英作文《地獄の果てまで瞬発トレーニング》⑧ ★ もはや快楽 ♪

TEX 二井原

TEX 二井原




 ● 英文暗唱
 ● 頻出表現暗記
 ● 日本語:英語の 〈1対1 暗記〉












"Where this road will lead, who can say?
Do not be afraid, for if you hesitate, the road disappears.
Take a step, and that step becomes the path,
That step becomes the way.
Without hesitation, go,
For by going, you will understand."

Part 1:インプット英文7変化


She (    ) me as a very efficient secretary.

She strikes me as a very efficient secretary.
 ▸ strike A as B「A にB の印象を与える」
 ✰ come across A as B: A がB のように見える
 ✰ seem A like B: A がB のように思われる
 ✰ give off A vibe as B: A からB の雰囲気が漂う
 ✰ leave A feeling like B: A がB と感じさせる
 ✰ present A as B: A をB として提示する
She comes across as a highly efficient secretary.
She gives the impression of being a very efficient secretary.
She appears to be an extremely efficient secretary.
She strikes me as an exceptionally efficient secretary.
She seems to be a very efficient secretary.
She presents herself as a highly efficient secretary.
She gives off the vibe of being a very efficient secretary.


“Bob is depressed because he’s lost some money.”
“Oh, I saw he was in low (    ) but I didn’t know the reason.”

“Bob is depressed because he’s lost some money.”
“Oh, I saw he was in low spirits but I didn’t know the reason.”
 ▸ be in low[bad, poor] spirits「機嫌が悪い」
  (=be in a bad mood)
 ✰ feel down: 気持ちが沈む
 ✰ be feeling blue: うつむいている
 ✰ be in a funk: 気分が落ち込んでいる
 ✰ be in a sour mood: 機嫌が悪い
 ✰ be in the dumps: 落ち込んでいる
"Bob is feeling down because he lost some money," she said.
"Bob is feeling low because he lost some money," she remarked.
"Bob is upset because he lost some money," she commented.
"Bob is depressed because of the money he lost," she observed.
"Bob is feeling blue because he lost some money," she stated.
"Bob is down because he lost some money," she explained.
"Bob is feeling glum because he lost some money," she noted.
"I noticed he was feeling down, but I didn't know why," she replied.
"I saw he was in low spirits, but I wasn't aware of the reason," she responded.
"I observed he was feeling down, but I didn't know the cause," she answered.
"I perceived he was feeling low, but I wasn't informed about the reason," she replied.
"I recognized he was feeling down, but I didn't understand why," she responded.
"I noted he was in low spirits, but I wasn't aware of the cause," she replied.
"I observed he was feeling glum, but I wasn't informed about the reason," she responded.


Please help (    ) to some of the cakes on the table.

Please help yourself to some of the cakes on the table.
 ▸ help oneself to A「A を自由に取って飲食する」
 ✰ take A for oneself: A を自由に取る
 ✰ serve oneself A: A を自由に取る
 ✰ help oneself to A: A を自由に取る
 ✰ grab a serving of A: A の一部を取る
 ✰ take a portion of A: A の一部を取る
Please feel free to help yourself to some of the cakes on the table.
Please don't hesitate to take some of the cakes on the table.
Please feel at liberty to help yourself to some of the cakes on the table.
Please feel welcome to take some of the cakes on the table.
Please don't be shy about taking some of the cakes on the table.
Please feel encouraged to help yourself to some of the cakes on the table.
Please feel open to take some of the cakes on the table.


I tried to solve the problem, (    ) I found a waste of time.

I tried to solve the problem, which I found a waste of time.
 ▸〈非制限用法〉で to solve the problem が先行詞
 ✰ tackle the problem:問題に取り組む
 ✰ resolve the issue:問題を解決する
 ✰ address the concern:懸念を取り扱う
 ✰ deal with the challenge:課題に対処する
 ✰ fix the dilemma:ジレンマを解決する
I attempted to solve the problem, which I found to be a futile use of time.
I endeavored to solve the problem, which I deemed a waste of time.
I tried to solve the problem, which I considered to be time-consuming.
I made an effort to solve the problem, which I perceived as pointless.
I tried to solve the problem, which I thought was a waste of time.
I attempted to solve the problem, which I felt was an inefficient use of time.
I endeavored to solve the problem, which I believed was a futile effort.


Some people like to eat fish (    ).

Some people like to eat fish alive.
 ▸ alive「生きている」
 ✰ alive and kicking: 生き生きとしている
 ✰ full of life: 生き生きとした
 ✰ bursting with vitality: 生き生きとした
 ✰ vibrantly alive: 生き生きとしている
 ✰ brimming with energy: 生き生きとしている
Some individuals enjoy consuming live fish.
Some people find pleasure in eating live fish.
There are those who like to eat fish while they're still alive.
Certain individuals prefer to eat fish in its live state.
Some folks have a taste for live fish.
There are people who enjoy eating fish that is alive.
Some individuals have a preference for eating fish while it's alive.


