大学入試 アウトプット英単語 ⑤

TEX 二井原

TEX 二井原



対象の大学レベルは国公立・早慶・MARCH 等です。


The tournament at Wimbledon is (    ) (    )
(    ) tennis players dream of winning.

The tournament at Wimbledon is the one all tennis players dream of winning.
=The tournament at Wimbledon is what every tennis player aspires to win.
=Wimbledon's tournament is the one every tennis player dreams of winning.
▸ the one=the tournament
one が修飾されて限定されるのでthe がつく


現在の東京は,100 年前の東京とは大きく異なります。
Tokyo today is very different from (    ) it was a hundred years ago.

Tokyo today is very different from what it was a hundred years ago.
=Tokyo today is vastly distinct from how it appeared a century ago.
=Tokyo today looks very different compared to a hundred years ago.
▸ what S was「昔のS(の姿)」


“I didn’t go to class yesterday because my car broke down.”
“You (    ) (    ) (    ) mine. I wasn’t using it.”

“I didn’t go to class yesterday because my car broke down.”
="I didn't attend class yesterday due to my car breaking down."
="I skipped class yesterday because my car had a breakdown."
“You could have borrowed mine. I wasn’t using it.”
="You could have borrowed my car; I wasn't using it."
="You could've taken my car; I wasn't using it."
▸ 条件の無い仮定法では「…するなら」という話者の意識がある


This movie is (    ) far the most interesting of all.

This movie is by far the most interesting of all.
=This movie is unquestionably the most captivating of all.
=By a large margin, this movie is the most interesting of all.
▸ by far で最上級の強調を表す。


She sent me a telegram (    ) that her father was in serious condition.

She sent me a telegram saying that her father was in serious condition.
=She sent me a telegram in which she informed me of her father's serious condition.
=Her telegram contained the message that her father was in a critical condition.
▸ say that 節「…と書いてある」
 tell, talk, speak+that 節は語法的に不可


Mary sings better than (    ) other girl in her class.

Mary sings better than any other girl in her class.
=Mary's singing surpasses that of any other girl in her class.
=In her class, Mary is the best singer compared to any other girl.
▸ A is+比較級+than any other+単数名詞
「A は他のいかなる~よりも…」


The new theory has (    ) to be proved.

The new theory has yet to be proved.
=The new theory still requires proof.
=Proof for the new theory has not been established yet.
▸ have yet to do「まだ…していない」


He has two other children (    ) Alan.

He has two other children besides Alan.
=Apart from Alan, he also has two more children.
=In addition to Alan, he has two other children.
▸ besides「…に加えて」〈追加〉


“If you won the prize, what would you do with the money, Julie?”
“I would like to visit (    ) (    ) in the world.”

“If you won the prize, what would you do with the money, Julie?”
="If you were to win the prize, Julie, what would you do with the money?"
="What if you won the prize, Julie? How would you use the money?"
“I would like to visit every country in the world.”
="I'd like to visit every single country in the world."
="I'd love to travel to every country worldwide."
▸ every+単数名詞 ここではall countries も可。


(    ) (    ) I don’t think they will consider promoting Michael.

etween ourselves I don’t think they will consider promoting Michael.
=Privately, I don't believe they will consider promoting Michael.
=Just between you and me, I doubt they'll think about promoting Michael.
▸ between ourselves「ここだけの話だが」(=between you and me)


Her joke was ignored by most of the people in the room,
(    ) I enjoyed it somehow.

Her joke was ignored by most of the people in the room, yet [but] I enjoyed it somehow.
=Her joke went unnoticed by most of the people in the room, but I somehow found it enjoyable.
=While most people in the room ignored her joke, I managed to enjoy it.
▸ SV 構造が二つで接続詞で対比を表す語が必要


I remember (    ) (    ) about my hometown at the welcome party.

I remember being asked about my hometown at the welcome party.
=I recall being questioned about my hometown during the welcome party.
=At the welcome party, I have a memory of people asking about my hometown.
▸ remember doing「…したことを覚えている」


Let’s talk (    ) a cup of tea, shall we?

