大学入試 アウトプット英単語50 ①

TEX 二井原

TEX 二井原




① 暗記した知識がどうせ実戦に直結しない
② 面白くない
③ すぐ忘れて気持ちが負ける




The house is (   ) too small for five people to live in.






TOEIC の世界をそのまま抜き出したフレーズ
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このような事情からもTOIC 受験者は


TOEIC であれば600点を目指している人にピタッと合います。



The house is (   ) too small for five people to live in.

The house is much too small for five people to live in.
▸ much+too+形[副]  語法的にvery, pretty, fairly, quite等はtoo+形[副] を強調は不可
The house is much too cramped for five people to live in.
The house is far too tiny for five people to inhabit.


He is one of the greatest (   ) musicians.

He is one of the greatest living musicians.
▸ living「生きている」 aliveにも同様の意味があるが,語法的に名詞修飾は不可
He is one of the most celebrated living musicians.
He is among the greatest living musicians.


I rushed to the station, but unfortunately, I (   ) the last train.

I rushed to the station, but unfortunately, I missed the last train.
▸ miss Aは「Aがいなくて寂しく思う・Aを逃れる」の他に「Aに乗り遅れる」の意がある
I rushed to the station, but regrettably, I missed the final train.
I hurried to the station, but unfortunately, I missed the last train.


“Is your bag like Mariko’s?”
“Yes, they’re exactly (   ).”

“Is your bag like Mariko’s?”
“Yes, they’re exactly alike.”
▸ alike「よく似て」sameはthe sameと冠詞が付くため不可。
"Is your bag like Mariko’s?"
"Yes, they’re strikingly similar."
"Is your bag similar to Mariko’s?"
"Yes, they’re strikingly alike."


A few years ago our room had (   ) (   ) in it.

A few years ago our room had little furniture in it.
▸ furniture「家具」〈不可算名詞〉 few furnitureは不可。
A few years ago our room had minimal furnishings in it.
A few years ago our room had scarce furniture in it.


A (   ) is a son or daughter of an uncle or aunt.

A cousin is a son or daughter of an uncle or aunt.
▸ cousin「いとこ」, niece「姪」, nephew「甥」,
uncle「叔父」, aunt「叔母」


Man is the only animal (   ) (   ) (   ) his hands ingeniously.

Man is the only animal capable of using his hands ingeniously.
▸ be capable of doing「…することができる」
Man is the only animal with the capability to use his hands ingeniously.
Man is the only animal with the ability to use his hands ingeniously.


“How was your weekend?” “To tell you the truth, I was a little (   ).”

“How was your weekend?”
“To tell you the truth, I was a little bored.”
▸ bored「退屈して ← 退屈させられて」
He is boring. だと「彼はつまらない奴だ」の意。
"How was your weekend?"
"To be honest, I was slightly bored."
"How was your weekend?"
"To be honest, I was somewhat bored."


She thought she was hurt, but that wasn’t really (   ) (   ).

She thought she was hurt, but that wasn’t really the case.
▸ the case「真実・実情」theを伴ってこの意味になることに注意。
She thought she was hurt, but that wasn’t the actual situation.
She thought she was injured, but that wasn’t really the case.


He could not help (   ) (   ) with his lot.

He could not help being satisfied with his lot.
▸ satisfied「満足して ← 満足させられて」
He could not help but be content with his current situation.
He could not help but be satisfied with his lot.


It took (   ) (   )(   ) (   )(   ) to go to Cambridge from London.

It took one and a half hours to go to Cambridge from London.
▸ one and a half をワンセットと考え一息で読む。
「1時間+α」からhours 。 an hour and a half も同義。
It took one and a half hours to travel to Cambridge from London.
It took one and a half hours to get to Cambridge from London.


Apparently, Jeff is the very (   ) of his father.

Apparently, Jeff is the very image of his father.
▸ image「生き写し・よく似た人物」 
the very image of A「Aにそっくり」
Apparently, Jeff is the spitting image of his father.
Apparently, Jeff looks exactly like his father.


My curtains (   ) with this furniture.

My curtains go with this furniture.
▸ go with A「Aに似合う・調和する」(=much A) ,
fit A「サイズが合う」, become A「Aに似合う」
My curtains complement this furniture.
My curtains go well with this furniture.


It’s the most amazing thing I (   ) (   ) (   ).

