TOEIC 英単語 ★渾身セレクト Best 100 ★高負荷トレーニング ★鬼 INPUT 編

TEX 二井原

TEX 二井原



contract: , agreement, pact, deal

Ensure the agreement is legally binding before signing it.
Validate the contract's legal enforceability before signing.
Verify the contract's legal validity before putting pen to paper.

contract: a formal agreement between two or more parties

assurance: guarantee, confidence, promise

His dedication to on-time project completion instilled trust.
His commitment to punctual project delivery fostered belief.
His assurance of timely project completion generated confidence.

assurance: confidence or certainty about something

determine: ascertain, decide, establish

We need to identify the root cause of the production delay.
We must ascertain what caused the production delay.
We should establish the reason behind the production delay.

determine: to find out or ascertain something precisely

engage: involve, participate, immerse

She's deeply involved in executing the new marketing campaign.
She's fully immersed in implementing the new marketing campaign.
She's actively involved in carrying out the new marketing campaign.

engage: to involve or participate actively in something

establish: found, set up, create

The company aims to inaugurate a new overseas branch.
The company's goal is to set up a new overseas branch.
The company intends to create a new overseas branch.

establish: to set up or create something, often an organization or system

provision: supply, stipulation, arrangement

Their resource supply significantly impacted the project's success.
The provision of resources greatly influenced the project's success.
The supply of resources had a considerable impact on the project's success.

provision: the act of supplying or providing something

resolve: settle, solve, determine

We need to find a solution to this issue before the meeting.
We must come to a resolution for this issue prior to the meeting.
We should address this issue and find a resolution before the meeting.

resolve: to find a solution to a problem or dispute

specific: explicit, precise, detailed

Please provide precise details about the product features.
Please give explicit details regarding the product features.
Please offer exact details concerning the product features.

specific: clearly defined or identified

assure: reassure, confirm, promise

I guarantee our services will meet your expectations.
I promise our services will live up to your expectations.
I can assure you our services will meet your expectations.

assure: to promise or guarantee something

cancel: abandon, revoke, call off

Due to unforeseen circumstances, the meeting had to be called off.
The meeting had to be abandoned due to unforeseen circumstances.
The meeting had to be scrapped due to unforeseen circumstances.

cancel: to call off or terminate something previously arranged

cancelled: aborted, scrapped, revoked

The flight was called off due to adverse weather conditions.
The flight was abandoned owing to adverse weather conditions.
The flight was scrapped due to adverse weather conditions.

cancelled: something that has been called off or terminated

obligation: duty, commitment, responsibility

Signing the contract involves a legal duty.
Signing the contract means a legal responsibility.
Signing the contract necessitates a legal obligation.

obligation: a duty or commitment to do something

obligatory: mandatory, compulsory, required

Attendance at the training session is mandatory for all employees.
Attending the training session is obligatory for all employees.
It is obligatory for all employees to attend the training session.

obligatory: required or mandatory, often due to a rule or law

provide: supply, furnish, offer

The company will furnish essential training materials.
The company will supply essential training materials.
The company will furnish necessary training materials.

provide: to supply or make something available

provision: supply, stipulation, arrangement

Timely provision of supplies contributed to project success.
Timely supply of resources contributed to project success.
The timely furnishing of supplies contributed to project success.

provision: the act of providing something, often as a clause in an agreement

specify: define, detail, state

Could you outline the exact requirements for the project?
Could you delineate the precise requirements for the project?
Could you detail the specific requirements for the project?

specify: to mention or describe something explicitly

specification: description, detail, explanation

The product's specification needs more comprehensive detailing.
The product's specification requires more detailed information.
The product's specification needs to be more explicitly outlined.

specification: detailed description or explanation of something

attract: entice, allure, charm

The new design aims to draw in a younger demographic.
The new design is intended to allure a younger demographic.
The new design seeks to captivate a younger demographic.

attract: to draw interest or attention

compare: contrast, analyze, match

Let's contrast the sales figures from the previous year.
Let's juxtapose the sales figures from the previous year.
Let's analyze the differences in the sales figures from the previous year.

