大学入試 アウトプット英単語 ②

TEX 二井原

TEX 二井原





His salary is too (   ) to support his family.

His salary is too low to support his family.
▸ lowには「給料が安い」の意がある
His salary is too low to sustain his family.
His salary is too low to provide for his family.


(   ) a (   ) people attended the wedding ceremony.

Not [Quite] a few people attended the wedding ceremony.
▸ not a few+複数名詞「かなりの数の」
Not quite a few people attended the wedding ceremony.
Not a few people attended the wedding ceremony.


Japanese people (   ) ever go on a trip alone.

Japanese people hardly [scarcely] ever go on a trip alone.
▸ hardly[scarcely] ever「めったに…ない」〈程度〉
Japanese people hardly ever go on a trip alone.
Japanese people scarcely ever go on a trip alone.


“Can you (    ) me some money?”
“Of course, how much do you need?”

“Can you lend me some money?”
“Of course, how much do you need?”
▸ lend A B「AにBを貸す」
"Can you lend me some cash?"
"Of course, how much do you need?"
"Can you lend me some money?"
"Of course, how much do you need?"


“Can you tell me where the Red Cross Hospital is?”
“I’m sorry but I’m a (   ) here.”

“Can you tell me where the Red Cross Hospital is?”
“I'm sorry but I’m a stranger here.”
▸ strangerは「見知らぬ人」の他に
"Can you tell me where the Red Cross Hospital is?"
"I'm sorry but I’m a stranger here."
"Can you tell me where the Red Cross Hospital is?"
"I'm sorry but I’m not from around here."


It’s not my (    ) if the party is cancelled.

It’s not my fault if the party is cancelled.
▸ A’s fault「Aの責任」
It’s not my responsibility if the party is canceled.
It’s not my fault if the party is called off.


You had better (    ) a doctor about your health.

You had better consult a doctor about your health.
▸ consult a doctor「医者に診察してもらう」
see a doctorも同義
You had better consult a doctor about your health.
You had better see a doctor about your health.


One day, everybody will (    ) (    ) (   ) travel where they want.

One day, everybody will be able to travel where they want.
▸ be able to do「…することができる」
One day, everybody will have the ability to travel where they want.
One day, everybody will have the opportunity to travel where they want.


He trained the dog to look after his (    ) of sheep.

He trained the dog to look after his flock of sheep.
▸ flock「鳥や羊の群れ」
He trained the dog to take care of his flock of sheep.
He trained the dog to guard his flock of sheep.


Bill is in the (   ) of drinking milk with all his meals.

Bill is in the habit of drinking milk with all his meals.
▸ habit「個人的な習慣」 custom「社会的習慣」
Bill is accustomed to drinking milk with all his meals.
Bill is in the habit of consuming milk with all his meals.


You’ve done a great (    ) raising your kids.

You’ve done a great job raising your kids.
▸ do a great[good] job「うまくやってのける」
You’ve done a fantastic job raising your kids.
You’ve done an excellent job raising your kids.


He is a (   ) father.

He is a considerate father.
▸ considerate「思いやりのある」
He is a thoughtful father.
He is a considerate father.


Since then I have (   ) (   ) (   ) him very well.

Since then I have come to know him very well.
▸ come to do「…するようになる」
Since then I have come to understand him very well.
Since then I have come to know him very well.


What’s the (   ) on the buses in this city?

What’s the fare on the buses in this city?
▸ fare「運賃」
What’s the fare for the buses in this city?
What’s the price for the buses in this city?


There is plenty of (    ) for improvement in his work.

There is plenty of room for improvement in his work.
▸ There is room for A「Aの余地がある」
There is plenty of space for improvement in his work.
There is ample room for improvement in his work.


What did the car look like? Can you (   ) a picture of it?

What did the car look like? Can you draw a picture of it?
▸ draw a picture「絵を描く」
What did the car resemble? Can you draw a picture of it?
What did the car look like? Can you sketch a picture of it?


Try to forget it; it isn’t worth (   ) about.

Try to forget it; it isn’t worth worrying about.
▸ A is worth doing「Aは…する価値がある」
Try to forget it; it isn’t worth fretting about.
Try to forget it; it isn’t worth worrying about.


He had a dream of becoming a politician even though he didn’t know how to (   ) it.

He had a dream of becoming a politician even though he didn't know how to realize it.
▸ realize A「Aを実現する」
He had a dream of being a politician even though he didn't know how to achieve it.
He had a dream of becoming a politician even though he didn't know how to make it happen.


I thought I had seen the man (   ) (   ) (   ).

I thought I had seen the man a week before.
▸ before〈過去完了時制〉, ago〈過去時制〉
I thought I had met the man a week ago.
I thought I had encountered the man a week before.


