英文法5分ドリル《 ゴールデン動詞フレーズ 》⑤

TEX 二井原

TEX 二井原



《 ゴールデン動詞フレーズ 100人組手 》⑤

⑴ They (   ) on the bench.
  ① were seating 
  ② seated 
  ③ seated themselves 
  ④ were seated themselves

seat は他動詞。①②を消去。
 be seated
    単数形     複数形
1人称:myself   ー ourselves
2人称:yourself  ー yourselves
3人称:himself  ー themselves
    herself  ー themselves
    itself   ー themselves
◆ 他動詞+再帰代名詞
 ✰ enjoy oneself(楽しむ)
 ✰ dress oneself(服を着る)
 ✰ hurt oneself(傷つく)
 ✰ cut oneself(切れる)
 ✰ burn oneself(やけどをする)
 ✰ make oneself at home(くつろぐ)
 ✰ help oneself to(~を自由に取って食べる),
 ✰ pride oneself on(~を自慢する)
◆ 前置詞+再帰代名詞
 ✰ by oneself(一人で/自力で)
 ✰ for oneself(自力で)
 ✰ take care of oneself(健康に気をつける),
 ✰ say to oneself(独り言を言う/心の中で思う)
 ✰ beside oneself (with)(~のあまり我を忘れる)
正解 ③
They seated themselves on the bench.
They took seats on the bench.
They positioned themselves on the bench.
They settled on the bench.
They occupied the bench.
They perched themselves on the bench.
They nestled on the bench.

⑵ He has decided (   ) on his painting talent.
  ① supporting 
  ② to support  
  ③ to supporting himself 
  ④ to support himself

⑵ 正解 ④
He has decided to support himself on his painting talent.
He has opted to rely on his painting talent for support.
He has chosen to sustain himself through his painting talent.
He has resolved to depend on his painting talent for livelihood.
He has committed to backing himself with his painting talent.
He has determined to uphold himself through his painting talent.
He has elected to bank on his painting talent for sustenance.

⑶ She frequently (   ) from home.
  ① absents   
  ② absented oneself  
  ③ absents herself   
  ④ absented

absent〈形〉「不在の」present の反意語。
absent oneself (from A)
⑶ 正解 ③
She frequently absents herself from home.
She often stays away from home.
She habitually removes herself from home.
She regularly avoids being at home.
She recurrently stays out of home.
She repeatedly keeps away from home.
She frequently avoids being present at home.

⑷ John burst out laughing (   ) himself.
  ① for     
  ② in     
  ③ of     
  ④ in spite of

burst out doing「突然~し出す」
① for oneself「独力で」
② in oneself「それ自体」
③ of oneself「自然に」
④ in spite of oneself「思わず」
⑷ 正解 ④
John burst out laughing in spite of himself.
John involuntarily burst out laughing.
John couldn't help bursting out laughing.
John spontaneously burst out laughing.
John erupted into laughter against his will.
John laughed uncontrollably despite himself.
John broke into laughter despite himself.

⑸ I can’t bring myself (   ) sashimi.
   ① attempting    
   ② to attempt    
   ③ trying    
   ④ to try

bring oneself は後に to不定詞を伴い
attempt と try はともに「~を試す」の意だが,
通例 bring oneself to do はcannotと共に用いる。
⑸ 正解 ④
I can’t bring myself to try sashimi.
I can't muster the courage to try sashimi.
I can't force myself to try sashimi.
I can't convince myself to try sashimi.
I can't persuade myself to try sashimi.
I can't make myself try sashimi.
I can't compel myself to try sashimi.

⑹ Parents (    ) at their child’s ability to learn his native language in such a short time.
   ① alarmed     
   ② amazed     
   ③ astonished     
   ④ marveled

amaze は be amazed at A の形はあるが他動詞で
surprise よりずっと意味が強い。
be astonished at A
alarm も他動詞で「を驚かす」の意を持ち,
be alarmed at the news
marvel at his eloquence
〈原因〉+ 感情誘発動詞 +〈人〉
marvel は例外的に自動詞用法で用いることから
⑹ 正解 ④
Parents marveled at their child’s ability to learn his native language in such a short time.
Parents were amazed by their child's rapid acquisition of his native language.
Parents were astonished by their child's quick grasp of his native language.
Parents were impressed by their child's swift learning of his native language.
Parents were astounded by their child's speedy mastery of his native language.
Parents were surprised by their child's fast uptake of his native language.
Parents were dazzled by their child's quick progress in his native language.