compare: to examine the similarities and differences between things

competition: rivalry, contest, challenge

Surviving in today's competitive market necessitates innovation.
Staying afloat in today's market competition demands innovation.
Thriving in today's market competition requires innovation.

competition: rivalry or contest between individuals or groups

consume: use, devour, utilize

He tends to expend a lot of time on minor details.
He tends to utilize a lot of time on minor details.
He tends to use up a lot of time on minor details.

consume: to use up or expend something, often resources or time

attract: entice, allure, draw

The new design aims to allure younger consumers.
The new design seeks to entice younger consumers.
The new design intends to captivate younger consumers.

attract: to allure or pull interest or attention

compare: contrast, match, relate

When comparing the two strategies, which appears more viable?
When contrasting the two strategies, which seems more viable?
When analyzing the two strategies, which appears more feasible?

compare: to contrast or analyze differences and similarities

competition: rivalry, contest, challenge

Our company strives to maintain a competitive edge in the market.
Our company aims to stay ahead in the competitive market.
Our company endeavors to excel in the competitive market.

competition: a situation where multiple entities vie for superiority or success

convince: persuade, influence, assure

He succeeded in persuading the investors to support the project.
He managed to win over the investors to support the project.
He effectively persuaded the investors to back the project.

convince: to persuade or make someone believe or agree to something

fad: trend, craze, fashion

The current trend might just be a passing fashion frenzy.
The current trend might simply be a fleeting fashion fad.
The current trend might only be a momentary fashion fad.

fad: a temporary and popular trend that quickly fades away

inspiration: motivation, influence, stimulus

The CEO's speech served as an inspiration for many.
The CEO's speech was a source of inspiration for many.
The CEO's speech was an inspiring moment for many.

inspiration: something that stimulates creativity or motivation

persuasion: influence, convincing, coaxing

Effective sales involve the art of persuasive techniques.
Successful sales incorporate effective persuasion methods.
Achieving successful sales involves adept persuasion tactics.

persuasion: the act of convincing someone to do or believe something

productive: efficient, effective, fruitful

A well-organized team yields high productivity.
High productivity results from a well-organized team.
Efficiency thrives in a well-organized, productive team.

productive: being capable of producing or achieving results effectively

attraction: allure, appeal, attractiveness

The unique features of the product are its primary allure.
The product's unique features are its main attraction.
The primary attraction lies in the product's unique features.

attraction: a feature or quality that draws interest or admiration

attractive: appealing, alluring, tempting

An appealing packaging design can significantly boost sales.
A captivating packaging design can substantially boost sales.
An attractive packaging design can greatly enhance sales.

attractive: appealing or pleasing in appearance or character

comparison: contrast, analogy, examination

The detailed comparison between the two products was thorough.
The comprehensive comparison of the two products was extensive.
The in-depth comparison between the two products was exhaustive.

comparison: an examination of similarities and differences between two or more things

comparable: similar, equitable, equivalent

Their service quality is on par with industry leaders.
Their service quality is comparable to industry leaders.
Their service quality matches that of industry leaders.

comparable: able to be likened or compared

compete: contest, vie, struggle

We need to compete effectively in the global market scenario.
Effectively competing in the global market is imperative.
Competing effectively in the global market is a priority.

compete: to strive or vie against others for a goal

competitive: aggressive, rivalrous, cutthroat

The company's pricing is highly competitive in the market.
The company offers market-leading competitive pricing.
The company's pricing strategy is exceptionally competitive.

competitive: having a strong desire to win or succeed

consumer: customer, buyer, purchaser

Understanding consumer behavior stands as a pivotal factor.
Grasping consumer behavior is crucial in our analysis.
Comprehending consumer behavior is vital for our strategy.

consumer: a person who purchases goods or services for personal use
satisfy: to fulfill or meet expectations or desires

satisfy: fulfill, meet, gratify

Our aim is to fulfill our customers' needs satisfactorily.
We strive to meet our customers' needs to their satisfaction.
Our goal is to satisfy our customers' needs completely.

