
TEX 二井原

TEX 二井原



Health is better than wealth. We (    ) be too careful about our health.
  ① cannot
  ② may
  ③ must
  ④ should not

<cannot … too ~>
「どんなに ~ しても…しすぎることはない」
  We cannot overestimate our health.
 =It is impossible for us to overestimate our health.
  cf.) I cannot thank you enough.
Health is better than wealth. We cannot be too careful about our health.
Health surpasses wealth in importance.
Prioritize health over wealth.
It's crucial to be extremely cautious about our health.
There's no limit to how careful we should be about our health.

I (    ) well on yesterday’s test, but I don’t know the results yet.
  ① must do
  ② have done
  ③ might have done
  ④ may do

<might(may) have done> 「~したかもしれない」 了時制は yesterday と併用不可で②は失格。
「昨日のテストよくできたかもしれないけど, まだ結果はわからない」
I might have done well on yesterday’s test, but I don’t know the results yet.
I potentially performed well on the test, but the results remain unknown.
There's a chance I did well on the test, but I'm unaware of the outcome.

<助動詞+have+done> について例文を挙げる。
◇ 推量 (過去の事実に関するもの)
must have done
 The work must be hard for him.
 The work must have been hard for him.
may have done
 It may be true.
 It may have been true.
cannot have done
 The story cannot be true.
 The story cannot have been true.
◇ 推量 (実現されなかった事柄に関するもの・後悔)
should have done
 You should have apologized for your rudeness.
 They should have arrived there by now.
ought to have done
 You ought to have listened more carefully.
 You ought not to have listened to him.
need not have done
 You needn't have hurried.
had better have done
 You had better have hurried.

When I was in Salem, I (   ) often play tennis with John.
  ① ought to
  ② might
  ③ should
  ④ would

would (often) do 〔過去の習慣〕「よく ~ したものだ」
「セーラムにいた頃, よくジョンとテニスをやったものだ」
When I was in Salem, I would often play tennis with John.
During my time in Salem, I used to frequently play tennis with John.
In Salem, I had a habit of playing tennis with John.

It is essential that every child (    ) the same educational opportunities.
  ① are having
  ② have
  ③ is having
  ④ to have

<It is essential that ~ >「~はとても重要だ」
that 節内は should do または原形。
It is essential that every child have the same educational opportunities.
Every child having equal educational opportunities is crucial.
The necessity lies in ensuring identical educational chances for every child.

⑴ It is ... that S’ + should / 直説法

natural, proper, admirable, amazing, annoying, disappointing, odd, regrettable, strange, surprising

⑵ It is ... that S+ should / 原形動詞

necessary, essential, desirable, important, imperative, right, advisable

⑶ S1 + V + that S2 + should / 原形動詞

demand, order, propose, suggest, recommend, request, require, insist, advise, decide

My father insisted I (    ) go to see the place.
  ① might
  ② ought
  ③ should
  ④ would

insist は that 節内に should do または原形。
that はここでは省略されている。
My father insisted I should go to see the place.
My father was adamant that I visit the location.
My father strongly recommended my visit to the place.

I often told you to do your duty, but you (    ) not listen to me.
  ① had
  ② might
  ③ should
  ④ would

主語の拒絶を表す用法としてのwill not。ここでは過去形。
I often told you to do your duty, but you would not listen to me.
I frequently advised you to fulfill your responsibilities, yet you disregarded my words.
Despite my repeated instructions to do your duty, you chose not to heed them.

will :

used to express your intentions
★ 未来         
 (a) 単純未来「~でしょう・~です」
  I will be sixteen next birthday.
(b) 意志未来「~するつもり・~しよう」
  I will give you a book.    
★ "Will you ~?"      
  Will you go to America next year?
  Will you make tea for us?
  Will you have tea with us?
★ 現在の推量
  Mom will be downstairs now.
★ 現在の習慣・習性・能力 「(どうしても)~するものだ」
   Accidents will happen.
  Children will be mischievous.

You (    ) be a good athlete to have run a mile in such a short time.
  ① won’t
  ② shall
  ③ cannot
  ④ must

to have …time は不定詞の副詞的用法.
You must be a good athlete to have run a mile in such a short time.
Running a mile in such a brief period implies you're a skilled athlete.
Your ability to run a mile in such a short duration suggests you're a proficient athlete.

