
TEX 二井原

TEX 二井原



Father: We worked a lot harder when we were your age.
Son: 【 the / that / to / case / used / be 】 a long time ago.

<used to do >
⑴〔過去の習慣〕「 ~ したものだった」
⑵〔過去の継続的状態〕「以前は ~ だった」
正解:That used to be the case a long time ago.
In the distant past, that was the norm.
Long ago, that was the prevailing situation.
Back in the day, it was like that.
There was a time when things were that way.

used toとwouldは次の3点で使い分ける
 ☆ used to : 規則的習慣,状態/ would : 不規則な習慣
 ☆ used to+意志動詞・無意志動詞/ would+意志動詞
 ☆ 現在との対比ではused toのみを用いる
I used to go to the movies every Sunday but now I don’t.
I would often go to the movies when I was young.

You【 kept / a / have / her / not / such / to / on / ought / waiting / cold 】night.

<ought not to have done >
「すべきだったのに」(実際はした)(=should not have done)
<ought to>
☆ 否定形:<S ought not (to) do ~>
☆ 疑問文:<Ought S (to) do ~ ? >
ought not to have kept(V) her(O) waiting(C)
such a cold night = so cold a night の語順に注意。
正解:You ought not to have kept her waiting on such a cold night.
It wasn't necessary for you to keep her waiting in such cold weather.
You shouldn't have kept her waiting in that cold night.
There was no need for you to have made her wait in such a cold evening.

私は, 君が急ぐ必要がないことに後で気が付いた。
【 didn’t / you / hurry / that / found afterwards / to / I / need 】.

<didn’t need to>「 ~ する必要はなかった」 
ここでの need は本動詞。
正解:I found afterwards that you didn’t need to hurry.
I later discovered that you didn’t need to rush.
Afterward, I realized that there was no hurry required.
Afterward, I found out there was no need for you to hurry.
Later on, it became clear that you didn't have to rush.

It is strange that a college student【 ignorant / the / be / fact / should / of 】.

形式主語構文<It is … that ~>の補語に
that 節内が should do まは原形になる構文。
<be ignorant of ~>「~ を知らない」
正解:It is strange that a college student should be ignorant of the fact.
It's peculiar that a college student is ignorant of that fact.
How strange that a university student lacks knowledge of that fact.
It's odd for a college student not to know that.
It's surprising that a student from college doesn't have awareness of that.

【 proud / well / she / her daughter / be / may / of 】.

<may well >「 ~ するのももっともだ」
( may「許可」+ well「十分」〈強意〉
 She has every reason to take pride in her daughter.
 It is natural that she (should) pride herself on her daughter.
 No wonder she boasts about[in] her daughter.
<may well >には「おそらく ~ だろう」の意もある。
 It may well rain tonight.
正解:She may well be proud of her daughter.
She may take pride in her daughter.
It's quite possible for her to be proud of her daughter.
It's reasonable for her to feel proud of her daughter.
She has every reason to be proud of her daughter.


:used to ask or give permission
〈許可〉 ▸ 推し量りを許す ▸ 〈可能性・推量〉

❶〔許可〕「 ~ してもよい」
  May I take a picture?
   ― Yes, you may.
   No, you may not.
   No, you must not.
❷〔推量〕「 ~ かもしれない」
  Diana may be an honest girl.
❸ <may well ~>「 ~ するのももっともだ」
  You may well get angry.
❹ <may as well ~>「 ~ したほうがいい」
  You may as well see a dentist.
❺ <might as well ~ as …>「…するくらいなら ~ したほうがましだ」
  You might as well give up the project as do it incompletely.

She did not【give / but / she / the answer / guess / would / up / not】.

〈拒絶〉の <would not >
「どうしても ~ しようとしなかった」
正解:She did not guess the answer but she would not give up.
She couldn't guess the answer but persisted nonetheless.
Despite not guessing the answer, she refused to give up.
While she couldn't guess the answer, she was determined not to quit.
She persisted even though she couldn't figure out the answer.

It was【the classroom / put / ordered / order / be / in / that】.

<It is ordered that S (should) do >
「 ~ するように命じられる」
that 節内の動詞表現は時制の一致を受けない。
put in order「整頓する」
正解:It was ordered that the classroom be put in order.
An order was given to tidy up the classroom.
It was mandated that the classroom be put in order.
The classroom was ordered to be organized.
There was an instruction to organize the classroom.

You【as / do / should / may as well / put it off / the task now】.

<may as well ~ (as not) …>
「…するくらいなら ~ のほうがましだ」
(=would rather ~ than ...)        
ex.) I might[may]well die as do it.
  = I would rather die than do it.
  You might[may]as well throw your money away as lend it to him.
put off A 「Aを延期する」(=postpone A ) 
口調の関係からも putの後ろに置かれる。 
正解:You may as well do the task now as put it off.
You might as well complete the task now rather than put it off.
Doing the task now is just as good as postponing it.
You may as well do the task now instead of delaying it.
It's equally beneficial to do the task immediately rather than procrastinate.