satisfy: to fulfill or meet expectations or desires

satisfactory: acceptable, adequate, decent

The test results met the required standards adequately.
The test results were sufficiently satisfactory.
The test results were satisfactory enough for our needs.

satisfactory: meeting requirements or expectations adequately

characteristic: trait, feature, attribute

Honesty stands as a valued trait in our employees.
We value honesty as a key characteristic in our employees.
Honesty is a characteristic highly esteemed in our employees.

characteristic: a distinguishing feature or quality

consequence: result, outcome, ramification

The decision had unforeseen repercussions.
The decision resulted in unexpected consequences.
The consequence of the decision was unforeseen.

consequence: the result or effect of an action or condition

consider: ponder, contemplate, reflect

They need to ponder all options before deciding.
They need to weigh all options before making a decision.
They need to deliberate on all options before concluding.

consider: to think about or take into account

imply: suggest, hint, insinuate

His silence hinted at his agreement.
His silence suggested agreement.
His silence insinuated agreement.

imply: to suggest or indicate something indirectly

promise: pledge, commitment, assurance

Her commitment to deliver the report by Friday was reassuring.
Her assurance to deliver the report by Friday was comforting.
Her commitment to deliver the report by Friday was comforting.

promise: a commitment or assurance to do something

protect: guard, shield, defend

It's crucial to safeguard sensitive information.
It's essential to shield sensitive information.
It's important to protect sensitive information.

protect: to keep safe from harm or damage

reputation: image, standing, esteem

The company's reputation precedes its product offerings.
The company's products are synonymous with its reputation.
The company's reputation is synonymous with quality products.

reputation: the overall public opinion or perception of someone or something

require: need, demand, necessitate

This project demands additional resources.
This project necessitates additional resources.
This project requires additional resources.

require: to need or demand something

variety: diversity, assortment, range

The store boasts a wide assortment of products.
The store offers a diverse range of products.
The store provides a broad variety of products.

variety: a range or assortment of different things

characterize: portray, represent, depict

Innovation characterizes their fundamental approach.
Their approach is fundamentally characterized by innovation.
Their fundamental approach is characterized by innovation.

characterize: to describe or attribute particular qualities to something
characterize: to describe or attribute particular qualities to something

consideration: thought, deliberation, regard

They gave careful consideration to all proposals.
They thoroughly considered all proposals.
They gave due consideration to all proposals.

consideration: thoughtful or careful pondering of something

considerable: substantial, significant, sizeable

The cost was substantial but justifiable.
The cost was considerable but warranted.
The cost was significant but reasonable.

considerable: significant in size, amount, or importance

implication: connotation, inference, suggestion

The implication of the decision had far-reaching effects.
The decision's implication had widespread consequences.
The decision's implication had extensive ramifications.

implication: a likely consequence or inference from something said or done

implicit: implied, tacit, unspoken

Your tacit support means a lot.
Your implied support means a great deal.
Your unspoken support means a tremendous amount.

implicit: implied or understood without being directly expressed

protection: security, safety, safeguarding

Security measures guarantee the protection of data.
Data protection is ensured through security measures.
The safeguarding of data is guaranteed by security measures.

protection: the act of keeping something or someone safe from harm

reputable: respectable, esteemed, honorable

They are a well-regarded supplier in the industry.
They are a highly esteemed supplier in the industry.
They are a respected supplier in the industry.

reputable: having a good reputation or being trustworthy

repute: status, standing, reputation

His standing in the field is unparalleled.
His reputation in the field is unmatched.
His repute in the field is unrivaled.

repute: the status or reputation of something or someone

requirement: necessity, prerequisite, condition

Adhering to deadlines is an essential requirement.
Meeting deadlines is a fundamental requirement.
Meeting deadlines is a critical requirement.

requirement: a necessary condition or thing needed

requisite: essential, necessary, required

Patience is indispensable for this job.
Patience is essential for this job.
Patience is a requisite for this job.

