英検1級 スピーキングをどう鍛えるか

TEX 二井原

TEX 二井原



2次試験 面接の存在が心理的ハードルとなり、

英検1級 5大テーマ

(1). テクノロジーと社会


(2). 倫理とビジネス


(3). 社会と政治


(4). 価値観と道徳


(5). 環境問題


Do you agree or disagree that the lack of female leaders is a serious problem in Japan?

Advocates for Change:
Many argue that the lack of female representation in leadership positions reflects systemic issues and cultural biases that hinder women's career advancement. They advocate for changes in societal attitudes, corporate policies, and government initiatives to promote gender diversity and equality in leadership roles.

Economic and Social Impact:
Some view the underrepresentation of female leaders as a missed opportunity for diverse perspectives and innovative ideas in decision-making processes. They highlight the potential economic and social benefits that could arise from increased female participation in leadership positions.

Cultural and Structural Challenges:
Japan's traditional gender roles, workplace culture, and structural barriers, such as long working hours and limited support for work-life balance, are often cited as factors contributing to the scarcity of female leaders.

Government and Corporate Initiatives:
Efforts by the government and some corporations to promote women's participation in leadership positions through policies like promoting womenomics and setting targets for female representation have shown some progress but are still facing challenges in achieving substantial change.

While progress has been made in recent years, the issue of the lack of female leaders is considered a multifaceted problem that requires ongoing efforts from various sectors, including government, businesses, and society, to address cultural biases, promote inclusivity, and create equal opportunities for women in leadership roles.

● 女性リーダーの不足: lack of female leaders
● 変革を求める支持者: advocates for change
● 経済と社会への影響: economic and social impact
● 文化的および構造的な課題: cultural and structural challenges
● 政府と企業の取り組み: government and corporate initiatives





Does current education lack adequate resources and support?

Resource Allocation:
Some argue that educational institutions often face constraints in funding, leading to insufficient resources for facilities, materials, and teacher training. They advocate for increased funding to enhance the quality of education.

Technology Integration:
Supporters of technology in education suggest that while advancements have improved access to information, not all educational settings have the necessary technological infrastructure or training for effective integration.

Teacher Support and Training:
Many emphasize the need for continuous professional development for teachers to adapt to evolving educational needs and teaching methodologies. Lack of support and training could impact the quality of instruction.

Inequality in Access:
Concerns exist regarding disparities in access to quality education, especially among marginalized or economically disadvantaged communities. Adequate resources and support are crucial to bridge this gap.

Curriculum Adaptation:
Critics argue that rigid curriculums may not align with current societal needs or future job markets, highlighting the need for updates to ensure relevance and practical application of knowledge.

Parental Involvement:
Engaging parents in education is seen as essential, but inadequate support systems might hinder effective collaboration between schools and families.

The discussion surrounding the adequacy of resources and support in education varies based on regional, societal, and economic contexts. While some perceive shortcomings, others acknowledge the efforts made while advocating for continuous improvement in resource allocation and support for educators and students.

● 教育におけるリソース配分: resource allocation in education
● 技術の統合: technology integration
● 教師のサポートとトレーニング: teacher support and training
● アクセスにおける不平等: inequality in access
● カリキュラムの適応: curriculum adaptation
● 保護者の関与: parental involvement








Will gender inequality ever be completely eradicated?

The complete eradication of gender inequality remains an ongoing challenge, but progress is being made toward achieving equality. Here are various perspectives on this:

Long-Term Progress:
Some believe that with continued efforts in education, policy ch
anges, and societal awareness, significant strides can be made in reducing gender disparities, although complete eradication might take a substantial amount of time.

Cultural and Societal Shifts:
Achieving complete eradication of gender inequality requires fundamental shifts in cultural norms and societal attitudes, which necessitates continuous advocacy, education, and changes in social structures.

Legal and Policy Reforms:
Legal reforms and policies that promote gender equality in areas like employment, education, and representation in decision-making roles can contribute to diminishing inequality over time.

Intersectional Challenges:
Addressing gender inequality involves recognizing intersecting factors such as race, ethnicity, class, and more, making complete eradication a complex endeavor requiring a multifaceted approach.

Progress Indicators:
Measuring progress through indicators like increased representation in leadership roles, narrowing pay gaps, and enhanced access to education and healthcare can signify steps toward greater gender equality.

While achieving complete eradication of gender inequality is a formidable task, ongoing efforts across multiple fronts continue to push toward a more equitable and inclusive society.

● 長期的な進歩: long-term progress
● 文化的・社会的な変化: cultural and societal shifts
● 法的・政策的な改革: legal and policy reforms
● 交差する課題: intersectional challenges
● 進捗状況の指標: progress indicators








Can homogeneous countries thrive in today's diverse world?

