英文法5分ドリル《 ゴールデン動詞フレーズ 》①

TEX 二井原

TEX 二井原



《 ゴールデン 動詞フレーズ 100人組手 》①

⑴ I found it (   ) do the task.
  ① in difficulty to  
  ② difficult  
  ③ difficult to  
  ④ differ to

it が仮目的語で不定詞でその内容を表す文構造。
◆ find
 ① S find O:Oを見つける
 ② S find O O / S find O for O:ヒトにモノをみつけてやる
 ③ S find that 節:…ということが分かる (see, understand)
 ④ S find O (to be) C:OがCだと分かる
 ⑤ S find O doing:Oが~しているのを見つける
 ⑥ S find O done:Oが~されているのを見つける
 ⑦ S find it C to do:~することはCだと分かる
 ⑧ S find it C that節:…ということはCだと分かる
① I found the key under the bed.
② My uncle found me a job. My uncle found a job for me.
③ I found (that) he was hardworking.
④ I found the book easy.
⑤ I found the letter lying on the table.
⑥ I found my bike stolen.
⑦ I found it important to save money.
⑧ I found it important that I should save money.
正解⑴ ③
I found it difficult to do the task.
I found it challenging to complete the task.
I found the task to be challenging.
Completing the task proved to be difficult for me.
The task posed a challenge for me.
It was hard for me to accomplish the task.
Doing the task was tough for me.

⑵ The crying baby drove him (   ).
  ① madly    
  ② madness    
  ③ crazy    
  ④ craze

SVOC 構造で「~の状態に駆り立てる」
madly (副), madness (名), craze (動) はいずれも消去。
なお <drive to do> は語法的に不可である。
✰ <S drive M>
 He drives the car to work every day.
✰ <S drive O>
 She drives her kids to school every morning.
✰ <S drive O to N>
 The coach drives the team to victory with
 his motivational speeches.
✰ <S drive O to do>
 His passion for music drives him to practice for hours every day.
⑵ 正解 ③
The crying baby drove him crazy.
The crying baby sent him into a frenzy.
The wailing infant made him lose his mind.
He was driven to madness by the crying baby.
The incessant crying of the baby irritated him immensely.
The baby's cries really got to him.
His sanity was tested by the crying baby.

⑶ She wants to paint the wall (   ).
  ① to be white   
  ② white    
  ③ whiten    
  ④ to white

paint はSVOで「にペンキを塗る」「を描く」
ここは目的語の後の空所から SVOC 文型になると考え,
空所の C は形容詞 ② white が正解。
③ whiten は動詞で「白くする」
なお,want の語法では〈want that 節は誤り〉に注意。
 ① S want O「Oを望む」
 ② S want to do「~したい」
 ③ S want O to do「Oに~してほしい」
 ④ S wan O done「Oが~されるのを望む」
 ⑤ S want doing「Oを~する必要がある」
He wants to travel around the world someday.
They want their children to study hard and get good grades.
The client wants the project completed by the end of the month. (クライアントはプロジェクトの月末までの完成を望んでいる)
The house wants cleaning before the guests arrive.
⑶ 正解 ②
She wants to paint the wall white.
She desires the wall to be painted white.
She wishes for the wall to have a white coat of paint.
Her preference is for the wall to be painted white.
The wall is to be painted white according to her preference.
She has a desire for the wall to have a white color.
White paint is what she wants for the wall.

⑷ The president was driven (   ) by the scandal.
  ① the resignation
  ② to resign  
  ③ resigning  
  ④ to resignation

A was driven to resign
 Because of the scandal, they drove the president to resign.
正解 ⑷  ②
The president was driven to resign by the scandal.
The scandal forced the president to step down.
The president felt compelled to resign due to the scandal.
The scandal led to the president's resignation.
The president's resignation was prompted by the scandal.
Due to the scandal, the president had no choice but to resign.
The president's resignation was driven by the scandal.