 ◎ Tom took off her hat.
 ◎ Tom took her hat off.
 ◎ Tom took it off.
 × Tom took off it.
[Ⅰ]O=名詞  ➪〔動詞+O+副詞〕or〔動詞+副詞+O〕 
[Ⅱ]O=代名詞 ➪〔動詞+O+副詞〕
・take off(~を脱ぐ)
・put off(~を延期する)
・put on(~を着る)
・give up(~をあきらめる)
・carry out(~を実行する)

Freedom is so basic【we / can / too / its / that / cannot / emphasize / importance】much.

<cannot … to ~>「どんなに~しても…しすぎることはない」
can は不要.
that 節内の内容を書き換えると,
 We cannot overemphasize its importance.
 It is impossible to emphasize its importance enough.
正解:Freedom is so basic that we cannot emphasize its importance too much.
The importance of freedom cannot be emphasized too much.
We cannot stress enough how fundamental freedom is.
Freedom is so crucial that we can't emphasize its importance too much.
Its importance is so vital that no amount of emphasis is excessive.

【 didn’t need / need / him / you / have / paid / not 】.

 ☆ <Need S do … ? > 
 ☆ <S need not [needn’t] do … >
didn't need は不要。
正解:You need not have paid him.
You didn't have to make the payment to him.
It wasn't necessary for you to have given him the payment.
There was no requirement for you to have paid him.
You were not obligated to make the payment to him.
It wasn't needed for you to have given him payment.
There was no necessity for you to have paid him.
You could have refrained from paying him.
There was the option not to have given him the payment.

☆ have to do ➪ Does he have to do ~ ?
         He doesn’t have to do ~ .
☆ used to do ➪ Did he use to do ~ ?
         Used he to do ~ ?
         He didn’t use to do ~.
         He used not (to) do ~ .
☆ ought to do ➪ Ought he (to) do ~ ?
         He ought not (to) do ~ .
☆ need〔動 詞〕➪ Does he need to do ~ ?
          He doesn’t nee to do ~ .
    〔助動詞〕➪ Need he do ~?
          He need not do ~ .


That used to be the case a long time ago.
In the distant past, that was the norm.
Long ago, that was the prevailing situation.
Back in the day, it was like that.
There was a time when things were that way.

You ought not to have kept her waiting on such a cold night.
It wasn't necessary for you to keep her waiting in such cold weather.
You shouldn't have kept her waiting in that cold night.
There was no need for you to have made her wait in such a cold evening.

I found afterwards that you didn’t need to hurry.
I later discovered that you didn’t need to rush.
Afterward, I realized that there was no hurry required.
Afterward, I found out there was no need for you to hurry.
Later on, it became clear that you didn't have to rush.

It is strange that a college student should be ignorant of the fact.
It's peculiar that a college student is ignorant of that fact.
How strange that a university student lacks knowledge of that fact.
It's odd for a college student not to know that.
It's surprising that a student from college doesn't have awareness of that.

She may well be proud of her daughter.
She may take pride in her daughter.
It's quite possible for her to be proud of her daughter.
It's reasonable for her to feel proud of her daughter.
She has every reason to be proud of her daughter.

She did not guess the answer but she would not give up.
She couldn't guess the answer but persisted nonetheless.
Despite not guessing the answer, she refused to give up.
While she couldn't guess the answer, she was determined not to quit.
She persisted even though she couldn't figure out the answer.

It was ordered that the classroom be put in order.
An order was given to tidy up the classroom.
It was mandated that the classroom be put in order.
The classroom was ordered to be organized.
There was an instruction to organize the classroom.

You may as well do the task now as put it off.
You might as well complete the task now rather than put it off.
Doing the task now is just as good as postponing it.
You may as well do the task now instead of delaying it.
It's equally beneficial to do the task immediately rather than procrastinate.

Freedom is so basic that we cannot emphasize its importance too much.
The importance of freedom cannot be emphasized too much.
We cannot stress enough how fundamental freedom is.
Freedom is so crucial that we can't emphasize its importance too much.
Its importance is so vital that no amount of emphasis is excessive.

You need not have paid him.
You didn't have to make the payment to him.
It wasn't necessary for you to have given him the payment.
There was no requirement for you to have paid him.
You were not obligated to make the payment to him.
It wasn't needed for you to have given him payment.
There was no necessity for you to have paid him.
You could have refrained from paying him.
There was the option not to have given him the payment.



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TEX 二井原(英語講師)

英語パーソナルジム HIET(ヒート)/ High Intensity English Training

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