英検準1級ライティング は「大学入試」や「英検1級2次」対策に有効!

TEX 二井原

TEX 二井原









● 神戸大学
● 九州大学
● 名古屋大学
● 琉球大学
● 長崎大学
● 佐賀大学







理由が2個になり、長さが120~150words 程度なので、











● 気候変動
● 人口知能
● 移民受け入れ
● 高齢化社会
● ネット犯罪
● 高齢化社会


もちろん Japantimes の完全制覇も優れた構成です。










I think とか I believe を散りばめた英文は間違いではないです。












<人称主語ではないS + V + O(人)> の構造で、

<S=原因 + O(C)=結果> 



無生物主語+allows / enables +人+to do
無生物主語+makes it possible for 人 to do










Do you think that it is desirable for stores to stay open 24 hours a day?
● Effect on environment
● Effect on workers
● Customer needs
● Profit

Today, an increasing number of stores are staying open 24 hours a day. I think that this is a desirable trend for two reasons.
The first reason is that the needs of modern-day customers are different than in the past. Nowadays, many people work long or irregular hours. They do not have time to go to stores within traditional opening hours. If businesses want to meet customer needs, it is necessary for them to stay open 24 hours a day.
Another important point is that 24-hour opening is much more profitable for business owners. Longer opening hours mean that stores can attract a larger number of customers and make more money.
In conclusion, if stores want to fulfill customer needs as well as make a profit, it is desirable that they stay open 24 hours a day.

As reasons mentioned above, opening 24 hours a day would make stores more profitable and at the same time useful for customers. Good for everyone!

Although many stores these days are open 24 hours a day, I do not think this is a desirable situation.
In many cases, if businesses are open 24 hours a day, employees have to work various shifts. This can put a strain on their personal lives. For example, it is very hard to raise children while doing shift work.
Staying open around the clock is also not good for the environment. It takes a substantial amount of electricity to keep a store open 24 hours a day. It would save a lot of energy if stores closed for several hours each day.
Although more and more stores now seem to be open 24 hours a day, this is not a desirable trend because of possible negative effects on the lives of workers and the environment.

What we have to keep in mind is the possibility of negative effects by pursuit of profit.

Agree or disagree: People will stop subscribing to printed newspapers in the future
● Reliability
● Environment
● Cost
● Convenience

In the past, many people had regular subscriptions to printed newspapers. However, there are several reasons why people are likely to stop purchasing newspapers in the future.
The biggest reason is that, unlike a lot of digital news, most printed newspapers are not free. Nowadays, an increasing number of readers are no longer willing to buy a paper when they can get the same news online for nothing.
Secondly, many people these days are concerned about the environmental impact of newspapers. Printed newspapers are not only wasteful of paper but also require a great deal of energy to produce and transport. Even worse, they are usually read only once before being thrown away.
Due to concerns about the environment as well as cost, I believe that people will stop subscribing o printed newspapers in the future.

Subscribing to printed newspapers will and should be replaced by digital equipment like smart phones. The role for the old media shall be over soon.

Some people believe that printed newspapers are becoming obsolete. However, there are several reasons why people will continue to subscribe to printed newspapers in the future.
First, printed newspapers are very convenient. This is because you do not need a digital device or Wi-Fi to read one. Physical newspapers can also be read almost anywhere, including in hospitals where digital devices are often banned.
Second, many people like to read printed newspapers because the articles in them tend to be more reliable and detailed than news stories online. While anyone can write a story and publish it on the Internet, newspaper articles are written by professional journalists who spend a long time researching articles and checking facts.
Printed newspapers are not only a reliable source of news, but can be read anywhere without any special equipment. As such, the number of people subscribing to newspapers is likely to remain high.

Printed media still have unchangeable values for some time in the future. As proverb said, ‘People’s habit are hard to get rid of’.

Agree or disagree: Many people in Japan are becoming more concerned about the environment
● Cars
● Shopping bags
● Trash
● Environmentally friendly appliances

The number of people in Japan who are concerned about the environment is increasing. We can see this from looking at shopping habits in Japan.
First of all, the number of people carrying their own reusable shopping bags when they go shopping has gone up lately. In the past, most people would accept disposable supermarket bags without thinking. However, nowadays, many people feel this is very wasteful.
Second, environmentally friendly appliances such as air conditioners, washing machines, and refrigerators are very popular. The number of people willing to buy these eco-friendly appliances, even though they are more expensive, shows that people are becoming more environmentally aware.
If we consider the shopping habits of people in Japan, it is clear that people are becoming more concerned about the environment.

What people are doing on daily life shows the attitude toward environmental concerns.

I disagree with the idea that many people in Japan are becoming more concerned about the environment. I have two reasons for my opinion.
The first reason is the large amount of trash which is thrown away every day. Many Japanese people still use disposable items such as plastic bags, chopsticks, and paper cups on a daily basis. Most of these items are then discarded and burned. This is a major cause of air pollution.
The second reason is the high rate of car ownership and use. Emissions from cars and other forms of transportation are one of the biggest causes of global warming. However, most people in Japan are not willing to give up their cars.
If people in Japan were really concerned about the environment, they would do more to reduce waste and rely less on cars as a form of transportation.

