
TEX 二井原

TEX 二井原



“Grandpa says he’s going to give us a surprise.”
“Oh, really, what (    ) it be?”
  ① shall
  ② can
  ③ must
  ④ need

疑問文中で「一体 ~ だろうか」という強い疑問を表す用法。
「え, ほんとに!いったい何かなあ」
“Grandpa says he’s going to give us a surprise.”
“Oh, really, what can it be?”
Grandpa hints at a surprise coming our way.
"I wonder what Grandpa's surprise will be."


潜在力 ▸「可能性」「能力」「許可」
⑴ 能力
 Computers can do a lot of things.
⑵ 可能性
 Children can be very cruel sometimes.
⑶ 疑念
 Can his story be true?
⑷ (否定文で) 否定的推量
 It can't be true.
⑸ 許可
 You can use my dictionaries.
⑹ 軽い命令
 You can go now.

His appearance has changed so much that you (    ) well not recognize him.
  ① may
  ② ought
  ③ shall
  ④ will

may well ~
⑴「おそらく ~ だろう」 
⑵「 ~ はもっともだ」(=have good [every] reason to do)
His appearance has changed so much that you may well not recognize him.
His transformation is so drastic that he might go unnoticed.
"He's changed so much; you might not recognize him."

The door (    ) open. It must be locked inside.
  ① shall not
  ② cannot
  ③ will not
  ④ dare not

主語の拒絶を表すwill not は無生物主語でも用いられる。
The door will not open. It must be locked inside.
The door's refusal to budge suggests it's locked from within.
"It seems like the door is locked from the inside."

It is necessary that every member (    ) inform himself of the rules of the club as soon as possible.
  ① would
  ② might
  ③ should
  ④ could

It is+要求・必要・願望の形容詞+[that S’ (should) do…]
アメリカ英語では should が出現しない。
should は訳出しない
It is necessary that every member should inform himself of the rules of the club as soon as possible.
It's imperative for each member to familiarize themselves with the club's rules promptly.
"Every member needs to know the club rules as soon as possible."

The train will be leaving in five minutes, so you (    ) better hurry up.
  ① had
  ② should
  ③ could
  ④ might

had betterは助動詞と考えてよく, 後には原形が来る.
否定形は<had better not go>
had not better go の形は存在しない。
The train will be leaving in five minutes, so you had better hurry up.
The imminent departure of the train demands swift action from you.
"You should hurry; the train leaves in five minutes."

I ought (   ) the lecture but I didn’t.
  ① attend
  ② have attended
  ③ to attend
  ④ to have attended

ought to have done 「 ~ するべきだったのに(実際はしなかった)」(=should have done)
ought to have doneには「当然~しているはず」の意もある。
I ought to have attended the lecture but I didn’t.
I should have made it to the lecture, but I didn't.
"I was supposed to attend the lecture, but I missed it." 

She doesn’t talk much, but once she (    ) speak she is eloquent.
  ① will
  ② shall
  ③ does
  ④ did

once 〈接〉「ひとたび ~ すると」 
I did return the book to the self.
=I really returned the book to the self.
「彼女は(普段)無口だけど, いったん話し出すとおしゃべりだ」 
She doesn’t talk much, but once she does speak she is eloquent.
While she's usually quiet, her words carry eloquence once spoken.
"She's not very talkative, but when she speaks, she's eloquent."

His plan (    ) be abandoned.
  ① doesn’t ought to
  ② ought not to
  ③ ought to not
  ④ not ought to

〔否定形〕 He ought not (to) do ~ .
〔疑問形〕 Ought he (to) do ~ ?
His plan ought not to be abandoned.
His plan should not be discarded.
"We shouldn't give up on his plan."

How dare you (    ) to me like that!
  ① speak
  ② to speak
  ③ speaking
  ④ spoken

dare 「あえて ~ する」は needと同様に,
疑問文中の dare は
 How dare you do … ? 
「どうして ~ をあえてするのか」 
 →「よくも ~ することができるものだ」
How dare you speak to me like that!
How can you speak to me in such a disrespectful manner?
"I can't believe you'd talk to me like that!"

Young Americans with only a high school education earn less than they (    ) ten years ago.
  ① were
  ② gave
  ③ did
  ④ used

代動詞の did = earned
Young Americans with only a high school education earn less than they did ten years ago.
High school-educated young Americans earn less now than a decade ago.
"Young Americans with only a high school education make less money than they did ten years ago."

A: I just called her home. She left over an hour ago.
B: Well, she (    ) got here by now, then.
  ① ought to be
  ② should have been
  ③ should have
  ④ can have

should have done「~ しているはずだ」
A: I just called her home. She left over an hour ago.
B: Well, she should have got here by now, then.
A: She left more than an hour ago when I called.
B: She should have arrived by now.

