大学入試 アウトプット英単語 ⑨

TEX 二井原

TEX 二井原



対象の大学レベルは国公立・早慶・MARCH 等です。



There is no one (    ) has weaknesses.

There is no one but has weaknesses.
▸ 関係詞の but は古めかしい文語
Everyone has weaknesses; no one is exempt.
Every individual has their own set of weaknesses.


1,000 ドルあれば旅行のすべての費用をまかなえるでしょう。
One thousand dollars will (    ) all your expenses for the trip.

One thousand dollars will cover all your expenses for the trip.
▸ cover A「A(費用など)をまかなう」
 cost の語法は〈 モノ(S) cost(V) 金額(O) 〉なので不可
A sum of one thousand dollars will be sufficient to meet all your trip expenses.


He cannot so (    ) as write his own name.

He cannot so much as write his own name.
▸ not so much as do「…さえしない」
He can't even write his own name.
He doesn't have the ability to write his own name.


“Can you tell me how to use this machine?”
“I’m sorry, I have no (    ).”

“Can you tell me how to use this machine?”
“I’m sorry, I have no idea.”
▸ have no idea「分からない」(=don’t have any idea)
"Can you explain how to operate this machine?"
"I'm sorry, I have no clue."
"Could you tell me how to use this machine?"
"I'm sorry, I have no knowledge about it."


Tom and Mary became acquainted (    ) (    ) (    ) through mutual

Tom and Mary became acquainted with each other through mutual friends.
▸ each other〈代名詞〉「お互い」
副詞ではないのでwith の目的語として機能する
Tom and Mary got to know each other through mutual friends.
Tom and Mary became familiar with one another through shared acquaintances.


Despite (    ) (    ), Tom continued to work until he had to go to the hospital.

Despite his illness, Tom continued to work until he had to go to the hospital.
▸ despite〈前〉「…にもかかわらず」(=in spite of)
Despite his illness, Tom continued working until he had to go to the hospital.
In spite of his sickness, Tom kept working until it was necessary for him to go to the hospital.


I had some difficulty (    ) (    ) one student from another.

I had some difficulty in telling one student from another.
▸ have difficulty (in) doing「…するのが難しい」
I found it challenging to distinguish one student from another.
Telling one student apart from another was quite difficult for me.


“Do you think he’s coming?”
“I’m afraid (    ).”

“Do you think he’s coming?”
“I’m afraid not.”
▸ hope/think/believe/guess/be afraid+not:否定内容のthat 節代用
"Do you expect him to come?"
"I'm afraid not."
"Do you think he will come?"
"I'm afraid he won't."


Bill has not saved much money yet. (    ) has his brother.

Bill has not saved much money yet. Nor has his brother.
▸ 前述否定内容を受けて,nor [neither]+助動詞 [be/have]+S
「S もまた…ない」
Bill has not saved much money yet, and neither has his brother.
Bill hasn't saved a substantial amount of money, and his brother hasn't either.


If you (    ) introduce me to Mr. White, I’ll be much obliged.

If you will introduce me to Mr. White, I’ll be much obliged.
▸ if S will do … , 「もしS が…しようとするなら」
If you introduce me to Mr. White, I'll be very grateful.
I'll greatly appreciate it if you can introduce me to Mr. White.


Yesterday I talked with my mother (    ) the phone.

Yesterday I talked with my mother on [over] the phone.
▸ on[over] the phone「電話で」
〈道具〉のby だとby phone と無冠詞になる
Yesterday I conversed with my mother over the phone.
I had a conversation with my mother on the phone yesterday.


He trained the dog to look after his (    ) of sheep.

He trained the dog to look after his flock of sheep.
▸ flock「鳥や羊の群れ」
He trained the dog to guard his flock of sheep.
He taught the dog to protect his herd of sheep.


For short stays, Canada does not require that we obtain visas to enter the country,
and the U.S. (    ), (    ).

For short stays, Canada does not require that we obtain visas to enter the country, and the
U.S. doesn’t,either.
▸ 否定文,either.「…もまた~ない」
… and neither does the U.S./ nor does the U.S. も同義
For short stays, Canada doesn't require us to obtain visas to enter the country, and neither does the U.S.
For brief visits, you don't need visas to enter Canada, and the same goes for the U.S.


