大学入試 アウトプット英単語 ⑧

TEX 二井原

TEX 二井原



対象の大学レベルは国公立・早慶・MARCH 等です。



She took (    ) to get it absolutely perfect.

She took pains to get it absolutely perfect.
▸ take pains「骨を折る・苦労する」
She took great care to make it absolutely perfect.
She made an effort to ensure it was absolutely perfect.


I wanted some cake, but there was (    ) left.

I wanted some cake, but there was none left.
▸ none は先行名詞を受けて
I desired some cake, but there was no cake left.
I wanted cake, but there was none available.


A good tale is none the (    ) for being twice told.

A good tale is none the worse for being twice told.
▸ none the+比較級+for+名詞 because SV
Repeating a good tale doesn't make it any worse.
Telling a good story multiple times doesn't diminish its quality.


I (    ) (    ) (    ) my homework all this evening, but I’ve still got a lot
more to do.

I have been doing my homework all this evening, but I've still got a lot more to do.
▸ 現在を基準時としてこれまでの
〈現在完了進行形〉have being doing を用いる
I have been working on my homework all evening, and I still have a lot more to complete.
I've been diligently working on my homework this whole evening, and there's still a lot more to do.


(    ) (    ) Mr. Johnson was a really considerate person. If anyone got sick,
he was the first to visit and offer help.

The late Mr. Johnson was a really considerate person. If anyone got sick, he was the first to visit and offer help.
▸ the late A「亡くなったA・故A」
The late Mr. Johnson was a truly considerate person. Whenever someone fell ill, he was the first to visit and offer assistance.
Mr. Johnson, who passed away, was an incredibly considerate individual. He was always the first to provide help when someone got sick.


He could not help (    ) (    ) with his lot.

He could not help being satisfied with his lot.
▸ satisfied「満足して ← 満足させられて」
He couldn't help but feel content with his current situation.
He couldn't help but be satisfied with his circumstances.


It’s time you (    ) to bed.

It’s time you went to bed.
▸ It’s time S 仮定法過去「S は…してもよい時期だ」
It's time for you to go to bed.
It's about time you went to bed.


I asked her to help (    ) (    ) (    ) (    ).

I asked her to help me with my homework.
▸ help A with B「A のB 手伝う」
I requested her assistance with my homework.
I asked her to lend me a hand with my homework.


He never (    ) his personal problems to affect his performance.

He never allows his personal problems to affect his performance.
▸ allow A to do「A が…するのを許す」
He never permits his personal issues to impact his performance.
He doesn't allow his personal problems to affect his work.


Everyone should be treated with respect, (    ) if they are homeless.

Everyone should be treated with respect, even if they are homeless.
▸ even if「たとえ…でも」
Everyone deserves respect, even if they are homeless.
All individuals should be treated with respect, even in the case of homelessness.


“The students all went to the movie yesterday evening.”
“I heard it was really (    ).”

“The students all went to the movie yesterday evening.”
“I heard it was really amusing.”
▸ amusing「おもしろい ← 人を楽しくさせるような」
"The students all attended the movie yesterday evening."
"I heard it was quite entertaining."
"The students went to the movie last night."
"I heard it was really amusing."


He is as great a scholar (    ) (    ) (    ).

He is as great a scholar as ever lived.
▸ as+原級+as ever lived「古来まれな・並外れた」
He is as exceptional a scholar as any who have ever lived.
He is as great a scholar as any in history.


You can borrow my car (    ) (    ) (    ) you fill up the gas tank when
you’re finished.

You can borrow my car as long as you fill up the gas tank when you’re finished.
▸ as[so] long as 「…しさえすれば」
You can use my car as long as you refill the gas tank when you're done.
Feel free to borrow my car, just remember to fill up the gas tank after using it.


火星から持ち帰った物質を詳細に再検査して初めて,NASA の研究者たちは新しい生命の形態を発見した。
Only after a close re-examination of the material from Mars (    ) (    )
(    ) (    ) (    ) (    ) (    ) a new life form.

Only after a close re-examination of the material from Mars did the research staff at NASA
discover a new life form.
▸ only は否定語扱いで文頭に置かれた場合 倒置が生じ
Only after closely reexamining the Mars materials did the NASA research staff uncover a new life form.
The discovery of a new life form came only after the Mars materials were thoroughly reexamined by the NASA research staff.


When I went back to the town I (    ) (    ) eight years before, everything was

When I went back to the town I had left eight years before, everything was different.
▸ went back という過去よりも前の動作を
〈過去完了形〉had done を用いて表す
When I returned to the town I had left eight years ago, everything had changed.
After going back to the town I had left eight years earlier, I noticed that everything was different.


