【PRESS RELEASE】KUROFUNEとスズキ、外国人従業員の生活満足度向上に向けた協業を開始






KUROFUNE株式会社(本社:愛知県名古屋市、代表取締役:倉片稜、以下 「KUROFUNE」)とスズキ株式会社(本社:静岡県浜松市、代表取締役社長:鈴木俊宏、以下「スズキ」)は、KUROFUNEが展開する在日外国人向けの生活支援アプリ「KUROFUNE LIFE SUPPORT」を活用して、スズキの外国人従業員の生活満足度向上に向けた取り組みを7月から開始しました。

KUROFUNEは、企業で働く外国人労働者の不安や悩みを把握し、具体的、かつ継続的に支援することを目的に、生活支援アプリ「KUROFUNE LIFE SUPPORT」を展開しています。今回の協業を通じて、特にスズキのインド人従業員の日本での生活のニーズをヒアリングして、新しいサービスの開発に繋げていきます。

スズキは、従業員が心身ともに充実した状態で意欲と能力を発揮し、活き活きと働けるような環境づくりが大切であると考えています。また、多様な人材が活躍することで競争力が向上すると認識しています。現在、日本の技術部門を中心に外国人従業員が活躍しており、インド工科大学などからの直接採用も今後増やす計画です。2023 年 1 月に発表した成長戦略においても、インド R &D センターのような海外グループ企業や海外スタートアップなどとも連携し、研究開発体制を強化する方針を発表しました。

KUROFUNE 倉片稜 代表取締役のコメント

日本で働く外国人労働者は、10年前に比べて約3倍となる182万人まで急増しており、2040年にはさらに500万人も増えて674万人まで増えると予想されています。外国人労働者は慣れない日本の生活で様々な悩みを抱えており、私たちが提供するアプリ「KUROFUNE LIFE SUPPORT」を通じて、日本の生活がより豊かになるように支援をしております。スズキ様との協業は、外国人労働者のリアルな声を聞き、新しいサービスを作ることができる貴重な機会です。日本が暮らしやすい・働きやすいと感じられる社会を実現するために、さらなるサービス向上に取り組んでまいります。

スズキ 加藤祐輔 人材開発本部長のコメント




在日外国人向け生活支援アプリ「KUROFUNE LIFE SUPPORT」は現在、7ヶ国語(日本語・英語・ベトナム語・タガログ語・中国語・インドネシア語・ウズベク語)に対応しており、8つのサービスを展開しています。無料プランでは①24時間生活相談サービス、②オンライン薬局サービス、③ポイントサービス、④お土産サービス、⑤レポートサービス、⑥低額の海外送金サービスが利用可能です。有料プランでは①~⑥に加え、⑦所得補償保険、⑧オンライン日本語教育サービスが利用可能です。(https://zaigai-association.com


KUROFUNEは2018年2月に設立した外国人材就労支援・生活支援会社です。外国人にとって母国と同じように働きやすい・住みやすいと感じられる社会を実現することをミッションに掲げています。(英語:Opening up the world to design a future for foreigners feel as easy to work and live as in their home country.)

代表者:代表取締役 倉片稜
所在地:本社 愛知県名古屋市
URL :http://kurofune-inc.com

代表者:代表取締役社長 鈴木俊宏
所在地:本社 静岡県浜松市

KUROFUNE株式会社:080-4881-7534(担当者 松元)
スズキ株式会社:080-3397-7273(担当者 水谷)


KUROFUNE and Suzuki Start Collaboration to
Improve Life Satisfaction of Foreign Employees in Suzuki
- Utilize “KUROFUNE LIFE SUPPORT” life assistance app for foreigners working in Japan -
- Promote an environment where diverse human resources can make the most of their abilities -

KUROFUNE Inc. (Head Office: Nagoya, Aichi; Founder and CEO Ryo Kurakata; hereinafter "KUROFUNE") and Suzuki Motor Corporation (Head Office: Hamamatsu, Shizuoka; Representative Director and President: Toshihiro Suzuki; hereinafter "Suzuki") launched an initiative in July to improve the quality of living and work satisfaction of Suzuki's foreign employees by utilizing KUROFUNE's smartphone application for foreigners living and working in Japan, “KUROFUNE LIFE SUPPORT”.

