英文記事を読む:★ EU 移民流入規制 厳格化 ★「歴史的」移民協定を締結

TEX 二井原

TEX 二井原



アメリカ、EU の潮流は明確に「移民受入れ阻止」です。

賛成 or 反対:日本はより多くの移民を受け入れるべき


・Embracing diverse meanings promotes cultural richness and understanding.
・Accepting various interpretations fosters creativity and innovation.
・Adapting to multiple perspectives helps in global communication and collaboration.
・Embracing varied meanings can aid in personal growth and open-mindedness.


・Clarity could be lost with an overflow of interpretations.
・Too many meanings might dilute the essence of a concept or idea.
・It could lead to miscommunication and misunderstandings in certain contexts.
・Overly broad acceptance might challenge established norms and traditions.





EU strikes ‘historic’ migration deal


Negotiators work through the night to agree on the overhaul of the EU’s asylum procedures.

DECEMBER 20, 2023

BRUSSELS — The European Union on Wednesday broke years of political deadlock by agreeing on a deal that will significantly change how the bloc limits migrant entry, moves migrants around EU countries and effectively makes it easier to deport unsuccessful asylum seeker applicants.

European Parliament President Roberta Metsola hailed the deal as historic. Negotiators worked through the night to agree on the overhaul of the EU’s asylum procedures, signalling a shift to the right after years of failed attempts to agree on regulations appeasing both border countries that want help handling asylum seekers and inland countries that argue too many migrants are arriving in one EU country, and then moving on to others.

Under the agreement, which still needs to be formally ratified, front-line countries in Southern Europe will institute a stricter asylum procedure at their non-EU borders and will be more empowered to deport rejected asylum seekers. Countries further inland will be given a choice of whether to accept a certain number of migrants or pay into a joint EU fund.

“Migration is a European challenge that requires European solutions,” European Commission Ursula von der Leyen said, further signalling a unified EU-backing of stricter measures to combat the rising popularity of anti-immigrant far-right platforms across Europe.

The deal comes just six months before the EU election, with polls showing a surge in support for far-right, anti-immigration parties in countries like Germany and the Netherlands. The debate around immigration is set to be a decisive and divisive element of elections in Europe in 2024.

Full details of the political deal have not been released.

Speaking to reporters in Brussels later on Wednesday morning, Metsola acknowledged that the pact was “not a perfect package” and denied it mirrored proposals from the far right, arguing it was a instead a political compromise reached amongst centrist parties.

“It’s a center that does not copy the right, it goes on pragmatism,” Metsola said.

Home Affairs Commissioner Ylva Johansson, who is responsible for EU migration, warned the measures included in the deal would not be implemented immediately, notably because member countries have to transpose some of the provisions into national legislation.

EU border agency Frontex said this month there were more undocumented arrivals into the bloc so far this year than in any year since 2015, over one million migrants and refugees arrived at the EU borders, many fleeing wars in Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan. In 2022, nearly one million people applied for asylum in Europe.

‘Catastrophic day’
While EU officials celebrated the agreement on the migration pact first presented by the Commission in 2020, human rights organizations and migrant advocacy groups have warned of the deal’s implications on migrants and asylum seekers reaching Europe’s borders.

More than 50 nonprofit organizations warned in an open letter that the migration pact would allow countries to arbitrarily detain children, remove migrants to what the deal called “safe third countries,” and increase “racial profiling.”

“Today is a catastrophic day for people fleeing war and violence. With its asylum reform, the European Union is focusing on detention camps, fences and deportations to unsafe third countries. This is a compromise at the expense of human rights,” said Christos Christou, international president of Médecins Sans Frontières.