“Are her maternal grandparents living?”
“Not (   ); only her grandmother.”

“Are her maternal grandparents living?”
“Not both; only her grandmother.”
▸ 二者の部分否定 ― not both
"Are her maternal grandparents alive?"
"Not both; only her grandmother."
"Are her maternal grandparents still living?"
"Only her grandmother is."


Being an able lawyer, he has a lot of (    ).

Being an able lawyer, he has a lot of clients.
▸ client「(弁護士などへの)依頼人」
Being a skilled lawyer, he has numerous clients.
He has a lot of clients because he is a capable lawyer.


He is (    ) (    ) (    ) (    ) vote for such a dishonest candidate in the

He is intelligent enough not to vote for such a dishonest candidate in the election.
▸ 形/副 enough not to do「~しないほど…」
He is intelligent enough to refrain from voting for such a dishonest candidate in the election.
He possesses the intelligence not to support a dishonest candidate in the election.


His employer recommends him highly as a very (    ) worker.

His employer recommends him highly as a very industrious worker.
▸ industrious「勤勉な」industrial「産業の」
His employer highly recommends him as a very hardworking employee.
His employer speaks very highly of him, describing him as an industrious worker.


彼は私に本を2 冊貸してくれたが,私はそのどちらも読んでいない。
He lent me two books, neither of (    ) I have read.

He lent me two books, neither of which I have read.
▸ neither of them の them をwhich にして
He lent me two books, neither of which I have had a chance to read.
I borrowed two books from him, but I haven't had the opportunity to read either of them.


There was a call for volunteers to (    ) find homes for the newcomers to the

There was a call for volunteers to help find homes for the newcomers to the town.
▸ help do「…するのに役立つ,…するのを促進する」
There was a call for volunteers to assist in finding homes for the newcomers to the town.
Volunteers were needed to help locate homes for the newcomers to the town.


During this period the foundation was (    ) for many Japanese traditions.

During this period the foundation was laid for many Japanese traditions.
▸ 〈他動詞〉lay「(基礎など)を築く」の受動形
lay ― laid ― laid と活用する
Many Japanese traditions have their foundations laid during this period.
During this time, the groundwork for many Japanese traditions was established.


Don’t talk (    ) your mouth full.

Don’t talk with your mouth full.
Don't speak with your mouth full.
Avoid talking while your mouth is full.


David is said to be qualified (    ) a pilot.

David is said to be qualified as a pilot.
▸ as〈前〉「…として」
It is said that David is qualified to be a pilot.
People say that David is eligible to become a pilot.


Are you doing what (    ) (    ) (    ) (    )?

Are you doing what you think is right ?
▸ what は〈連鎖関係代名詞節〉
doing(V) what (you think) is right (O)
Are you doing what you believe is the right thing to do?
Are you doing what you consider to be the right course of action?

【 音読基本英文 】

She took pains to get it absolutely perfect.
▸ take pains「骨を折る・苦労する」pains〈複数形〉で「苦労」の意。
She took great care to make it absolutely perfect.
She made an effort to ensure it was absolutely perfect.

I wanted some cake, but there was none left.
▸ none は先行名詞を受けて〈no+名詞〉を表し「何も…ない」の意。
I desired some cake, but there was no cake left.
I wanted cake, but there was none available.

A good tale is none the worse for being twice told.
▸ none the+比較級+for+名詞 because SV「…だからといって少しも~ない」
Repeating a good tale doesn't make it any worse.
Telling a good story multiple times doesn't diminish its quality.

I have been doing my homework all this evening, but I've still got a lot more to do.
▸ 現在を基点に動作動詞でこれまでの継続を表すために〈現在完了進行形〉を用いる。
I have been working on my homework all evening, and I still have a lot more to complete.
I've been diligently working on my homework this whole evening, and there's still a lot more to do.

The late Mr. Johnson was a really considerate person. If anyone got sick, he was the
first to visit and offer help.
▸ the late A「亡くなったA・故A」
The late Mr. Johnson was a truly considerate person. Whenever someone fell ill, he was the first to visit and offer assistance.
Mr. Johnson, who passed away, was an incredibly considerate individual. He was always the first to provide help when someone got sick.

He could not help being satisfied with his lot.
▸ satisfied「満足して ← 満足させられて」
He couldn't help but feel content with his current situation.
He couldn't help but be satisfied with his circumstances.

