
TEX 二井原

TEX 二井原



What a busy day! I (    ) anything to eat since this morning.
   ① hadn’t
   ② haven’t
   ③ haven’t had
   ④ won’t have

since this morningが過去から現在まで至る時間を表すために
現在完了形〈have done〉を用いて現時点まの継続を表す。                              
「なんて忙しい日なのだ. 今朝から何も食べてない」
What a busy day! I haven’t had anything to eat since this morning.
What a hectic day! I haven't consumed anything since the morning.
Such a bustling day! I've been without food since this morning.

If I have to go to Kyoto once more, I (    ) it four times this year.
   ① have visited
   ② visit
   ③ visited
   ④ will have visited

four times this yearで時が経過した後の未来を
示しているので,その未来の時点 までの経験
を表す為に来完了形〈will have done〉を用いる.
If I have to go to Kyoto once more, I will have visited it four times this year.
Should I make another trip to Kyoto, I will have been there four times this year.
Going to Kyoto one more time would mean I've visited it four times this year.

Their only son (    ) for the past three years.
    ① dies
    ② is dead
    ③ had died
    ④ has been dead

for the past [last] three years 「この3年間」 
  ☆ It has been [is] three years since their only son died.
  ☆ Three years have passed since their only son died.
  ☆ Their only son died three years ago.
Their only son has been dead for the past three years.
Their sole son passed away three years ago.
For the last three years, their only son has been deceased.

“Have you ever seen that movie?”
“Yes. Actually I (     ) it yesterday.”
   ① saw
   ② have seen
   ③ had seen
   ④ was seen

Have you ever seen … ? は現在完了形の疑問文で
答えも普通は Yes, I have. などと言う。
しかし ここでは yesterday が明確に過去の1時点
☆ just now
☆ yesterday
☆ last week
☆ in 1980
☆ ~ ago
☆ when …?
☆ what time …?
“Have you ever seen that movie?”
“Yes. Actually I saw it yesterday.”
"Have you watched that film before?"
"Yes, I caught it just yesterday."
"Did you ever see that movie?"
"Yes, in fact, I watched it yesterday."

As I (     ) prepared my lessons, I went for a walk.
  ① have
  ② have been
  ③ had
  ④ was

went の示す過去の一時点までの完了を表す
過去完了〈had done〉を用いる。
As I had prepared my lessons, I went for a walk.
Having finished preparing my lessons, I took a walk.
I went for a walk after getting my lessons ready.

By the age of 25, she (    ) in five different countries.
  ① has lived
  ② had lived
  ③ lives
  ④ lived

過去完了形〈had done〉を用いる。
By the age of 25, she had lived in five different countries.
Before turning 25, she had resided in five distinct countries.
She had experienced living in five different countries by the age of 25.

When he reaches the end of his trip tomorrow,
he (    ) more than 1000 kilometers.
   ① has traveled
   ② will have traveled
   ③ will travel
   ④ is traveling

tomorrow は未来を表す表現。
未来完了〈will have done〉を用いる。
When he reaches the end of his trip tomorrow,
he will have traveled more than 1000 kilometers.
As he concludes his journey tomorrow.
When he finishes his trip tomorrow.

As soon as you (    ) that, I’d like you to start preparing supper.
   ① will do
   ② will have done
   ③ did
   ④ have done

as soon as 「 ~ するとすぐに」は副詞節をまとめる表現。
On seeing the terrible sight, he turned pale.
As soon as he saw the terrible sight, he turned pale.
The moment he saw the terrible sight, he turned pale.
 *turn pale:真っ青になる
時の副詞節内なので未来完了〈will have done〉
ではなく現在完了〈have done〉を用いる。
As soon as you have done that, I’d like you to start preparing supper.
Once you've completed that task, please start preparing dinner.
After finishing that, could you begin preparing supper?

Oh, you are through with the work. (    )?
   ① When did you finish it
   ② When do you finish it
   ③ When have you finished it
   ④ When will you finish it

疑問詞 whenで始まる疑問文で「現在までのいつ」
be through with A 「Aを終えている」
Oh, you are through with the work. When did you finish it?
Oh, you've completed the work. When did you wrap it up?
You're done with the task. When did you finish it?

I was tired after the test last Friday, because I (    ) all day long every day for a week.
    ① had been working
    ② have been working
    ③ have worked
    ④ was working

last Friday という過去の一時点までの継続を
because 節の内容として表している。よって、
過去完了進行形〈had been doing〉を用いる。
I was tired after the test last Friday, because I had been working all day long every day for a week.
After the test last Friday, I felt exhausted since I had been working every day for a week.
I was tired last Friday after the test because I had been working continuously for a week.