As a child, Derek was exposed to an ideal environment (    ) (    ) (    ) learn foreign languages.

As a child, Derek was exposed to an ideal environment in which to learn foreign languages.
 ▸ 前置詞+関代+to do で直前の名詞を修飾する用法
During his childhood, Derek was exposed to an ideal environment for learning foreign languages.
In his youth, Derek was immersed in an ideal setting for acquiring foreign languages.
Derek had an ideal language-learning environment during his childhood.
Derek had a perfect environment for learning foreign languages as a child.
During his early years, Derek was surrounded by an ideal atmosphere for learning foreign languages.
In his formative years, Derek had an ideal environment for foreign language acquisition.
Derek grew up in an environment conducive to learning foreign languages.

列車が到着したとき,私たちは30 分近く待ち続けていた。

We (    ) (    ) (    ) for nearly thirty minutes when the train arrived.

We had been waiting for nearly thirty minutes when the train arrived.
 ▸ when 節で示された過去の時点を基点に
We waited for nearly thirty minutes until the train finally arrived.
We waited for close to thirty minutes before the train arrived.
It was almost thirty minutes before the train finally showed up.
We endured a wait of nearly thirty minutes until the train arrived.
We waited for nearly half an hour until the train finally arrived.
We waited for nearly thirty minutes before the train eventually arrived.
It took almost thirty minutes for the train to arrive after we waited.


It’s not my (    ) if the party is cancelled.

It’s not my fault if the party is cancelled.
▸ A’s fault「A の責任」
 blame に所有格は不要〈例〉I’m to blame for it.
 ✰ responsibility lies with A: Aの責任
 ✰ A's responsibility: Aの責任
 ✰ blame falls on A: Aに責任がある
 ✰ A is to blame: Aが責任を負うべきである
 ✰ fault lies with A: Aの責任
It's not my responsibility if the party gets cancelled.
Whether or not the party gets cancelled, it's not my fault.
I'm not to blame if the party is cancelled.
If the party gets cancelled, it's not my fault.
Whether the party gets cancelled or not, it's not my responsibility.
If the party is cancelled, it's not because of me.
The party being cancelled isn't my fault.


“(    ) you succeed!” he said to me.
“May you succeed!” he said to me.

 ▸ May S do …!〈祈願〉 堅苦しい文語
"May you achieve success!" he wished me.
"I hope you succeed!" he wished me.
"May you be blessed with success!" he wished me.
"Wishing you success!" he said to me.
"May success be yours!" he wished me.
"May you attain success!" he wished me.
"I wish you success!" he said to me.


I (    ) (    ) (    ) him that he would have to wait a little longer for the bus.

I explained to him that he would have to wait a little longer for the bus.
 ▸ explain A to B「A のことをBに説明する」
  A が長いの場合によく後方に移動する
 ✰ explain the concept to the students:
 ✰ explain the rules to the team:
 ✰ explain the procedure to the new employees:
 ✰ explain the problem to the customer:
 ✰ explain the details to the audience:
I explained to him that he would need to wait a bit longer for the bus.
I clarified to him that he would have to wait a little longer for the bus.
I informed him that there would be a slight delay in the bus's arrival.
I elucidated to him that the bus would take a little longer to arrive.
I told him that there would be a brief wait for the bus.
I conveyed to him that the bus would be delayed for a short while.
I made it clear to him that there would be a small delay in the bus's arrival.


Some people are fond of going out to the cinema, while (    ) prefer to stay indoors to watch television.

Some people are fond of going out to the cinema, while others prefer to stay indoors to watch television.
▸ some … and others ~「…なものもあれば~なものもある」
 and はwhile でも可。
✰ There are some that are ~ and some that are not.
✰ There are both ~ and ~.
✰ There are those that are ~ and those that are not.
✰ Some are ~ while others are not.
✰ There are varieties, some of which are ~ and some of which are not.
While some people enjoy going out to the cinema, others prefer staying indoors to watch television.
Whereas some individuals like going to the movies, others prefer staying indoors to watch TV.
Some people opt for a night out at the cinema, while others favor staying in to watch television.
While a few individuals find pleasure in going to the cinema, others choose to remain indoors for television.
While certain individuals enjoy outings to the cinema, others opt for indoor television viewing.
While going to the cinema appeals to some, others find solace in staying home and watching TV.
While going out to the cinema is favored by some, others prefer the comfort of staying indoors and watching TV.


The boys decided to fight, but the girls begged them (    ) (    ).