Let’s talk over a cup of tea, shall we?
=How about discussing things while having a cup of tea, shall we?
=Let's have a conversation while enjoying a cup of tea, shall we?
▸ over〈従事〉「…しながら」


This personal computer (    ) repairing.

This personal computer wants repairing.
=This personal computer requires repair.
=This personal computer needs to be fixed.
▸ want doing「…される必要がある」(=need to be done)


Hiroko’s father has (    ) to San Francisco.

Hiroko’s father has gone to San Francisco.
=Hiroko's father has traveled to San Francisco.
=Hiroko's father has made a trip to San Francisco.
▸ have gone to A「A に行った」「A に行ったことがある」


Neither my parents nor my brother (    ) here.

Neither my parents nor my brother is here.
=Both my parents and my brother are absent.
=My parents and my brother are not here.
▸ neither A nor B では B に一致


“I’m afraid this painting is not by Picasso.”
“It’s only a copy, so it’s (w    ).”

“I’m afraid this painting is not by Picasso.”
="I'm sorry, but this artwork isn't by Picasso."
="Regrettably, this painting is not a genuine Picasso."
“It’ only a copy, so it’s worthless.”
="It's just a replica, so it holds no value."
="It's just a duplicate, making it devoid of value."s
▸ worthless「価値の無い」(=valueless)


Yesterday morning, I (    ) missed the bus.

Yesterday morning, I almost [nearly] missed the bus.
=Yesterday morning, I came very close to failing to catch the bus.
=I barely made it to the bus yesterday morning.
▸ almost[nearly]「ほとんど…」


What’s the (    ) on the buses in this city?

What’s the fare on the buses in this city?
=How much does it cost to ride the buses in this city?
=What's the price for bus rides in this city?
▸ fare「運賃」


There is plenty of (    ) for improvement in his work.

There is plenty of room for improvement in his work.
=There is ample space for enhancing his work.
=His work has considerable potential for improvement.
▸ room〈不可算名詞〉「余地・空間」


I wrote to my parents; (    ) they would have worried about me.

I wrote to my parents; otherwise they would have worried about me.
=I wrote to my parents to prevent them from becoming concerned about me.
=I sent a letter to my parents to keep them from worrying about me.
▸ otherwise「さもなければ」


私はカメラを3 度調べてもらったが,誰もカメラの故障箇所を正確に指摘できなかった。
I’ve had my camera (    ) three times but no one has been
able to pinpoint the problem.

I’ve had my camera examined three times but no one has been able to pinpoint the problem.
=I've had my camera checked three times, yet no one has been able to identify the issue.
=Despite three examinations, the problem with my camera remains elusive.
▸ have A done「A を…してもらう」(=get A done)


Harry always arrives on time. He’s so (    ).

Harry always arrives on time. He’s so punctual.
=Harry is consistently punctual, always arriving on time.
=Harry is known for his punctuality; he's never late.
▸ punctual「時間に正確な」


I’m afraid I’m not (    ) of a musician.

I’m afraid I’m not much of a musician.
=I'm sorry, but I don't consider myself much of a musician.
=Regrettably, I'm not highly skilled as a musician.
▸ not much of a A「たいしたA ではない」


I’m going to leave now, (    ) (    ) (    )
(    ) be late.

I’m going to leave now, so as not to be late.
=I'm leaving now to ensure I'm not late.
=I'm departing to make sure I'm not tardy.
▸ so as not to do [in order not to do]「…しないように」

The tournament at Wimbledon is the one all tennis players dream of winning.
The tournament at Wimbledon is what every tennis player aspires to win.
Wimbledon's tournament is the one every tennis player dreams of winning.

Tokyo today is very different from what it was a hundred years ago.
Tokyo today is vastly distinct from how it appeared a century ago.
Tokyo today looks very different compared to a hundred years ago.

“I didn’t go to class yesterday because my car broke down.”
“You could have borrowed mine. I wasn’t using it.”
"I didn't attend class yesterday due to my car breaking down."
"You could have borrowed my car; I wasn't using it."
"I skipped class yesterday because my car had a breakdown."
"You could've taken my car; I wasn't using it."

