
TEX 二井原

TEX 二井原




【three / it / years / has / over / been】 since I moved here.

It has been+[時間]+since S V「 ~ して以来[時間]が経過した」
   Three years have passed since I moved here.
☆ It is five years since his wife died.
☆ He had his wife die five years ago.
☆ Five years have passed since his wife died.
正解:It has been over three years since I moved here.
a. I relocated here more than three years ago.
b. Three years have passed since my move to this place.

I 【it / had / far / began / gone / before / to rain / not】.

「… しないうちに ~ した」
<had not don … before[when]+S+過去形 ~>
正解:I had not gone far before it began to rain.
a. Rain started falling shortly after I began my journey.
b. The rain began as soon as I started moving, not covering much distance.

What【 you / the library / kind / are / books / for / in / of / looking】?

進行形で「予定・計画」を表す用法。look for A 「Aを探す」
◇ 現在進行形 <be+doing>の主な用法は4つ
1. 現在進行中の動作・出来事
  He is watching TV.
2. ある到達点への接近
The train is stopping.
3. 現在の反復的動作
You are always complaining.
4. 確定的未来・予定
I’m leaving for Tokyo tomorrow.
正解:What kind of books are you looking for in the library?
a. In the library, what genre of books are you searching for?
b. Are you seeking specific types of books when you go to the library?

Some people seemed to【 forever / going / good / last / the / think / times / to / were】.

be going to do は〔主語の意図〕や〔未来の見込み〕を表す.
think の後に名詞節をまとめる接続詞 that を補って考える.
正解:Some people seemed to think the good times were going to last forever.
a. There were individuals who believed that the era of joy would never end.
b. A few individuals thought the prosperity would endure indefinitely.

I’m 【going / coming / move / from my present address / to / this 】October.

be going to doで〈主語の意図〉を表す。
this coming October 「来る10月」 
正解:I’m going to move from my present address this coming October.
a. This October, I'll be relocating from my current residence.
b. I plan to change my address in October.

It seems【by / damage / done / much / yesterday’s / that / was】earthquake.

It seems that S’ did 「~だったように(今)思える」
much damage was done by ~ 
do damage 「損害を与える」の受動態。
正解:It seems that much damage was done by yesterday’s earthquake.
a. Yesterday's earthquake appears to have caused significant damage.
b. The earthquake from yesterday seems to have inflicted considerable harm.

An accident【a bit / about / carelessness / is often / by / brought / of】.

bring about「起こる」 
A bring about Bを受動態にした
B is brought about by A の骨格。
a bit of carelessness 「少しの不注意」
正解:An accident is often brought about by a bit of carelessness.
a. Carelessness frequently leads to accidents.
b. Accidents are commonly the result of a lack of caution.


He speaks at random, so his words cannot be relied on at all.
We cannot rely on his words at all.
He speaks impulsively, so we can by no means trust him.
  *at random:でたらめに 
*rely on:当てにする

The room has not been slept in since he died years ago.
Nobody has slept in the room since he died years ago.
  *sleep inを一つの他動詞として考える

His father died young, and he was brought up by his uncle.
His father died young, and his uncle brought him up.
  *bring up A:[他]rear;raise;Aを育てる
⇔ grow up[自]:育つ

The rule was done away with at once because it was harmful.
They did away with the rule at once because it was harmful.
The rule was abolished at once because it was harmful.
*do away with:~を廃止する 
*at once:すぐに

I don’t want to be talked back to by my sons and daughters.
I don’t want my sons and daughters to talk back to me.
I don’t want my sons and daughters to reply rudely to me.
*talk back to:~に口答えする

He was made fun of in the presence of others.
We made fun of him in the presence of others.
He was ridiculed in public.
  *make fun of:~をからかう 
*in the presence of:~の前で

I【the airport / to / to / him / see / have / off / been】.

see off ~「~を見送る」 ⇔ meet「~を出迎える」
see the man off でも see off the man でもいいが,
代名詞のhimを使うので see off him でなく
see him off の語順にする。
正解:I have been to the airport to see him off.
a. I visited the airport to bid him farewell.
b. I went to the airport to see him depart.

Six months【accident / an / author / have / in / killed / passed / since / the / was】.

◆『Sが ~ してから〈時間〉が経過した』
〈時間〉have passed since S V〔過去〕~ .
It is〈時間〉since S V〔過去〕~ .
It has been〈時間〉since S V〔過去〕~ .
S V〔過去〕~〈時間〉+ ago.
S has been〔過去〕を形容詞化したもの+for〈時間〉
 ☆ Five years have passed since he died.
☆ It is five years since he died.
☆ It has been five years since he died.
☆ He died five years ago.
☆ He has been dead for five years.
☆ Three years have passed since we got married.
☆ It is three years since we got married.
☆ It has been three years since we got married.
☆ We got married three years ago.
☆ We have been married for three years.
正解:Six months have passed since the author was killed in an accident.
a. It has been half a year since the author lost his life in an accident.
b. Six months have gone by since the author's fatal accident.

At【 be traveling / time / the train / this / on / tomorrow / we will 】.

at this time tomorrow
☆ I’ll be waiting for you at 3 o’clock.
☆ I’ll be seeing her soon.     
正解:At this time tomorrow we will be traveling on the train.
a. Tomorrow at this hour, we'll be on a train journey.
b. In the next 24 hours, we will be en route on a train.

次の日曜日に彼女に会うのだが, それまでが待ち遠しい。
I 【 next Sunday / her / I / seeing / can / am / wait / hardly / but 】.

「待ち遠しい」 can hardly wait = can’t wait   
知覚を表す動詞 see は原則進行形不可。
<参考> 未来の表し方は主に4つ
⑴ We leave for Tokyo tomorrow.
⑵ We are leaving for Tokyo tomorrow. 
⑶ We are going to leave for Tokyo tomorrow. 
⑷ We will leave for Tokyo tomorrow. 
正解:I am seeing her next Sunday but I can hardly wait.
a. Next Sunday, I'll be meeting her, and the anticipation is overwhelming.
b. I'm eagerly anticipating our meeting next Sunday.

At【be traveling / time / the train / this / on / tomorrow / we will】.

will be doing〔未来進行形〕「 ~ しているだろう」
at this time ~「 ~ の今頃」という未来の時点を基点として
正解:At this time tomorrow we will be traveling on the train.
a. Tomorrow at this hour, we'll be on a train journey.
b. In the next 24 hours, we will be en route on a train.

When【the doctor / I had been / bed / ill in / a week / for / more than / came】.

came を過去の基点としてそれまでの継続を表す
過去完了〈had done〉を用いる。
正解:When the doctor came, I had been ill in bed for more than a week.
a. By the time the doctor arrived, I had been bedridden for over a week.
b. I had been unwell in bed for more than a week when the doctor finally arrived.




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