The boys decided to fight, but the girls begged them not to.
 ▸ 否定の代不定詞は <not to> で表す
The boys decided to engage in a physical altercation, but the girls implored them not to.
The boys opted for a physical confrontation, but the girls pleaded with them not to.
The boys chose to fight it out, but the girls begged them not to.
The boys resolved to have a physical fight, but the girls urged them against it.
The boys agreed to settle things physically, but the girls intervened and asked them not to.
The boys made the decision to engage in a physical altercation, but the girls beseeched them not to.
The boys determined to get into a physical fight, but the girls pleaded with them not to.


“Hello. This is Jane Smith. Could I speak to Mr. Brown?”
“I’m afraid you have the (    ) number. This is Mars University.”

“Hello. This is Jane Smith. Could I speak to Mr. Brown?”
“I’m afraid you have the wrong number. This is Mars University.”
 ▸ the wrong A「間違ったA」
"Hello, this is Jane Smith. May I speak with Mr. Brown, please?"
"Hello, Jane Smith speaking. Could I have a word with Mr. Brown, please?"
"Hi, it's Jane Smith. Is it possible to talk to Mr. Brown, please?"
"Good day, this is Jane Smith. May I have a moment with Mr. Brown, please?"
"Hello, Jane Smith here. May I speak to Mr. Brown, please?"
"Hi, it's Jane Smith calling. Can I talk to Mr. Brown, please?"
"Good morning, this is Jane Smith. May I speak with Mr. Brown, please?"


(    ) (    ) in your place, I would not forgive him for betraying me.

Were I in your place, I would not forgive him for betraying me.
 ▸ Were I in your place
  ← If I were in your place「君の立場なら」
"If I were in your position, I wouldn't forgive him for betraying me," she remarked.
"Were I you, I wouldn't forgive him for betraying me," she remarked.
"In your shoes, I wouldn't forgive him for betraying me," she remarked.
"If I were in your place, I wouldn't forgive him for betraying me," she remarked.
"If I were you, I wouldn't forgive him for betraying me," she stated.
"If I were in your shoes, I wouldn't forgive him for betraying me," she remarked.
"Were I in your position, I wouldn't forgive him for betraying me," she remarked.

Part 2:アウトプット脳内英作文


She strikes me as a very efficient secretary.
She comes across as a highly efficient secretary.
She gives the impression of being a very efficient secretary.
She appears to be an extremely efficient secretary.
She strikes me as an exceptionally efficient secretary.
She seems to be a very efficient secretary.
She presents herself as a highly efficient secretary.
She gives off the vibe of being a very efficient secretary.


“Bob is depressed because he’s lost some money.”
“Oh, I saw he was in low spirits but I didn’t know the reason.”
"Bob is feeling down because he lost some money," she said.
"Bob is feeling low because he lost some money," she remarked.
"Bob is upset because he lost some money," she commented.
"Bob is depressed because of the money he lost," she observed.
"Bob is feeling blue because he lost some money," she stated.
"Bob is down because he lost some money," she explained.
"Bob is feeling glum because he lost some money," she noted.
"I noticed he was feeling down, but I didn't know why," she replied.
"I saw he was in low spirits, but I wasn't aware of the reason," she responded.
"I observed he was feeling down, but I didn't know the cause," she answered.
"I perceived he was feeling low, but I wasn't informed about the reason," she replied.
"I recognized he was feeling down, but I didn't understand why," she responded.
"I noted he was in low spirits, but I wasn't aware of the cause," she replied.
"I observed he was feeling glum, but I wasn't informed about the reason," she responded.


Please help yourself to some of the cakes on the table.
Please feel free to help yourself to some of the cakes on the table.
Please don't hesitate to take some of the cakes on the table.
Please feel at liberty to help yourself to some of the cakes on the table.
Please feel welcome to take some of the cakes on the table.
Please don't be shy about taking some of the cakes on the table.
Please feel encouraged to help yourself to some of the cakes on the table.
Please feel open to take some of the cakes on the table.


I tried to solve the problem, which I found a waste of time.
I attempted to solve the problem, which I found to be a futile use of time.
I endeavored to solve the problem, which I deemed a waste of time.
I tried to solve the problem, which I considered to be time-consuming.
I made an effort to solve the problem, which I perceived as pointless.
I tried to solve the problem, which I thought was a waste of time.
I attempted to solve the problem, which I felt was an inefficient use of time.
I endeavored to solve the problem, which I believed was a futile effort.


Some people like to eat fish alive.
Some individuals enjoy consuming live fish.
Some people find pleasure in eating live fish.
There are those who like to eat fish while they're still alive.
Certain individuals prefer to eat fish in its live state.
Some folks have a taste for live fish.
There are people who enjoy eating fish that is alive.
Some individuals have a preference for eating fish while it's alive.