requisite: essential or necessary for a particular purpose

address: location, site, place

The conference will take place at the downtown location.
The conference will be held at the downtown site.
The conference will occur at the downtown venue.

address: to deal with or tackle a matter or issue

demonstrate: display, show, exhibit

The presentation will showcase our new product.
The presentation will exhibit our new product.
The presentation will display our new product.

demonstrate: to show or display something clearly

develop: create, formulate, evolve

The company intends to innovate new technology.
The company aims to create new technology.
The company plans to devise new technology.

develop: to grow or advance gradually

evaluate: assess, appraise, judge

They will assess the market before launching.
They will appraise the market before launching.
They will analyze the market before launching.

evaluate: to assess or judge the value or nature of something

gather: collect, accumulate, compile

Let's collect feedback from the clients.
Let's gather input from the clients.
Let's amass feedback from the clients.

gather: to collect or bring together things or people

primarily: mainly, chiefly, principally

The company's primary focus is on sustainability.
Sustainability is the company's primary focus.
The main focus of the company is on sustainability.

primarily: mainly or chiefly

risk: hazard, danger, peril

Venturing into new markets involves a degree of uncertainty.
Entering new markets carries a certain level of uncertainty.
Exploring new markets entails a certain amount of risk.

risk: the possibility of harm, danger, or loss

strategy: plan, tactic, approach

Their marketing approach was pioneering.
Their marketing plan was innovative.
Their marketing strategy was trailblazing.

strategy: a plan or approach designed to achieve a specific goal

substitution: replacement, exchange, swap

We require an alternative for the unavailable part.
We need a replacement for the unavailable part.
We need a substitute for the unavailable part.

substitution: the act of replacing one thing with another

demonstration: display, exhibit, presentation

The demonstration exhibited the product's features.
The demonstration showcased the product's features.
The demonstration displayed the product's features.

demonstration: a public display or show of something

demonstrative: illustrative, explanatory, indicative

Use demonstrative examples to clarify your point.
Utilize demonstrative examples to elucidate your point.
Employ demonstrative examples to illustrate your point.

demonstrative: expressing feelings or emotions openly

development: advancement, progress, growth

This marks a significant milestone in the company's growth.
This marks a notable progress for the company.
This marks a substantial development for the company.

development: the process of growth or advancement

evaluation: assessment, appraisal, judgment

The evaluation process is meticulous and thorough.
The evaluation process is detailed and rigorous.
The evaluation process is comprehensive and detailed.

evaluation: the act of assessing or examining something carefully

strategy: plan, tactic, approach

A well-devised strategy is crucial for success.
A robust strategy is pivotal for achieving success.
An effective strategy is essential for success.

strategy: a carefully devised plan to achieve a goal

strategic: tactical, planned, calculated

They formed strategic alliances to expand their reach.
They made calculated strategic partnerships to expand.
They forged strategic collaborations to broaden their scope.

strategic: pertaining to the identification of long-term goals and actions to achieve them

substitute: replacement, alternate, stand-in

Can you find a replacement for this ingredient?
Can you locate an alternative for this ingredient?
Can you identify a substitute for this ingredient?

substitute: a person or thing acting or serving in place of another

conference: convention, symposium, assembly

The annual conference brings together industry leaders.
Industry leaders convene at the annual conference.
The annual conference hosts prominent industry figures.

conference: a meeting or assembly for discussion or exchange of information

accommodate: adjust, adapt, suit

The venue can cater to up to 500 people.
The venue can accommodate a maximum of 500 people.
The venue has the capacity to host 500 people.

accommodate: to fit in with the needs or wishes of others

attend: participate, join, be present

Do you plan to participate in the workshop?
Will you be present at the workshop?
Are you intending to attend the workshop?

attend: to be present at an event or place

location: position, place, site

The new office site is more conveniently located.
The new office's location is more convenient.
The new office is situated in a more convenient location.

location: a particular place or position

register: enroll, sign up, join

Don't forget to enroll for the event.
Make sure to sign up for the event.
Ensure you've registered for the event.

