英文法5分ドリル《 ゴールデン動詞フレーズ 》⑥

TEX 二井原

TEX 二井原



《 ゴールデン動詞フレーズ 100人組手 》⑥

⑴ The teacher suggested (   ) start at noon.
  ① that them    
  ② that they    
  ③ for them to    
  ④ them to

<S suggest (to A) that S’ (should) do>
that の後に目的格の代名詞がきている①は不可。
⑴ 正解 ②
The teacher suggested that they start at noon.
Starting at noon was suggested by the teacher.
The teacher's suggestion was to start at noon.
At noon was when the teacher suggested starting.
It was suggested by the teacher to start at noon.
Noon was suggested by the teacher as the starting time.
The suggestion of the teacher was to start at noon.

⑵ It is arranged that the meeting (   ) on Tuesday.
   ① should hold    
   ② be held    
   ③ held    
   ④ holding

arrange that 節内の should は米語では省略される。
の関係を考えると meeting は hold の目的語であり
that の後が節にならない④も不可。
 ✰ hold O「Oを手に持つ」「Oを催す」
 ✰ hold (to be) C「OをCと考える」(consider)
 ✰ hold [自]「持ちこたえる」「続く」(keep)
The meeting was held on Friday.
They hold me (to be) responsible for it.
The fine weather will hold for a few days.
⑵ 正解 ②
It is arranged that the meeting be held on Tuesday.
Tuesday is when the meeting is arranged to be held.
The arrangement is for the meeting to be held on Tuesday.
It has been arranged that the meeting will be held on Tuesday.
The arrangement is for Tuesday to be the day of the meeting.
On Tuesday is when the meeting is arranged to be held.
It has been arranged that on Tuesday, the meeting will be held.

⑶ He ordered that the unit should immediately (   ) from the scene.
   ① withdraw    
   ② put up    
   ③ pull up    
   ④ draw

後の前置詞 from から空所には自動詞が必要。
withdraw は「引き下がる」の意。
 ✰ S order O from N 「OをNに注文する」
 ✰ S order O to do「Oに~するよに命じる」
 ✰ S order that S (should) do「…ということを命じる」
× S order O to N
⑶ 正解 ①
He ordered that the unit should immediately withdraw from the scene.
Immediate withdrawal from the scene was ordered by him.
He gave the order for the unit to withdraw immediately from the scene.
The order given by him was for the unit to withdraw immediately from the scene.
He ordered an immediate withdrawal of the unit from the scene.
The unit was ordered by him to withdraw immediately from the scene.
His order was for an immediate withdrawal of the unit from the scene.

⑷ It (   ) that the students visit the old castle first.
   ① decided on  
   ② made decision  
   ③ was decided  
   ④ was decided on

文頭の It が that 以下の仮主語。
that 節の内容は「決める」のではなく
decide (up)on の後は名詞,動名詞,疑問詞句等の名詞要素。
〔decide の語法〕
 ✰ decide on A「Aを決心する」
 ✰ decide to do「~する決心をする」
 ✰ decide that「…ということを決定する」
× decide doing
⑷ 正解 ③
It was decided that the students visit the old castle first.
Visiting the old castle first was decided upon.
The decision was made for the students to visit the old castle first.
The decision was that the students should visit the old castle first.
It was decided that first, the students should visit the old castle.
The decision made was that the students should visit the old castle first.
The decision was for the students to visit the old castle first.

⑸ She (   ) the chorus.
   ① is belonging    
   ② belongs    
   ③ belongs to    
   ④ belongs among

自動詞 belong は状態を表す。
belong to A「Aに属する」
⑸ 正解 ③
She belongs to the chorus.
Being a member of the chorus is her belonging.
Membership in the chorus belongs to her.
She belongs to the chorus as a member.
Her belonging is to the chorus as a member.
She belongs to the chorus by being a member.
The chorus has her as a member.

⑹ Five is contained in (   ) three times.
   ① fifty    
   ② five     
   ③ fifteen     
   ④ fifty-five

他動詞 contain は「含んでいる」の意の無意志動詞。
three times 「3回」
⑹ 正解 ③
Five is contained in fifteen three times.
Three times, five is contained in fifteen.
Contained in fifteen are three instances of five.
Fifteen contains five in a threefold manner.
In fifteen, five is contained thrice.
There are three occurrences of five contained in fifteen.
The containment of five in fifteen happens three times.

⑺ Our class (   ) 35 students.
   ① is consisting of  
   ② consists from  
   ③ consists of  
   ④ is consisted of

自動詞 consist「成り立っている」
の意味では of をとるので②も不可。
<consist of A>
⑺ 正解 ③
Our class consists of 35 students.
Thirty-five students comprise our class.
Our class is composed of 35 students.
Comprising our class are 35 students.
Our class consists of 35 students.
Thirty-five students make up our class.
Our class is made up of 35 students.