⑸ My wife and children repeatedly (   ) smoking.
  ① order not  
  ② urge me stop 
  ③ urge me to stop 
  ④ order that I should not

order, urge はいずれも〈S V O to do〉の語法を取る
行動促進動詞で〈SV that 節〉に変換可。
場合は S V O to do の形になるために不可。
④は should (not) の後に原形 が来るので不可。
なお, urge は次の形を語法的にとらない。
×<S urge to do>
×<S urge doing>
◆ urge
✰ <S urge O>
 The coach urges the players to give their best
 performance in the upcoming game.
✰ <S urge O to do>
 She urged her friend to study abroad to broaden
 her horizons.
⑸正解 ③
My wife and children repeatedly urge me to stop smoking.
My wife and children constantly implore me to quit smoking.
My wife and children persistently beg me to stop smoking.
I am repeatedly urged by my wife and children to give up smoking.
There is a continuous plea from my wife and children for me to quit smoking.
My wife and children are always urging me to kick the smoking habit.
Quitting smoking is a constant request from my wife and children.

⑹ They suggested (   ) go alone.
  ① to me that I should
  ② me that I should  
  ③ me to  
  ④ me

〈S suggest to+人+that節〉の語法。
〈SVO+(to) do〉の語法は取らないため③,④は消去。
②は to が無いので不適。①が正解。
suggest の語法としてthat 節内で
should doか動詞の原形をとるのはあまりにも有名。
☆☆〈suggest は直接(ヒト)を目的語にとれない〉☆☆
◆ suggest
✰ <S suggest doing>
 She suggested going to the beach for the weekend.
✰ <S suggest (to 人) that S' (should) do>
 He suggested to his friend that they should start
 their own business together.
× <S suggest to do>
× <S suggest him that節>
⑹正解 ①
They suggested to me that I should go alone.
They recommended that I venture alone.
They advised me to go alone.
The suggestion was for me to embark on the journey solo.
It was suggested to me that I should travel alone.
Going alone was the recommendation they gave me.
They proposed that I go by myself.

⑺ I hope (   ) come back soon.
  ① for Mary  
  ② for Mary to  
  ③ to Mary  
  ④ Mary to

hope は〈S V for 人 to do〉の語法をとる。
 I hope (that) Mary will come back soon.
第1文型動詞として前置詞 for が必要。
これは hope が that節をとれるだけに盲点。
 We hope a good crop this year.
さらに〈hope O to do〉の語法は無い点も重要。
この語法は want/wish と絡めてよく焦点となる。

 ○ He wish (that) you would come.
 ○ He hope (that) you would come.
 × I want (that) you will come.
 ○ I wish to come.
 〇 I hope to come.
 ○ I want to go.
 ○ I wish you to come.
 × I hope you to dome.
 ○ I want you to come.


 ✰ wish には <SV doing>の語法がない !  
 ✰ hope には <SVO to do>の語法がない !
 ✰ want には <SV that節>の語法がない !

⑺ 正解 ②
I hope for Mary to come back soon.
I eagerly await Mary's swift return.
I am hopeful for Mary to return soon.
I am looking forward to Mary's prompt return.
I anticipate Mary coming back soon.
I await Mary's speedy return.
Mary's swift return is what I hope for.

⑻ She (   ) her mother to buy the refrigerator.
  ① proposed    
  ② suggested    
  ③ demanded    
  ④ asked

空所の後の構造から〈SVO to do〉動詞が問われている。
propose, suggest, demand
④ asked が正解だが〈ask 人 to do〉では「を尋ねる」
◆ tell
 ① S tell M:知らせる・影響する
 ② S tell O:~を伝える
 ③ S tell O O/tell O to O:ヒトにモノゴトを伝える
 ④ S tell O to do:ヒトに~するように言う,命じる
 ⑤ S tell O not to doヒトに~しないように言う,命じる
 ⑥ S tell O that節:ヒトに~と言う,伝える
 ⑦ S tell O from A:OをAと区別する
① Hard work is telling on him.
② Don’t tell (me) a lie.
③ Tell me the truth. Tell truth to me.
④ The teacher told them to clean the classroom.
⑤ He told me not to enter his room.
⑥ He told me that he was sick.
⑦ I can’t tell Marry he twin sister.
⑻正解 ④
She asked her mother to buy the refrigerator.
She requested her mother to purchase the refrigerator.
She asked her mother to buy the refrigerator.
Her request to her mother was to acquire the refrigerator.
She urged her mother to procure the refrigerator.
She asked her mother to get the refrigerator.
Her mother was requested to buy the refrigerator by her.

