英文法5分ドリル《 ゴールデン動詞フレーズ 》⑪

TEX 二井原

TEX 二井原



《 ゴールデン動詞フレーズ 100人組手 》⑪

⑴ The wage level is based (   ) each employee’s ability.
  ① on      
  ② for      
  ③ to      
  ④ in

<base A on B>
<A is based on B>
 ✰ based on A: Aに基づく
 ✰ derived from A: Aに由来する
 ✰ grounded in A: Aに根ざして
 ✰ founded on A: Aに基づいて設立された
 ✰ stemming from A: Aに起因する
 ✰ rooted in A: Aに根ざして
 ✰ built upon A: Aに基づいて構築された
 ✰ formed by A: Aによって形成された
 ✰ originating from A: Aに由来する
 ✰ originated in A: Aに起源を持つ
 ✰ resting on A: Aに依存している
 ✰ centered on A: Aを中心にして
 ✰ hinging on A: Aにかかっている
 ✰ grounded upon A: Aに根ざして
 ✰ relying on A: Aに頼っている
 ✰ in accordance with A: Aに従って
 ✰ in line with A: Aと一致して
 ✰ in conformity with A: Aに従って
 ✰ in compliance with A: Aに準拠して
 ✰ following A: Aに従って
⑴ 正解 ①
The wage level is based on each employee’s ability.
The wage level is determined by the individual capabilities of each employee.
The wage level is contingent upon the skillset of each employee.
Each employee's wage is determined by their respective abilities.
The wage level varies according to each employee's capability.
Each employee's wage is commensurate with their ability.
Wage levels are adjusted based on the abilities of individual employees.
The wage scale is tailored to reflect the abilities of each employee.

⑵ We offer you our (   ) your success in the entrance examination.
  ① congratulation on
  ② congratulation to    
  ③ congratulations on
  ④ congratulations to

<congratulations on A>
 on time(時間通りに)
 on schedule(予定通りに)
⑵ 正解 ③
We offer you our congratulations on your success in the entrance examination.
We extend our congratulations to you for your success in the entrance examination.
Congratulations are in order for your achievement in the entrance examination.
Allow us to congratulate you on your successful performance in the entrance examination.
Congratulations on passing the entrance examination!
We're delighted to congratulate you on your entrance examination success.
Our heartfelt congratulations go out to you for excelling in the entrance examination.
Well done on passing the entrance examination! Congratulations!

⑶ He was persuaded (   ) the special mission to Japan.
  ① into accepting  
  ② to accepting   
  ③ into acceptance  
  ④ out of accept

<persuade A into B>
<A is persuade into B>
④はout ofの後に動詞の原形がきているのでダメ。
persuade to do の語法はあるが
to の後に ing 形がきている②も失格。
⑶ 正解 ①
He was persuaded into accepting the special mission to Japan.
He was convinced to undertake the special mission to Japan.
He was swayed into agreeing to the special mission to Japan.
He was persuaded to take on the special mission to Japan.
He was talked into accepting the special mission to Japan.
He reluctantly agreed to undertake the special mission to Japan.
He was coerced into accepting the special mission to Japan.
He yielded to pressure and accepted the special mission to Japan.

⑷ He divided the apple into two (   ).
  ① half    
  ② halves    
  ③ halfs    
  ④ halve

<divide A into B>
 ✰ break A down into B: AをBに分割する
 ✰ split A into B: AをBに分割する
 ✰ partition A into B: AをBに分割する
 ✰ subdivide A into B: AをBに分割する
 ✰ segment A into B: AをBに分割する
 ✰ separate A into B: AをBに分割する
 ✰ cut A into B: AをBに分割する
 ✰ divide up A into B: AをBに分割する
 ✰ dismember A into B: AをBに分割する
 ✰ dissect A into B: AをBに分割する
 ✰ fragment A into B: AをBに分割する
 ✰ section A into B: AをBに分割する
 ✰ carve A into B: AをBに分割する
 ✰ disunite A into B: AをBに分割する
 ✰ part A into B: AをBに分割する
 ✰ bisect A into B: AをBに分割する
 ✰ parcel A into B: AをBに分割する
 ✰ slice A into B: AをBに分割する
 ✰ apportion A into B: AをBに分割する
⑷ 正解 ②
He divided the apple into two halves.
He cut the apple in half.
He sliced the apple into two equal parts.
He bisected the apple to create two halves.
He divided the apple down the middle.
He split the apple into two halves.
He separated the apple into two equal sections.
He halved the apple, dividing it into two parts.