It’s the most amazing thing I have ever heard.
▸ the+最上級+名+(that) S have ever done
It’s the most astonishing thing I have ever heard.
It’s the most astounding thing I have ever heard.


She doesn’t drink (   ) coffee.

She doesn’t drink much coffee.
▸ much+不可算名詞「たくさんの…」 
She doesn't consume much coffee.
She doesn't drink a lot of coffee.


Reading (   ) criticism is very helpful to understanding literature.

Reading literary criticism is very helpful to understanding literature.
▸ literary「文学の」, literal「文字どおりの」, literate「読み書きのできる」
Reading literary criticism is remarkably beneficial for understanding literature.
Reading literary criticism is extremely helpful for comprehending literature.


“Why does Mary wear so many clothes?”
“Because she is very (   ) to cold.”

“Why does Mary wear so many clothes?”
“Because she is very sensitive to cold.”
▸ sensitive「敏感な」, sensible「分別のある」
"Why does Mary wear so many clothes?"
"Because she is highly sensitive to cold."
"Why does Mary wear so many clothes?"
"Because she is very sensitive to cold."


His employer recommends him highly as a very (   ) worker.

His employer recommends him highly as a very industrious worker.
▸ industrious「勤勉な」, industrial「産業の」
His employer highly recommends him as a very diligent worker.
His employer strongly endorses him as a very hardworking employee.


During the summer vacation I made (   ) with many villagers.

During the summer vacation I made friends with many villagers.
▸ make friends with A「Aと友達になる」
During the summer vacation, I made friends with numerous villagers.
During the summer vacation, I made friends with plenty of villagers.


“I’m afraid this painting is not by Picasso.”
“It’s only a copy, so it’s (w   ).”

“I’m afraid this painting is not by Picasso.” “It’s only a copy, so it’s worthless.”
▸ worthless「価値の無い」valuelessとほぼ同義。
反意は invaluable「非常に価値のある」(priceless)
"I’m afraid this painting is not by Picasso."
"It’s only a copy, so it’s rather worthless."
"I’m afraid this painting is not by Picasso."
"It’s only a copy, so it’s quite valueless."


My sister says that she (   ) a dreadful dream last night.

My sister says that she had a dreadful dream last night.
▸ have a+名詞 の形は他にhave a rest「休む」have a chat「おしゃべりをする」など
My sister says that she had a dreadful nightmare last night.
My sister says that she had a dreadful dream last night.


My uncle was (   ) (   ).

My uncle was sound [fast] asleep.
▸ sound asleep「ぐっすり眠って」
ここは sleeping deeply も正解。
My uncle was soundly asleep.
My uncle was fast asleep.


There were (   ) (   ) (   ) students absent from class today.

There were quite a few students absent from class today.
▸ quite a few+複数名詞「かなりの数の…」
a good [great] many+複数名詞
There were quite a few students missing from class today.
There were quite a few students absent from class today.


I’m afraid I’m not (    ) of a musician.

I’m afraid I’m not much of a musician.
▸ not much of a N「たいしたNではない」
I’m not much of a musician.
I’m not really a musician.


The man lives on (   ) (   ) of his income.

The man lives on two thirds of his income.
▸ 分数表現は分子が基数,分母が序数,
The man lives on two-thirds of his income.
The man lives on two-thirds of his earnings.


Ken didn’t give me (   ) (    ).

Ken didn’t give me much advice.
▸ advice「忠告」〈不可算名詞〉
Ken didn’t provide me with much advice.
Ken didn’t give me much guidance.


“Is it expensive to take that examination?”
“The (    ) depends on how many subjects you take.”

“Is it expensive to take that examination?”
“The fee depends on how many subjects you take.”
▸ fee「受験・入場・入会料金」「専門職に対して支払う料金」
"Is it costly to take that examination?"
"The fee depends on how many subjects you choose."
"Is it expensive to take that examination?"
"The fee varies depending on the number of subjects you select."


Being an able lawyer, he has a lot of (   ).

Being an able lawyer, he has a lot of clients.
▸ client「(弁護士などへの)依頼人」
Being a diligent lawyer, he has a lot of clients.
Being an industrious lawyer, he has many clients.


The daughters took (   ) helping their mother cook.

The daughters took turns helping their mother cook.
▸ take turns (in/at) doing「交替で…する」
The daughters took turns assisting their mother in cooking.
The daughters took turns helping their mother cook.