She took (   ) to get it absolutely perfect.

She took pains to get it absolutely perfect.
▸ take pains「苦労する」
She took great pains to make it absolutely perfect.
She took great effort to make it absolutely perfect.


She didn’t want to help John. 
She had not been on good (   ) with him.

She didn’t want to help John. 
She had not been on good terms with him.
▸ be on … term with A「Aとは…の間柄である」
She didn't want to help John.
She didn't want to assist John.


Excuse me, I’d like to (   ) these two books. How long can I keep them?

Excuse me, I’d like to borrow these two books. 
How long can I keep them?
▸ borrow A「Aを無料で借りる」


The eighteenth century (   ) Germany’s recovery from the wounds of the Thirty Years’ War.

The eighteenth century saw Germany’s recovery from the wounds of the Thirty Years’ War.
▸ see A「(時代が)Aを目撃する」
The eighteenth century observed Germany's revival from the effects of the Thirty Years’ War.
The eighteenth century witnessed Germany's recovery from the effects of the Thirty Years’ War.


Somebody broke into (   ) (   ) last night.

Somebody broke into the safe last night.
▸ safeは名詞として「金庫」の意を表す
Somebody broke into the strongbox last night.
Somebody broke into the safe last night.


It’s (   ) that you have such a good friend.

It’s fortunate that you have such a good friend.
▸ It is fortunate that節「幸いなことに…である」
It's lucky that you have such a dependable friend.
It's fortunate that you have such a reliable friend.


I’d like you to bring back the drama program. Connie, the school is (   ) in need of a drama program.

I’d like you to bring back the drama program. 
Connie, the school is badly in need of a drama program.
▸ badlyはwant, need, in need of Aなどを強調して
I'd like you to bring back the drama program. Connie, the school is badly in need of a drama program.
I'd like you to revive the drama program. Connie, the school is in dire need of a drama program.


The new stadium is very big. It has a seating (   ) of about 80,000.

The new stadium is very big. 
It has a seating capacity of about 80,000.
▸ capacity「(部屋・建物・乗り物などの)収容能力」
The new stadium is extremely roomy. It has a seating capacity of approximately 80,000.
The new stadium is very spacious. It has a seating capacity of about 80,000.


Will you lend me (   ) money?

Will you lend me some money?
▸ some+不可算名詞「多少の…」
▸ the wrong A「違うA,間違ったA」
Will you lend me some money?
Will you lend me some cash?


“Hello. This is Jane Smith. Could I speak to Mr. Brown?”
“I’m afraid you have the (   ) number. 
This is Mars University.”

“Hello. This is Jane Smith. Could I speak to Mr. Brown?”
“I’m afraid you have the wrong number. This is Mars University.”
▸ the wrong A「違うA,間違ったA」
"I’m afraid you have the incorrect number. This is Mars University."
"I’m sorry, but you've dialed the wrong number. This is Mars University."


I made (    ) (   ) to see the dentist at three o’clock.

I made an appointment to see the dentist at three o’clock.
▸ appointment「医者・美容院などの予約」
Send me a message as soon as you arrive there.
Send me a message as soon as you get there.


“What are you planning to do when the tests are over ?”
“I’m going to (   ) home.”

“What are you planning to do when the tests are over?”
“I’m going to go home.”
▸ go homeのhomeは副詞で「家へ」の意
"I’m going to return home."
"I’m going to go home."


“Can you tell me how to use this machine?”
“I’m sorry, I have no (   ).”

“Can you tell me how to use this machine?”
“I’m sorry, I have no idea.”
▸ have no idea=don’t have any idea「分からない」
"Can you tell me how to use this machine?"
"I’m sorry, I have no clue."
"Can you tell me how to use this machine?"
"I’m sorry, I have no idea."


The player felt (    ) weak after finishing the game.

The player felt pretty weak after finishing the game.
▸ pretty〈副〉形容詞の直前で「かなり」の意を表す
The player felt rather weak after finishing the game.
The player felt quite feeble after finishing the game.


(    ) (   ) Mr. Johnson was a really considerate person. 
If anyone got sick, he was the first to visit and offer help.

The late Mr. Johnson was a really considerate person. If anyone got sick, he was the first to visit and offer help.
▸ the late A「亡くなったA・故A」
The deceased Mr. Johnson was a really caring person. If anyone fell ill, he was the first to visit and offer help.
The late Mr. Johnson was a truly compassionate person. If anyone fell ill, he was the first to visit and offer help.


We must go early; (   ) we won’t get good seats.

We must go early; otherwise we won’t get good seats.
▸ otherwise「さもなければ」
We must leave early; otherwise, we won’t get good seats.
We must depart early; otherwise, we won't secure good seats.


Your children should be more (    ) toward their teachers.