Homogeneous countries can thrive in today's diverse world, but it depends on various factors and approaches they undertake. Here are some perspectives:

Cultural Cohesion:
Homogeneous societies often have a strong sense of cultural unity and shared values, which can foster social cohesion and a sense of belonging among citizens.

Efficiency and Unity:
Homogeneity can sometimes streamline decision-making processes and promote unity, leading to efficient governance and collective action.

Challenges of Adaptation:
However, in a diverse global landscape, homogeneity might pose challenges in adapting to changing demographics, global trends, and embracing diverse perspectives.

Innovation and Diversity:
Thriving in today's interconnected world often involves embracing diversity, as it can bring new ideas, innovation, and perspectives that drive progress and competitiveness.

Global Interconnectedness:
Regardless of homogeneity, countries are part of an interconnected global community, necessitating engagement and cooperation with diverse nations and cultures for economic and social progress.

While homogeneity might offer certain advantages, leveraging diversity can also contribute significantly to a country's resilience, innovation, and adaptability in an increasingly interconnected and diverse world.

● 文化的な結束: cultural cohesion
● 効率性と統一: efficiency and unity
● 適応の課題: challenges of adaptation
● イノベーションと多様性: innovation and diversity
● グローバルな相互依存: global interconnectedness

Are improvements in information technology always beneficial to society?

Improvements in information technology often bring numerous benefits to society, but their impact can vary based on implementation and context. Here are some viewpoints:

Enhanced Connectivity:
IT advancements enable global connectivity, facilitating communication, collaboration, and access to information across borders.

Efficiency and Productivity:
Automation and digital tools enhance efficiency in various sectors, streamlining processes and boosting productivity.

Innovation and Economic Growth:
IT innovations drive economic growth, fostering new industries, job opportunities, and technological advancements.

Accessibility and Education:
Information technology expands access to education and resources, bridging gaps and democratizing knowledge.

Challenges of Dependence:
Over-reliance on technology can lead to issues like cybersecurity threats, digital divide, and job displacement due to automation.

Privacy and Ethical Concerns:
Advancements in IT raise concerns about data privacy, surveillance, and ethical dilemmas surrounding AI and machine learning.

Unequal Access:
Disparities in access to technology can widen existing socioeconomic gaps, impacting those without adequate access to resources.

Overall, while information technology brings considerable advantages, its impact on society depends on how effectively challenges are addressed and benefits are distributed among different segments of the population.

● 拡張された接続性: enhanced connectivity
● 効率性と生産性: efficiency and productivity
● イノベーション:innovation
● 経済成長:economic growth
● アクセスと教育: accessibility and education
● 依存の課題: challenges of dependence
● プライバシー:privacy and
● 倫理的懸念:ethical concerns
● アクセスの不平等: unequal access

Should Japan adopt more lenient immigration policies?

The question of adopting more lenient immigration policies in Japan is complex and has various perspectives:

Economic Growth:
Some argue that Japan needs immigrant labor to address labor shortages caused by an aging population and declining workforce.

Cultural and Social Impact:
There are concerns about the potential impact on Japanese culture and society due to increased diversity.

Integration Challenges:
Adopting more lenient immigration policies may bring challenges related to immigrant integration into Japanese society, including language barriers and social integration.

Workforce Diversity:
Diversity in the workforce can bring fresh perspectives, innovation, and a broader skill set, contributing to economic growth and global competitiveness.

Preservation of Japanese Identity:
There's a desire to maintain Japan's unique cultural identity and heritage amid concerns about the dilution of traditional values.

Balancing these perspectives is crucial. The discussion involves weighing the potential economic benefits against cultural and social impacts, aiming to find a balance that suits Japan's demographic and economic needs while addressing concerns about social integration and cultural preservation.

● 経済成長: economic growth
● 文化的・社会的影響: cultural and social impact
● 統合の課題: integration challenges
● 労働力の多様性: workforce diversity
● アイデンティティの維持: preservation of identity








Are enough public funds invested in social welfare? 

Demand vs. Allocation:
There's a debate about whether the allocation of funds adequately meets the growing demands and needs of social welfare programs amidst changing societal dynamics.

Economic Impact:
Some argue that increased investment in social welfare programs, such as healthcare, education, and poverty alleviation, can have long-term positive economic impacts by reducing inequality and enhancing workforce productivity.

Budgetary Constraints:
There might be limitations within government budgets that restrict the allocation of sufficient funds to social welfare, leading to prioritization challenges among various sectors.

Scope of Services:
Discussions often center around whether the allocated funds cover a wide enough range of services and beneficiaries, addressing issues like healthcare accessibility, childcare, eldercare, and support for marginalized groups.

Impact Assessment:
It's important to assess the effectiveness and impact of the funds invested, determining whether they effectively address social issues, reduce poverty, and improve quality of life.