As a child, Derek was exposed to an ideal environment in which to learn foreign languages.
During his childhood, Derek was exposed to an ideal environment for learning foreign languages.
In his youth, Derek was immersed in an ideal setting for acquiring foreign languages.
Derek had an ideal language-learning environment during his childhood.
Derek had a perfect environment for learning foreign languages as a child.
During his early years, Derek was surrounded by an ideal atmosphere for learning foreign languages.
In his formative years, Derek had an ideal environment for foreign language acquisition.
Derek grew up in an environment conducive to learning foreign languages.

列車が到着したとき,私たちは30 分近く待ち続けていた。

We had been waiting for nearly thirty minutes when the train arrived.
We waited for nearly thirty minutes until the train finally arrived.
We waited for close to thirty minutes before the train arrived.
It was almost thirty minutes before the train finally showed up.
We endured a wait of nearly thirty minutes until the train arrived.
We waited for nearly half an hour until the train finally arrived.
We waited for nearly thirty minutes before the train eventually arrived.
It took almost thirty minutes for the train to arrive after we waited.


It’s not my fault if the party is cancelled.
It's not my responsibility if the party gets cancelled.
Whether or not the party gets cancelled, it's not my fault.
I'm not to blame if the party is cancelled.
If the party gets cancelled, it's not my fault.
Whether the party gets cancelled or not, it's not my responsibility.
If the party is cancelled, it's not because of me.
The party being cancelled isn't my fault.


"May you achieve success!" he wished me.
"I hope you succeed!" he wished me.
"May you be blessed with success!" he wished me.
"Wishing you success!" he said to me.
"May success be yours!" he wished me.
"May you attain success!" he wished me.
"I wish you success!" he said to me.


I explained to him that he would have to wait a little longer for the bus.
I explained to him that he would need to wait a bit longer for the bus.
I clarified to him that he would have to wait a little longer for the bus.
I informed him that there would be a slight delay in the bus's arrival.
I elucidated to him that the bus would take a little longer to arrive.
I told him that there would be a brief wait for the bus.
I conveyed to him that the bus would be delayed for a short while.
I made it clear to him that there would be a small delay in the bus's arrival.


Some people are fond of going out to the cinema, while others prefer to stay indoors to watch television.
While some people enjoy going out to the cinema, others prefer staying indoors to watch television.
Whereas some individuals like going to the movies, others prefer staying indoors to watch TV.
Some people opt for a night out at the cinema, while others favor staying in to watch television.
While a few individuals find pleasure in going to the cinema, others choose to remain indoors for television.
While certain individuals enjoy outings to the cinema, others opt for indoor television viewing.
While going to the cinema appeals to some, others find solace in staying home and watching TV.
While going out to the cinema is favored by some, others prefer the comfort of staying indoors and watching TV.


The boys decided to fight, but the girls begged them not to.
The boys decided to engage in a physical altercation, but the girls implored them not to.
The boys opted for a physical confrontation, but the girls pleaded with them not to.
The boys chose to fight it out, but the girls begged them not to.
The boys resolved to have a physical fight, but the girls urged them against it.
The boys agreed to settle things physically, but the girls intervened and asked them not to.
The boys made the decision to engage in a physical altercation, but the girls beseeched them not to.
The boys determined to get into a physical fight, but the girls pleaded with them not to.


“Hello. This is Jane Smith. Could I speak to Mr. Brown?”
“I’m afraid you have the wrong number. This is Mars University.”
"Hello, this is Jane Smith. May I speak with Mr. Brown, please?"
"Hello, Jane Smith speaking. Could I have a word with Mr. Brown, please?"
"Hi, it's Jane Smith. Is it possible to talk to Mr. Brown, please?"
"Good day, this is Jane Smith. May I have a moment with Mr. Brown, please?"
"Hello, Jane Smith here. May I speak to Mr. Brown, please?"
"Hi, it's Jane Smith calling. Can I talk to Mr. Brown, please?"
"Good morning, this is Jane Smith. May I speak with Mr. Brown, please?"


Were I in your place, I would not forgive him for betraying me.
"If I were in your position, I wouldn't forgive him for betraying me," she remarked.
"Were I you, I wouldn't forgive him for betraying me," she remarked.
"In your shoes, I wouldn't forgive him for betraying me," she remarked.
"If I were in your place, I wouldn't forgive him for betraying me," she remarked.
"If I were you, I wouldn't forgive him for betraying me," she stated.
"If I were in your shoes, I wouldn't forgive him for betraying me," she remarked.
"Were I in your position, I wouldn't forgive him for betraying me," she remarked.

◆ 著作権は本記事作成者に帰属します。


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