Your children should be more respectful toward their teachers.
▸ respectful「礼儀正しい」
Your children should be more polite to their teachers.
Your children should be more respectful to their teachers.


I was deeply (   ) with myself after losing the race.

I was deeply disappointed with myself after losing the race.
▸ disappointed「失望して ← 失望させられて」
I was really disappointed in myself after losing the race.
I was truly disappointed in myself after losing the race.


That old woman was barely (   ) but was a highly competent storyteller.

That old woman was barely literate but was a highly competent storyteller.
▸ literate「読み書きのできる」
As I had a stomachache, I hardly [scarcely] ate anything yesterday.
▸ hardly[scarcely]「ほとんど…ない」〈程度〉
That old woman was hardly literate but was a highly skilled storyteller.
That old woman was barely literate but was a highly skilled storyteller.


As I had a stomachache, I (    ) ate anything yesterday.

Drop me a line as soon as you get there.
▸ drop A a line「Aに一筆書く」
As I had a stomachache, I hardly ate anything yesterday.
As I had a stomachache, I scarcely ate anything yesterday.


Drop me a (   ) as soon as you get there.

Drop me a line as soon as you get there.
▸ drop A a line「Aに一筆書く」
Send me a message as soon as you arrive there.
Drop me a line as soon as you arrive there.


It is worth (   ) to visit London.

It is worth while to visit London.
▸ worth while to do「…する価値がある」書き換えると, London is worth visiting.
It's worth visiting London.
It's worthwhile to visit London.


During this period the foundation was (   ) for many Japanese traditions.

During this period the foundation was laid for many Japanese traditions.
▸ 〈他動〉raise ― raised ― raised ― raising
During this period, the foundation was established for many Japanese traditions.
During this period, the foundation was laid for many Japanese traditions.


Ellen told (   ) (   ) she had lost her purse.

Ellen told me that she had lost her purse.
▸ tell A that節「Aに…を言う」
Ellen informed me that she had lost her purse.
Ellen told me that she had misplaced her purse.


I would not (   ) anything if I were you.

I would not say anything if I were you.
▸ say A「Aを言う」
I would not say anything if I were you.
I wouldn't say a word if I were you.


When Henry is angry, the expression on his face (   ) me of his grandfather.

When Henry is angry, the expression on his face reminds me of his grandfather.
▸ remind A of B「AにBのことを思い出させる」
recall, recollect, rememberは通例Sが〈人〉になる
When Henry is angry, the expression on his face brings to mind his grandfather.
When Henry is angry, the expression on his face reminds me of his grandfather.


I (   ) to him that he would have to wait a little longer for the bus.

I explained to him that he would have to wait a little longer for the bus.
▸ explain A to B「AのことをBに説明する」
I explained to him that he would have to wait a little longer for the bus.
I told him that he would have to wait a little longer for the bus.


She sent me a telegram (    ) that her father was in serious condition.

She sent me a telegram saying that her father was in serious condition.
▸ S say that節「Sには…だと書いてある」
She sent me a message stating that her father was in a serious condition.
She sent me a message saying that her father was in a serious condition.


We (   ) (   ) air pollution.

We talked about air pollution.
▸ talk about A「Aについて話す」(=discuss A)
talk, speakは基本的に〈自動〉で用いる
We talked about air pollution.
We discussed air pollution.


The dictionary (   ) (    ) on the bookshelf.

The dictionary was lying on the bookshelf.
The dictionary was lying on the bookshelf.
The dictionary was resting on the bookshelf.


I heard somebody (   ) my mother about the accident, and I noticed that the news upset her.

I heard somebody tell my mother about the accident, and I noticed that the news upset her.
▸ say, tellは基本的に〈他動〉だが
I heard somebody tell my mother about the accident, and I observed that the news upset her.
I heard somebody inform my mother about the accident, and I noticed that the news upset her.


051 His salary is too low to support his family.
▸ lowには「給料が安い」の意がある。

052 Not [Quite] a few people attended the wedding ceremony.
▸ not a few+複数名詞「かなりの数の」

053 Japanese people hardly [scarcely] ever go on a trip alone.
▸ hardly[scarcely] ever「めったに…ない」〈程度〉

054  “Can you lend me some money?”
“Of course, how much do you need?”

054  “Can you lend me some money?”
“Of course, how much do you need?”
▸ lend A B「AにBを貸す」

055 “Can you tell me where the Red Cross Hospital is?”
“I'm sorry but I’m a stranger here.”