The old man looked (   ) with the boy’s performance.

The old man looked pleased with the boy’s performance.
▸ pleased「失望して ← 失望させられて」
The old man appeared content with the boy’s performance.
The old man looked pleased with the boy’s performance.


I (   ) that she leaked the secret.

I suspect that she leaked the secret.
▸ suspect that節≒think that節 / doubt that節≒don’t think that節
I suspect that she disclosed the secret.
I suspect that she leaked the secret.


Some people like to eat fish (   ).

Some people like to eat fish alive.
▸ alive「生きている」, lively「生き生きとした」
Some people like to eat fish while it's still alive.
Some people like to eat fish when it's alive.


The letter was short because there wasn’t (   ) (   ).

The letter was short because there wasn’t much news.
▸ news「知らせ」は〈不可算名詞〉
The letter was short because there wasn't much news.
The letter was short because there was little news.


This town has a (   ) population.

This town has a large population.
▸ large, smallは
population, number, amount, sum, salary, crowd
This town has a large population.
This town has a sizable population.


We got (   ) (   ) (   ) (   ) from the teacher.

We got a lot of information from the teacher.
▸ information「情報」〈不可算名詞〉
a lot of は可算名詞・不可算名詞いずれもも可
We obtained a lot of information from the teacher.
We acquired plenty of information from the teacher.


I had to send back the jacket because it did not (   ) me.

I had to send back the jacket because it did not fit me.
▸ fit A「サイズがAに合う」
I had to return the jacket because it didn't fit me.
I had to send back the jacket because it didn't match my size.


Don’t forget to give my best (   ) to your parents.

Don’t forget to give my best regards to your parents.
▸ give my (best) regards to A「Aに宜しく伝える」
(=say hello to A, remember me to A)
Don’t forget to pass on my best regards to your parents.
Don’t forget to convey my best wishes to your parents.


There are over fifty students in the class, and they are (   ) girls.

There are over fifty students in the class, and they are mostly girls.
▸ mostlyは名詞の前後に置いて「主に」の意を表す。
There are over fifty students in the class, and they are predominantly girls.
There are over fifty students in the class, and they are mainly girls.


Harry always arrives on time. He’s so (   ).

Harry always arrives on time. He’s so punctual.
▸ punctual「時間厳守の」
Harry always arrives on time. He’s quite punctual.
Harry always arrives on time. He’s very punctual.


The final game made me so (   ) that I could not remain seated.

The final game made me so excited that I could not remain seated.
▸ excited「わくわくして ← 興奮させられて」
The final game got me so excited that I couldn’t stay seated.
The final game made me so thrilled that I couldn't remain seated.


He has a (   ) deal of free time, which he usually spends fishing.

He has a good [great] deal of free time, which he usually spends fishing.
▸ a good deal of A(不可算名詞)「たくさんのA」
He has a good deal of free time, most of which he devotes to fishing.
He has a great deal of free time, much of which he spends fishing.


Move to the back of the bus and (   ) (   ) for others.

042  Move to the back of the bus and make room for others.
▸ make room for A「Aに席を譲る,場所を空ける」
「余地・スペース」の意を表す room は〈不可算〉
Move to the rear of the bus and make space for others.
Move to the back of the bus and make room for others.


Yesterday morning, I (   ) missed the bus.

Yesterday morning, I almost [nearly] missed the bus.
▸ almost[nearly]「ほとんど…」「危うく…するところ」
Yesterday morning, I almost missed the bus.
Yesterday morning, I nearly missed the bus.


The movie was very (   ) , so I stopped watching it.

The movie was very boring , so I stopped watching it.
▸ boring「退屈な ← 人を退屈にさせるような」
"The movie was very dull, so I stopped watching it."
"The movie was dreadfully boring, so I quit watching it."
"The movie was really boring, so I stopped watching it."
"The movie was incredibly uninteresting, so I quit watching it."


“The students all went to the movie yesterday evening.”
“I heard it was really (    ).”

“The students all went to the movie yesterday evening.” “I heard it was really amusing.”
▸ amusing「面白い ← 人を楽しくさせるような」
"The students all went to the movie yesterday evening."
"I heard it was truly amusing."
"The students all went to the movie yesterday evening."
"I heard it was really entertaining."


