ had left

〈人〉is caught in a shower「〈人〉がにわか雨,夕立に会う」
If I had left home a little earlier, I would not have been caught in a shower.
Alternative 1:
Had I left home a bit earlier, I could have avoided getting caught in the rain.
Alternative 2:
If only I had left home a tad earlier, I wouldn't have been caught in that shower.

If I (     ) a little harder in my high school days, I’d be a college student now.
  ① studied
  ② have studied
  ③ had studied
  ④ have been studying

in my high school days と now に注目。
I’d beから仮定法過去の基本形と判断して
① studied を選ばないことができるかが焦点。
If I had studied a little harder in my high school days, I’d be a college student now.
Alternative 1:
If I had put in more effort during high school, I would be a college student today.
Alternative 2:
Had I been more diligent in my high school studies, I might be a college student now.

I’d stay at home if I (     ) you.
  ① had been
  ② am
  ③ were
  ④ would be

仮定法ではif節中の be 動詞は人称に関係なく were を
If I were you は相手の立場に立ってからの助言を表すが,
I’d stay at home if I were you.
Alternative 1:
If I were in your shoes, I would choose to stay at home.
Alternative 2:
Were I you, I'd opt to remain at home.

If you (     ) your car here, you would have got fined.
  ① parked
  ② had parked
  ③ were parking
  ④ park

get fined「罰金を科される」
If you had parked your car here, you would have got fined.
Alternative 1:
Had you parked your car in this spot, you would have incurred a fine.
Alternative 2:
If your car had been parked here, you'd be facing a fine.

If you had not told me the way to solve the problem, I (
  ) what I am now.
  ① would not have been     
  ② would not be
  ③ would have not been
  ④ had not been

now に注目。
<if 節:仮定法過去完了/ 帰結節:仮定法過去>
what I am「現在の自分(の状態)」
If 節の had not told につられて
If you had not told me the way to solve the problem, I would not be what I am now.
Alternative 1:
Were it not for your guidance on solving the problem, I wouldn't be where I am today.
Alternative 2:
If you hadn't shared the solution to the problem with me, my current situation would be different.

If America hadn’t reached the moon in 1969, the Soviet Union (    ) the first.
  ① might be
  ② might have been
  ③ might was
  ④ might having been

If America hadn’t reached the moon in 1969, the Soviet Union might have been the first.
Alternative 1:
Had the United States not landed on the moon in 1969, the Soviet Union could have been the first to achieve it.
Alternative 2:
If America hadn't accomplished the moon landing in 1969, the Soviet Union might have taken the lead.

If you were really interested in what I’m saying, you (    ) staring out of the window.
  ① will be
  ② will have been
  ③ would have been
  ④ wouldn’t be

be interested in A 「Aに興味を持つ」
Aに相当するのが what I saying「私の言っていること」
If you were really interested in what I’m saying, you wouldn’t be staring out of the window.
Alternative 1:
Were you genuinely interested in what I'm saying, you wouldn't be gazing out of the window.
Alternative 2:
If your interest in my words were sincere, you wouldn't be staring out the window.

(    ) he to see you, he’d be surprised.
  ① Be
  ② Was
  ③ Were
  ④ Has been

if he were to see youの if 省略による倒置。

✰ if S were    ➪   were S …
✰ if S had done  ➪   had S done
✰ if S should do ➪   should S V

Were he to see you, he’d be surprised.
Alternative 1:
If he were to catch sight of you, he would be taken aback.
Alternative 2:
Should he see you, his reaction would likely be one of surprise.

If I (    ) breakfast this morning, I would not be hungry now.
  ① eat
  ② ate
  ③ had eaten
  ④ would have eaten

時を表す副詞 this morning と now がそれぞれの節で
<if節:仮定法過去完了 / 帰結節:仮定法過去>
I would not be につられて<仮定法過去>の基本形と
判断し ate を選択しないようにすべき問題。
If I had eaten breakfast this morning, I would not be hungry now.
Alternative 1:
Had I had breakfast this morning, I wouldn't be hungry at the moment.
Alternative 2:
If I had eaten something earlier today, I wouldn't be feeling hungry now.


Would you have taken the job if you had know how terrible the conditions were?
Alternative 1:
If you had been aware of how dreadful the conditions were, would you still have accepted the job?
Alternative 2:
Had you known about the terrible conditions, would you have chosen to take the job?

“Was Jack at the party?”
“I don’t think so. If he had been, I would have seen him.”
Alternative 1:
"Did Jack attend the party?" "I doubt it. If he had, I believe I would have noticed him."
Alternative 2:
"Was Jack present at the party?" "I'm inclined to think not. If he had been there, I'm pretty sure I would have spotted him."

If silver becomes scarcer than gold, it will no doubt have a greater value.
Alternative 1:
Should silver become rarer than gold, its value is likely to increase.
Alternative 2:
Were silver to become scarcer than gold, undoubtedly its value would rise.

If I had left home a little earlier, I would not have been caught in a shower.
Alternative 1:
Had I left home a bit earlier, I could have avoided getting caught in the rain.
Alternative 2:
If only I had left home a tad earlier, I wouldn't have been caught in that shower.

If I had studied a little harder in my high school days, I’d be a college student now.
Alternative 1:
If I had put in more effort during high school, I would be a college student today.
Alternative 2:
Had I been more diligent in my high school studies, I might be a college student now.

I’d stay at home if I were you.
Alternative 1:
If I were in your shoes, I would choose to stay at home.
Alternative 2:
Were I you, I'd opt to remain at home.

If you had parked your car here, you would have got fined.
Alternative 1:
Had you parked your car in this spot, you would have incurred a fine.
Alternative 2:
If your car had been parked here, you'd be facing a fine.

If you had not told me the way to solve the problem, I would not be what I am now.
Alternative 1:
Were it not for your guidance on solving the problem, I wouldn't be where I am today.
Alternative 2:
If you hadn't shared the solution to the problem with me, my current situation would be different.

If America hadn’t reached the moon in 1969, the Soviet Union might have been the first.
Alternative 1:
Had the United States not landed on the moon in 1969, the Soviet Union could have been the first to achieve it.
Alternative 2:
If America hadn't accomplished the moon landing in 1969, the Soviet Union might have taken the lead.

If you were really interested in what I’m saying, you wouldn’t be staring out of the window.
Alternative 1:
Were you genuinely interested in what I'm saying, you wouldn't be gazing out of the window.
Alternative 2:
If your interest in my words were sincere, you wouldn't be staring out the window.

Were he to see you, he’d be surprised.
Alternative 1:
If he were to catch sight of you, he would be taken aback.
Alternative 2:
Should he see you, his reaction would likely be one of surprise.

If I had eaten breakfast this morning, I would not be hungry now.
Alternative 1:
Had I had breakfast this morning, I wouldn't be hungry at the moment.
Alternative 2:
If I had eaten something earlier today, I wouldn't be feeling hungry now.




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