⑺ The sumo wrestler (   ) in love with the singer.
   ① fall     
   ② fell     
   ③ felled     
   ④ falled

fall in love with A「Aにほれる」
①は三人称単数のs がないので不適。
⑺ 正解 ②
The sumo wrestler fell in love with the singer.
The sumo wrestler developed a romantic interest in the singer.
The sumo wrestler became enamored with the singer.
The sumo wrestler was smitten with the singer.
The sumo wrestler was captivated by the singer.
The sumo wrestler fell head over heels for the singer.
The sumo wrestler was infatuated with the singer.

⑻ The United Nations (   ) in 1945.
   ① were found   
   ② was founded   
   ③ were founded   
   ④ was found

the United Nation (UN)は国際連合,国連。
nations と複数形だが一つの機関,組織として
were が使われている①③を消去。
⑻ 正解 ②
The United Nations was founded in 1945.
The United Nations came into existence in 1945.
The United Nations was established in 1945.
The United Nations was formed in 1945.
The United Nations began in 1945.
The United Nations originated in 1945.
The United Nations was inaugurated in 1945.

⑼ The bus fare will (   ) to 220 yen next month.
   ① rose     
   ② be risen     
   ③ be raised     
   ④ raised

rise[自動詞], raise[他動詞]の識別問題。
①はrise の過去形でwillの後では使えない。
なお,yen は複数形も yen でsは付かない。
◆ rise / raise
✰ 《自動詞》riseーroseーrisen
✰ 《他動詞》raiseーraisedーraised
スペリングに a が含まれていれば《他動詞》
This article is rising in price.
If you have any question, raise your hand.
◆ lie / lay
✰ 《自動詞》lie:横たわる layーlain
✰ 《自動詞》lie:嘘をつく liedーlied
✰ 《他動詞》lay:横たえる laidーlaid
He lay on the sofa.
She lied about the matter.
She laid the cups back in the cupboard.
⑼ 正解 ③
The bus fare will be raised to 220 yen next month.
The bus fare is scheduled to increase to 220 yen next month.
The bus fare is set to go up to 220 yen next month.
The bus fare will climb to 220 yen next month.
The bus fare is expected to rise to 220 yen next month.
The bus fare will be elevated to 220 yen next month.
The bus fare is going to be hiked to 220 yen next month.



They seated themselves on the bench.
They took seats on the bench.
They positioned themselves on the bench.
They settled on the bench.
They occupied the bench.
They perched themselves on the bench.
They nestled on the bench.


He has decided to support himself on his painting talent.
He has opted to rely on his painting talent for support.
He has chosen to sustain himself through his painting talent.
He has resolved to depend on his painting talent for livelihood.
He has committed to backing himself with his painting talent.
He has determined to uphold himself through his painting talent.
He has elected to bank on his painting talent for sustenance.


She frequently absents herself from home.
She often stays away from home.
She habitually removes herself from home.
She regularly avoids being at home.
She recurrently stays out of home.
She repeatedly keeps away from home.
She frequently avoids being present at home.


John burst out laughing in spite of himself.
John involuntarily burst out laughing.
John couldn't help bursting out laughing.
John spontaneously burst out laughing.
John erupted into laughter against his will.
John laughed uncontrollably despite himself.
John broke into laughter despite himself.


I can’t bring myself to try sashimi.
I can't muster the courage to try sashimi.
I can't force myself to try sashimi.
I can't convince myself to try sashimi.
I can't persuade myself to try sashimi.
I can't make myself try sashimi.
I can't compel myself to try sashimi.


Parents marveled at their child’s ability to learn his native language in such a short time.
Parents were amazed by their child's rapid acquisition of his native language.
Parents were astonished by their child's quick grasp of his native language.
Parents were impressed by their child's swift learning of his native language.
Parents were astounded by their child's speedy mastery of his native language.
Parents were surprised by their child's fast uptake of his native language.
Parents were dazzled by their child's quick progress in his native language.


The sumo wrestler fell in love with the singer.
The sumo wrestler developed a romantic interest in the singer.
The sumo wrestler became enamored with the singer.
The sumo wrestler was smitten with the singer.
The sumo wrestler was captivated by the singer.
The sumo wrestler fell head over heels for the singer.
The sumo wrestler was infatuated with the singer.


The United Nations was founded in 1945.
The United Nations came into existence in 1945.
The United Nations was established in 1945.
The United Nations was formed in 1945.
The United Nations began in 1945.
The United Nations originated in 1945.
The United Nations was inaugurated in 1945.

◆ 著作権は本記事作成者に帰属します。


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