▸ strangerは「見知らぬ人」

056  It’s not my fault if the party is cancelled.
▸ A’s fault「Aの責任」

057 You had better consult a doctor about your health.
▸ consult a doctor「医者に診察してもらう」
see a doctorも同義

058 One day, everybody will be able to travel where they want.
▸ be able to do「…することができる」

059  He trained the dog to look after his flock of sheep.
059  He trained the dog to look after his flock of sheep.
▸ flock「鳥や羊の群れ」

060  Bill is in the habit of drinking milk with all his meals.
▸ habit「個人的な習慣」 custom「社会的習慣」

061 You’ve done a great job raising your kids.
▸ do a great[good] job「うまくやってのける」

062 He is a considerate father.
▸ considerate「思いやりのある」thoughtfulも同義

063  Since then I have come to know him very well.
▸ come to do「…するようになる」

064  What’s the fare on the buses in this city?
▸ fare「運賃」

065 There is plenty of room for improvement in his work.
▸ There is room for A「Aの余地がある」

066 What did the car look like? 
Can you draw a picture of it?

▸ draw a picture「絵を描く」

067 Try to forget it; it isn’t worth worrying about.
▸ A is worth doing「Aは…する価値がある」

068 He had a dream of becoming a politician even though he didn't know how to realize it.
▸ realize A「Aを実現する」

069 I thought I had seen the man a week before.
▸ before〈過去完了時制〉

070 She took pains to get it absolutely perfect.
▸ take pains「苦労する」

071 She didn’t want to help John. 
She had not been on good terms with him.

▸ be on … term with A「Aとは…の間柄である」

072 Excuse me, I’d like to borrow these two books. 
How long can I keep them?
▸ borrow A「Aを無料で借りる」

073 The eighteenth century saw Germany’s recovery from the wounds of the Thirty Years’ War.
▸ see A「(時代が)Aを目撃する」

074 Somebody broke into the safe last night.
▸ safeは名詞として「金庫」の意を表す

075 It’s fortunate that you have such a good friend.
▸ It is fortunate that節「幸いなことに…である」

076 I’d like you to bring back the drama program. Connie, the school is badly in need of a drama program.
▸ badlyはwant, need, in need of Aなどを強調して「とても」の意を表す

077  The new stadium is very big. It has a seating capacity of about 80,000.
▸ capacity「(部屋・建物・乗り物などの)収容能力」

078 Will you lend me some money?
▸ some+不可算名詞「多少の…」

079 “Hello. This is Jane Smith. Could I speak to Mr. Brown?” “I’m afraid you have the wrong number. This is Mars University.”
▸ the wrong A「違うA,間違ったA」

080 I made an appointment to see the dentist at three o’clock.
▸ appointment「医者・美容院などの予約」

081 “What are you planning to do when the tests are over?” “I’m going to go home.”
▸ go home の homeは副詞で「家へ」の意

082  “Can you tell me how to use this machine?” “I’m sorry, I have no idea.”
▸ have no idea=don’t have any idea「分からない」

083 The player felt pretty weak after finishing the game.
▸ pretty〈副〉形容詞の直前で「かなり」の意を表す

084 The late Mr. Johnson was a really considerate person. If anyone got sick, he was the first to visit and offer help.
▸ the late A「亡くなったA・故A」

085 We must go early; otherwise we won’t get good seats.
▸ otherwise「さもなければ」

086 Your children should be more respectful toward their teachers.
▸ respectful「礼儀正しい」

087 I was deeply disappointed with myself after losing the race.
▸ disappointed「失望して ← 失望させられて」

088 That old woman was barely literate but was a highly competent storyteller.
▸ literate「読み書きのできる」

089 As I had a stomachache, I hardly [scarcely] ate anything yesterday.
▸ hardly[scarcely]「ほとんど…ない」〈程度〉

090 Drop me a line as soon as you get there.
▸ drop A a line「Aに一筆書く」

091 It is worth while to visit London.
▸ worth while to do「…する価値がある」
London is worth visiting.

092 During this period the foundation was laid for many Japanese traditions.
▸ 〈他動〉raise ― raised ― raised ― raising

093 Ellen told me that she had lost her purse.
▸ tell A that節「Aに…を言う」

094  I would not say anything if I were you.
▸ say A「Aを言う」

095 When Henry is angry, the expression on his face reminds me of his grandfather.
▸ remind A of B「AにBのことを思い出させる」
recall, recollect, rememberは通例Sが〈人〉になる

096 I explained to him that he would have to wait a little longer for the bus.
▸ explain A to B「AのことをBに説明する」

097 She sent me a telegram saying that her father was in serious condition.
▸ S say that節「Sには…だと書いてある」

098 We talked about air pollution.
▸ talk about A「Aについて話す」(=discuss A)
talk, speakは基本的に〈自動〉で用いる

099 The dictionary was lying on the bookshelf.

100 I heard somebody tell my mother about the accident, and I noticed that the news upset her.
▸ say, tellは基本的に〈他動〉



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