That room (    ) cleaning.

That room needs cleaning.
▸ need doing「…される必要がある」(=need to be done)
That room requires cleaning.
The room needs to be cleaned.


The man robbed (    ) (    ) (    ) (    ) on her way home from the office.

The man robbed her of her handbag on her way home from the office.
▸ rob A of B「A からB を奪う」
The man deprived her of her handbag on her way home from the office.
The man stole her handbag from her while she was on her way home from the office.


During the summer vacation I made (    ) with many villagers.

During the summer vacation I made friends with many villagers.
▸ make friends with A「A と友人になる」
During the summer vacation, I befriended many villagers.
I made friends with a lot of villagers during the summer vacation.


Everyone (    ) it.

Everyone knows it.
▸ know 〈状態動詞〉原則として進行形不可
Everyone is aware of it.
Everybody knows about it.


もしそれを買いたいなら,あと10 ドル支払う必要があります。
If you want to get it, you'll have to pay (    ) ten dollars.

If you want to get it, you’ll have to pay another ten dollars.
▸ another (=an+other)は通例、複数名詞を伴わないが、
 ここはten dollars を一まとまりと見なしている
If you want to obtain it, you'll need to pay an additional ten dollars.
To acquire it, you'll have to spend an extra ten dollars.


18 世紀にドイツは30 年戦争の痛手から回復した。
The eighteenth century (    ) Germany’s recovery from the wounds of the Thirty Years' War.

The eighteenth century saw Germany’s recovery from the wounds of the Thirty Years’ War.
▸ 時代 see A「時代がA を目撃する」
The eighteenth century witnessed Germany's recovery from the wounds of the Thirty Years' War.
In the eighteenth century, Germany experienced a resurgence from the effects of the Thirty Years' War.


(    ) (    ) (    ) go safely through this jungle of life you must equip
yourself with the proper weapons.

In order to go safely through this jungle of life you must equip yourself with the proper weapons.
▸ in order to do「…するために」〈目的〉
To safely navigate through this jungle of life, you must equip yourself with the proper tools.
In order to traverse the challenges of life safely, you need to have the right resources.


The man lives on (    ) (    ) of his income.

The man lives on two thirds of his income.
▸ 分数表現は,分子が基数・分母が序数で表し,
分子が2 以上なら分母は複数形
The man lives on two-thirds of his income.
The man's living expenses are covered by two-thirds of his income.


“Why are you so irritated?”
“That traffic jam (    ) (    ) arrive late.”

“Why are you so irritated?”
“That traffic jam made me arrive late.”
▸ make A do「A に…させる」
"Why are you so upset?"
"Being stuck in that traffic jam made me arrive late."
"Why are you so irritated?"
"That traffic jam caused me to be late."


“Why does Mary wear so many clothes?”
“Because she is very (    ) to cold.”

“Why does Mary wear so many clothes?”
“Because she is very sensitive to cold.”
▸ sensitive「敏感な」 sensible「分別のある」
"Why does Mary wear so many clothes?"
"Because she is very susceptible to cold."
"Why does Mary dress warmly?"
"Because she is extremely sensitive to cold."


The teacher (    ) us only ten minutes to answer the questions.

The teacher allowed us only ten minutes to answer the questions.
▸ allow A B「A にB を与える」
The teacher granted us only ten minutes to respond to the questions.
The teacher allowed us a mere ten minutes to answer the questions.


(    ) you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
▸ Should S do ← If S should do
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us.
Should you have any inquiries, feel free to get in touch with us.

【 音読基本英文 】

There is no one but has weaknesses.
Everyone has weaknesses; no one is exempt.
Every individual has their own set of weaknesses.

One thousand dollars will cover all your expenses for the trip.
One thousand dollars will cover all your expenses for the trip.
A sum of one thousand dollars will be sufficient to meet all your trip expenses.

He cannot so much as write his own name.
He can't even write his own name.
He doesn't have the ability to write his own name.