“Bob is depressed because he’s lost some money.”
“Oh, I saw he was in low (   ) but I didn’t know the reason.”

“Bob is depressed because he’s lost some money.”
“Oh, I saw he was in low spirits but I didn’t know the reason.”
▸ be in low[bad, poor] spirits「機嫌が悪い」
"Bob is down because he’s lost some money."
"Oh, I saw he was feeling low but I didn’t know the reason."
"Bob is depressed because he’s lost some money."
"Oh, I saw he was in low spirits but I didn’t know the reason."


There are scarcely (   ) flowers in our garden.

There are scarcely any flowers in our garden.
▸ scarcely[hardly] any+A「ほとんどAがない」
There are scarcely any flowers in our garden.
There are barely any flowers in our garden.


She (   ) me as a very efficient secretary.

She strikes me as a very efficient secretary.
▸ strike「…に印象を与える」
It seems to me that she is a very efficient secretary.
She impresses me as a very efficient secretary.
She strikes me as a highly efficient secretary.


We (  ) go to the movies, only once or twice a year.

We seldom [rarely] go to the movies, only once or twice a year.
▸ seldom[rarely]「めったに…ない」
We rarely go to the movies, only once or twice a year.
We seldom go to the movies, only once or twice a year.


One thousand dollars will (   ) all your expenses for the trip.

One thousand dollars will cover all your expenses for the trip.
▸ cover A「A(費用など)をまかなう」
One thousand dollars will cover all your expenses for the trip.
One thousand dollars will pay for all your expenses for the trip.


001 The house is much too small for five people to live in.
▸ much+too+形[副]  
語法的にvery, pretty, fairly, quite等はtoo+形[副] を強調は不可
The house is much too cramped for five people to live in.
The house is far too tiny for five people to inhabit.

002 He is one of the greatest living musicians.
▸ living「生きている」 
He is one of the most celebrated living musicians.
He is among the greatest living musicians.

003 I rushed to the station, but unfortunately, I missed the last train.
▸ miss A「Aがいなくて寂しく思う・Aを逃れる」
I rushed to the station, but regrettably, I missed the final train.
I hurried to the station, but unfortunately, I missed the last train.

004 “Is your bag like Mariko’s?”
“Yes, they’re exactly alike.”
▸ alike「よく似て」 
sameはthe sameと冠詞が付くのでここでは使えない。
"Is your bag like Mariko’s?"
"Yes, they’re strikingly similar."
"Is your bag similar to Mariko’s?"
"Yes, they’re strikingly alike."

005  A few years ago our room had little furniture in it.
▸ furniture「家具」〈不可算名詞〉 
few furnitureは不可。fewは〈可算名詞〉につく。
A few years ago our room had minimal furnishings in it.
A few years ago our room had scarce furniture in it.

006  A cousin is a son or daughter of an uncle or aunt.
▸ cousin「いとこ」, niece「姪」,
nephew「甥」, uncle「叔父」, aunt「叔母」
A cousin is a child of an uncle or aunt.
A cousin is a son or daughter of an uncle or aunt.

007  Man is the only animal capable of using his hands ingeniously.
▸ be capable of doing「…することができる」
Man is the only animal with the capability to use his hands ingeniously.
Man is the only animal with the ability to use his hands ingeniously.

008  “How was your weekend?”
“To tell you the truth, I was a little bored.”
▸ bored「退屈して ← 退屈させられて」
He is boring. だと「彼はつまらない奴だ」の意。
"How was your weekend?"
"To be honest, I was slightly bored."
"How was your weekend?"
"To be honest, I was somewhat bored."

009  She thought she was hurt, but that wasn’t really the case.
▸ the case「真実・実情」
She thought she was hurt, but that wasn’t the actual situation.
She thought she was injured, but that wasn’t really the case.

010 He could not help being satisfied with his lot.
▸ satisfied「満足して ← 満足させられて」
He could not help but be content with his current situation.
He could not help but be satisfied with his lot.

011  It took one and a half hours to go to Cambridge from London.
▸ one and a half をワンセットと考え一息で読む。
「1時間+α」からhours 。 an hour and a half も同義。
It took one and a half hours to travel to Cambridge from London.
It took one and a half hours to get to Cambridge from London.

012 Apparently, Jeff is the very image of his father.
▸ image「生き写し・よく似た人物」 the very image of A「Aにそっくり」
Apparently, Jeff is the spitting image of his father.
Apparently, Jeff looks exactly like his father.