⑸ The child cried because she couldn’t put (   ) with the pain.
  ① into      
  ② on      
  ③ off      
  ④ up

put up with「~を我慢する」
be patient「(広い意味で)我慢する」
⑸ 正解 ④
The child cried because she couldn’t put up with the pain.
The child wept because she couldn't endure the pain.
The child sobbed due to her inability to bear the pain.
The child cried as she couldn't tolerate the pain.
The child shed tears because the pain was too much for her.
The child sobbed uncontrollably because she couldn't withstand the pain.
The child broke into tears as she couldn't handle the pain.
The child was inconsolable because she couldn't endure the pain.

⑹ He takes (   ) his father in personality.
  ① on    
  ② after    
  ③ out    
  ④ off

take after「~に似ている」(resemble)
in personality「性格において」
 ✰ similar: 似ている
 ✰ alike: 似ている
 ✰ resembling: 似ている
 ✰ comparable: 似ている
 ✰ corresponding: 似ている
 ✰ analogous: 似ている
 ✰ homogeneous: 似ている
 ✰ affiliated: 似ている
 ✰ allied: 似ている
 ✰ consistent: 似ている
 ✰ homologous: 似ている
 ✰ uniform: 似ている
 ✰ equivalent: 似ている
 ✰ proportional: 似ている
 ✰ parallel: 似ている
 ✰ kindred: 似ている
 ✰ harmonious: 似ている
 ✰ consonant: 似ている
 ✰ mimicking: 似ている
 ✰ homogeneous: 似ている
⑹ 正解 ②
He takes after his father in personality.
He inherits his father's personality.
He resembles his father in personality.
He takes after his father's personality.
He shares similarities with his father's personality.
He has inherited his father's traits.
His personality mirrors that of his father.
He bears a striking resemblance to his father in personality.

⑺ He took (   ) the shipping business from his uncle.
  ① after     
  ② on     
  ③ out     
  ④ over

shipping businessは「海運業」
take on には「引き受ける」の意味があるが,
from his uncle「おじさんから」と意味が合わない。
take overで「(職業など)を引き継ぐ」の意。
◆ take を含む Phrasal Verves:
 ✰ take off: succeed rapidly
 ✰ take in: comprehend, absorb
 ✰ take on: undertake, challenge
 ✰ take out: extract, remove
 ✰ take up: begin, engage in, occupy space/time
 ✰ take down: record, dismantle
 ✰ take over: assume control, dominate, occupy
 ✰ take away: remove, carry off, bring back
 ✰ take apart: disassemble, dismantle
 ✰ take back: retract, withdraw, regret
 ✰ take care of: attend to, be cautious
 ✰ take up with: become associated with
 ✰ take off: emove clothes, depart (plane)
⑺ 正解 ④
He took over the shipping business from his uncle.
He assumed control of the shipping business from his uncle.
He assumed management of the shipping business from his uncle.
He took charge of the shipping business from his uncle.
He inherited the shipping business from his uncle.
He seized control of the shipping business from his uncle.
He stepped into the shoes of his uncle in running the shipping business.
He became responsible for the shipping business after his uncle.

⑻ We’ll have to do (   ) butter because I forgot to get it today.
  ① with   
  ② up   
  ③ in    
  ④ without

<do without>
<do with>
◆ do を含むPhrasal Verves
 ✰ do away with: eliminate
 ✰ do over: redo
 ✰ do without: forgo
 ✰ do up: fasten
 ✰ do in: exhaust
 ✰ do out of: deprive
 ✰ do down: belittle
 ✰ do for: assist
 ✰ do up: tie
 ✰ do up: repair
 ✰ do away with: eliminate
 ✰ do off: undress
 ✰ do up: fasten
 ✰ do up: repair
 ✰ do over: repeat
 ✰ do in: tire
 ✰ do without: manage
 ✰ do up: adorn
 ✰ do in: kill
 ✰ do out of: cheat
⑻ 正解 ④
We’ll have to do without butter because I forgot to get it today.
We will need to go without butter since I forgot to purchase it today.
We'll have to manage without butter because I forgot to buy it today.
We'll have to do without butter as I neglected to buy it today.
We'll have to go without butter because I failed to get it today.
We'll have to make do without butter since I forgot to pick it up today.
We'll have to forgo butter because I forgot to acquire it today.
We'll have to skip butter because I forgot to procure it today.

