英作文《地獄の果てまで瞬発トレーニング》⑨ ★ もはや快楽 ♪

TEX 二井原

TEX 二井原




 ● 英文暗唱
 ● 頻出表現暗記
 ● 日本語:英語の 〈1対1 暗記〉












"Where this road will lead, who can say?
Do not be afraid, for if you hesitate, the road disappears.
Take a step, and that step becomes the path,
That step becomes the way.
Without hesitation, go,
For by going, you will understand."

Part 1:インプット英文7変化


The tournament at Wimbledon is (    ) (    )
(    ) tennis players dream of winning.

The tournament at Wimbledon is the one all tennis players dream of winning.
 ▸ the one=the tournament
  one が修飾されて限定されるのでthe がつく
The tournament at Wimbledon is what every tennis player aspires to win.
Wimbledon's tournament is the one every tennis player dreams of winning.
The Wimbledon tournament is the coveted prize that every tennis player dreams of winning.
Winning the tournament at Wimbledon is the ultimate aspiration for all tennis players.
Every tennis player dreams of clinching victory at the prestigious Wimbledon tournament.
Wimbledon's tournament represents the pinnacle of achievement for every tennis player's aspirations.


現在の東京は,100 年前の東京とは大きく異なります。
Tokyo today is very different from (    ) it was a hundred years ago.

Tokyo today is very different from what it was a hundred years ago.
 ▸ what S was「昔のS(の姿)」
Tokyo today is vastly distinct from how it appeared a century ago.
Tokyo today looks very different compared to a hundred years ago.
Tokyo today is vastly different from the way it was a hundred years ago.
Tokyo today is very dissimilar to its appearance a century ago.
Tokyo today bears little resemblance to what it was like a hundred years ago.
The Tokyo of today is markedly different from its state a hundred years ago.


“I didn’t go to class yesterday because my car broke down.”
“You (    ) (    ) (    ) mine. I wasn’t using it.”

“I didn’t go to class yesterday because my car broke down.”
 ▸ 条件の無い仮定法では「…するなら」という話者の意識がある
"I didn't attend class yesterday due to my car breaking down."
"I skipped class yesterday because my car had a breakdown."
“You could have borrowed mine. I wasn’t using it.”
"You could have borrowed my car; I wasn't using it."
"You could've taken my car; I wasn't using it."
"Had I gone to class yesterday, it would have been a problem because my car broke down."
"If I had gone to class yesterday, it would have been problematic since my car broke down."
"If I had attended class yesterday, it would have been difficult because my car broke down."
"Going to class yesterday would have been challenging if my car had not broken down."


This movie is (    ) far the most interesting of all.

This movie is by far the most interesting of all.
 ▸ by far:最上級の強調で「ずば抜けて」
 ✰ by far the most popular: 最も人気がある
 ✰ by far the best: ずば抜けて最高の
 ✰ by far the worst: ずば抜けて最悪の
 ✰ by far the largest: ずば抜けて最大の
 ✰ by far the most expensive: ずば抜けて最も高価な
This movie is unquestionably the most captivating of all.
By a large margin, this movie is the most interesting of all.
This movie is unquestionably the most captivating of all.
By a large margin, this movie is the most interesting of all.
This movie is unequivocally the most captivating of all, by far.
This movie surpasses all others in terms of interest, by a wide margin.


She sent me a telegram (    ) that her father was in serious condition.

She sent me a telegram saying that her father was in serious condition.
▸ say that 節「…と書いてある」
  tell, talk, speak+that 節は語法的に不可
◆ say:
 ✰ say hello/goodbye: こんにちは/さようならと言う
 ✰ say sorry: 謝る
 ✰ say a word: 言葉を発する
 ✰ say something: 何か言う
 ✰ say nothing: 何も言わない
◆ tell:
 ✰ tell a story: 物語を語る
 ✰ tell the truth: 真実を言う
 ✰ tell a lie: 嘘をつく
 ✰ tell a joke: 冗談を言う
 ✰ tell the time: 時刻を告げる
◆ talk:
 ✰ talk to someone: 誰かと話す
 ✰ talk about something: 何かについて話す
 ✰ talk on the phone: 電話で話す
 ✰ talk in a low voice: 小声で話す
 ✰ talk to oneself: 自分自身と話す
◆ speak:
 ✰ speak a language: 言語を話す
 ✰ speak fluently: 流暢に話す
 ✰ speak softly: 優しく話す
 ✰ speak at a conference: 学会で話す
 ✰ speak one's mind: 思っていることを述べ
She sent me a telegram in which she informed me of her father's serious condition.
Her telegram contained the message that her father was in a critical condition.
She sent me a telegram informing me that her father was in serious condition.
She sent me a telegram with the message that her father was in a critical condition.
In her telegram, she conveyed the news that her father was in serious condition.
The telegram she sent me conveyed the information that her father was in a critical condition.


