大学入試 アウトプット英単語 ⑥

TEX 二井原

TEX 二井原



対象の大学レベルは国公立・早慶・MARCH 等です。



Americans expect honest, sincere answers to their questions, and they will take answers as (    ).

Americans expect honest, sincere answers to their questions, and they will take answers as
▸ as such「そのようなものとして」
Americans expect honest, sincere answers to their questions, and they will consider responses as such.
Americans expect honest, sincere answers to their questions, and they will view replies in that manner.


I’d like you to bring back the drama program. Connie, the school is (    ) in
need of a drama program.

I’d like you to bring back the drama program. Connie, the school is badly in need of a drama
▸ badly にはwant, need, be in need of A 等を強調する用法がある。
I’d like you to bring back the drama program. Connie, the school desperately requires a drama program.
I’d like you to bring back the drama program. Connie, the school is in dire need of a drama program.


Mathematics (    ) my favorite subject when I was young.

Mathematics was my favorite subject when I was young.
▸ 学問・学科名は単数扱い
Mathematics was my favorite subject when I was young.
When I was young, mathematics held the top spot as my favorite subject.


“These documents have to be ready first thing tomorrow morning?”
“That’s right. Somehow we’ve got to (    ) (    ) (    ) today.”

“These documents have to be ready first thing tomorrow morning?”
“That’s right. Somehow we’ve got to get them done today.”
▸ get A done「A を…してしまう」
"These documents have to be ready first thing tomorrow morning?"
"That’s right. We absolutely need to get them done today."
"These documents have to be ready first thing tomorrow morning?"
"That’s right. There’s no choice but to get them done today."


This watch is broken, so I must buy (    ).

This watch is broken, so I must buy one.
▸ one は〔可算名詞〕の反復を回避する〈代名詞〉で不特定のものを指す。
This watch is broken, so I must purchase a new one.
This watch is faulty, so I have no option but to buy another one.


We are going to play baseball this afternoon if it stops (    ).

We are going to play baseball this afternoon if it stops raining.
▸ stop doing「…するのをやめる」
We are going to play baseball this afternoon if the rain stops.
If the rain stops, we are going to play baseball this afternoon.


Japanese people (    ) ever go on a trip alone.

Japanese people hardly [scarcely] ever go on a trip alone.
▸ hardly[scarcely] ever「めったに…ない」(=seldom [rarely])
Japanese people almost never go on a trip alone.
Japanese people scarcely ever embark on solo trips.


A better bridge could have been built (    ) (    ) (    ) assistance.

A better bridge could have been built had they offered assistance.
▸ 仮定法過去完了の条件節からif 省略による倒置形。
If they had offered assistance, a better bridge could have been built.
Had they offered assistance, a better bridge could have been constructed.


You can catch (    ) of these buses. They all go to the city center.

You can catch any of these buses. They all go to the city center.
▸ any of A「A の中のどれでも」《肯定文中で用いる》
You can catch any of these buses. They all head to the city center.
All of these buses go to the city center, so you can catch any of them.


(    ) it ever so humble, there is no place like home.

Be it ever so humble, there is no place like home.
▸ Be it ever so humble =No matter how humble it may be〈譲歩〉
No matter how humble it may be, there is no place like home.
There is no place like home, no matter how humble it may be.


Standing as it (    ) on a hill, the restaurant commands a fine view.

Standing as it does on a hill, the restaurant commands a fine view.
▸ as S do を現在分詞の直後に置いて分詞構文の分詞の意を強調する用法。
Standing on a hill, the restaurant offers a fine view.
The restaurant, standing on a hill, commands a fine view.


Sue, please don’t forget (    ) (    ) this letter on your way to the station. It
has to get to Brian by Saturday.

Sue, please don’t forget to mail this letter on your way to the station. It has to get to Brian
by Saturday.
▸ forget to do「…することを忘れる」
Sue, please don’t forget to mail this letter on your way to the station. It has to reach Brian by Saturday.
Sue, please make sure to mail this letter on your way to the station. It must get to Brian by Saturday.


He is (    ) to me in speaking English.

He is superior to me in speaking English.
▸ =He is a better speaker of English than I.
He speaks English better than I do.
I am not as good a speaker of English as he is.


(    ) was the force of the explosion that all the windows were broken into pieces.

Such was the force of the explosion that all the windows were broken into pieces.
▸ Such is S that …「S は…するほどのものだ」(=S is so great that … )
Such was the force of the explosion that all the windows shattered into pieces.
The explosion was so great that all the windows were broken into pieces.


6 か月以内に返すという条件で,君にお金を貸しましょう。
I’ll lend you the money (    ) condition that you return it within six months.

I’ll lend you the money on condition that you return it within six months.
▸ on condition that …「…という条件で,…ならば」
I’ll lend you the money under the condition that you return it within six months.
I’ll lend you the money, but you must return it within six months as a condition.


Does British foreign policy remain the same, (    ) party is in power?

Does British foreign policy remain the same, whichever party is in power?
▸ whichever N (S) V「どちらのN が~であろうと」〈譲歩の副詞節〉
Does British foreign policy remain the same, regardless of which party is in power?
Does British foreign policy remain constant, no matter which party is in power?


The man built a fire in order to keep his hands (    ) freezing.

The man built a fire in order to keep his hands from freezing.
▸ keep A from doing「A が~するのを妨げる」(=prevent A from doing)
He built a fire to keep his hands from freezing.
He built a fire in order to prevent his hands from freezing.


あなたが50 歳になるまでには,世界は大きく変わっているでしょう。
(    ) (    ) (    ) you are fifty, the world will have greatly changed.

By the time you are fifty, the world will have greatly changed.
▸ by the time SV「…するまでには」
By the time you reach fifty, the world will have changed significantly.
The world will have greatly changed by the time you reach fifty.


She is putting a lot of posters (    ) the walls of her room.

She is putting a lot of posters on the walls of her room.
▸ on の基本義〈表面接触〉
She is putting up a lot of posters on the walls of her room.
She is placing many posters on the walls of her room.


(    ) (    ) Japanese like to eat rice.

Almost all Japanese like to eat rice.
▸ almost all+名詞 = most+名詞「大半の…」
Almost all Japanese people enjoy eating rice.
Most Japanese people like to eat rice.


Are you for the plan or (    ) it?

Are you for the plan or against it?
▸ against「反対」
Are you in favor of the plan or opposed to it?
Do you support the plan, or are you against it?


I’ll be at home watching TV until (    ) (    ) (    ).

I’ll be at home watching TV until you come back.
▸ until で導かれるのは時の副詞節なので〈現在時制〉
I’ll be at home watching TV until your return.
I’ll stay at home watching TV until you come back.


I am sure you will feel a lot better if (    ) (    ) a good night’s sleep.

I am sure you will feel a lot better if you have a good night’s sleep.
▸ if で導かれるのは条件の副詞節なので〈現在時制〉
I am sure you will feel much better if you get a good night’s sleep.
If you get a good night’s sleep, I am sure you will feel much better.


Hardly had I spoken to him (    ) he left.

Hardly had I spoken to him when [before] he left.
▸ Hardly had S done … when[before] ~ 「…するとすぐに~」
No sooner had I spoken to him than he left.
Before I could finish speaking to him, he left.


I have to find a policeman as soon as possible because my bag
(    ) (    ) (    ).

I have to find a policeman as soon as possible because my bag has been stolen.
▸ have been done ―〈完了形の受動態〉
I have to find a policeman as soon as possible because someone stole my bag.
Because my bag has been stolen, I need to find a policeman as soon as possible.



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英語パーソナルジム HIET(ヒート)/ High Intensity English Training

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