“Can you tell me how to use this machine?”
“I’m sorry, I have no idea.”
"Can you explain how to operate this machine?"
"I'm sorry, I have no clue."
"Could you tell me how to use this machine?"
"I'm sorry, I have no knowledge about it."

Tom and Mary became acquainted with each other through mutual friends.
Tom and Mary got to know each other through mutual friends.
Tom and Mary became familiar with one another through shared acquaintances.

Despite his illness, Tom continued to work until he had to go to the hospital.
Despite his illness, Tom continued working until he had to go to the hospital.
In spite of his sickness, Tom kept working until it was necessary for him to go to the hospital.

I had some difficulty in telling one student from another.
I found it challenging to distinguish one student from another.
Telling one student apart from another was quite difficult for me.

"Do you expect him to come?"
"I'm afraid not."
"Do you think he will come?"
"I'm afraid he won't."

Bill has not saved much money yet. Nor has his brother.
Bill has not saved much money yet, and neither has his brother.
Bill hasn't saved a substantial amount of money, and his brother hasn't either.

If you will introduce me to Mr. White, I’ll be much obliged.
If you introduce me to Mr. White, I'll be very grateful.
I'll greatly appreciate it if you can introduce me to Mr. White.

Yesterday I talked with my mother on [over] the phone.
Yesterday I conversed with my mother over the phone.
I had a conversation with my mother on the phone yesterday.

He trained the dog to look after his flock of sheep.
He trained the dog to guard his flock of sheep.
He taught the dog to protect his herd of sheep.

For short stays, Canada does not require that we obtain visas to enter the country, and the
For short stays, Canada doesn't require us to obtain visas to enter the country, and neither does the U.S.
For brief visits, you don't need visas to enter Canada, and the same goes for the U.S.

That room needs cleaning.
That room requires cleaning.
The room needs to be cleaned.

The man robbed her of her handbag on her way home from the office.
The man deprived her of her handbag on her way home from the office.
The man stole her handbag from her while she was on her way home from the office.

During the summer vacation I made friends with many villagers.
During the summer vacation, I befriended many villagers.
I made friends with a lot of villagers during the summer vacation.

Everyone knows it.
Everyone is aware of it.
Everybody knows about it.

If you want to get it, you’ll have to pay another ten dollars.
If you want to obtain it, you'll need to pay an additional ten dollars.
To acquire it, you'll have to spend an extra ten dollars.

The eighteenth century saw Germany’s recovery from the wounds of the Thirty Years’ War.
The eighteenth century witnessed Germany's recovery from the wounds of the Thirty Years' War.
In the eighteenth century, Germany experienced a resurgence from the effects of the Thirty Years' War.

In order to go safely through this jungle of life you must equip yourself with the proper weapons.
To safely navigate through this jungle of life, you must equip yourself with the proper tools.
In order to traverse the challenges of life safely, you need to have the right resources.

The man lives on two thirds of his income.
The man lives on two-thirds of his income.
The man's living expenses are covered by two-thirds of his income.

“Why are you so irritated?”
“That traffic jam made me arrive late.”
"Why are you so upset?"
"Being stuck in that traffic jam made me arrive late."
"Why are you so irritated?"
"That traffic jam caused me to be late."

“Why does Mary wear so many clothes?”
“Because she is very sensitive to cold.”
"Why does Mary wear so many clothes?"
"Because she is very susceptible to cold."
"Why does Mary dress warmly?"
"Because she is extremely sensitive to cold."

The teacher allowed us only ten minutes to answer the questions.
The teacher granted us only ten minutes to respond to the questions.
The teacher allowed us a mere ten minutes to answer the questions.

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us.
Should you have any inquiries, feel free to get in touch with us.



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TEX 二井原

TEX 二井原(英語講師)

英語パーソナルジム HIET(ヒート)/ High Intensity English Training

★英検1級所持の代表自ら個別指導★ 難関大合格 ★ 英検合格 3~1級合格 ★ TOEIC 900 突破 ★ たった一人の生徒さんに完璧に合わせたプログラム

TEX 二井原プロは神戸新聞社が厳正なる審査をした登録専門家です







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