013  My curtains go with this furniture.
▸ go with A「Aに似合う・調和する」(=much A) ,
fit A「サイズが合う」,
become A「Aに似合う」
My curtains complement this furniture.
My curtains go well with this furniture.

014 It’s the most amazing thing I have ever heard.
▸ the+最上級+名+(that) S have ever done
It’s the most astonishing thing I have ever heard.
It’s the most astounding thing I have ever heard.

015 She doesn’t drink much coffee.
▸ much+不可算名詞「たくさんの…」 
She doesn't consume much coffee.
She doesn't drink a lot of coffee.

016  Reading literary criticism is very helpful to understanding literature.
▸ literary「文学の」, literal「文字どおりの」,
Reading literary criticism is remarkably beneficial for understanding literature.
Reading literary criticism is extremely helpful for comprehending literature.

017 “Why does Mary wear so many clothes?”
“Because she is very sensitive to cold.”
▸ sensitive「敏感な」, sensible「分別のある」
"Why does Mary wear so many clothes?"
"Because she is highly sensitive to cold."
"Why does Mary wear so many clothes?"
"Because she is very sensitive to cold."

018  His employer recommends him highly as a very industrious worker.
▸ industrious「勤勉な」, industrial「産業の」
His employer highly recommends him as a very diligent worker.
His employer strongly endorses him as a very hardworking employee.

019  During the summer vacation I made friends with many villagers.
▸ make friends with A「Aと友達になる」
During the summer vacation, I made friends with numerous villagers.
During the summer vacation, I made friends with plenty of villagers.

020 “I’m afraid this painting is not by Picasso.” “It’s only a copy, so it’s worthless.”
▸ worthless「価値の無い」valuelessとほぼ同義。
反意は invaluable「非常に価値のある」(priceless)
"I’m afraid this painting is not by Picasso."
"It’s only a copy, so it’s rather worthless."
"I’m afraid this painting is not by Picasso."
"It’s only a copy, so it’s quite valueless."

021  My sister says that she had a dreadful dream last night.
▸ have a+名詞 の形は他に
have a rest「休む」
have a chat「おしゃべりをする」
My sister says that she had a dreadful nightmare last night.
My sister says that she had a dreadful dream last night.

022 My uncle was sound [fast] asleep.
▸ sound asleep「ぐっすり眠って」
ここは sleeping deeply も正解。
My uncle was soundly asleep.
My uncle was fast asleep.

023 There were quite a few students absent from class today.
▸ quite a few+複数名詞「かなりの数の…」
a good [great] many+複数名詞
There were quite a few students missing from class today.
There were quite a few students absent from class today.

024 I’m afraid I’m not much of a musician.
▸ not much of a N「たいしたNではない」
I’m not much of a musician.
I’m not really a musician.

025  The man lives on two thirds of his income.
▸ 分数表現は分子が基数,分母が序数,
The man lives on two-thirds of his income.
The man lives on two-thirds of his earnings.

026 Ken didn’t give me much advice.
▸ advice「忠告」〈不可算名詞〉
Ken didn’t provide me with much advice.
Ken didn’t give me much guidance.

027 “Is it expensive to take that examination?”
“The fee depends on how many subjects you take.”

▸ fee「受験・入場・入会料金」「専門職に対して支払う料金」
"Is it costly to take that examination?"
"The fee depends on how many subjects you choose."
"Is it expensive to take that examination?"
"The fee varies depending on the number of subjects you select."

028 Being an able lawyer, he has a lot of clients.
▸ client「(弁護士などへの)依頼人」
Being a diligent lawyer, he has a lot of clients.
Being an industrious lawyer, he has many clients.

029 The daughters took turns helping their mother cook.
▸ take turns (in/at) doing「交替で…する」
The daughters took turns assisting their mother in cooking.
The daughters took turns helping their mother cook.

030 The old man looked pleased with the boy’s performance.
▸ pleased「失望して ← 失望させられて」
The old man appeared content with the boy’s performance.
The old man looked pleased with the boy’s performance.

031  I suspect that she leaked the secret.
▸ suspect that節≒think that節 / doubt that節≒don’t think that節
I suspect that she disclosed the secret.
I suspect that she leaked the secret.