Mary sings better than (    ) other girl in her class.

Mary sings better than any other girl in her class.
▸ A is+比較級+than any other+単数名詞
 「A は他のいかなる~よりも…」
✰ bigger than any other house: 他のどの家よりも大きい
✰ faster than any other car: 他のどの車よりも速い
✰ smarter than any other student: 他のどの生徒よりも賢い
✰ stronger than any other athlete: 他のどの選手よりも強い
✰ richer than any other person: 他のどの人よりも裕福
Mary's singing surpasses that of any other girl in her class.
In her class, Mary is the best singer compared to any other girl.
Mary's singing exceeds that of any other girl in her class.
No other girl in her class sings as well as Mary does.
Mary outperforms every other girl in her class when it comes to singing.
Mary's singing abilities outshine those of every other girl in her class.


The new theory has (    ) to be proved.

The new theory has yet to be proved.
 ▸ have yet to do「まだ…していない」
 ✰ have yet to arrive: まだ到着していない
 ✰ have yet to decide: まだ決めていない
 ✰ have yet to start: まだ始めていない
 ✰ have yet to finish: まだ終えていない
 ✰ have yet to see: まだ見ていない
The new theory still requires proof.
Proof for the new theory has not been established yet.
The new theory has not yet been proven.
The new theory remains unproven.
Proof for the new theory is still pending.
The new theory has yet to receive confirmation through proof.


He has two other children (    ) Alan.

He has two other children besides Alan.
 ▸ besides「…に加えて」〈追加〉
 ✰ along with
 ✰ besides
 ✰ moreover
 ✰ additionally
 ✰ furthermore
Apart from Alan, he also has two more children.
In addition to Alan, he has two other children.
In addition to Alan, he has two more children.
Besides Alan, he also has two other children.
Apart from Alan, he has two additional children.
Alongside Alan, he has two more children.


“If you won the prize, what would you do with the money, Julie?”
“I would like to visit (    ) (    ) in the world.”

“If you won the prize, what would you do with the money, Julie?”
 ▸ every+単数名詞  ここでは all countries も可
 ✰ every person: すべての人
 ✰ every day: 毎日
 ✰ every time: いつでも
 ✰ every year: 毎年
 ✰ every student: すべての学生
"If you were to win the prize, Julie, what would you do with the money?"
"What if you won the prize, Julie? How would you use the money?"
“I would like to visit every country in the world.”
"I'd like to visit every single country in the world."
"I'd love to travel to every country worldwide."
"Julie, if you won the prize, what would you do with the money?"
"Julie, what would you do with the money if you were to win the prize?"
"Julie, suppose you won the prize. How would you use the money?"
"Julie, if you were the winner, what plans do you have for the money?"


(    ) (    ) I don’t think they will consider promoting Michael.

Between ourselves I don’t think they will consider promoting Michael.
 ▸ between ourselves「ここだけの話だが」
 (=between you and me)
 ✰ confidentially
 ✰ privately
 ✰ just between us
 ✰ off the record
 ✰ in confidence
Privately, I don't believe they will consider promoting Michael.
Just between you and me, I doubt they'll think about promoting Michael.
Privately, I don't believe they will consider promoting Michael.
Just between you and me, I doubt they'll think about promoting Michael.
Between us, I don't think they'll consider promoting Michael.
Off the record, I doubt they'll think about promoting Michael.


Her joke was ignored by most of the people in the room, (    ) I enjoyed it somehow.

Her joke was ignored by most of the people in the room, yet [but] I enjoyed it somehow.
 ▸ SV 構造が二つから接続詞で対比を表す語が必要
 ✰ The joke fell flat.
 ✰ The joke didn't land.
 ✰ The joke bombed.
 ✰ The joke went over like a lead balloon.
 ✰ The joke didn't go over well.
Her joke went unnoticed by most of the people in the room, but I somehow found it enjoyable.
While most people in the room ignored her joke, I managed to enjoy it.
Her joke was overlooked by most of the people in the room, but I somehow found it enjoyable.
Despite being ignored by most of the people in the room, I still managed to enjoy her joke.
Most of the people in the room paid no attention to her joke, yet I somehow found it enjoyable.
Although her joke was ignored by most of the people in the room, I still found it enjoyable in some way.