⑼ In any case the result will make no (   ) to him.
  ① difference     
  ② feeling    
  ③ meaning    
  ④ resemblance

make には「(事態など)を生じさせる」の意があり,
make no difference で「重要でない」となる。
次もこの make の用法。
make a noise「音をたてる」
make trouble「さわぎを起こす」
◆ make を含む句動詞:
 ✰ make up: reconcile
 ✰ make out: discern
 ✰ make up for: compensate
 ✰ make up one's mind: determine
 ✰ make off: flee
 ✰ make up to: ngratiate
 ✰ make do: improvise
 ✰ make for: head for
 ✰ make up with:
 ✰ make up for:
 ✰ make over: renovate
 ✰ make out: decipher
 ✰ make over: renovate
 ✰ make away with: steal
 ✰ make up one's mind: decide
 ✰ make off with: steal
 ✰ make up: constitute
 ✰ make out: perceive
 ✰ make up: fabricate
 ✰ make out: succeed
⑼ 正解 ①
In any case the result will make no difference to him.
Regardless, the outcome will not affect him.
In any event, the result will have no impact on him.
Regardless of the outcome, it won't make a difference to him.
Irrespective of the result, it won't matter to him.
Whatever the outcome, it won't change anything for him.
Regardless of what happens, it won't affect him.
Regardless of the consequences, it won't impact him.

⑽ You should never (   ) down on others.
  ① put     
  ② look     
  ③ show     
  ④ throw

look down on「~を軽蔑する」
should neverは「けっして~してはいけない」
ここでは other people「他人」の意を表す。
◆ look を含む句動詞
 ✰ look after: care for, watch over
 ✰ look ahead:
 ✰ look around: survey, inspect
 ✰ look at: examine, consider, view
 ✰ look away:
 ✰ look back: reminisce, reflect on
 ✰ look down: gaze downward, peer down
 ✰ look for: search for, seek out
 ✰ look forward to: anticipate, await eagerly
 ✰ look in: drop by, visit briefly
 ✰ look into: investigate, probe
 ✰ look out: be careful, watch out
 ✰ look over: examine, inspect
 ✰ look through: peruse, skim through
 ✰ look up:
 ✰ look up to: gaze upward, search for information
 ✰ look upon: regard, perceive as
 ✰ look round: survey, glance around
 ✰ look through: see through, scrutinize
 ✰ look to: rely on, count on
⑽ 正解 ②
You should never look down on others.
You should never underestimate others.
You should never belittle others.
You should never demean others.
You should never disparage others.
You should never look down upon others.
You should never scorn others.
You should never underestimate the capabilities of others.

⑾ While reading the newspaper, I came (   ) an interesting article on Japanese politics.
  ① across  
  ② over   
  ③ through   
  ④ up to

come across A「Aに偶然であう」
(meet A by chance, happen to meet A)
④ come up toは「(期待)に添う」
② come overは「~を超えてくる」
③ come throughは「きり抜ける」
◆ come を含む句動詞
 ✰ come across:
   encounter - 出会う
 ✰ come along:
   progress - 進む
 ✰ come around:
   change one's mind - 気を変える
 ✰ come by:
   obtain - 手に入れる
 ✰ come down:
   descend - 降りる
 ✰ come forward:
   volunteer - 進んで申し出る
 ✰ come in:
   enter - 入る
 ✰ come into:
   inherit - 相続する
 ✰ come off:
   succeed - 成功する
 ✰ come out:
   emerge - 出てくる
 ✰ come over:
   visit - 訪れる
 ✰ come round:
   visit - 訪れる
 ✰ come through:
   survive - 生き延びる
 ✰ come to:
   regain consciousness - 意識を取り戻す
 ✰ come up:
   arise - 発生する
 ✰ come upon:
   encounter unexpectedly - 偶然出会う
⑾ 正解 ①
While reading the newspaper, I came across an interesting article on Japanese politics.
While perusing the newspaper, I stumbled upon an intriguing article about Japanese politics.
While browsing the newspaper, I chanced upon an interesting article on Japanese politics.
While scanning the newspaper, I came across a fascinating article about Japanese politics.
While reading the newspaper, I happened upon an engaging article on Japanese politics.
While flipping through the newspaper, I discovered an absorbing article about Japanese politics.
While glancing through the newspaper, I found an enlightening article on Japanese politics.
While skimming the newspaper, I encountered an insightful article about Japanese politics.