● EU strikes ‘historic’ migration deal: EUが「歴史的な」移民協定を締結
● Negotiators work through the night: 交渉者たちは夜を徹して
● agree on the overhaul: 大改革に合意する
● asylum procedures: 難民手続き
● political deadlock: 政治的な膠着状態
● significantly change: 大きく変更する
● migrant entry: 移民の入国
● moves migrants around: 移民を移動させる
● effectively makes it easier: 効果的に容易にする
● deport unsuccessful asylum seeker applicants: 失敗した難民申請者を追放する
● European Parliament President: 欧州議会議長
● hailed the deal as historic: この合意を歴史的なものと称賛した
● signalling a shift to the right: 右寄りへのシフトを示して
● front-line countries: 最前線国
● institute a stricter asylum procedure: 厳格な難民手続きを導入する
● empower to deport rejected asylum seekers: 不正受け入れを拒否された難民をより強力に追放することができるようにする
● given a choice: 選択肢が与えられます
● whether to accept: 受け入れるかどうか
● joint EU fund: 共同EU基金
● requires European solutions: 欧州の解決策が必要です
● unified EU-backing: 統一されたEUの支持
● surge in support: 支持の急増
● anti-immigration parties: 反移民政党
● set to be a decisive and divisive element: 決定的かつ分裂を引き起こす要素になる見通し
● political compromise: 政治的な妥協
● a center that does not copy the right: 右をコピーするのではない中道
● immediate implementation: 即時実施
● transpose into national legislation: 国内法に移す
● undocumented arrivals: 無許可の到着者
● fleeing wars: 戦争を逃れる
● catastrophic day: 壊滅的な日
● human rights organizations: 人権団体
● open letter: 公開書簡
● arbitrarily detain children: 子供を任意に拘留させる
● remove migrants to "safe third countries": 移民を「安全な第三国」に移動させる
● increase racial profiling: 人種差別的なプロファイリングを増加させる
● at the expense of human rights: 人権の犠牲になる
● Médecins Sans Frontières: 国境なき医師団

交渉者たちは夜を徹して、EUの移民手続きの大改革に合意するために努力しました。ブリュッセル— 水曜日、欧州連合は政治的な膠着状態を破り、移民の入国制限方法、EU諸国間での移民の移動、失敗した難民申請者の追放を容易にすることに大きく変更する合意に同意しました。

欧州議会議長のRoberta Metsolaは、この合意を歴史的なものと称賛しました。交渉者たちは一晩中働き、EUの難民手続きの改革に合意するために努力しました。これは、難民を処理するのを手助けしてほしい国境国と、あるEU国に多くの移民が到着し、それから他の国に移動することを主張する内陸国との双方に満足する規制に合意するための失敗した試みの数年後の右寄りへのシフトを示しています。


「移民は欧州の課題であり、欧州の解決策が必要です」と欧州委員会のUrsula von der Leyenは述べ、さらに欧州全体で反移民の極右プラットフォームの人気が高まるのに対抗するためのより厳格な措置への統一されたEUの支持を示しました。





EU移民を担当する内務委員Ylva Johanssonは、この合意に含まれる措置はすぐに実施されるわけではないと警告しました。特に、加盟国がいくつかの規定を国内法に移す必要があるためです。




「今日は戦争や暴力から逃れる人々にとって壊滅的な日です。欧州連合は難民の改革に焦点を当て、拘留キャンプ、柵、安全でない第三国への強制送還に焦点を当てています。これは人権の犠牲になる妥協です」と国際的なメディカル・サン・フロンティエール(国境なき医師団)の国際部門長、Christos Christouが述べました。

英検1級ライティング&面接 予想問題 Best 21

① 過去問
② 昨今の国内情勢・国内の問題
③ 昨今の世界情勢・地球規模の課題
④ the 17 sustainable development goals
⑤ 21 Lessons for The 21th Century -Noah Hariari


1. Climate Change:

How might immediate global action against climate change impact industries heavily reliant on fossil fuels?
What social and economic changes could arise if urgent measures to combat climate change are not taken?

2. Universal Basic Income:

How might the implementation of universal basic income influence individuals' work ethics and economic productivity?
What economic changes could be expected if every citizen were guaranteed a basic income?

3. Lack of Female Leaders in Japan:

How might an increase in female leadership impact the overall societal perspective on gender roles in Japan?
What changes could be expected in corporate culture if more women were in leadership positions?

4. Education Resources and Support:

What improvements in educational outcomes might be seen if more resources and support were allocated to the education system?
How might enhanced educational resources influence the country's future workforce and innovation?