I remember (    ) (    ) about my hometown at the welcome party.

I remember being asked about my hometown at the welcome party.
 ▸ remember doing「…したことを覚えている」
 ✰ remember doing something
 ✰ recall doing something
 ✰ can remember doing something
 ✰ have a memory of doing something
 ✰ keep in mind doing something
 ✰ bear in mind doing something
 ✰ have a recollection of doing something
I recall being questioned about my hometown during the welcome party.
At the welcome party, I have a memory of people asking about my hometown.
I recall being questioned about my hometown during the welcome party.
I have a memory of people asking about my hometown at the welcome party.
During the welcome party, I remember being asked about my hometown.
I have a recollection of discussing my hometown at the welcome party.


Let’s talk (    ) a cup of tea, shall we?

Let’s talk over a cup of tea, shall we?
 ▸ over〈従事〉「…しながら」
 ✰ while
 ✰ whilst 《英用法》
 ✰ as
 ✰ during
 ✰ as long as
 ✰ at the same time as
 ✰ simultaneously with
How about discussing things while having a cup of tea, shall we?
Let's have a conversation while enjoying a cup of tea, shall we?
How about discussing things while having a cup of tea, shall we?
Shall we talk while we enjoy a cup of tea?
Let's have a conversation over a cup of tea, shall we?
Would you like to chat while we sip on some tea?


This personal computer (    ) repairing.

This personal computer wants repairing.
 ▸ want doing「…される必要がある」(=need to be done)
 ✰ ~ requires ...
 ✰ ~ needs ...
 ✰ ~ demands ...
 ✰ ~ necessitates ...
 ✰ ~ calls for ...
 ✰ ~ mandates ...
 ✰ ~ entails ...
 This personal computer requires repair.
This personal computer needs to be fixed.
This personal computer needs repair.
This personal computer is in need of repair.
Repair is required for this personal computer.
This personal computer necessitates fixing.


Hiroko’s father has (    ) to San Francisco.

Hiroko’s father has gone to San Francisco.
 ▸ have gone to A
  「A に行った」
  「A に行ったことがある」
 ✰ I have been to A.
 ✰ I have visited A.
 ✰ I have traveled to A.
 ✰ I have been to the place.
 ✰ I have been to A before.
 ✰ I have been to A previously.
 ✰ I have experienced A.
Hiroko's father has traveled to San Francisco.
Hiroko's father has made a trip to San Francisco.
Hiroko's father has journeyed to San Francisco.
Hiroko's father has visited San Francisco.
Hiroko's father has been to San Francisco.

Part 2:アウトプット脳内英作文


The tournament at Wimbledon is the one all tennis players dream of winning.
The tournament at Wimbledon is what every tennis player aspires to win.
Wimbledon's tournament is the one every tennis player dreams of winning.
Winning the tournament at Wimbledon is the ultimate aspiration for all tennis players.
Every tennis player dreams of clinching victory at the prestigious Wimbledon tournament.
Wimbledon's tournament represents the pinnacle of achievement for every tennis player's aspirations.

現在の東京は,100 年前の東京とは大きく異なります。

Tokyo today is very different from what it was a hundred years ago.
Tokyo today is vastly distinct from how it appeared a century ago.
Tokyo today looks very different compared to a hundred years ago.
Tokyo today is vastly different from the way it was a hundred years ago.
Tokyo today is very dissimilar to its appearance a century ago.
Tokyo today bears little resemblance to what it was like a hundred years ago.
The Tokyo of today is markedly different from its state a hundred years ago.


“I didn’t go to class yesterday because my car broke down.”
“You could have borrowed mine. I wasn’t using it.”
"I didn't attend class yesterday due to my car breaking down."
"You could have borrowed my car; I wasn't using it."
"I skipped class yesterday because my car had a breakdown."
"You could've taken my car; I wasn't using it."
"Had I gone to class yesterday, it would have been a problem because my car broke down."
"If I had gone to class yesterday, it would have been problematic since my car broke down."
"If I had attended class yesterday, it would have been difficult because my car broke down."
"Going to class yesterday would have been challenging if my car had not broken down."