Now, you ask me if I’ve flown a major airline. Like you, I (    ) been on any of the big ones.
    ① have
    ② have never
    ③ had never
    ④ had

現在完了 〈have done〉で現在を基点として,
a major airline → any of the big onesの流れを捉える.
Now, you ask me if I’ve flown a major airline. Like you, I have never been on any of the big ones.
You're asking if I've flown with a major airline. Just like you, I haven't been on any of the major ones.
You inquire about major airlines. Similar to you, I've never flown with any of the major ones.

How long (    ) here by the end of next year?
   ① will you work
   ② are you working
   ③ you will have worked
   ④ will you have been working

by the end of next yearが未来の一時点を示し,
未来完了進行形〈will have been doing〉を用いる。
How long will you have been working here by the end of next year?
By the end of next year, how many years will you have been working here?
What will be the duration of your employment here by the end of next year?

I (    ) reading for an hour when he came in.
   ① was
   ② have been
   ③ had been
   ④ will be

for an hourがwhen he entered …という過去の1時点
過去完了進行形〈had been doing〉を用いることになす。
for an hourがなければ ①wasが正解。
I had been reading for an hour when he came in.
I had spent an hour reading when he entered.
When he walked in, I had been reading for an hour.

In my younger days my father gave me some advice
that (    ) over in my mind ever since.
   ① I was turning
   ② I turned
   ③ I’ve been turning
   ④ I had turned

ever since「それ以来ずっと」が現在完了時制を要求する。
現在完了進行形〈have been doing〉を用いる。
In my younger days my father gave me some advice
that I’ve been turning over in my mind ever since.
During my youth, my father imparted advice to me that I've been contemplating ever since.
In the days of my youth, my father shared some advice with me, and I've been reflecting on it since then.


「なんて忙しい日なのだ. 今朝から何も食べてない」
What a busy day! I haven’t had anything to eat since this morning.
What a hectic day! I haven't consumed anything since the morning.
Such a bustling day! I've been without food since this morning.

If I have to go to Kyoto once more, I will have visited it four times this year.
Should I make another trip to Kyoto, I will have been there four times this year.
Going to Kyoto one more time would mean I've visited it four times this year.

Their only son has been dead for the past three years.
Their sole son passed away three years ago.
For the last three years, their only son has been deceased.

“Have you ever seen that movie?”
“Yes. Actually I saw it yesterday.”
"Have you watched that film before?"
"Yes, I caught it just yesterday."
"Did you ever see that movie?"
"Yes, in fact, I watched it yesterday."

As I had prepared my lessons, I went for a walk.
Having finished preparing my lessons, I took a walk.
I went for a walk after getting my lessons ready.

By the age of 25, she had lived in five different countries.
Before turning 25, she had resided in five distinct countries.
She had experienced living in five different countries by the age of 25.

When he reaches the end of his trip tomorrow,
he will have traveled more than 1000 kilometers.
As he concludes his journey tomorrow.
When he finishes his trip tomorrow.

As soon as you have done that, I’d like you to start preparing supper.
Once you've completed that task, please start preparing dinner.
After finishing that, could you begin preparing supper?

Oh, you are through with the work. When did you finish it?
Oh, you've completed the work. When did you wrap it up?
You're done with the task. When did you finish it?

I was tired after the test last Friday, because I had been working all day long every day for a week.
After the test last Friday, I felt exhausted since I had been working every day for a week.
I was tired last Friday after the test because I had been working continuously for a week.

Now, you ask me if I’ve flown a major airline. Like you, I have never been on any of the big ones.
You're asking if I've flown with a major airline. Just like you, I haven't been on any of the major ones.
You inquire about major airlines. Similar to you, I've never flown with any of the major ones.

How long will you have been working here by the end of next year?
By the end of next year, how many years will you have been working here?
What will be the duration of your employment here by the end of next year?

I had been reading for an hour when he came in.
I had spent an hour reading when he entered.
When he walked in, I had been reading for an hour.

In my younger days my father gave me some advice
that I’ve been turning over in my mind ever since.
During my youth, my father imparted advice to me that I've been contemplating ever since.
In the days of my youth, my father shared some advice with me, and I've been reflecting on it since then.



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TEX 二井原

TEX 二井原(英語講師)

英語パーソナルジム HIET(ヒート)/ High Intensity English Training

★英検1級所持の代表自ら個別指導★ 難関大合格 ★ 英検合格 3~1級合格 ★ TOEIC 900 突破 ★ たった一人の生徒さんに完璧に合わせたプログラム

TEX 二井原プロは神戸新聞社が厳正なる審査をした登録専門家です







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