The wage level is based on each employee’s ability.
The wage level is determined by the individual capabilities of each employee.
The wage level is contingent upon the skillset of each employee.
Each employee's wage is determined by their respective abilities.
The wage level varies according to each employee's capability.
Each employee's wage is commensurate with their ability.
Wage levels are adjusted based on the abilities of individual employees.
The wage scale is tailored to reflect the abilities of each employee.


We offer you our congratulations on your success in the entrance examination.
We extend our congratulations to you for your success in the entrance examination.
Congratulations are in order for your achievement in the entrance examination.
Allow us to congratulate you on your successful performance in the entrance examination.
Congratulations on passing the entrance examination!
We're delighted to congratulate you on your entrance examination success.
Our heartfelt congratulations go out to you for excelling in the entrance examination.
Well done on passing the entrance examination! Congratulations!


He was persuaded into accepting the special mission to Japan.
He was convinced to undertake the special mission to Japan.
He was swayed into agreeing to the special mission to Japan.
He was persuaded to take on the special mission to Japan.
He was talked into accepting the special mission to Japan.
He reluctantly agreed to undertake the special mission to Japan.
He was coerced into accepting the special mission to Japan.
He yielded to pressure and accepted the special mission to Japan.


He divided the apple into two halves.
He cut the apple in half.
He sliced the apple into two equal parts.
He bisected the apple to create two halves.
He divided the apple down the middle.
He split the apple into two halves.
He separated the apple into two equal sections.
He halved the apple, dividing it into two parts.


The child cried because she couldn’t put up with the pain.
The child wept because she couldn't endure the pain.
The child sobbed due to her inability to bear the pain.
The child cried as she couldn't tolerate the pain.
The child shed tears because the pain was too much for her.
The child sobbed uncontrollably because she couldn't withstand the pain.
The child broke into tears as she couldn't handle the pain.
The child was inconsolable because she couldn't endure the pain.


He takes after his father in personality.
He inherits his father's personality.
He resembles his father in personality.
He takes after his father's personality.
He shares similarities with his father's personality.
He has inherited his father's traits.
His personality mirrors that of his father.
He bears a striking resemblance to his father in personality.


He took over the shipping business from his uncle.
He assumed control of the shipping business from his uncle.
He assumed management of the shipping business from his uncle.
He took charge of the shipping business from his uncle.
He inherited the shipping business from his uncle.
He seized control of the shipping business from his uncle.
He stepped into the shoes of his uncle in running the shipping business.
He became responsible for the shipping business after his uncle.


We’ll have to do without butter because I forgot to get it today.
We will need to go without butter since I forgot to purchase it today.
We'll have to manage without butter because I forgot to buy it today.
We'll have to do without butter as I neglected to buy it today.
We'll have to go without butter because I failed to get it today.
We'll have to make do without butter since I forgot to pick it up today.
We'll have to forgo butter because I forgot to acquire it today.
We'll have to skip butter because I forgot to procure it today.


In any case the result will make no difference to him.
Regardless, the outcome will not affect him.
In any event, the result will have no impact on him.
Regardless of the outcome, it won't make a difference to him.
Irrespective of the result, it won't matter to him.
Whatever the outcome, it won't change anything for him.
Regardless of what happens, it won't affect him.
Regardless of the consequences, it won't impact him.


You should never look down on others.
You should never underestimate others.
You should never belittle others.
You should never demean others.
You should never disparage others.
You should never look down upon others.
You should never scorn others.
You should never underestimate the capabilities of others.


While reading the newspaper, I came across an interesting article on Japanese politics.
While perusing the newspaper, I stumbled upon an intriguing article about Japanese politics.
While browsing the newspaper, I chanced upon an interesting article on Japanese politics.
While scanning the newspaper, I came across a fascinating article about Japanese politics.
While reading the newspaper, I happened upon an engaging article on Japanese politics.
While flipping through the newspaper, I discovered an absorbing article about Japanese politics.
While glancing through the newspaper, I found an enlightening article on Japanese politics.
While skimming the newspaper, I encountered an insightful article about Japanese politics.

◆ 著作権は本記事作成者に帰属します。


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