032 Some people like to eat fish alive.
▸ alive「生きている」, lively「生き生きとした」
Some people like to eat fish while it's still alive.
Some people like to eat fish when it's alive.

033 The letter was short because there wasn’t much news.
▸ news「知らせ」は〈不可算名詞〉
The letter was short because there wasn't much news.
The letter was short because there was little news.

034 This town has a large population.
▸ large, smallは
population, number, amount, sum, salary, crowd
This town has a large population.
This town has a sizable population.

035 We got a lot of information from the teacher.
▸ information「情報」〈不可算名詞〉
a lot of は不可算名詞にもつくことが可
We obtained a lot of information from the teacher.
We acquired plenty of information from the teacher.

036 I had to send back the jacket because it did not fit me.
▸ fit A「サイズがAに合う」
I had to return the jacket because it didn't fit me.
I had to send back the jacket because it didn't match my size.

037 Don’t forget to give my best regards to your parents.
▸ give my (best) regards to A「Aに宜しく伝える」
(=say hello to A, remember me to A)
Don’t forget to pass on my best regards to your parents.
Don’t forget to convey my best wishes to your parents.

038 There are over fifty students in the class, and they are mostly girls.
▸ mostlyは名詞の前後に置いて「主に」の意を表す。
There are over fifty students in the class, and they are predominantly girls.
There are over fifty students in the class, and they are mainly girls.

039  Harry always arrives on time. He’s so punctual.
▸ punctual「時間厳守の」,
Harry always arrives on time. He’s quite punctual.
Harry always arrives on time. He’s very punctual.

040 The final game made me so excited that I could not remain seated.
▸ excited「わくわくして ← 興奮させられて」
The final game got me so excited that I couldn’t stay seated.
The final game made me so thrilled that I couldn't remain seated.
He has a good deal of free time, most of which he devotes to fishing.
He has a great deal of free time, much of which he spends fishing.

041 He has a good [great] deal of free time, which he usually spends fishing.
▸ a good deal of A(不可算名詞)「たくさんのA」
He has a good deal of free time, most of which he devotes to fishing.
He has a great deal of free time, much of which he spends fishing.

042  Move to the back of the bus and make room for others.
▸ make room for A「Aに席を譲る,場所を空ける」
Move to the rear of the bus and make space for others.
Move to the back of the bus and make room for others.

043 Yesterday morning, I almost [nearly] missed the bus.
▸ almost[nearly]「ほとんど…」「危うく…するところ」
Yesterday morning, I almost missed the bus.
Yesterday morning, I nearly missed the bus.

044 The movie was very boring , so I stopped watching it.
▸ boring「退屈な ← 人を退屈にさせるような」
"The movie was very dull, so I stopped watching it."
"The movie was dreadfully boring, so I quit watching it."
"The movie was really boring, so I stopped watching it."
"The movie was incredibly uninteresting, so I quit watching it."

045 “The students all went to the movie yesterday evening.”
“I heard it was really amusing.”

▸ amusing「面白い ← 人を楽しくさせるような」
"The students all went to the movie yesterday evening."
"I heard it was truly amusing."
"The students all went to the movie yesterday evening."
"I heard it was really entertaining."

046 “Bob is depressed because he’s lost some money.”
“Oh, I saw he was in low spirits but I didn’t know the reason.”

▸ be in low[bad, poor] spirits「機嫌が悪い」
"Bob is down because he’s lost some money."
"Oh, I saw he was feeling low but I didn’t know the reason."
"Bob is depressed because he’s lost some money."
"Oh, I saw he was in low spirits but I didn’t know the reason."

047  There are scarcely any flowers in our garden.
▸ scarcely[hardly] any+A「ほとんどAがない」
There are scarcely any flowers in our garden.
There are barely any flowers in our garden.

048 She strikes me as a very efficient secretary.
▸ strike「…に印象を与える」
It seems to me that she is a very efficient secretary.
She impresses me as a very efficient secretary.
She strikes me as a highly efficient secretary.

049 We seldom [rarely] go to the movies, only once or twice a year.
▸ seldom[rarely]「めったに…ない」
We rarely go to the movies, only once or twice a year.
We seldom go to the movies, only once or twice a year.

050  One thousand dollars will cover all your expenses for the trip.
▸ cover A「A(費用など)をまかなう」
One thousand dollars will cover all your expenses for the trip.
One thousand dollars will pay for all your expenses for the trip.



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