This movie is by far the most interesting of all.
This movie is unquestionably the most captivating of all.
By a large margin, this movie is the most interesting of all.
This movie surpasses all others in terms of interest, by a wide margin.
This movie is unequivocally the most captivating of all, by far.


She sent me a telegram saying that her father was in serious condition.
She sent me a telegram in which she informed me of her father's serious condition.
Her telegram contained the message that her father was in a critical condition.
She sent me a telegram informing me that her father was in serious condition.
She sent me a telegram with the message that her father was in a critical condition.
In her telegram, she conveyed the news that her father was in serious condition.
The telegram she sent me conveyed the information that her father was in a critical condition.


Mary sings better than any other girl in her class.
Mary's singing surpasses that of any other girl in her class.
In her class, Mary is the best singer compared to any other girl.
Mary's singing exceeds that of any other girl in her class.
No other girl in her class sings as well as Mary does.
Mary outperforms every other girl in her class when it comes to singing.
Mary's singing abilities outshine those of every other girl in her class.


The new theory has yet to be proved.
The new theory still requires proof.
Proof for the new theory has not been established yet.
The new theory has not yet been proven.
The new theory remains unproven.
Proof for the new theory is still pending.
The new theory has yet to receive confirmation through proof.


He has two other children besides Alan.
Apart from Alan, he also has two more children.
In addition to Alan, he has two other children.
Besides Alan, he also has two other children.
Apart from Alan, he has two additional children.
Alongside Alan, he has two more children.


“If you won the prize, what would you do with the money, Julie?”
“I would like to visit every country in the world.”
"If you were to win the prize, Julie, what would you do with the money?"
"I'd like to visit every single country in the world."
"What if you won the prize, Julie? How would you use the money?"
"I'd love to travel to every country worldwide."
"Julie, if you won the prize, what would you do with the money?"
"Julie, what would you do with the money if you were to win the prize?"
"Julie, suppose you won the prize. How would you use the money?"
"Julie, if you were the winner, what plans do you have for the money?"


Between ourselves I don’t think they will consider promoting Michael.
Privately, I don't believe they will consider promoting Michael.
Just between you and me, I doubt they'll think about promoting Michael.
Privately, I don't believe they will consider promoting Michael.
Just between you and me, I doubt they'll think about promoting Michael.
Between us, I don't think they'll consider promoting Michael.
Off the record, I doubt they'll think about promoting Michael.


Her joke was ignored by most of the people in the room, yet [but] I enjoyed it somehow.
Her joke went unnoticed by most of the people in the room, but I somehow found it enjoyable.
While most people in the room ignored her joke, I managed to enjoy it.
Her joke was overlooked by most of the people in the room, but I somehow found it enjoyable.
Despite being ignored by most of the people in the room, I still managed to enjoy her joke.
Most of the people in the room paid no attention to her joke, yet I somehow found it enjoyable.
Although her joke was ignored by most of the people in the room, I still found it enjoyable in some way.


I remember being asked about my hometown at the welcome party.
I recall being questioned about my hometown during the welcome party.
At the welcome party, I have a memory of people asking about my hometown.
I recall being questioned about my hometown during the welcome party.
I have a memory of people asking about my hometown at the welcome party.
During the welcome party, I remember being asked about my hometown.
I have a recollection of discussing my hometown at the welcome party.


Let’s talk over a cup of tea, shall we?
How about discussing things while having a cup of tea, shall we?
Let's have a conversation while enjoying a cup of tea, shall we?
How about discussing things while having a cup of tea, shall we?
Shall we talk while we enjoy a cup of tea?
Let's have a conversation over a cup of tea, shall we?
Would you like to chat while we sip on some tea?


This personal computer wants repairing.
This personal computer requires repair.
This personal computer needs to be fixed.
This personal computer needs repair.
This personal computer is in need of repair.
Repair is required for this personal computer.
This personal computer necessitates fixing.


Hiroko’s father has gone to San Francisco.
Hiroko's father has traveled to San Francisco.
Hiroko's father has made a trip to San Francisco.
Hiroko's father has journeyed to San Francisco.
Hiroko's father has visited San Francisco.
Hiroko's father has been to San Francisco.

◆ 著作権は本記事作成者に帰属します。


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TEX 二井原

TEX 二井原(英語講師)

英語パーソナルジム HIET(ヒート)/ High Intensity English Training

★英検1級所持の代表自ら個別指導★ 難関大合格 ★ 英検合格 3~1級合格 ★ TOEIC 900 突破 ★ たった一人の生徒さんに完璧に合わせたプログラム

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