register: to enroll or sign up for something

select: choose, pick, opt for

We need to pick the most suitable candidate for the job.
We must choose the best candidate for the job.
We have to select the most appropriate candidate for the job.

select: to choose or pick out from a group

session: meeting, gathering, class

The training session commences at 9 am.
The training session starts at 9 am sharp.
The training session begins promptly at 9 am.

session: a period of time dedicated to a particular activity

accommodation: lodging, shelter, residence

They made provisions for disabled attendees' needs.
They made arrangements for accommodating disabled attendees.
They catered to the needs of disabled attendees.

accommodation: lodging or a place to stay

accommodating: considerate, helpful, flexible

She's flexible and accommodating to clients' needs.
She's considerate and accommodating to clients' requirements.
She's adaptable and accommodating to clients' preferences.

accommodating: willing to help or consider others' needs

arrange: organize, plan, set up

Let's organize the agenda for the meeting.
Let's set up the schedule for the meeting.
Let's plan the agenda for the meeting.

arrange: to organize or put things in a particular order or position

associate: connect, affiliate, link

He decided to partner with a new business associate.
He opted to collaborate with a new business partner.
He chose to team up with a new business associate.

associate: to connect or link things together

associate: colleague, partner, member

She works in the marketing department.
Her role is within the marketing department.
She's a part of the marketing department.

associate: a person with a connection to a group or organization

attendance: presence, showing up, turning up

the attendance at the event was impressive.
The event had an impressive turnout.
The event witnessed a significant number of attendees.

attendance: the act of being present at an event or place

selection: choice, pick, option

The selection process will be thorough.
The selection process will be meticulous.
The selection process will be rigorous.

selection: the act of choosing or picking out from a group

selective: choosy, discerning, picky

They have a rigorous and selective hiring process.
Their hiring process is highly selective.
They employ a very selective hiring process.

selective: being picky or careful in making choices

register: enroll, sign up, join

Your registration for the course has been confirmed.
You've successfully enrolled in the course.
Your course registration has been accepted.

register: a formal record or list of names or items

registration: enrollment, sign-up, admission

Early registration ensures a place at the event.
Registering early guarantees a spot at the event.
Early registration secures a place at the event.

registration: the process of enrolling or signing up for something

access: entry, admission, entrance

Access to the database is restricted for security purposes.
The database is accessible only under restricted conditions.
Access to the database is controlled for security reasons.

access: the ability or right to enter or use something

allocate: assign, allot, distribute

They need to allot funds for the project.
They must assign funds for the project.
They have to allocate funds for the project.

allocate: to distribute or assign resources for a specific purpose

compatible: harmonious, consistent, congruent

The software must be adaptable to all devices.
The software needs to be suitable for all devices.
The software should be compatible with all devices.

compatible: capable of existing or working together harmoniously

delete: remove, erase, eliminate

Please remove the outdated information.
Kindly eliminate the outdated information.
Please erase the outdated information.

delete: to remove or erase something

display: exhibit, show, demonstrate

The product exhibit attracted numerous customers.
The product showcase drew in many customers.
The product demonstration caught the attention of many customers.

display: to show or exhibit something

duplicate: copy, replicate, twin

Create a copy for backup purposes.
Make a replica for backup reasons.
Generate a duplicate for backup.

duplicate: an exact copy or replica of something

failure: flop, debacle, fiasco

The project's downfall provided valuable insights.
The project's collapse yielded valuable lessons.
The project's failure taught us valuable lessons.

failure: lack of success or the inability to meet expectations

ignore: disregard, overlook, neglect

You cannot overlook the impact of social media.
The impact of social media cannot be disregarded.
The influence of social media cannot be ignored.

ignore: to disregard or pay no attention to something

search: hunt, explore, seek

They must seek out a new supplier.
They need to hunt for a new supplier.
They should explore for a new supplier.

search: to look for or seek something diligently

Search (different context):

The search for innovative solutions continues unabated.
The quest for innovative solutions is ongoing.
The pursuit of innovative solutions persists.



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英語パーソナルジム HIET(ヒート)/ High Intensity English Training

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