KUROFUNE develops the life assistance app “KUROFUNE LIFE SUPPORT”, with the aim of grasping the worries and concerns of foreigners working in Japan and providing concrete and continuous support. Through this collaboration, KUROFUNE will conduct interviews to understand the needs of Suzuki's Indian employees in Japan and aim to develop new services.

Suzuki believes that it is important to create an environment in which employees can work energetically and demonstrate their motivation and abilities in a physically and mentally fulfilled state. The company also recognizes that its competitive edge will be enhanced by having a diverse workforce. At present, foreign employees are active mainly in the technical departments in Japan, and the company plans to increase the number of direct recruitments such as from the Indian Institute of Technology in the future. In the growth strategy announced in January 2023, Suzuki also announced a policy to strengthen its R&D structure by collaborating with overseas group companies such as the R&D Center in India and overseas startups.
The company wishes to understand the needs of employees in their daily lives and create an even better working environment.

Comments from KUROFUNE Founder and CEO, Ryo Kurakata

The number of foreign workers in Japan has increased sharply to 1.82 million, approximately 3 times compared to that of 10 years ago, and is expected to increase by another 5 million and reach 6.74 million in 2040. Foreign workers may have a variety of concerns in their unfamiliar lives in Japan, and through our app “KUROFUNE LIFE SUPPORT”, we provide assistance to make life in Japan more prosperous. Working with Suzuki is a valuable opportunity to obtain real voices of foreign workers in Suzuki and create new services. We will work to further improve our services in order to create a society where people feel easy to work and live as in their home country.

Comments from Suzuki Executive General Manager, Human Resources Development, Yusuke Kato

Suzuki aims to achieve sustainable growth through cooperation of our production, development, and sales bases all over the world, and each playing their respective roles. Here in Japan, diverse human resources including people from India are active at our headquarters. Through collaboration with KUROFUNE, we will further strengthen our system to respect and embrace diversity.
Going forward, we plan to actively recruit diverse human resources who can identify with the Suzuki Group's mission statement. We aim to create an environment in which the employees of the Suzuki Group can demonstrate their full potential and become a company that is needed by people and society.

[Overview of the Initiative]

KUROFUNE will conduct interviews with Suzuki's Indian employees in the first half of the initiative period from July to September 2023 to understand their needs. Based on the interviews, they will examine new service ideas that will provide solutions.
In the second half, from October to December 2023, the two companies will develop new services based on the ideas from KUROFUNE, by having discussions with Suzuki's Indian employees.
KUROFUNE aims to launch a new service within December of this year.

[About the life assistance app “KUROFUNE LIFE SUPPORT”]
“KUROFUNE LIFE SUPPORT”, a life assistance app for foreigners living in Japan, is currently available in seven languages (Japanese, English, Vietnamese, Tagalog, Chinese, Indonesian, and Uzbek) and has eight services as of today. The free plan offers (1) 24hrs Consultation Services, (2) Online Pharmacy Service, (3) Point Service, (4) Souvenir Service, (5) Report Service, and (6) Remittance Service. In addition to (1) - (6), the higher service plan offers (7) Insurance Service and (8) Online Japanese E-learning Service.

[List of services of KUROFUNE LIFE SUPPORT]

KUROFUNE, a start-up company based in Nagoya, supports foreigners working and living in Japan. Their mission is “Opening up the world to design a future for foreigners feel easy to work and live as in their home country”.

Established: February 2018
Representative: Ryo Kurakata, Founder and CEO
Headquarters: Nagoya, Aichi
URL : http://kurofune-inc.com

[Suzuki Motor Corporation]
Established: March 1920
Representative: Toshihiro Suzuki, Representative Director and President
Headquarters: Hamamatsu, Shizuoka
URL: https://www.globalsuzuki.com/


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