This movie is by far the most interesting of all.
This movie is unquestionably the most captivating of all.
By a large margin, this movie is the most interesting of all.

She sent me a telegram saying that her father was in serious condition.
She sent me a telegram in which she informed me of her father's serious condition.
Her telegram contained the message that her father was in a critical condition.

Mary sings better than any other girl in her class.
Mary's singing surpasses that of any other girl in her class.
In her class, Mary is the best singer compared to any other girl.

The new theory has yet to be proved.
The new theory still requires proof.
Proof for the new theory has not been established yet.

He has two other children besides Alan.
Apart from Alan, he also has two more children.
In addition to Alan, he has two other children.

“If you won the prize, what would you do with the money, Julie?”
“I would like to visit every country in the world.”
"If you were to win the prize, Julie, what would you do with the money?"
"I'd like to visit every single country in the world."
"What if you won the prize, Julie? How would you use the money?"
"I'd love to travel to every country worldwide."

Between ourselves I don’t think they will consider promoting Michael.
Privately, I don't believe they will consider promoting Michael.
Just between you and me, I doubt they'll think about promoting Michael.

Her joke was ignored by most of the people in the room, yet [but] I enjoyed it somehow.
Her joke went unnoticed by most of the people in the room, but I somehow found it enjoyable.
While most people in the room ignored her joke, I managed to enjoy it.

I remember being asked about my hometown at the welcome party.
I recall being questioned about my hometown during the welcome party.
At the welcome party, I have a memory of people asking about my hometown.

Let’s talk over a cup of tea, shall we?
How about discussing things while having a cup of tea, shall we?
Let's have a conversation while enjoying a cup of tea, shall we?

This personal computer wants repairing.
This personal computer requires repair.
This personal computer needs to be fixed.

Hiroko’s father has gone to San Francisco.
Hiroko's father has traveled to San Francisco.
Hiroko's father has made a trip to San Francisco.

Neither my parents nor my brother is here.
Both my parents and my brother are absent.
My parents and my brother are not here.

“I’m afraid this painting is not by Picasso.”
“It’s only a copy, so it’s worthless.”
"I'm sorry, but this artwork isn't by Picasso."
"It's just a replica, so it holds no value."
"Regrettably, this painting is not a genuine Picasso."
"It's just a duplicate, making it devoid of value."

Yesterday morning, I almost [nearly] missed the bus.
Yesterday morning, I came very close to failing to catch the bus.
I barely made it to the bus yesterday morning.

What’s the fare on the buses in this city?
How much does it cost to ride the buses in this city?
What's the price for bus rides in this city?

There is plenty of room for improvement in his work.
There is ample space for enhancing his work.
His work has considerable potential for improvement.

I wrote to my parents; otherwise they would have worried about me.
I wrote to my parents to prevent them from becoming concerned about me.
I sent a letter to my parents to keep them from worrying about me.

I’ve had my camera examined three times but no one has been able to pinpoint the problem.
I've had my camera checked three times, yet no one has been able to identify the issue.
Despite three examinations, the problem with my camera remains elusive.

Harry always arrives on time. He’s so punctual.
Harry is consistently punctual, always arriving on time.
Harry is known for his punctuality; he's never late.

I’m afraid I’m not much of a musician.
I'm sorry, but I don't consider myself much of a musician.
Regrettably, I'm not highly skilled as a musician.

I’m going to leave now, so as not to be late.
I'm leaving now to ensure I'm not late.
I'm departing to make sure I'm not tardy.



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TEX 二井原

TEX 二井原(英語講師)

英語パーソナルジム HIET(ヒート)/ High Intensity English Training

★英検1級所持の代表自ら個別指導★ 難関大合格 ★ 英検合格 3~1級合格 ★ TOEIC 900 突破 ★ たった一人の生徒さんに完璧に合わせたプログラム

TEX 二井原プロは神戸新聞社が厳正なる審査をした登録専門家です







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