
TEX 二井原

TEX 二井原



If you had not eaten so much, you (    ) so sleepy now.
  ① would not be
  ② won’t be
  ③ would have been
  ④ cannot have been

<if節:仮定法過去完了/ 帰結節:仮定法過去>
had not eatenにつられて仮定法過去完了の
基本形と判断し would have been を選択してはいけない。
If you had not eaten so much, you would not be so sleepy now.
If you hadn't consumed such a large meal, you wouldn't be experiencing such drowsiness now.

He did his best; otherwise he (    ) the first prize.
  ① cannot win
  ② would have won
  ③ will not have won
  ④ wouldn’t have won

条件節代用として otherwise が
if he hadn’t done his best に相当する内容を表す。
「彼はベストを尽くした. もしそうでなければ1等賞を取れなかっただろう」
He did his best; otherwise he wouldn’t have won the first prize.
He exerted maximum effort; otherwise, he wouldn't have secured the top prize.

仮定法の条件は if 節以外に
⒜ An honest man would not do so.
⒝ To hear him speak English, you would take him for an American.
⒞ Born in better times, he would have become a great statesman.
良い時代に生まれていたら,偉大な政治家になってい ただろう。
⒟ In your place, I would have told it to the police.
⒠ With a little more effort, you would have succeeded.
⒡ I followed the doctor’s advice; otherwise I might have died.

It is high time you (    ) a new business.
  ① start
  ② started
  ③ will start
  ④ will have started

It is (high / about) time S did
「今はもう (とっくに/そろそろ) ~ している時間だ」
It is high time you started a new business.
It's about time for you to initiate a new business venture.
You should consider launching a new business soon.

If you were to fall from the bridge, it (    ) almost impossible to rescue you.
  ① is
  ② was
  ③ would be
  ④ would have been

If you were to fall from the bridge, it would be almost impossible to rescue you.
Falling from the bridge would make it nearly impossible to rescue you.
It would be extremely challenging to rescue you if you fell from the bridge.

shouldはwere toよりも現実の可能性が高い場合の表現。
まったく不可能なことを表す時には should は使えない。
If the sun were to rise in the west, I would not betray you.
(たとえ~であろうとも even if)

“Did you work yesterday?” “I wish yesterday (    ) a holiday.”
  ① is
  ② be
  ③ were
  ④ had been

✰ 〔仮定法過去〕
  = I wish (that) S+did  
✰ 〔仮定法過去完了〕
  = I wish (that) S+had done
  I wish he stopped smoking.
  I wish he had stopped smoking.
“Did you work yesterday?”
"Were you working yesterday?"
"Did you put in hours at work yesterday?"
“I wish yesterday had been a holiday.”
"I desire that yesterday was declared a holiday."
"I would have preferred if yesterday had been a day off."

You looked (    ) you had seen a ghost when you came out of the house. What happened?
  ① that
  ② as if
  ③ even if
  ④ although

<as if (as though) S+had done>
「あの時まるで ~ したかのように」
as if 節は仮定法過去完了形。
as if の後は可能性としては次の2つ。
✰ He looks as if he were sick.
✰ He looks as if he had been sick.
as ifの後には直説法が用いられる。
★ You talk as if you are angry.      
 [話し手の判断=You are angry.]
★ You talk as if you were angry.    
  [話し手の判断=You aren’t angry.]
You looked as if you had seen a ghost when you came out of the house. What happened?
Your expression suggested you had witnessed something terrifying. What occurred?
It seemed like you had encountered something frightening. What's the story?

Mary insisted that Tom ( ) her the book back.
  ① give
  ② gives
  ③ have given
  ④ may give

S insist [that S’(should) do … ] 「 ~ することを主張する」
insisted につられて gave としたり gives と活用させてはいけない。
時制・人称に関係なくthat 節内の動詞表現は原形(米語)か should+do。

Mary insisted that Tom gives her the book back.
Mary demanded that Tom return the book to her.
Mary was adamant that Tom give her the book back.

He would still be alive (    ) he refused to go to the battlefield then.
  ① if
  ② had
  ③ provided
  ④ unless

時の副詞に注目 ▸ still「依然として」then「あの時」
<if節:過去完了/ 帰結節:過去> 
had he refused = if he had refused
He would still be alive had he refused to go to the battlefield then.
If he had declined to go to the battlefield at that time, he would still be alive.
Refusing to go to the battlefield then would have kept him alive.

(    ) I to tell you all the story of my life, one week would not be enough.
  ① Am
  ② Are
  ③ Have
  ④ Were

Were I to tell you = If I were to tell you〔仮定法未来〕
Were to tell you all the story of my life, one week would not be enough.
If I were to narrate the entire story of my life, a week wouldn't suffice.
Telling you the complete story of my life would require more than a week.

I don’t suppose you’ll need any help but if you (    ) need any help, just let me know.
  ① could
  ② might
  ③ should
  ④ would

if+S+should do …〔仮定法未来〕
I don’t suppose you’ll need any help but if you should need any help, just let me know.
I don't expect you to require assistance, but if you do, please inform me.
While I don't anticipate you needing help, feel free to let me know if you do.

Some scientists say it is essential that mankind (    ) the amount of air pollution in big cities.
  ① be reduced
  ② reduce
  ③ reduced
  ④ will reduce

<It is essential that …>「~は不可欠だ」
that 節の内容がまだ現実化していないことから
should do か〈原形〉を用いる。
the amount of …「~の量」
air pollution「大気汚染」
Some scientists say it is essential that mankind reduce the amount of air pollution in big cities.
According to some scientists, it is crucial for humanity to decrease air pollution levels in major cities.
Some scientists emphasize the necessity for mankind to lower air pollution in large urban areas.

You have done very well, but you (    ) better.
  ① could have done
  ② will have done
  ③ could not have
  ④ had

文尾に if you had tried を補って解する。
★I’m so hungry that I could eat a horse.
★I could have gone to the movies.
You have done very well, but you could have done better.
Your performance has been commendable, but there was room for improvement.
While you've done a good job, there was potential for even better results.

(    ) a little more patience, she would have succeeded.
  ① If
  ② With
  ③ Without
  ④ But for

With …「~があれば」 が条件である。
If she had had … 。
With a little more patience, she would have succeeded.
If she had been more patient, she would have achieved success.
Success was within reach if she had exercised a bit more patience.



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