This electric machine did not function properly when it was delivered to my house. It (    ) broken during shipping.
  ① can have
  ② could be
  ③ has to be
  ④ must have been

must have done「~ したに違いない」 
This electric machine did not function properly when it was delivered to my house. It must have been broken during shipping.
This electric machine malfunctioned upon delivery, likely damaged during shipping.
"It seems like it was broken during shipping."


⑴ 義務
 You must keep silence in the library.
⑵ 推量
 She must be sick.
★英作文で must と have to 混合に注意
☆ must ➪ 意志を表すwillにやや 感情が入り込んだもの
☆ have to ➪ 状況によってせざるを得ないので これからすること
☆ had to ➪状況によってせざるを得なかったので 実際にしたこと
成句:have only to ~「~しさえすればよい」
You have only to try hard.
=All you have to do is (to) try hard.

“He must have stolen it.”
“No. He is a very honest boy. He (    ) it.”
 ① must not steal
 ② must not have stolen
 ③ cannot have stolen
 ④ should not have stolen

cannot have done「 ~ したはずがない」 
②.must not have done は存在しない形。 
“He must have stolen it.”
“No. He is a very honest boy. He cannot have stolen it.”
"He might have stolen it."
"No, he's an honest boy. He couldn't have taken it."

Someone (    ) in the room, because the door was left unlocked.
  ① must have been
  ② should have been
  ③ must not be
  ④ ought not to be

must have done 「 ~ したにちがいない」 
leave O C 「 ~ を … の状態にしておく」
left the door unlooked. → the door was left unlooked
V    O     C   〔受身〕
Someone must have been in the room, because the door was left unlocked.
It appears someone accessed the room; the door was left unlocked.
"The door was unlocked; someone must have been in the room."

“I feel terribly ill today.” “You (   ) so hard yesterday.”
  ① didn’t work
  ② shouldn’t work
  ③ wouldn’t work
  ④ didn’t need to work

☆〔動 詞〕 Do you need to do ~ ?
      You don’t need to do ~ .
☆〔助動詞〕 Need you do ~ ?
      You need not do ~ .
“I feel terribly ill today.”
“You didn’t need to work so hard yesterday.”
"I'm feeling terribly sick today."
"You shouldn't have overworked yourself yesterday."


「え, ほんとに!いったい何かなあ」
“Grandpa says he’s going to give us a surprise.”
“Oh, really, what can it be?”
Grandpa hints at a surprise coming our way.
"I wonder what Grandpa's surprise will be."

His appearance has changed so much that you may well not recognize him.
His transformation is so drastic that he might go unnoticed.
"He's changed so much; you might not recognize him."

The door will not open. It must be locked inside.
The door's refusal to budge suggests it's locked from within.
"It seems like the door is locked from the inside."

It is necessary that every member should inform himself of the rules of the club as soon as possible.
It's imperative for each member to familiarize themselves with the club's rules promptly.
"Every member needs to know the club rules as soon as possible."

The train will be leaving in five minutes, so you had better hurry up.
The imminent departure of the train demands swift action from you.
"You should hurry; the train leaves in five minutes."

I ought to have attended the lecture but I didn’t.
I should have made it to the lecture, but I didn't.
"I was supposed to attend the lecture, but I missed it." 

「彼女は(普段)無口だけど, いったん話し出すとおしゃべりだ」 
She doesn’t talk much, but once she does speak she is eloquent.
While she's usually quiet, her words carry eloquence once spoken.
"She's not very talkative, but when she speaks, she's eloquent."

His plan ought not to be abandoned.
His plan should not be discarded.
"We shouldn't give up on his plan."

How dare you speak to me like that!
How can you speak to me in such a disrespectful manner?
"I can't believe you'd talk to me like that!"

Young Americans with only a high school education earn less than they did ten years ago.
High school-educated young Americans earn less now than a decade ago.
"Young Americans with only a high school education make less money than they did ten years ago."

A: I just called her home. She left over an hour ago.
B: Well, she should have got here by now, then.
A: She left more than an hour ago when I called.
B: She should have arrived by now.

This electric machine did not function properly when it was delivered to my house. It must have been broken during shipping.
This electric machine malfunctioned upon delivery, likely damaged during shipping.
"It seems like it was broken during shipping."

“He must have stolen it.”
“No. He is a very honest boy. He cannot have stolen it.”
"He might have stolen it."
"No, he's an honest boy. He couldn't have taken it."

Someone must have been in the room, because the door was left unlocked.
It appears someone accessed the room; the door was left unlocked.
"The door was unlocked; someone must have been in the room."

“I feel terribly ill today.”
“You didn’t need to work so hard yesterday.”
"I'm feeling terribly sick today."
"You shouldn't have overworked yourself yesterday."




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TEX 二井原(英語講師)

英語パーソナルジム HIET(ヒート)/ High Intensity English Training

★英検1級所持の代表自ら個別指導★ 難関大合格 ★ 英検合格 3~1級合格 ★ TOEIC 900 突破 ★ たった一人の生徒さんに完璧に合わせたプログラム

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