The discussion without action will get you nowhere.

Agree or disagree: The number of people who choose to work remotely will increase in the coming decade
● Time management
● Flexibility
● Cost
● Communication

I agree with the idea that the number of people working remotely will increase in the coming decade. I have two reasons for my opinion.
The main reason is flexibility. Remote workers are able to decide where and when they do their work. This is especially useful for people who are raising young children or taking care of elderly relatives at home.
There are also financial benefits for both employees and employers. Companies do not have to pay transportation fees for employees. Employees can also save money as they do not have to buy expensive business clothing or eat lunch at restaurants.
Working remotely allows people to choose their own schedules and is more cost-effective for both employees and employers. As such, the number of people choosing to work somewhere other than in an office is likely to increase in the coming ten years.

Working in an office would do no good to anybody and disappear sooner or later.

A large number of people are already working remotely. However, due to difficulties related to communication and time management, I doubt this number will increase much in the coming decade.
Firstly, communication is often a problem. When working in an office, it is easy to talk to your coworkers or superiors whenever you have a question. However, if you work from home, you have to send an e-mail or make a phone call every time you have a question.
Secondly, time management can be difficult. There are many distractions at home, such as childcare, housework, and television. Although some people are good at managing their schedules, many others have problems with time management and their productivity falls.
For these reasons, I doubt that the number of people who choose to work remotely will increase in the foreseeable future.

In terms of negative factors mentioned above, telework is to be thought of as premature by a lot of workplaces.

Do you think that it is beneficial to move from urban cities to rural areas after retirement?
● Health
● Convenience
● Isolation
● Cost

Many people dream of living in the countryside after retirement and there are two clear benefits of doing so.
The first advantage is that life in the countryside is much healthier. The air is cleaner, the food is fresher, and people spend more time outdoors. The pace of life is also much slower and less stressful than in a city.
A further benefit of country living is that the cost of living is much lower than in an urban area. For example, both housing and food are relatively inexpensive. This is especially important for retired people living on pensions.
If we consider the health as well as the financial benefits of living in rural areas, it becomes clear that it is a good idea to move to the countryside after retirement.

Living in the countryside after retirement is exactly what many people are longing for.

Many people think it is beneficial to move to rural areas after retirement. However, life in the countryside is often harder than they realize.
One problem is that living in the countryside is less convenient than living in a city. Public transport is often very unreliable and people have to use cars to move around. As people age and become unable to drive, it can be difficult to get to shops or hospitals.
Another drawback to country life is that there is a danger of becoming socially isolated. In cities, there are many opportunities to socialize and make friends at any age. This is very different in the countryside, where there are fewer people and opportunities for social interaction.
Although many people dream of moving to the countryside when they retire, this can be far from beneficial and people should think carefully before they do so.

The reality of life is always harsh. That’s the way it is.

Agree or disagree: People will depend more on self-driving cars in the future
● Safety
● Unexpected problems
● Cost
● Elderly people

Although self-driving cars are a relatively new technology, I think that many people will depend on them in the future as they are safer and can be operated by anyone.
The most important reason that self-driving cars are likely to become popular is safety. The biggest cause of car accidents is human error. For example, many accidents happen because people become distracted while driving. It would be much safer to have cars driven by computers.
Second, self-driving cars are useful for elderly people. At present, a large number of elderly people have to rely on others to drive them around. Self-driving cars offer them a way to be more independent.
Self-driving cars are very safe and offer a barrier-free form of transportation for the elderly. As such, they are bound to become popular in the future.

What many people have been realizing is the benefits of science of technology in self-driving. The times cannot go back.

There is a lot of talk about self-driving cars in the press these days. However, I doubt very much if they will become popular in the near future.
The first reason is cost. At present, the engineering as well as computer and software costs of a self-driving car are very high. This means that these cars are out of the price range of most people.
Secondly, self-driving cars are still very new, and there are many concerns about unexpected problems. For example, no one knows how self-driving cars will respond in accident situations or in unusual weather conditions.
Although the idea of self-driving cars is attractive, development costs are high and there are still many concerns about unexpected problems. Therefore, it is unlikely that many people will come to depend on them in the coming years.

There’re still a long way to go to solve problems in self-driving cars.

Agree or disagree: Life in Japan is becoming more stressful
● Job security
● Household appliances
● Health
● Communications technology

Life in Japan is becoming more stressful as people try to adjust to life without job security, and also to keep up with the demands of communications technology.
One major cause of stress these days is a lack of job security. In the past, most employees in Japan were guaranteed a job for life. However, nowadays many people are employed on insecure temporary contracts.
Advances in communications technology are also making our lives more stressful. Although modern methods of communication like e-mail are convenient, we are now expected to answer phone calls and reply to messages 24 hours a day. As a result, most people have very little time to relax.
Changes in both the employment system and in the way we communicate mean that life in Japan is now much more stressful than in the past.