5. Gender Inequality Elimination:

What societal changes could arise if efforts towards eliminating gender inequality were successful?
How might persistent gender inequality affect Japan's global competitiveness and social progress?

6. Homogeneous Countries:

What advantages or disadvantages might arise for a homogeneous country seeking to adapt to a more diverse global landscape?
How might embracing diversity impact cultural identity and national unity?

7. Information Technology Benefit

What potential downsides might emerge from an overreliance on improvements in information technology?
How might different sectors of society be affected by rapid advancements in information technology?

8. Immigration Policies in Japan:

How might more lenient immigration policies influence Japan's economic growth and cultural diversity?
What challenges and benefits might Japan face by opening its doors to more immigrants?

9. Public Funds in Social Welfare:

What societal improvements might be seen if more public funds were allocated to social welfare programs?
How might increased investment in social welfare impact poverty rates and social inequality?

10. Preservation of Japanese Traditional Culture and Heritage:

What cultural and historical significance do old temples hold for Japan's identity and heritage?
How might preserving old temples contribute to tourism and cultural appreciation?

11. Effectiveness of Terrorist Movements

What ethical considerations arise when evaluating the effectiveness of terrorist movements as agents of change in society?
How might society respond to the impact of terrorism on social and political landscapes?

12. Low Birth Rate Threats:

What long-term consequences might Japan face if the low birth rate issue remains unaddressed?
How might governmental policies and societal attitudes need to change to counter the threats posed by a declining birth rate?

13. Protecting Indigenous Cultures:

What societal benefits emerge from actively preserving the cultures of indigenous peoples?
How might the loss of indigenous cultures impact the world's collective heritage and knowledge?

14. Large Corporations and Profit Motives:

What instances exist where large corporations prioritize societal benefits over profits?
How might corporate social responsibility initiatives impact the public's perception of profit-driven companies?

15. Relevance of Social Class:

In what ways does social class influence opportunities and access to resources in modern society?
How might the perception of social class impact social mobility and equality?

16. Political Correctness Necessity:

What role does political correctness play in promoting inclusivity and respectful discourse in society?
How might the absence of political correctness impact social interactions and the treatment of marginalized groups?

17. Exploitation of Workers in Developing World:

How might increased regulations and oversight impact the working conditions in developing nations?
What global economic shifts could occur if the exploitation of workers in the developing world is curtailed?

18. Limits on Freedom of Speech:

What ethical considerations arise when debating the imposition of limits on freedom of speech?
How might restricting freedom of speech impact societal discourse and the exchange of ideas?

19. Legalized Gambling's Economic Impact:

How might legalized gambling contribute to or detract from a country's economic growth and revenue streams?
What social implications arise from widespread legalized gambling within a society?

20. Fighting Piracy on Open Seas:

How might enhanced international cooperation combat piracy's economic and security threats on the open seas?
What challenges and obstacles exist in effectively policing and curtailing piracy?

21. World Without Religious:

What societal and geopolitical changes might be required to achieve a world devoid of religious conflict?
How might the absence of religious conflict impact international relations and cultural interactions?

1. Climate Change:

2. Universal Basic Income:

3. Lack of Female Leaders in Japan:

4. Education Resources and Support:

5. Gender Inequality Elimination:

6. Homogeneous Countries:

7. Information Technology Benefits:

8. Immigration Policies in Japan:

9. Public Funds in Social Welfare:

10. Preservation of Japanese Traditional Culture and Heritage:

11. Effectiveness of Terrorist Movements:

12. Low Birth Rate Threats:

13. Protecting Indigenous Cultures:

14. Large Corporations and Profit Motives:

15. Relevance of Social Class:

16. Political Correctness Necessity:

17. Exploitation of Workers in Developing World:

18. Limits on Freedom of Speech:

19. Legalized Gambling's Economic Impact:

20. Fighting Piracy on Open Seas:

21. World Without Religious Conflict:

英検1級 5大テーマ

(1). テクノロジーと社会


(2). 倫理とビジネス


(3). 社会と政治


(4). 価値観と道徳


(5). 環境問題



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