We (    ) walk home as try to catch a taxi here.
  ① must as well
  ② might as well
  ③ should as well
  ④ would as well

< may[might] as well >
We might as well walk home as try to catch a taxi here.
Walking home seems just as reasonable as attempting to hail a taxi here.
Trying to catch a taxi here is as viable as walking home.

I suggested to Mary (    ) with me to collect empty cans on the street, but she said she was too busy.
  ① come
  ② that she come
  ③ that she had come
  ④ to have come

that節に should do または原形を取る。
that 節内は時制の一致を受けない。
I suggested to Mary that she come with me to collect empty cans on the street, but she said she was too busy.
I proposed to Mary that she accompany me to gather empty cans from the street, but she declined, citing busyness.
I recommended to Mary that she join me in collecting empty cans from the street, but she declined due to being occupied.

A: We’ve been driving in circles for an hour. Where are we?
B: I don’t know. Let’s stop at the next gas station.
A: Yeah. At least ( ).  
B: Why didn’t you get one before we left?
  ① they should have a map
  ② they should know
  ③ we can ask
  ④ you can get something

should, ought toは〔義務〕を表す.
本問では空所の後の one が示すものを考える。
He should be here any minute.
A : 同じ所を1時間も周っているよ.今どこなの.
B : わからない.次のガソリンスタンドに寄ってみよう.
A : そうだね。少なくとも地図くらいあるはずだね。
B : どうして持ってこなかったの.
A: We’ve been driving in circles for an hour. Where are we?
B: I don’t know. Let’s stop at the next gas station.
A: Yeah. At least they should have a map.  
B: Why didn’t you get one before we left?
We've been driving around aimlessly for an hour. Where are we?
I'm uncertain. Let's halt at the upcoming gas station.
Yeah, they ought to have a map at least.
Why didn't you acquire one before we departed?  

I tried to take our dog out of our house, but he (    ) go out.
  ① were to
  ② had to
  ③ might not
  ④ would not

would not「どうしても ~ しようとしなかった」〔拒絶〕
I tried to take our dog out of our house, but he would not go out.
I attempted to get our dog out of the house, but he refused to leave.
I tried to remove our dog from the house, but he resisted leaving.


   He said he would be very pleased.
   =He said,“I will be very pleased.”
   He said he would do his best.
   =He said, “I will do my best.”
❷ 〔現在の推量〕
   That would be fine.
❸ 〔現在の願望〕
  「(できれば) ~ したいと思う」
   I would have you know that I am ill.
❹ 〔過去の習慣〕
  「よく ~ したものだ」
   He would often go fishing in the river when he was a child.
 cf.) used to〈長期的〉
   There used to be a bookstore at the corner.
   昔はこの角には本屋があった (今はない)。
❺ 〔過去の強い拒絶〕(notとともに)
  「どうしても ~ しようとしなかった」
  She wouldn’t help him.
❻ 〔過去の推量〕
   She would be 90 when she died.
❼ 〔仮定法過去〕
  「 ~ するだろうに」
   A man of integrity would never tell a lie.
❽ 〔仮定法過去完了〕
  「 ~ しただろうに」
   He would have told me if he had known it.
❾ 〔丁寧,控えめ〕
    Would you help me, please?


❶ 〔時制の一致〕
  I said Bob should have a nice present.
  =I said,“Bob shall have a nice present.”
❷ 〔義務・忠告〕「~すべきだ」(=ought to)
  You should apologize for your rudeness.
❸ 〔過去の果たせなかった義務〕
 「~すべきだったのに (しなかった)」
  You should have done your homework.
❹ 〔当然〕「~するはずだ」
  If you leave now, you should get there by five o’clock.
❺ 〔要求/提案/決定/命令/主張 を表す that 節内〕
  I demanded that he (should) pay.
  order, decide, determine, request, demand, ask, intend, suggest, proposeなど
❻ 〔〈判断・感情〉を表す that 節内〕
  〈It is that S’ should ~〉
  I demanded that he should pay.
  =My demand was that he should pay.
=I said, “It is necessary that he should pay.”
  natural, necessary, important, essential, proper, no wonder, a pity,など
❼ 〔驚き・意外〕「~するとは・一体~」
Why should they say such a thing?
❽ 〔仮定法過去〕「~するだろうに」
I should be glad to do so if I could.
❾ 〔仮定法過去完了〕「~しただろうに」
I should  have gone if you had asked me.
❿ 〔if節中〕「万一~すれば」
   If I should live to be a hundred, I will never understand Picasso.