It’s time you went to bed.
▸ It’s time S 仮定法過去「S は…してもよい時期だ」
It's time for you to go to bed.
It's about time you went to bed.

I asked her to help me with my homework.
▸ help A with B「A のB 手伝う」
I requested her assistance with my homework.
I asked her to lend me a hand with my homework.

He never allows his personal problems to affect his performance.
▸ allow A to do「A が…するのを許す」
He never permits his personal issues to impact his performance.
He doesn't allow his personal problems to affect his work.

Everyone should be treated with respect, even if they are homeless.
▸ even if「たとえ…でも」
Everyone deserves respect, even if they are homeless.
All individuals should be treated with respect, even in the case of homelessness.

“The students all went to the movie yesterday evening.”
“I heard it was really amusing.”
▸ amusing「おもしろい ← 人を楽しくさせるような」
"The students all attended the movie yesterday evening."
"I heard it was quite entertaining."

He is as great a scholar as ever lived.
▸ as+原級+as ever lived「古来まれな・並外れた」
He is as exceptional a scholar as any who have ever lived.
He is as great a scholar as any in history.

You can borrow my car as long as you fill up the gas tank when you’re finished.
▸ as[so] long as 「…しさえすれば」
You can use my car as long as you refill the gas tank when you're done.
Feel free to borrow my car, just remember to fill up the gas tank after using it.

Only after a close re-examination of the material from Mars did the research staff at NASA
discover a new life form.
▸ only は否定語扱いで文頭に置かれた場合 ― 倒置が生じ
Only after closely reexamining the Mars materials did the NASA research staff uncover a new life form.
The discovery of a new life form came only after the Mars materials were thoroughly reexamined by the NASA research staff.

When I went back to the town I had left eight years before, everything was different.
▸ 大過去は過去完了と同様had done を用いて表す。
When I returned to the town I had left eight years ago, everything had changed.
After going back to the town I had left eight years earlier, I noticed that everything was different.

“Are her maternal grandparents living?”
“Not both; only her grandmother.”
▸ 二者の部分否定 ― not both
"Are her maternal grandparents alive?"
"Not both; only her grandmother."
"Are her maternal grandparents still living?"
"Only her grandmother is."

Being an able lawyer, he has a lot of clients.
▸ client「(弁護士などへの)依頼人」
Being a skilled lawyer, he has numerous clients.
He has a lot of clients because he is a capable lawyer.

He is intelligent enough not to vote for such a dishonest candidate in the election.
▸ 形/副 enough not to do「~しないほど…」
He is intelligent enough to refrain from voting for such a dishonest candidate in the election.
He possesses the intelligence not to support a dishonest candidate in the election.

His employer recommends him highly as a very industrious worker.
▸ industrious「勤勉な」industrial「産業の」
His employer highly recommends him as a very hardworking employee.
His employer speaks very highly of him, describing him as an industrious worker.

He lent me two books, neither of which I have read.
▸ neither of them のthem をwhich にして節の頭に置いた構造。
He lent me two books, neither of which I have had a chance to read.
I borrowed two books from him, but I haven't had the opportunity to read either of them.

There was a call for volunteers to help find homes for the newcomers to the town.
▸ help do「…するのに役立つ,…するのを促進する」
There was a call for volunteers to assist in finding homes for the newcomers to the town.
Volunteers were needed to help locate homes for the newcomers to the town.

During this period the foundation was laid for many Japanese traditions.
▸ 〈他動詞〉lay「(基礎など)を築く」の受動形
lay ― laid ― laid と活用する。
Many Japanese traditions have their foundations laid during this period.
During this time, the groundwork for many Japanese traditions was established.

Don’t talk with your mouth full.
Don't speak with your mouth full.
Avoid talking while your mouth is full.

David is said to be qualified as a pilot.
▸ as〈前〉「…として」イコールの意味を根底に持つ
It is said that David is qualified to be a pilot.
People say that David is eligible to become a pilot.

Are you doing what you think is right ?
▸ ここでのwhat は〈連鎖関係代名詞節〉
doing(V) what (you think) is right (O)
Are you doing what you believe is the right thing to do?
Are you doing what you consider to be the right course of action?



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TEX 二井原(英語講師)

英語パーソナルジム HIET(ヒート)/ High Intensity English Training

★英検1級所持の代表自ら個別指導★ 難関大合格 ★ 英検合格 3~1級合格 ★ TOEIC 900 突破 ★ たった一人の生徒さんに完璧に合わせたプログラム

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