Public Opinion and Political Will:
Public sentiment and political will play a significant role in determining the allocation of funds to social welfare, influenced by societal values, ideologies, and government policies.

International Comparisons:
Comparisons with other countries' social welfare spending and programs can provide insights into whether the current level of investment in social welfare in a country is adequate or lagging behind global standards.

● 需要 vs. 割り当て: demand vs. allocation
● 経済的影響: economic impact
● 予算の制約: budgetary constraints
● サービスの範囲: scope of services
● 影響評価: impact assessment
● 世論と政治的意思: public opinion and political will
● 国際比較: international comparisons

需要 vs. 割り当て:







Are Japanese old temples worth preserving?

Cultural Heritage:
Japanese old temples represent centuries of history, architecture, and cultural significance, serving as vital symbols of Japan's heritage.

Historical Significance:
These temples often hold historical and religious importance, showcasing traditional practices, beliefs, and craftsmanship from different eras.

Tourism and Economy:
Old temples attract tourists, contributing to local economies through tourism revenue, benefiting nearby businesses and communities.

Spiritual Sanctuaries:
These temples provide spaces for spiritual practices and offer tranquility and reflection for individuals seeking solace or religious experiences.

Architectural Mastery:
Many of these temples display exceptional architectural designs, art, and craftsmanship, serving as invaluable examples of traditional Japanese architecture and aesthetics.

● 日本の古い寺院: Japanese old temples
● 価値: worth
● 保存: preserving
● 文化遺産: cultural heritage
● 歴史的重要性: historical significance
● 観光と経済: tourism and economy
● 精神的な聖域: spiritual sanctuaries
● 建築の優れた技術: architectural mastery






Can society eradicate terrorism in the future?

Eradicating terrorism is a complex challenge, and there are multiple perspectives on addressing this issue:

Global Cooperation:
Collaborative efforts among nations through intelligence sharing, coordinated security measures, and joint operations can curb terrorist activities.

Addressing Root Causes:
Tackling socio-economic disparities, political grievances, and ideological radicalization can help mitigate the factors that drive individuals towards extremism.

Counterterrorism Strategies:
Developing and implementing effective counterterrorism strategies, including deradicalization programs and counter-narratives, is essential.

Enhanced Security Measures:
Investing in advanced security technologies and measures can aid in preventing and responding to terrorist threats.

Diplomacy and Conflict Resolution:
Resolving conflicts and addressing geopolitical tensions can reduce the breeding grounds for extremist ideologies.

Community Engagement:
Building trust and partnerships within communities to identify early signs of radicalization and prevent the spread of extremist ideologies.

Continuous Adaptation:
Remaining vigilant, agile, and adaptable to evolving threats is crucial in the ongoing fight against terrorism.

While complete eradication might be challenging, concerted efforts across multiple fronts can significantly mitigate the threat posed by terrorism in the future.

● 国際協力: global cooperation
● 根本原因への対処: addressing root causes
● 対テロ戦略: counterterrorism strategies
● 強化された:enhanced
● セキュリティ対策: security measures
● 外交: diplomacy
● 紛争解決: conflict resolution
● 地域社会の関与: community engagement
● 継続的な適応: continuous adaptation

Are the threats posed by the low birth rate taken seriously enough in society?

Economic Impact:
The low birth rate might lead to a shrinking workforce, affecting economic growth, productivity, and sustainability of social welfare systems.

Aging Population:
With a declining birth rate, societies face the challenge of an aging population, impacting healthcare, pensions, and social services.

Future Labor Force:
Low birth rates can result in a smaller future labor force, potentially affecting industries, innovation, and competitiveness.

Cultural and Social Impact:
There are concerns about the impact on family structures, societal dynamics, and traditional values due to a shrinking population.

Policy Responses:
Responses might include policies to encourage childbirth, support for working parents, and immigration policies to supplement the workforce.

Long-Term Consequences:
If not addressed, a low birth rate could have long-term consequences on society, leading to significant shifts in demographics and societal structures.

Global Trends:
Understanding the global trend of declining birth rates is crucial to evaluate its impact and plan for future societal needs.

● 妊娠率 - pregnancy rate
● 出生率 - birth rate
● 労働力 - labor force
● 少子化 - declining birthrate
● 経済的影響 - economic implications
● 将来の労働力 - future workforce
● 政策対応 - policy responses
● 高齢化 - aging population
● 社会的ダイナミクス - social dynamics
● グローバルトレンド - global trends



文化的・社会的影響: 人口減少による家族構造、社会的ダイナミクス、伝統的価値観への影響に関する懸念があります。




英検1級 予想問題 Best 21

① 過去問
② 昨今の国内情勢・国内の問題
③ 昨今の世界情勢・地球規模の課題
④ the 17 sustainable development goals
⑤ 21 Lessons for The 21th Century -Noah Hariari


1. Climate Change:

How might immediate global action against climate change impact industries heavily reliant on fossil fuels?
What social and economic changes could arise if urgent measures to combat climate change are not taken?