⑻ A:It has begun to rain heavily.
  B:Well, we (   ) have put off the athletic meet.
   ① need not     
   ② may     
   ③ cannot     
   ④ should

選択肢とhave putを組み合わせた句の意味はそれぞれ,
⑻ 正解 ④
A:It has begun to rain heavily.
B:Well, we should have put off the athletic meet.
Heavy rain has begun.
The athletic meet should have been postponed.
Rain has started pouring heavily.
We ought to have delayed the athletic meet.
Heavy rain has started falling.
Postponing the athletic meet would have been appropriate.
We ought to have postponed the athletic meet.
It would have been better to reschedule the athletic meet.
The athletic meet should have been delayed.
We should have pushed back the athletic meet.
It was a mistake not to have postponed the athletic meet.
Postponing the athletic meet would have been the right decision.

⑼ She meant (   ) written a letter to them, but forgot to do so.
   ① to     
   ② to have     
   ③ have to     
   ④ have

<人 mean to do>
②は完了不定詞<to have done>で
⑼ 正解 ②
She meant to have written a letter to them, but forgot to do so.
She meant to send them a letter, but she forgot.
Her intention was to write a letter to them, but she forgot.
She intended to correspond with them, but she forgot.
She forgot to write a letter to them, as she intended.
Her plan was to write a letter to them, but she forgot.
She meant to communicate with them via letter, but she forgot.



The teacher suggested that they start at noon.
Starting at noon was suggested by the teacher.
The teacher's suggestion was to start at noon.
At noon was when the teacher suggested starting.
It was suggested by the teacher to start at noon.
Noon was suggested by the teacher as the starting time.
The suggestion of the teacher was to start at noon.


It is arranged that the meeting be held on Tuesday.
Tuesday is when the meeting is arranged to be held.
The arrangement is for the meeting to be held on Tuesday.
It has been arranged that the meeting will be held on Tuesday.
The arrangement is for Tuesday to be the day of the meeting.
On Tuesday is when the meeting is arranged to be held.
It has been arranged that on Tuesday, the meeting will be held.


He ordered that the unit should immediately withdraw from the scene.
mmediate withdrawal from the scene was ordered by him.
He gave the order for the unit to withdraw immediately from the scene.
The order given by him was for the unit to withdraw immediately from the scene.
He ordered an immediate withdrawal of the unit from the scene.
The unit was ordered by him to withdraw immediately from the scene.
His order was for an immediate withdrawal of the unit from the scene.


It was decided that the students visit the old castle first.
Visiting the old castle first was decided upon.
The decision was made for the students to visit the old castle first.
The decision was that the students should visit the old castle first.
It was decided that first, the students should visit the old castle.
The decision made was that the students should visit the old castle first.
The decision was for the students to visit the old castle first.


She belongs to the chorus.
Being a member of the chorus is her belonging.
Membership in the chorus belongs to her.
She belongs to the chorus as a member.
Her belonging is to the chorus as a member.
She belongs to the chorus by being a member.
The chorus has her as a member.


Five is contained in fifteen three times.
Three times, five is contained in fifteen.
Contained in fifteen are three instances of five.
Fifteen contains five in a threefold manner.
In fifteen, five is contained thrice.
There are three occurrences of five contained in fifteen.
The containment of five in fifteen happens three times.


Our class consists of 35 students.
Thirty-five students comprise our class.
Our class is composed of 35 students.
Comprising our class are 35 students.
Our class consists of 35 students.
Thirty-five students make up our class.
Our class is made up of 35 students.


A:It has begun to rain heavily.
B:Well, we should have put off the athletic meet.
Heavy rain has begun.
The athletic meet should have been postponed.
Rain has started pouring heavily.
We ought to have delayed the athletic meet.
Heavy rain has started falling.
Postponing the athletic meet would have been appropriate.
We ought to have postponed the athletic meet.
It would have been better to reschedule the athletic meet.
The athletic meet should have been delayed.
We should have pushed back the athletic meet.
It was a mistake not to have postponed the athletic meet.
Postponing the athletic meet would have been the right decision.


She meant to have written a letter to them, but forgot to do so.
She meant to send them a letter, but she forgot.
Her intention was to write a letter to them, but she forgot.
She intended to correspond with them, but she forgot.
She forgot to write a letter to them, as she intended.
Her plan was to write a letter to them, but she forgot.
She meant to communicate with them via letter, but she forgot.

◆ 著作権は本記事作成者に帰属します。


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