The situation was not as severe as it is today.

Although life in modern-day Japan is certainly stressful, I think that life was probably more stressful in the past. I have two reasons for my opinion.
The first reason is improvements in health care. In the past, sickness was a big cause of stress for many people. However, thanks to breakthroughs in modern medicine, many diseases can now be treated and cured.
The second reason is the availability of inexpensive household appliances. Appliances such as washing machines, vacuum cleaners, and microwave ovens have reduced the amount of time we spend on housework and made our lives less stressful.
Improvements in health care as well as the availability of inexpensive household appliances mean that life in Japan is now less stressful than ever before.

The times are always improving even it doesn’t seem like that.

Agree or disagree: Children in Japan should begin learning English before they start elementary school
●Time and energy
● Ease of learning
● Enjoyment
● Cost

These days, we are living in a global world where it is necessary to speak English. In my opinion, there are two distinct advantages to starting to learn English as young as possible.
The first reason is that it is much easier. Because young children's brains are still developing, they are able to pick up language naturally. It is also easier to acquire correct pronunciation if you start to learn a language at a young age.
Secondly, it is more enjoyable. Most children enjoy learning English through games and fun activities. In many cases, they gain not only a lifelong interest in learning languages but also a global outlook.
Starting to learn a language at a young age is not only easier but also more enjoyable. As such, it is a good idea for parents in Japan to send their children to language lessons as early as possible.

Don’t miss the opportunity!

Although there are some advantages to starting to learn English before elementary school, I do not think it is realistic for all children in Japan to do so. The first difficulty is cost. These days, the cost of living is very high, and many parents are already struggling to pay for necessities. They do not have extra money to pay for expensive language lessons for their children.
Another reason is that going to English lessons can take a lot of time and energy. Nowadays, in many families, both parents work and it can be time-consuming as well as tiring for both parents and children to commute to language schools in the evenings or on weekends.
Although, in theory, it is a good idea to start learning English when you are young, this can be difficult for practical reasons. Instead, children should start learning English in elementary school.

Things have right timing. Don’t rush!

Agree or disagree: There should be stricter censorship of the Internet
● Freedom of expression
● Security
● Violence
● Laws

I think there are two reasons why stricter censorship of the Internet would be desirable.
First of all, the amount of violent content on the Internet seems to be increasing all the time. Although a lot of these images and videos are not actually illegal, they can be extremely harmful to some people. This is especially true in the case of vulnerable young children who may view violent images by mistake.
The other big reason for more censorship of the Internet is that it would greatly improve our cyber security. Currently, criminal and terrorist groups in many countries use the Internet for their activities. Increased Internet censorship would give the police and law enforcement agencies the
If we are to protect children from violent images and keep ourselves safe from crime and terrorism, stricter Internet censorship is necessary.

Freedom comes with responsibilities. That’s exactly what we adults have to take for our children and society.

These days, many people worry about the amount of dangerous content available on the Internet. Although this is certainly a problem, I disagree with the idea that stricter censorship is the answer for the following two reasons.
One argument against Internet censorship is that there are already existing laws that restrict violent or dangerous content both offline and online. It is not necessary to make more laws specifically for the Internet.
Another point to consider is that strict Internet censorship can affect our right to freedom of expression. For example, in some less democratic countries, governments already use Internet censorship to silence their opponents.
For these reasons, I believe that further censorship of the Internet is neither necessary nor desirable.

Nothing is more precious than basic human values under no circumstances.

Agree or disagree: The Internet has made people more socially isolated

● Effect on work
● Social lives
● Shared interests
● Personal relationships

Although the Internet has enabled us to connect with others easily, it has had a bad effect on both our working and social lives.
First, the Internet has allowed people to work anywhere, anytime. Employees are now expected to continue working even after they come home, so they have less time to spend socializing with family and friends. This results in weakened relationships and feelings of social isolation.
Second, the overuse of social networking services has had a negative impact on our social lives. These days, many people put more energy into maintaining superficial relationships online than on building relationships with those around them. This leads to feelings of loneliness, which causes people to spend more time on the Internet, which results in more social isolation.
Although the Internet can be very useful, it can definitely have a negative effect on our relationships.

Whether the Internet can be a bridge among people depends on how we use it.

Rather than making people more socially isolated, the Internet has made people more socially connected by allowing them to maintain relationships and also to find those with the same interests.
Today, the Internet helps us keep in contact with friends wherever we are in the world. In the past, people would lose touch with friends when they moved away, but thanks to the Internet, we can now maintain these important personal relationships throughout our lives.
The Internet also allows us to find those with shared interests. Not all people have something in common with those around them, and in the past, many people felt very isolated and lonely. However, these days it is easy to go online and find like minded people.
Although many people worry the Internet has caused people to be socially isolated, in fact, the opposite is true.

The Internet would enable people to come together and that’s exactly what we need in an aging society which we will face in near future.



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TEX 二井原

TEX 二井原(英語講師)

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