2. Universal Basic Income:

How might the implementation of universal basic income influence individuals' work ethics and economic productivity?
What economic changes could be expected if every citizen were guaranteed a basic income?

3. Lack of Female Leaders in Japan:

How might an increase in female leadership impact the overall societal perspective on gender roles in Japan?
What changes could be expected in corporate culture if more women were in leadership positions?

4. Education Resources and Support:

What improvements in educational outcomes might be seen if more resources and support were allocated to the education system?
How might enhanced educational resources influence the country's future workforce and innovation?

5. Gender Inequality Elimination:

What societal changes could arise if efforts towards eliminating gender inequality were successful?
How might persistent gender inequality affect Japan's global competitiveness and social progress?

6. Homogeneous Countries:

What advantages or disadvantages might arise for a homogeneous country seeking to adapt to a more diverse global landscape?
How might embracing diversity impact cultural identity and national unity?

7. Information Technology Benefit

What potential downsides might emerge from an overreliance on improvements in information technology?
How might different sectors of society be affected by rapid advancements in information technology?

8. Immigration Policies in Japan:

How might more lenient immigration policies influence Japan's economic growth and cultural diversity?
What challenges and benefits might Japan face by opening its doors to more immigrants?

9. Public Funds in Social Welfare:

What societal improvements might be seen if more public funds were allocated to social welfare programs?
How might increased investment in social welfare impact poverty rates and social inequality?

10. Preservation of Japanese Traditional Culture and Heritage:

What cultural and historical significance do old temples hold for Japan's identity and heritage?
How might preserving old temples contribute to tourism and cultural appreciation?

11. Effectiveness of Terrorist Movements

What ethical considerations arise when evaluating the effectiveness of terrorist movements as agents of change in society?
How might society respond to the impact of terrorism on social and political landscapes?

12. Low Birth Rate Threats:

What long-term consequences might Japan face if the low birth rate issue remains unaddressed?
How might governmental policies and societal attitudes need to change to counter the threats posed by a declining birth rate?

13. Protecting Indigenous Cultures:

What societal benefits emerge from actively preserving the cultures of indigenous peoples?
How might the loss of indigenous cultures impact the world's collective heritage and knowledge?

14. Large Corporations and Profit Motives:

What instances exist where large corporations prioritize societal benefits over profits?
How might corporate social responsibility initiatives impact the public's perception of profit-driven companies?

15. Relevance of Social Class:

In what ways does social class influence opportunities and access to resources in modern society?
How might the perception of social class impact social mobility and equality?

16. Political Correctness Necessity:

What role does political correctness play in promoting inclusivity and respectful discourse in society?
How might the absence of political correctness impact social interactions and the treatment of marginalized groups?

17. Exploitation of Workers in Developing World:

How might increased regulations and oversight impact the working conditions in developing nations?
What global economic shifts could occur if the exploitation of workers in the developing world is curtailed?

18. Limits on Freedom of Speech:

What ethical considerations arise when debating the imposition of limits on freedom of speech?
How might restricting freedom of speech impact societal discourse and the exchange of ideas?

19. Legalized Gambling's Economic Impact:

How might legalized gambling contribute to or detract from a country's economic growth and revenue streams?
What social implications arise from widespread legalized gambling within a society?

20. Fighting Piracy on Open Seas:

How might enhanced international cooperation combat piracy's economic and security threats on the open seas?
What challenges and obstacles exist in effectively policing and curtailing piracy?

21. World Without Religious:

What societal and geopolitical changes might be required to achieve a world devoid of religious conflict?
How might the absence of religious conflict impact international relations and cultural interactions?

1. Climate Change:

2. Universal Basic Income:

3. Lack of Female Leaders in Japan:

4. Education Resources and Support:

5. Gender Inequality Elimination:

6. Homogeneous Countries:

7. Information Technology Benefits:

8. Immigration Policies in Japan:

9. Public Funds in Social Welfare:

10. Preservation of Japanese Traditional Culture and Heritage:

11. Effectiveness of Terrorist Movements:

12. Low Birth Rate Threats:

13. Protecting Indigenous Cultures:

14. Large Corporations and Profit Motives:

15. Relevance of Social Class:

16. Political Correctness Necessity:

17. Exploitation of Workers in Developing World:

18. Limits on Freedom of Speech:

19. Legalized Gambling's Economic Impact:

20. Fighting Piracy on Open Seas:

21. World Without Religious Conflict:


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