⑼ The boy were (  ) that they should consult him.
  ① suggested    
  ② told    
  ③ said    
  ④ demanded

suggest, say, demand は〈S V O to do〉
例えば tell O to do「Oに~するように言う」
だからsay O to doと言えそうだけど言えない。
suggest, say, demand はthat節が続いている場合には
〈S V to A that節〉の語法で用いて
「Aに」は to A になり,動詞の目的語にならない。
tellは〈S V O that節〉の語法を取れるので受動態が可。
tell は基本用法が第4文型 SVOO である。
She suggested to her boss that they
should invest in new technology.
The manager said to the team that
they needed to work overtime to meet the deadline.
The protesters demanded to the government
that they take immediate action to address the issue.
⑼正解 ②
The boy were told that they should consult him.
The boys were instructed to seek his advice.
They were told to consult him.
It was advised to the boys to ask him for guidance.
They were instructed to seek his counsel.
Seeking his advice was recommended to the boys.
The boys were told to turn to him for advice.

⑽ He insisted (   ) piano lessons.
  ① that she takes  
  ② on her to take  
  ③ her to take  
  ④ on her taking

insist の語法を確認。「~するように要求する」は
 ☆〈insist on doing〉
 ☆〈insist that節〉
〈S V O to do〉は取れないから③は失格。
②は on の後に to 不定詞がきているので消去。
that節をもってくる場合は〈that S’ (should) do〉
⑽正解 ④
He insisted on her taking piano lessons.
He was adamant about her taking piano lessons.
He insisted that she take piano lessons.
He was firm in his belief that she should learn piano.
Taking piano lessons was something he was insistent about for her.
He was unwavering in his demand for her to take piano lessons.
He was determined that she take up piano lessons.



I found it difficult to do the task.
I found it challenging to complete the task.
I found the task to be challenging.
Completing the task proved to be difficult for me.
The task posed a challenge for me.
It was hard for me to accomplish the task.
Doing the task was tough for me.


The crying baby drove him crazy.
The crying baby sent him into a frenzy.
The wailing infant made him lose his mind.
He was driven to madness by the crying baby.
The incessant crying of the baby irritated him immensely.
The baby's cries really got to him.
His sanity was tested by the crying baby.


She wants to paint the wall white.
She desires the wall to be painted white.
She wishes for the wall to have a white coat of paint.
Her preference is for the wall to be painted white.
The wall is to be painted white according to her preference.
She has a desire for the wall to have a white color.
White paint is what she wants for the wall.


The president was driven to resign by the scandal.
The scandal forced the president to step down.
The president felt compelled to resign due to the scandal.
The scandal led to the president's resignation.
The president's resignation was prompted by the scandal.
Due to the scandal, the president had no choice but to resign.
The president's resignation was driven by the scandal.


My wife and children repeatedly urge me to stop smoking.
My wife and children constantly implore me to quit smoking.
My wife and children persistently beg me to stop smoking.
I am repeatedly urged by my wife and children to give up smoking.
There is a continuous plea from my wife and children for me to quit smoking.
My wife and children are always urging me to kick the smoking habit.
Quitting smoking is a constant request from my wife and children.


They suggested to me that I should go alone.
They recommended that I venture alone.
They advised me to go alone.
The suggestion was for me to embark on the journey solo.
It was suggested to me that I should travel alone.
Going alone was the recommendation they gave me.
They proposed that I go by myself.


I hope for Mary to come back soon.
I eagerly await Mary's swift return.
I am hopeful for Mary to return soon.
I am looking forward to Mary's prompt return.
I anticipate Mary coming back soon.
I await Mary's speedy return.
Mary's swift return is what I hope for.


She asked her mother to buy the refrigerator.
She requested her mother to purchase the refrigerator.
She asked her mother to buy the refrigerator.
Her request to her mother was to acquire the refrigerator.
She urged her mother to procure the refrigerator.
She asked her mother to get the refrigerator.
Her mother was requested to buy the refrigerator by her.


The boy were told that they should consult him.
The boys were instructed to seek his advice.
They were told to consult him.
It was advised to the boys to ask him for guidance.
They were instructed to seek his counsel.
Seeking his advice was recommended to the boys.
The boys were told to turn to him for advice.


He insisted on her taking piano lessons.
He was adamant about her taking piano lessons.
He insisted that she take piano lessons.
He was firm in his belief that she should learn piano.
Taking piano lessons was something he was insistent about for her.
He was unwavering in his demand for her to take piano lessons.
He was determined that she take up piano lessons.



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