❶ 〔時制の一致〕
  She said she could swim.
  =She said, “I can swim.”
❷ 〔過去の能力〕
  She could swim when she was five.
  ★『~できた』= ‘could’ ではない!
 × Usually I have to stand on the train, but this morning I could get a set.
 ○ Usually I have to stand on the train, but this morning I got a seat.
 × By studying really hard, at last he could pass the entrance examination.
 ○ By studying really hard, at last he managed to pass the entrance examination.
  行為を表す場合は, was able toを 用いるのが普通。
 ○ I wasn’t able to [couldn’t] find my purse anywhere.
❸ 〔現在の推量〕「~かもしれない」
  This could be the last chance.
❹ 〔過去の推量〕「~だったかもしれない」
  His opinion could have been right.
❺ 〔仮定法過去〕「~できるだろうに」
  We could win the game if we tried harder.
❻ 〔仮定法過去完了〕「~できただろうに」
  She could have done it if she had wished to.
❼ 〔丁寧,控えめ〕
   Could you tell me the reason?
❽ 〔可能性〕「~でありうる」
  “Is it true that He’s bought a Rolls Royce? “ “It could be.”


❶ 〔時制の一致〕
  He said he might go.
  =He said,“I may go.”
  It might be better if we told him the whole story.
  I might have been a millionaire.
❹  現在の推量 ★mayより可能性が低い
  It might rain.
❺ 〔過去の推量〕★may have doneとほぼ同義
  She might have been happier.
❻ 〔仮定法過去完了〕
  She could have done it if she had wished to.
❼ 〔丁寧,控えめ〕
   Might you tell me the reason?
❽ 〔容認〕
  Life may be compared to a voyage.
❾ 〔譲歩〕
  Whatever may happen, I will not be surprised.
❿ 〔祈願〕
  May all your Christmases be white!

【 音読基本英文 】

Health is better than wealth. We cannot be too careful about our health.
Health surpasses wealth in importance.
Prioritize health over wealth.
It's crucial to be extremely cautious about our health.
There's no limit to how careful we should be about our health.

I might have done well on yesterday’s test, but I don’t know the results yet.
I potentially performed well on the test, but the results remain unknown.
There's a chance I did well on the test, but I'm unaware of the outcome.

When I was in Salem, I would often play tennis with John.
During my time in Salem, I used to frequently play tennis with John.
In Salem, I had a habit of playing tennis with John.

It is essential that every child have the same educational opportunities.
Every child having equal educational opportunities is crucial.
The necessity lies in ensuring identical educational chances for every child.

My father insisted I should go to see the place.
My father was adamant that I visit the location.
My father strongly recommended my visit to the place.

I often told you to do your duty, but you would not listen to me.
I frequently advised you to fulfill your responsibilities, yet you disregarded my words.
Despite my repeated instructions to do your duty, you chose not to heed them.

You must be a good athlete to have run a mile in such a short time.
Running a mile in such a brief period implies you're a skilled athlete.
Your ability to run a mile in such a short duration suggests you're a proficient athlete.

We might as well walk home as try to catch a taxi here.
Walking home seems just as reasonable as attempting to hail a taxi here.
Trying to catch a taxi here is as viable as walking home.

I suggested to Mary that she come with me to collect empty cans on the street, but she said she was too busy.
I proposed to Mary that she accompany me to gather empty cans from the street, but she declined, citing busyness.
I recommended to Mary that she join me in collecting empty cans from the street, but she declined due to being occupied.

A: We’ve been driving in circles for an hour. Where are we?
B: I don’t know. Let’s stop at the next gas station.
A: Yeah. At least they should have a map.  
B: Why didn’t you get one before we left?
We've been driving around aimlessly for an hour. Where are we?
I'm uncertain. Let's halt at the upcoming gas station.
Yeah, they ought to have a map at least.
Why didn't you acquire one before we departed?  




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